Judging from what changed, and what's going on, here's my guess.
-When a person reports a model, that sends an email to support so they can check the model out and see what she's doing wrong. When the model gets reported a certain number of times, her account is automatically suspended, but shows up as banned to the members.
-When 30 models are getting enough members to report them for the suspension to kick in per day, that means that the support people are getting flooded with emails, both the automated ones and the support ones, hence why they are not getting back to the models, they just don't have the time.
If this is true, here's my few suggestions:
1. Turn off the automated suspension for now. It's costing you guys money, both from models quitting and members leaving.
2. Institute something so that members who are caught reporting models for no reason are barred from reporting models anymore.
3. Institute a limit to how many members can report a single model in a certain time frame, like, one member an hour. Every other member who tries to report her for the same thing will get a message saying the model has already been reported, and support will look into what she's doing wrong.
4. Have the auto-emails from reporting models go to a separate email account, and have it be dealt with by different people. Basically, have four different supports:
-member support
-model support
-report-a-model support
-suggestion box support
That way each area of support gets the attention it needs. If dealing with the one area of support becomes too much for that department, hire a new person to help with the load.
5. Fix the stuff that's broken on the site before adding anything else new.
6. When you do change something, give it a test run before letting it take over the site. Have a backup of all previous codes so that when something doesn't work, you can put it back to the last version that did work. If you have a backup from before the site started crashing a little while ago, use it (unless the reason it's crashing is because too many people are using the site...)
If you guys can do these 6 things, your site will not die, and will start taking off again. Models still there will be able to tell us things have gotten better, models who left from being banned *might* come back, and new models won't feel nervous about joining up.