AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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My dad was telling me he had an uncle on Death Row. I looked it up on the 'net a while back and learned that it was a death sentence commuted to life imprisonment. Dad was telling me that he didn't want to take me and my sis to the prison when we were little, which is understandable. My sister and I were talking about it, and she wrote him a letter, and she just got a letter back from him today. :) I don't think she sent any family pictures with it though, so I'm gonna write him too and include pics.
Meoff_69 said:
I recently had someone ask me if I've ever loved someone so much that it made me cry. My answer...? "Yes! But that was only because of the pepper spray!" ;)
Yes love hurts.

Again with the avatar :thumbleft:
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zippypinhead said:
How is there like twenty "shoot you with a gun" emotes on this forum, but not a single regular :hug: emote?
ACF is anti hugs!!! Hugs are an automatic ban here! :naughty:

Just kidding :shifty:
It's St. Pats days here at the college and like colleges all across the country that means youngsters getting drunk on a massive scale.

Since I live right across the street from a frat house that has had three days of major partying it's been interesting. Last night we had streakers go through the apartment complex. Always nice. Tonight I was out walking about just seeing what was going on. Turns out I didn't even have to leave the front porch. Two girls from upstairs came outside to smoke because the guy who lives there didn't want them smoking inside. They were in their underwear, skimpy at that. And drunk.
They're outside for a few minutes before they noticed me standing there. When they finally do they both jump back inside and peak around the corner.

They ask me if I'm going to call the cops. I give them the dumbest look I can make and say "I'm a guy. I can't imagine any guy calling the cops because two cute girls were showing him their underwear."

Yeah, fun night.
I need to find a cool model who likes the same kind of music I do, so I can just hang and listen. Sadly, somehow, I think my tastes run somewhat counter to the soundtracks that go best with masturbation.
zippypinhead said:
I need to find a cool model who likes the same kind of music I do, so I can just hang and listen. Sadly, somehow, I think my tastes run somewhat counter to the soundtracks that go best with masturbation.
what kind of music do you like?

Also, smart people in the room, will shooting a bomb make it explode? Like if you have any type of explosive device made in to a bomb, will all of them explode when you shoot them? It seems unlikely that every type of explosive would be exploded by bullets, is my daily thought while I watch television dramas drunk.
Evvie said:
zippypinhead said:
I need to find a cool model who likes the same kind of music I do, so I can just hang and listen. Sadly, somehow, I think my tastes run somewhat counter to the soundtracks that go best with masturbation.
what kind of music do you like?

Also, smart people in the room, will shooting a bomb make it explode? Like if you have any type of explosive device made in to a bomb, will all of them explode when you shoot them? It seems unlikely that every type of explosive would be exploded by bullets, is my daily thought while I watch television dramas drunk.

I like chill electronic, indie rock and folk music, mostly.

As for the bomb question, it really depends on the matrix and the mechanism. Shooting something like dynamite or a canister of pressurized flammable gas could certainly set off an explosion. Shooting something that's more stable and protected, like most missiles or something like C4 explosives won't.

Not that I'm a demolitions expert or anything, but you know -- chemistry, engineering -- we tend not to want to work with stuff that's going to randomly kill us. Think of it this way: if bombs all exploded when hit with bullets, would we be so inclined to take them into battle, where the enemy could blow us up with our own weapons via a single, well-placed shot?
Evvie said:
zippypinhead said:
I need to find a cool model who likes the same kind of music I do, so I can just hang and listen. Sadly, somehow, I think my tastes run somewhat counter to the soundtracks that go best with masturbation.
what kind of music do you like?

Also, smart people in the room, will shooting a bomb make it explode? Like if you have any type of explosive device made in to a bomb, will all of them explode when you shoot them? It seems unlikely that every type of explosive would be exploded by bullets, is my daily thought while I watch television dramas drunk.

it depends on what the explosive device is made from. most gaseous or liquid explosives can detonate from impact or heat. gunpowder based ones definitely can and will. higher tech bombs? not as likely. stuff like semtex and c-4 is very stable. you can set them on fire and all they do is melt and give off really nasty fumes of smoke. AMFO will not.
in general commercially made explosives will only detonate with electricity or a blasting cap. they are designed to be stable at varying temperatures and resistant to impact. the stuff that nut jobs cook up in their basement... not so much lol.

for example if you actually find dynamite at say a demolitions company (not likely anymore they use better stuff nowadays) you could probably shoot it all day long and not get a boom. not impossible, but unlikely with TNT in a commercial form.
now if some dolt with more hate than brains decides to make a batch in his shed that is a different story. assuming he doesnt blow himself up while making it (very likely considering the delicacy of the process) and doesnt blow himself up while trying to mix in a stabilizing agent (raw nitro-glycerine is very volatile). you should still hope he doesnt hit it very hard with anything or let it get too hot or close to an open flame.

luckily even your average terrorist is too smart to mess around with something that dangerous to make, store and transport when there are 3 or 4 much safer ones they could make for less money and taking less time and effort.

mythbusters did several episodes about that kind of thing and what it all boiled down to was the type of explosive. they put plastic explosives in a microwave, etc and it just wouldnt go off.
Evvie said:
Also, smart people in the room, will shooting a bomb make it explode? Like if you have any type of explosive device made in to a bomb, will all of them explode when you shoot them? It seems unlikely that every type of explosive would be exploded by bullets, is my daily thought while I watch television dramas drunk.

It's on TV, so it must be true. Cuz we all know that bad guys can't shoot, the hero can magically kill multiple enemies with a single bullet, get captured, and still manage to defeat the villain after being beaten senseless and tied up. A villain who, by the way, always confesses to everything in the end. :lol:
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Evvie said:
Also, smart people in the room, will shooting a bomb make it explode? Like if you have any type of explosive device made in to a bomb, will all of them explode when you shoot them? It seems unlikely that every type of explosive would be exploded by bullets, is my daily thought while I watch television dramas drunk.
It would depend on how the bomb was triggered, if and how thick any casing on it was, if chemicals inside react to bursts of energy/heat/force. Most simple ones probably.
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Just how common is the "my kid is sick and my husband beats me, please send money" scam on cam sites?
zippypinhead said:
Just how common is the "my kid is sick and my husband beats me, please send money" scam on cam sites?

Knowing I am less desirable than a man who beats them on a regular basis, does not put me in in a sexy times mood. It is actually kind of depressing to me. I wonder how most other men feel, the same as me or if all they feel is a strong desire to give them money?
Shaun__ said:
zippypinhead said:
Just how common is the "my kid is sick and my husband beats me, please send money" scam on cam sites?

Knowing I am less desirable than a man who beats them on a regular basis, does not put me in in a sexy times mood. It is actually kind of depressing to me. I wonder how most other men feel, the same as me or if all they feel is a strong desire to give them money?

It must be an appeal to chivalry. That's all I can think. But you've narrowed the real issue to a laser focus. Now I'm a little sad. :(

I'll commemorate this emotional breakthrough with a meme. I was torn about whether to call it the Romanian Gut Punch or the Romanian Feels Appeals.

I realize that, if seen out of context, that image is horrifying.


  • The Romanian Gut Punch.jpg
    The Romanian Gut Punch.jpg
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Random lyric:

When you step into the spolight, you're a cherry red machine
Wanna touch you, wanna taste you, wanna kiss you in between
Your legs say action, your body built for speed
I know what I do for you, won't you do the same for me
Jupiter551 said:

"We don't lose the feeling, and as human beings we all need touch," Ms Cohen said.

"When somebody has been married for 65 years and they come into a facility, who are we to say that they can't hug or kiss or hold hands or share intimate times?"

that is at the core of the whole thing for me. i did my time in nursing homes and let me tell you how damn true that part is. most people dont realize it but most nursing homes have a policy of some kind about just this subject. usually the policy is that as long as consent is possible its between the residents and we are supposed to leave them to it. i have personally seen (much to my dismay) folks as old as 99 diddling themselves. and full on sex with a partner happens way more often than most people want to think about.

touch therapy is a wonderful, wonderful thing (yes i'm going to get the the big issue here in a minute). just rubbing some lotion on someone's back or arms or legs can do wonders for their health both mental and physical. hugs and a bit of hand holding can take a dreary, ugly place and give a patient a little bit of joy in their life.

the only part of that article that is going to ever be an issue is having pros brought in. now, in an assisted living place (different from an actual nursing facility) a resident can probably get a pro in if they want one, and more power to them i say. but in a skilled nursing setting that isnt possible. if a patient cant walk on their own they could still pick up a phone and request a visit, but they were talking about dementia patients, not just the disabled resident.
i can tell you for sure that even in the early stages of alzheimers or other forms of dementia that it is extremely unethical to make the arrangements for them. consent is legally impossible. sure, an individual might have enough lucidity to enjoy the event, they might even have lucidity to request it, but on a legal standpoint they are non compos mentis. which means that any sex worker who engaged in activity with them could be charged with rape no matter how happy and fulfilled the sex act might make the patient.

i for one am behind the enjoyment of the senses in old age. have sex, masturbate, whatever you want to do. i have bought toys for lucid patients. i have helped them find willing partners. (more than once i had to move very quickly and do some polite refusals to avoid becoming one myself lol). i have even a couple of times taught patients how to use devices to enhance their sexuality (by showing them how pumps and such work, not by direct contact).

but there are two rules that must be followed when it comes to sexuality and the patient. one is that you never engage in it with them if you are a caregiver of the professional sort. the other is that you protect them from harm of that nature. and by any definition i can think of making arrangements for a person with dementia to meet up with a stranger to have sex for money is harmful. again, even if it was their idea to set it up, even if they begged to have it done, what happens when five minutes into it they zone out and forget why they are where they are? and yes that is possible.

im no prude, but when the staff starts making the arrangements of that nature they are crossing a line.
Jupiter551 said:
If the patient still has a living partner and said partner thinks it's for the best of both their health, then I say let them diddle themselves in private.

I've known several of my parents' older friends that ended up in homes of some sort and even though they were still married or had long term partners, the home wouldn't allow them any private time whatsoever. Kissing, holding hands and anything 'intimate' was strictly off limits. I can understand that to a point with dementia patients, but if that couple has been married for so long and that intimacy was something they were very used to, then leave off and let them keep doing what they've been doing for so many years.

There are some aspects of our lives that are just controlled too much. :snooty:
What if they bring professionals in just to cuddle?
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LadyLuna said:
What if they bring professionals in just to cuddle?
For non-dementia patients that sounds more than reasonable to me. It gets confusing and the lines are blurry with dementia patients though because while they may be/seem lucid and fully consenting one second, the next it could be a completely different story. :?
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Young girl at my college died in her dorm over the weekend. (no cause given but St. Patrick's weekend is huge for party's here so one can guess.) I just saw this news and figured out I knew her. She was in one of my classes. Now I'm rather depressed.
JerryBoBerry said:
Young girl at my college died in her dorm over the weekend. (no cause given but St. Patrick's weekend is huge for party's here so one can guess.) I just saw this news and figured out I knew her. She was in one of my classes. Now I'm rather depressed.

Very sorry to hear that, my friend. :(
Rose said:
LadyLuna said:
What if they bring professionals in just to cuddle?
For non-dementia patients that sounds more than reasonable to me. It gets confusing and the lines are blurry with dementia patients though because while they may be/seem lucid and fully consenting one second, the next it could be a completely different story. :?

So, the very first session they have is "what to do and not to do with a dementia patient", including, "keep all your clothes on", "try to discourage any removal of patient's clothing", "no touching of genitals or passionate kisses", and "If they start shouting, leave immediately and get a nurse"?
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