AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things! Improvements!

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nzhere said:
Are you sure they are not referal tokens?

Someone was in my room the other day and said that they had just been refunded 750 tokens because of a token raffle that wasn't working right or something to that effect. It could also be something like that.

Either way though, not hearing back from support is never a good thing. I know a good support system is one of the things we look at in the models only section when talking about how we feel about various websites.
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I started camming on CB about a month ago. I was an instant top 10 earner, which was great! I love the site, but feeling very frustrated with their support stff.

Their support staff seem very overworked.

I was recently banned (without warning or notification) for advertising my tumblr page. I read the rules and knew it was permitted, so I asked Shirley if the rules had changed and enclosed a screen cap of them as they appear on the site. No reply 10 days later despite emailing support, shirley and admin. I've tweeted them, emailed from other accounts and not a word.

Loads of high tipping guys have reported not getting replies from CB when they have problems reloading their accounts too. What's going on?
Dear Chaturbate,

All I want for Christmas is better model support. I think it's pretty poop that Shirley ignored all of my email questions, but replied to one where I simply asked for confirmation that I had the correct email address for model support.

I've been a bad girl all year but I've been very good at it. Does that count?

Sienna x
HotAndScottish said:
Dear Chaturbate,

All I want for Christmas is better model support. I think it's pretty poop that Shirley ignored all of my email questions, but replied to one where I simply asked for confirmation that I had the correct email address for model support.

I've been a bad girl all year but I've been very good at it. Does that count?

Sienna x

The correct thread for Christmas wishes that will never come true is here. Since I had to go to the second page of Random Discussion to find it, I'll reserve the use search comments for another time.


Please don't hurt me, was just a joke.

Thank you for the laugh dear. I hope you get your wish.

To those considering- I was thinking of trying Chaturbate for my November comeback this year, but this thread showed me that I might as well deal with MFC.
Please do not be upset about me posting in this topic. I am new to this forum I found this from google.

I have something to say. This is my Xmas break. Xmas bonus in hand. I decided to buy tokens and go willy nilly since I have no family. I am alone. Not expecting a model to do anything just hoping to get some company to talk to is all. Not a big deal.

Yesterday I counted over thirty models that where banned from there site. One model I happened to get there email before they where banned. We where in a lengthy convo. We where just shooting the crap as maybe only about 30 of us where in the room. She was talking to everyone. All of a sudden BANNED. User was banned it said. I sent her an Email and asked her what she did that she was banned. She does not know.

My thing is I think you have moderators that are jumping too fast on the BAN button without actually seeing if they done anything wrong.

Another girl was just wanting to chat and have some fun just like me. Scrubs where trying to get her to do a whole bunch of stuff she was not comfortable with and she said no. She ended up being banned because everyone reported her for being a recording because she did not do there whims. She waved when asked she was definitely not a recording.

30 models in one day banned for no reason. Half of them because they would not do what the scrubs with no money asked.

This is a very very poorly managed site. They have some horrible moderators that just ban or delete people without checking facts. I urge anyone thinking of modeling there to stay away.

On a side note Merry Xmas. Looks like I will be spending it on another site.. Sigh more tokens to buy. Well guess that is what xmas bonuses are for. I am not spending them at CB because the model might be banned before she gets the money. I think that is the plan anyway. I think CB is making money by having guys spend money then banning the models then keep the tokens. BAD SHAME on you CB.

Well hope that other sites are okay with buying privates just to talk lol. Ehh what can ya do. Hard to talk to models on other cam sites with millions of broke scrubs just screaming for freebies.... Why can't they just get a job? Why can't CB just play nice to there mods instead of stealing from them to make money?
VillyVadAz said:
Please do not be upset about me posting in this topic.....
Well hope that other sites are okay with buying privates just to talk lol. Ehh what can ya do. Hard to talk to models on other cam sites with millions of broke scrubs just screaming for freebies.... Why can't they just get a job? Why can't CB just play nice to there mods instead of stealing from them to make money?

Wow it's sad to hear that Chaturbate has been having problems that bad lately. I guess it's a good thing I moved on a while ago.
I feel bad for all the models and members who would have been effected by all those bannings.

I've never been on a site that had a problem with going private just to talk and enjoy a little company before. I bet one of the lovely ladies on here would be glad to do that with you if you ask :thumbleft:
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I watched a girl vomit, pee and poop on cam the other day---the broadcast was over 2 hours was the number one room----no ban

One of the consistent top earners on the site was recently banned and is now unable to get her 20k+ in tokens.

Shady as fuck.

I am in no way interested in working with these people.
jackie_O said:
nzhere said:
Are you sure they are not referal tokens?

Someone was in my room the other day and said that they had just been refunded 750 tokens because of a token raffle that wasn't working right or something to that effect. It could also be something like that.

Either way though, not hearing back from support is never a good thing. I know a good support system is one of the things we look at in the models only section when talking about how we feel about various websites.

I am very glad I never got debited, but it does show as a token purchase. If it were a refund I strongly suggest they change this wording on your token spending as it is going to cause anyone a case of panic.

As it is, I won't/haven't/will never buy any further tokens anyway. No response to a support email is unacceptable.
VillyVadAz said:
Please do not be upset about me posting in this topic. I am new to this forum I found this from google.

Yesterday I counted over thirty models that where banned from there site. One model I happened to get there email before they where banned. We where in a lengthy convo. We where just shooting the crap as maybe only about 30 of us where in the room. She was talking to everyone. All of a sudden BANNED. User was banned it said. I sent her an Email and asked her what she did that she was banned. She does not know.

My thing is I think you have moderators that are jumping too fast on the BAN button without actually seeing if they done anything wrong.

Another girl was just wanting to chat and have some fun just like me. Scrubs where trying to get her to do a whole bunch of stuff she was not comfortable with and she said no. She ended up being banned because everyone reported her for being a recording because she did not do there whims. She waved when asked she was definitely not a recording.

30 models in one day banned for no reason. Half of them because they would not do what the scrubs with no money asked.

This is a very very poorly managed site. They have some horrible moderators that just ban or delete people without checking facts. I urge anyone thinking of modeling there to stay away.

Where are you pulling that figure from? were the Philippines models? :think:
I love Chaturbate, I really do. I just did 1 show there and made 5,111 tokens. However, I was just on and suddenly our room count was plummeting. I get a text from a regular, he tells me it says my room was banned.

We were sitting there talking!

I will back Chaturbate for as long as it's making me money, but fucking seriously? I was going to try and do another show, I was doing really well and then I am suddenly booted off.

It's friday and I don't expect anything to happen before monday, but fuck, I was supposed to be on tomorrow. I had set up a secondary account just in case something happened, but I need my main account back! Everything, including my website links to that account.

Gimme my damn account back! In 50 minutes I have lost 1,000 followers, c'mon nao.
I wanna like it... but I haaatee it... I've been able to make the odd dollar when I can't on MFC and the old camscore gets me down.... but... mehhh... this week I honestly forgot I worked this this pay period... I was looking at my accounts paying my bills like damn... I really though I had more money to play with...because I totally forget I had some coming to me from chaturbate... because they pay you, for the same pay period,using the same method, 5 days later. some people are cool... but... mehhh... I'm to the point where I'll like a no money hour on MFC better... and that's kinda effd up... but I'll still use it...if I HAVE to...
I had an issue with the apps when they first added them, they got back to me within an hour or two when it was pretty late, but I haven't ever really had an issue with getting them to respond. However, obviously my stream was legit, there was no reason for my cam to have gone down. We were obviously live, we weren't doing anything wrong, and everything was going well. We could have stayed on and made more tokens, but when it went down we couldn't do anything.

I will be sending them an email in the morning (I doubt they work this late), but if I don't hear back I will be sending an email on the hour every hour and tweet at them until I hear back.
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Guess you ladies still don't find out why you were banned? Anyone had their account unbanned? Do you lose the tokens you earned in the entire pay period when banned, or do you get paid what you earned? Just lose the tokens on the day you got banned, or the show you got banned for?

Definitely needs more information around this area. :thumbleft: I'm grumbling about lack of support as a member, but glad I haven't had payments made from my bank account without any authorisation from myself - so my grumble is only lack of response.

But if models are being banned for no reason, never find out, never get paid, never get unbanned... then I am shocked any of you work there. It sounds like Chaturbate Roulette - all playing the game are those on cam, where which of you is about to have your account (and potentially all earnings) blown away for no reason?

When a model is banned, if they don't get the earnings - do we get our tokens back? Is that why I got 750 tokens appearing suddenly, a model I had tipped got banned? If not, and if models lost the earnings and members don't get it back - and no real reason is given - I'd wonder if it'd be worthwhile getting lawyered up as it is starting to sound very shady indeed.
Guess you ladies still don't find out why you were banned? Anyone had their account unbanned? Do you lose the tokens you earned in the entire pay period when banned, or do you get paid what you earned? Just lose the tokens on the day you got banned, or the show you got banned for?

It appears to be a glitch because a lot of top models have been banned on 'accident'. I better not lose the tokens at all. I earned $265 yesterday when I was banned, with a single tip of 2,800 tokens for 2 password shows. There's 800$ in my account right now. If I were to lose that, there's going to be a lot angry emails from my main tippers.

But if models are being banned for no reason, never find out, never get paid, never get unbanned... then I am shocked any of you work there. It sounds like Chaturbate Roulette - all playing the game are those on cam, where which of you is about to have your account (and potentially all earnings) blown away for no reason?

I did notice my IP address changed, I know nothing about how their system works, but I wonder if the IP difference flagged my account somehow and they took my account down as a precaution. If that's the case, they could have emailed me first instead of taking it down. I did, however, make an alternative account JUST IN CASE that can accept tokens. Good thing I did too, or I'd be fucked.

When a model is banned, if they don't get the earnings - do we get our tokens back?
I converted the tokens to money and did so in case they decided to remove those tokens. If they give the tokens back to people, then hundreds of people now own 13 of my videos for FREE. This means I have to rip down ALL of those links and change them so no one can access them for free. This is going to be a HUGE pain in my ass when they all flood back in and tell me they can't access my videos. I only JUST started writing down their email addresses and names for people that try to pretend they bought the videos.

I have now sent 9 emails to them, but like I said they don't work on the weekends. They are going to return to a flood of emails on Monday, because I am not letting up until they fix my account. I have also lost 2,500 followers at this point.
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Keeping a close eye on this thread...I really wanted to cam on CB again and had heard such great things about them lately, I really hope they can turn things around with their support issues and fixing all their crap of banning innocent models :(
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I don't understand why they don't work on the weekends - problems don't just stop because it's the weekend. And if they knew there was a glitch banning models, why not try and fix it?

They are losing a lot of potential broadcasters like this.
JessiJayde said:
I don't understand why they don't work on the weekends - problems don't just stop because it's the weekend. And if they knew there was a glitch banning models, why not try and fix it?

They are losing a lot of potential broadcasters like this.
I highly doubt it is a glitch at all. I am pretty certain it is on purpose and you where probably one of the models I was talking to that got banned while talking to them. Small world or is it? Are the banning so many models in mid stream with people talking to them that this is becoming a common story? Like I said I counted thirty models in one day banned from the site. I am almost positive with them banning models like they are that the money is going back into there affiliate program to drive traffic to find more suckers. The models are nothing but a disposable commodity.
I highly doubt they are doing it on purpose. There's been a TON of top models that were banned and their accounts were reinstated pretty quickly. I think their software is too buggy because they are constantly adding new stuff that is not necessary and when they do something always breaks.

When chaturbate went down last night for like a minute, my account was working again, as soon as it was fully functional again, the account was hidden again.

Seems like something they have done is causing the issue.
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ScarletVixen said:
Keeping a close eye on this thread...I really wanted to cam on CB again and had heard such great things about them lately, I really hope they can turn things around with their support issues and fixing all their crap of banning innocent models :(

Just heard from my friend ella20 same problem with her account she can broadcast but room empty. Does not show up in the online page.

Merry Christmas from Chaturbate.. :angry4: seems they just F&#^%d a lot of girls
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I can tell you that when one of our accounts were banned...

We did in a sense loose all our tokens.
They were still ours to use..but we were unable to cash out. Only to tip.

I should also tell you that it took well over a week to get the account back working.

We did not receive any notification that the account was working again. If it were not for checking it twice a day---we would not have found out.

You wanted to grow chaturbate? You wanted the big names, the big tippers, the traffic?
Congrats you got it! Now deal with it!
Judging from what changed, and what's going on, here's my guess.

-When a person reports a model, that sends an email to support so they can check the model out and see what she's doing wrong. When the model gets reported a certain number of times, her account is automatically suspended, but shows up as banned to the members.

-When 30 models are getting enough members to report them for the suspension to kick in per day, that means that the support people are getting flooded with emails, both the automated ones and the support ones, hence why they are not getting back to the models, they just don't have the time.

If this is true, here's my few suggestions:

1. Turn off the automated suspension for now. It's costing you guys money, both from models quitting and members leaving.

2. Institute something so that members who are caught reporting models for no reason are barred from reporting models anymore.

3. Institute a limit to how many members can report a single model in a certain time frame, like, one member an hour. Every other member who tries to report her for the same thing will get a message saying the model has already been reported, and support will look into what she's doing wrong.

4. Have the auto-emails from reporting models go to a separate email account, and have it be dealt with by different people. Basically, have four different supports:
-member support
-model support
-report-a-model support
-suggestion box support

That way each area of support gets the attention it needs. If dealing with the one area of support becomes too much for that department, hire a new person to help with the load.

5. Fix the stuff that's broken on the site before adding anything else new.

6. When you do change something, give it a test run before letting it take over the site. Have a backup of all previous codes so that when something doesn't work, you can put it back to the last version that did work. If you have a backup from before the site started crashing a little while ago, use it (unless the reason it's crashing is because too many people are using the site...)

If you guys can do these 6 things, your site will not die, and will start taking off again. Models still there will be able to tell us things have gotten better, models who left from being banned *might* come back, and new models won't feel nervous about joining up.
LadyLuna said:
J-When a person reports a model, that sends an email to support so they can check the model out and see what she's doing wrong. When the model gets reported a certain number of times, her account is automatically suspended, but shows up as banned to the members.

I want to agree with you Luna because I normally do lol
But, I have a hard time believing that simply because I have watched what was clearly a recording receive over 200 reports (we are able to see how many the cam received) without it being shut down for well over 2 hours of broadcasting.

So, I have a hard time believing that over 30 models received over well over 200 reports... enough to where the account would be auto-suspended.

Unless there was some kind of mass conspiracy where members were reported in droves.
When it's reported as a recording, it shows up in the Chat rooms menu as "Recording" instead of "Chaturbating" or "Exhibitionist".
curvyredhead said:
LadyLuna said:
J-When a person reports a model, that sends an email to support so they can check the model out and see what she's doing wrong. When the model gets reported a certain number of times, her account is automatically suspended, but shows up as banned to the members.

I want to agree with you Luna because I normally do lol
But, I have a hard time believing that simply because I have watched what was clearly a recording receive over 200 reports (we are able to see how many the cam received) without it being shut down for well over 2 hours of broadcasting.

So, I have a hard time believing that over 30 models received over well over 200 reports... enough to where the account would be auto-suspended.

Unless there was some kind of mass conspiracy where members were reported in droves.
I am inclined to agree with you. However it is a theory that can be tested I hate to say. I have a friend who is awesome at making programs. Now while I hate suggesting this as it can leave a door open to manipulation I am sure he can program something that would auto create accounts and report a sacrificial model *or video* to prove rather or not a loophole is in there system and what is causing it.

Now let me devise a theory where I am being POSITIVE *lol* in this site.

Moderators are over worked. They see many many many spam videos a day. They see many many advertisements a day. They see someone who looks remotely familiar to save on time instead of asking to show two fingers or wave at the cam or whatever it is they just ban without question. This will explain why many of the famous models have been banned. As they are the most targeted of the videos. Moderators have probably seen there face a thousand times before she even signs up to the site. So moderator sees her and is like ohh great another vid time savor ban!

Moderators not being on the site at the time the video is running can explain why for hours on end anything goes.

Now if this is truly the case once again they need to hire either better trained Moderators instead of what appears to be outsourcing to countries where quality control is a unheard of practice. They also would need to hire more moderators to fill in the gaps.

It is plausible that this is a likely scenario but I really like my evil corporate scheme better. Any way it goes both those who enjoy watching cams there main customer base and models are suffering. It is a very big problem that needs to be addressed.

BTW I ended up going to MFC :) Feels different and more formal there to me for some reason and more spread out.
Zoomer said:
When it's reported as a recording, it shows up in the Chat rooms menu as "Recording" instead of "Chaturbating" or "Exhibitionist".

How does being able to be tipped vs camming without tips come into play with this?

They particular case i am referring to...they were able to be tipped and were in fact getting tipped well.

I did "follow" the cam I was referring to--and within a couple days the entire profile/bio was taken down. Not sure if this was chaturbates doing tho.
I'm not sure of your question.

I was making a logical statement about how things appear on chaturbate (i.e. at the time I posted that there was a room reported 117 times as a recording and it shows up in the menu as recording instead of chaturbating/exhibitionist). So unsure what you are trying to get at there... I wasn't commenting upon things previously said. Just saying how it is when something is sufficiently reported (or how it appears to be at present).
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I was banned for advertising in my bio.

I do not see anywhere in the TOS where it says I cannot advertise this. It says I cannot advertise other sites where I stream.

I find that funny because savannahsteele has real touch in her bio - not owned by chaturbate, and was a featured "pornstar" on chaturbate with her own banner on chaturbates homepage. Why do they allow her to advertise that when it's not their product but I cannot have my website?

There's other we'll known models that have their websites in their bio.

When I asked why chaturbate allows other models - even named models doing it - why they were allowed to show their websites on their bio, I got this back: "We do not allow sites that take away purchases from Chaturbate. I do not personally review websites in Bio's nor do i have the authority to change the way business is conducted."

Where does it say that in the TOS?

It says you cannot advertise other websites that offer live streaming.

I don't have live streaming. It's just videos and photos. I DO goals for tokens. Why would I just want website payout? I'm not that popular. I have even offered website access for tokens!

They recently posted a blog saying gofundme and chipins aren't allowed, but no clue if they added it to the TOS. Skype isn't allowed but numerous top models offer those, PayPal, gofundme, and Chipins and haven't ever been banned.

If I wanted to be treated differently than everyone else on a website, I could cam on MGF.

I asked if it was or the link to the join page that was the issue and never got an answer. I was never even notified why I was banned until I sent like 11 emails, instead I got a semi sarcastic response asking me not to send more than one email when I have an issue.

I don't know.... Maybe they stop adding useless things to the website and add a few support people.
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