We are launching a new brand of sex toys designed specifically to help cam models make more money. The first product will launch in early January.
We are looking for a part time community manager to represent our brand on social media, manage partner relationships with early customers/testers and identify and pursue outreach opportunities to further promote our brand and products.
We would like to hire an experienced cam model who has:
-10-20 hours a week to devote to a part time, hourly paid job.
-Extensive experience building and maintaining a productive social media presence.
-Customer service experience.
-Proficiency with ecommerce and web-based applications.
Our Community manager should be comfortable talking about sex toys and excited to learn about women's experiences from using our new toy.
Learn more at https://sextoysinventor.com
DM here or Jeff@sextoysinventor.com if interested!
We are looking for a part time community manager to represent our brand on social media, manage partner relationships with early customers/testers and identify and pursue outreach opportunities to further promote our brand and products.
We would like to hire an experienced cam model who has:
-10-20 hours a week to devote to a part time, hourly paid job.
-Extensive experience building and maintaining a productive social media presence.
-Customer service experience.
-Proficiency with ecommerce and web-based applications.
Our Community manager should be comfortable talking about sex toys and excited to learn about women's experiences from using our new toy.
Learn more at https://sextoysinventor.com
DM here or Jeff@sextoysinventor.com if interested!