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JessiJayde said:
I love Chaturbate, I really do. I just did 1 show there and made 5,111 tokens. However, I was just on and suddenly our room count was plummeting. I get a text from a regular, he tells me it says my room was banned.

We were sitting there talking!

I will back Chaturbate for as long as it's making me money, but fucking seriously? I was going to try and do another show, I was doing really well and then I am suddenly booted off.

It's friday and I don't expect anything to happen before monday, but fuck, I was supposed to be on tomorrow. I had set up a secondary account just in case something happened, but I need my main account back! Everything, including my website links to that account.

Gimme my damn account back! In 50 minutes I have lost 1,000 followers, c'mon nao.

Under normal circumstances we/i respond within 24 hours. Given its a holiday weekend your assumption was correct. I didnt get back to you till monday morning. I fixed the problem and notified you on how to avoid complications in the future.
CammiStar said:
The support on this site SUCKS. Today someone was streaming an old video of mine and pretending to be me. There were 600 people in the room and it was in the 4th spot. 140+ people had reported it as a recording, yet it was broadcasting on a loop for at least an hour, yet earners are being banned for no reason MID STREAM? That is some shady shit right there.

I emailed Shirley and tweeted Chaturbate the minute I found the video feed and 12 hours later still no response.

I know there are some great models on the site, but the site itself is a cesspool.

I replied to your e-mail this morning. The room was already banned by the time i reviewed it.
curvyredhead said:
I watched a girl vomit, pee and poop on cam the other day---the broadcast was over 2 hours was the number one room----no ban

One of the consistent top earners on the site was recently banned and is now unable to get her 20k+ in tokens.

Shady as fuck.

I am in no way interested in working with these people.

Please report the chat room to support or to me.
JessiJayde said:
Guess you ladies still don't find out why you were banned? Anyone had their account unbanned? Do you lose the tokens you earned in the entire pay period when banned, or do you get paid what you earned? Just lose the tokens on the day you got banned, or the show you got banned for?

It appears to be a glitch because a lot of top models have been banned on 'accident'. I better not lose the tokens at all. I earned $265 yesterday when I was banned, with a single tip of 2,800 tokens for 2 password shows. There's 800$ in my account right now. If I were to lose that, there's going to be a lot angry emails from my main tippers.

But if models are being banned for no reason, never find out, never get paid, never get unbanned... then I am shocked any of you work there. It sounds like Chaturbate Roulette - all playing the game are those on cam, where which of you is about to have your account (and potentially all earnings) blown away for no reason?

I did notice my IP address changed, I know nothing about how their system works, but I wonder if the IP difference flagged my account somehow and they took my account down as a precaution. If that's the case, they could have emailed me first instead of taking it down. I did, however, make an alternative account JUST IN CASE that can accept tokens. Good thing I did too, or I'd be fucked.

When a model is banned, if they don't get the earnings - do we get our tokens back?
I converted the tokens to money and did so in case they decided to remove those tokens. If they give the tokens back to people, then hundreds of people now own 13 of my videos for FREE. This means I have to rip down ALL of those links and change them so no one can access them for free. This is going to be a HUGE pain in my ass when they all flood back in and tell me they can't access my videos. I only JUST started writing down their email addresses and names for people that try to pretend they bought the videos.

I have now sent 9 emails to them, but like I said they don't work on the weekends. They are going to return to a flood of emails on Monday, because I am not letting up until they fix my account. I have also lost 2,500 followers at this point.

Unless the account was fraudulent broadcasters are paid what they are owed.


ps) i responded to all 9 e-mails.
Lovely so you are gonna come in here like everything is okay. When real models are getting banned for no reason on your site because they do not sub-come to peer pressure and completely dodge the issue answer a very few problems and say well that is that.

Why not answer the real problems.

1. A legit model here was banned and you 100 percent ignored the post because she had a link to her site. It is within your TOS to have link to her site. There is nothing in your rules stating that she can not.

Broadcaster Rules: You may request tokens from your users, but all other forms of payment(paypal, for example) are not allowed. You may promote your own website, but you must be active in your chat room and your site may not offer video chat. Your chat activity may not be anything like, "I will chat with you somewhere else, but not here."

So are you saying that your own broadcaster rules is just BS? Or only BS to a very few?

2. legit models are being banned because of false reports and moderators not checking these reports accurately and just banning the rooms . There is number of cases in this very thread and I have seen it in action myself. So stop dodging this problem. Seriously why bother to reply here if you are not gonna address and or fix these models problems?

3. "Unless the account was fraudulent broadcasters are paid what they are owed." I call BS as the term Fraudulent is determined by you and your company alone. You are acting like a fraudulent company banning models for no reasons that are abiding by your rules and TOS and come back with answers that are not even in your rules like stated in number one. You do not ban models for abiding by your RULES that are stated on your website. CHANGE the rules then ban them if it is a problem with them promoting there site.
Something i saw last week is the feed of a top 20 MFC model being 'stolen' and broadcast on CB with a scrolling link for a crappy dating site. I managed to let the model know on MFC and she and guys in her room were trying to sort it out. The annoying thing is I followed this 'model' on CB and the account is still active. I like CB, but the site needs to concentrate on fixing things like normal models being banned, or the lag issue, and the fake models rather than adding more and more apps. :twocents-02cents:
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REPOST (since this was ignored once again.)

I was recently banned (without warning or notification) for advertising my tumblr page. I read the rules and knew it was permitted, so I asked Shirley if the rules had changed and enclosed a screen cap of them as they appear on the site. No reply 10 days later despite emailing support, shirley and admin. I've tweeted them, emailed from other accounts and not a word.

Why do you avoid this so much? Are you afraid to admit someone made a mistake and banned me for no reason? It's cool, I just want to know where I stand with regards to the rules.
that's weird, I can still see your account/bio. Did you check and make sure you didn't turn the homepage viewing off? It's something like, "Show on the homepage" yes or no.

When we were banned our bio was completely hidden, no one could see us and if you used a direct link it showed that the room was banned.
So I signed Rooster and I up for a couples account because he really wants to get into camming with me and Streamate doesn't work AT ALL on my computer. And I came across this in the TOS:

"Illegal or unsafe activity of any kind, violence, blood, torture, pain, erotic asphyxiation, or any actions associated with bringing harm to you, in any way, is prohibited."

I'm guessing this takes things like spanking and choking and maybe even facesitting off the list of things I can do, huh? I was spying on another couple's room while in the process of signing up, and their feed kept cutting out whenever the guy would spank the girl, and they'd have to come back online and it got a bit annoying after a while...

Are they really that strict? :T
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NovaNirvana said:
So I signed Rooster and I up for a couples account because he really wants to get into camming with me and Streamate doesn't work AT ALL on my computer. And I came across this in the TOS:

"Illegal or unsafe activity of any kind, violence, blood, torture, pain, erotic asphyxiation, or any actions associated with bringing harm to you, in any way, is prohibited."

I'm guessing this takes things like spanking and choking and maybe even facesitting off the list of things I can do, huh? I was spying on another couple's room while in the process of signing up, and their feed kept cutting out whenever the guy would spank the girl, and they'd have to come back online and it got a bit annoying after a while...

Are they really that strict? :T

Chaturbate's feed is just bad sometimes about dropping people. Light to medium spanking does not seem not unsafe or illegal to me, I do not see how it would cause you trouble. Choking seems to be against their rules based on what you posted though.
My account is back to normal, I just can't get any answers from them to explain why I was banned in the first place. I know, for advertising my blog, I fail to see the problem and as has been pointed out it is not against the rules as they are published on the site at present.

JessiJayde said:
that's weird, I can still see your account/bio. Did you check and make sure you didn't turn the homepage viewing off? It's something like, "Show on the homepage" yes or no.

When we were banned our bio was completely hidden, no one could see us and if you used a direct link it showed that the room was banned.
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punker barbie said:
curvyredhead said:
I watched a girl vomit, pee and poop on cam the other day---the broadcast was over 2 hours was the number one room----no ban

One of the consistent top earners on the site was recently banned and is now unable to get her 20k+ in tokens.

Shady as fuck.

I am in no way interested in working with these people.

Please report the chat room to support or to me.

ya kidding?

Let me get this straight...

Your suggesting or rather asking me to report a chat room that is violating TOS. But, not with just using the report bottom (which of course i did at the time). But, rather by sending you "Shirley" or a support a personal email, letting you guys know.

And you want me to do this despite the fact that when email you both YOU directly and support I have yet to receive any kind of email back. Over a dozen emails between you and support from me, with out even a generic message back?

That's cute.

I would love to know what your actual job tittle is Shirley? I notice you posting on a number of public forums, as well as yahoo answers in regards to chaturbate.

With that said, I am done emailing you or support for any question of help. What is the point? In the hours I have spent putting into chaturbate with emailing, profile, setting up my account in general which was a pain in the case....I could have been having fun and making money on a site that perhaps not perfect...but will respond to me within a timely matter.
So are models allowed to advertise their own personal, non-Live Cam website in their bios or not? I ask because I produce graphics for some models and many want their site included.
Hold on, I am confused. I am just about to start broadcasting and this is what I see when I enter my own room:

So why was I banned again? So can I talk about it or not?


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JessiJayde said:
Hold on, I am confused. I am just about to start broadcasting and this is what I see when I enter my own room:

So why was I banned again? So can I talk about it or not?

Does that mean if you take credit cards for your site you are unable to say so while on Chaturbate, and can only admit to taking tokens if asked?
Wowsa, sounds like CB is having some issues lately. Hope they get this crap worked out soon, seems like it could be a great site.
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This is EXACTLY what I was asking. Our sites are different yes, but it's the same point.


JessiJayde said:
Hold on, I am confused. I am just about to start broadcasting and this is what I see when I enter my own room:

So why was I banned again? So can I talk about it or not?
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So tonight some very jealous broadcasters decided to report a room because they had a ton of viewers. There really needs to be someone to look at reported rooms before banning them. They were both verified, and they were following every rule, doing nothing illegal or wrong. For models to get angry at each other over someone's success, is bullshit. Members choose who to watch, it's not the models fault, they do not deserve to be banned because people chose to view them. Please, please PLEASE, get some extra people looking at reports. This is beyond ridiculous when you have hard working girls getting banned for no reason.

This whole thread, and everything I've seen lately, makes me not want to cam here when I get back from vacation. I do not want to risk getting banned for nothing. Not worth it, at all.
On the positive side, something that has never happened before happened last night.

After most of my regs got a 'cam offline' message during a show on Chaturbate I tweeted that I was having problems and heading over to MFC for a bit. I was playing a silly board game just for fun until I remembered my cam score. I hadn't been making any tokens, just having fun. So I checked back on Chaturbate.

Shirley then came into my room to see if the problem had been resolved and hung out for a bit to see if it happened again. I managed to stay on for a further 4 hours with no problems which was cool.

Chaturbate need to hire more support staff and deal with things properly, it's too much for 1 person.
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Why do they respond on websites/forums and not individual support emails? Because support emails are seen by one, and until now, positive responsive postings are seen by many and make things look good. This thread is a great example. The responses and postings encouraged many many to sign up as it appeared responsive, supportive and professional.

But its kinda coming back to bite when things start go appear not so professionally done. Starting to wonder...
HotAndScottish said:
On the positive side, something that has never happened before happened last night.

After most of my regs got a 'cam offline' message during a show on Chaturbate I tweeted that I was having problems and heading over to MFC for a bit. I was playing a silly board game just for fun until I remembered my cam score. I hadn't been making any tokens, just having fun. So I checked back on Chaturbate.

Shirley then came into my room to see if the problem had been resolved and hung out for a bit to see if it happened again. I managed to stay on for a further 4 hours with no problems which was cool.

Chaturbate need to hire more support staff and deal with things properly, it's too much for 1 person.

I see that message all the time when I am on Chaturbate.
I was asleep when it all happened, but they even screenshot raintree asking how to report those girls. Her account has been banned (after Blaze told people not to report her). Personally, her account shouldn't be reinstated (my opinion) for harassing other models. On MFC if a model is caught doing that they warn them and the second time their account is permanently banned - rightfully so.

There's another very popular model that goes into other girl's rooms and tells them they are ugly and that they need to shower and asks how much to tip them to make themselves look better. One of my broadcaster friends has seen her do this in numerous rooms, an act that I think shouldn't ever be tolerated.

I'd like to know if my account was reported by other members/models or if they scan accounts for website links and chipins and stuff. I've seen it IN topics - "Tip me here or send me $$ to Chipin for shows" That's something that should never be allowed and I have reported those before, because that DOES take away money from Chaturbate.

I would like to know if it is okay to sell access to my website for tokens - which I have done before I was banned. The Raffle App is incredibly popular - I had put up a goal for 500+ tokens for access to the website and manually created accounts for the winning tippers (no credit card needed - just tokens).

Also, can I use my bit gag and bondage ropes and paddles for shows? When we do days with paddle spanks we have earned 3,000 tokens or more for an hour or two of just spanking. It's something my highest tipping regulars love, some have tipped as much as 2,000 tokens in a single tip for the spanking alone - which typically generates our best days on cam.

I never really bruise from it and most of the time I giggle, there's never any real pain or harm from it. Is this prohibited or not?
Shaun__ said:
I see that message all the time when I am on Chaturbate.

Yesterday during shows, we would appear offline for a few seconds, then reappear again. We would lose 100+ people every time, which made it hard to win 1st or 2nd for the 5-10$ for the hour. It seemed a lot of rooms did it at the same time. In about 3 hours we went "offline" over 20 times. It was frustrating to our regular tippers.
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Ok, so ya wtf chaturbate lately...

I loved chaturbate..until about 3 weeks ago. From where I am standing it looks like chaturbate EXPLODED in popularity and the support/bandwith/ect couldn't keep up

I have two accounts on chaturbate. A solo and an account with my mancat that is pretty popular..but for the last few weeks [and especially since we got back from XMAS a few days ago] it's been...awful.
The room drops people for no reason, I have users telling me we're suddenly not showing up on the page anywhere or as online, the feed is choppy, the chat is laggy on and on and on...

I had a crazy awesome show with my boy a few days ago...during the oral we had 1200+ users...and then when we were fucking out of NOWHERE the room dropped over 700 people!!!
First crazy sex show I've done with only about 300 people watching....><

That was the big hint that this wasn't some little glitch like when they started installing the new app games...

I'm worried. It sucks. Chaturbate has such potential community wise, but the fact that

1. Anyone can gang up on anyone and repot them for anything with results
2. They "apparently" ban for outside websites [bs chillwave one of their top earners has their do a lot of people and I highly doubt that has missed chaturbates eye, and says nothing in TOS]
3. Support has seen a drastic slide from immediate responses [5+ months ago] to slow [3+months] to VERY slow [now]

They're making enough gravy off their models to buck up and hire some more support, and get more servers if needed. They are already making a killing!

Sorry..I fucking hate finding a site with SO MUCH POTENTIAL and having to worry about it being DOOMED due to bad management...

When I start my camgirl site, we won't have any of THAT shit...><
adlonn said:
Well i want to know how can i enter again room when broadcaster banned any suggestion?
If she is banned, nobody can join her room.
If she banned you, you are not supposed to rejoin the room.
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JessiJayde said:
I was asleep when it all happened, but they even screenshot raintree asking how to report those girls. Her account has been banned (after Blaze told people not to report her). Personally, her account shouldn't be reinstated (my opinion) for harassing other models. On MFC if a model is caught doing that they warn them and the second time their account is permanently banned - rightfully so.


I saw raintree on the homepage a few hours back. i woulda gone to her room but she banned me for asking a simple question in her room the night she reported balze
Ha! So they did let her back on. That's nice, I wonder if they warned her. Couldn't she just report using a new account?
Zoomer said:
I'm not sure of your question.

I was making a logical statement about how things appear on chaturbate (i.e. at the time I posted that there was a room reported 117 times as a recording and it shows up in the menu as recording instead of chaturbating/exhibitionist). So unsure what you are trying to get at there... I wasn't commenting upon things previously said. Just saying how it is when something is sufficiently reported (or how it appears to be at present).

Not sure how I missed this sorry.
I was quoting you...but my questions were MENT to be directed towered Shirley.
What I am "trying to get at there" are answers in regards to the absurd behavior chaturbate has been exhibiting.
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