Personally as a Broadcaster and Mod, for Models like AnnabellPeaks, FitPrincess, MollyKat and multiple others on CB, I take alot of pride in those ladies I mod on CB. I enjoy helping to drive their rooms, helping them get to goal, setting the example for the room, and keeping it friendly and Social. I have been asked if Im a part of this so called Mafia which I emphatically say NEVER! But I am a part of a Mod Squad which is a contngency of mods ( 7 or 8) of us who end up working together in different rooms have become friendly, and are there to really give the room a positive fun friendly experience! On top of that, Modding a room just allows the broadcaster to perform her show organically, without disruption. the model is the performance expert, Let the experts take care of the room for you ( Unless you prefer to have to remember all the start , stop, endshow, ticket price and timer commands for crazy ticket) Point being, as a mod we arent there to direct you, but we offer positive and negative feedback on what was good and sometimes offer ideas on what can be adjusted to improve. Only suggestions never demands! in 80% of the time, Us Mods are here to serve and protect, Serve the model, protect the room.. Some of these idiots just give mods a bad wrap! Simply Stated, If your mod doesnt act like a team player with you and is not effective, they shouldnt be modding your room.. I invite you to follow me on twitter and check out the models I mod, and see how it should be done and even moreso ask the models themselves, what they think of their mods!
@jamjamscam on Twitter