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Daily Thoughts

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pyrite1965 said:
Keithy said:
Finally back to work officially in an hour.

Big grats! I know how hard it is being jobless, and how it feels to start working again.

Well, I thought my unemployment was up so I started applying for every shitty ass job I saw, turns out my former employer tried to contest my unemployment (after a year) so it fucked that up. Then I get a call saying I get all that back unemployment AFTER I got a shitty ass job. So if I didn't have it, I would still be getting paid.
Keithy said:
Well, I thought my unemployment was up so I started applying for every shitty ass job I saw, turns out my former employer tried to contest my unemployment (after a year) so it fucked that up. Then I get a call saying I get all that back unemployment AFTER I got a shitty ass job. So if I didn't have it, I would still be getting paid.
I can't get unemployment until after my doctor clears me from his care, fortunately I'm still getting disability payments through my insurance otherwise I would've been fucked a long time ago.
morment said:
Keithy said:
Well, I thought my unemployment was up so I started applying for every shitty ass job I saw, turns out my former employer tried to contest my unemployment (after a year) so it fucked that up. Then I get a call saying I get all that back unemployment AFTER I got a shitty ass job. So if I didn't have it, I would still be getting paid.
I can't get unemployment until after my doctor clears me from his care, fortunately I'm still getting disability payments through my insurance otherwise I would've been fucked a long time ago.

I tried to get on disability for a while, but they wouldn't. It would be nice since I would get help with my medication and all, but whatever. At least now I have a job.
Keithy said:
I tried to get on disability for a while, but they wouldn't. It would be nice since I would get help with my medication and all, but whatever. At least now I have a job.
It helps a lot.

and on a different note:
my arachnophobia has apparently gotten worse, I was sitting on the couch watching tv after dinner and looked down to see one on my hand and freaked out. my brother was laughing his ass off for like 20 minutes.
morment said:
Keithy said:
I tried to get on disability for a while, but they wouldn't. It would be nice since I would get help with my medication and all, but whatever. At least now I have a job.
It helps a lot.

and on a different note:
my arachnophobia has apparently gotten worse, I was sitting on the couch watching tv after dinner and looked down to see one on my hand and freaked out. my brother was laughing his ass off for like 20 minutes.

Drown him in rats.
After a bunch of thought on weither or not to get flowers for my new place (I only have next month to plant them,) I finally decided to go for it.

Primroses, front level. These are seeded flowers that'll be planted in the spring. I'm not sure which ones I'll plant yet and will have to read up on them a lot, but for now here are some examples. Primroses are my favorite flower. :)





These are bulbs that I'll be planting within the next two weeks. Preferably all on next Saturday.





<-Butterflies love these
Keithy said:
I accidentally gay in Fable 3.

Seriously though, dude says he's straight and we were like BFFs and then it made me do a quest to take him to a certain part of town, then it made me kiss him. How do I ungay?
Is it gay to want a girl to fuck you with a strap on, tits pressed against your back, and then give you a blow job? Is this that homosexual agenda everyone has been talking about?
Why can't I do all the side quests I want in Fable 3? I can only do so many and then I have to wait around doing plot stuff.

Worst part is I plan it out to do the most stuff and then by having to run around and killing randoms, I end up unable to do what I want.
RoyDivision said:
The above posts made me re-appreciate (is that a word? i'm making it a word) how nice it is to live alone.
I don't know how well I'd make it completely on my own, I like knowing there's someone there, but there are times, like now, when it seems a whole hell of a lot better.
Pre-qualified for a mortgage - Check
Find house - Check
Place offer - Check
Accepted - Check
Home Inspection - Check

Now they need to get off their ass, do the termite inspection, replace the garbage disposal, and get to the point where they give me the keys :p
pyrite1965 said:
pantsx3 said:
Finally took the time to figure out how to make good pancakes. Never follow the recipe on the bisquick box again.

So you figured out to not use a mix, of any kind :p

no enough info here for ME to not have to use the mix to make pancakes.
pyrite1965 said:
Pre-qualified for a mortgage - Check
Find house - Check
Place offer - Check
Accepted - Check
Home Inspection - Check

Now they need to get off their ass, do the termite inspection, replace the garbage disposal, and get to the point where they give me the keys :p
Title Search ?
jebbaz said:
RoyDivision said:
The above posts made me re-appreciate (is that a word? i'm making it a word) how nice it is to live alone.
How does it feel to be forever alone?
i am tired of being alone.
pyrite1965 said:
Pre-qualified for a mortgage - Check
Find house - Check
Place offer - Check
Accepted - Check
Home Inspection - Check

Now they need to get off their ass, do the termite inspection, replace the garbage disposal, and get to the point where they give me the keys :p

Yay! Congrats. :dance:
Random thoughts the night before an election...

- How many people in San Francisco will forget to vote tomorrow after celebrating their baseball team winning the championship?

- How will those people affect the measure to legalize marijuana in California?

- How many political ads will be shown on TV tomorrow AFTER the polls close?

- Why the hell do I have to vote for "State Mine Inspector?"

- And I can't believe I'll be able to follow through on my word and not vote for an incumbent tomorrow. You'd think that with the number of fucktards in this state, I'd have to choose between a couple of them. But I don't.
I'd have to drive back to where Mom lives to vote so that won't be happening for me this election. I'll get it all sussed out before next election though. Luckily there are only 2 things going down in SC that I really care about.

1. Alivin Greene must not win. I don't like Demint but holy crap.

2. Nikki Haley is like a female version of our current governor... and that doesn't make me feel optimistic. ><

I am not too worried about issue 1 though it is the most imparative to prevent. Issue 2 will probably not turn out how I like because SC is such a freakin' red state you basically need to kill someone to not win as a Republican here... and then it depends on WHO exactly you killed. >_>
If things in this country continue to get even more fucked up than they already are now, I'm going to have to apply for my own passport just so I can move to Japan because I've always wanted to go there and see what it's like for myself.
I'm super pumped... getting my tat done sat. Had some unexpected fundage increase my coffers..payin bills (blah) than gettin my ink. Seein the artist thur before physical therapy to go over the design.. than sat gettin inked.

All of a sudden I'm. A. Lil nervous since my last tat was small and I used a squeeky toy as distraction..don't like needles much. Go figure since I have both nipples pierced twice and my tongue.