AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Camscore ???

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muh! said:
UncleThursday said:
Have you read about or tried to figure out how camscore (probably) work?
Can you come up with 1 completely (objectively) legitimate reason why MFC would want to implement such a feature?

I dont think MFC ever boost the camscore of pornstars or superstar models just by changing the number. I think they pay them a set amount just to appear on the site, thus increasing their camscore. Is that unfair?

That being said I agree that there are too many members who only roam the top 1-3 rows of models.

If you are looking for a reason for camscore, it is perfectly logical social engineering. Make the models competitive, make the members want to help their favorite models increase their camscore, which in turn makes MFC more money. This is no different than most games having rewards, it feeds into the brains pleasure and reward centers. Smart designers and business people look for ways to tap into this. Many companies hire psychologists just for this reason. :twocents-02cents:
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GiaMisaki said:
it's all BS. my score was in the 400 range bc i don't cam anymore. the day after my first hardcore porn scene came out it magically went up into the 2200 range. hmm, interesting since i haven't made a dime on there in about 6 months.

:eek: your pictures on the oc site are a-effing-mazing. sorry if im a huge creep for saying this but since the first time i saw oc's casting site ive been in awe.

*feels like a fucking loser*

but seriously. wtf. perfect woman alert.
SoTxBob said:
$100 a day isn't shit unless you live in the middle of nowhere or work at McD's.

I suppose the middle of nowhere just includes most of the lower 48 states, then. In many of the lower 48, one actually can live somewhat comfortably off of $100 a day. Just not in the I-95 Corridor (where I am, outside of Philly) or Southern Florida or most of California or near Seattle, WA; and a few other major metropolitan areas.

Oh, and $100 a day, pre-tax, at an hourly job is $12.50 an hour for an 8 hour shift. I don't think McDonalds pays anywhere near $12.50 an hour to new employees, nor gives them 8 hour shifts. They'll start at the federal minimum wage, which is I think $7.25 an hour, and employees will be lucky if they break 30 hours a week. It might be $7.50 now, I haven't checked.

Now, where I live, $12.50 an hour isn't very good money. You have to stretch it to make it work. But, like I said, my state has a cost of living 32% above the national average and housing and apartment costs are over 70% above the national average (average cost of a 1 bedroom apartment in NJ is $800 a month...). Go down to Delaware and $12.50 an hour gets you a lot more. Go into Maryland and further south, even more. Or go west to Ohio and such, and $12.50 an hour gets you a lot, as well.

But, seriously, check the local want ads. See how many jobs are even offering starting hourly rates at $12.50 an hour ($26,000 a year). The economy is shit. Jobs are paying less and less whenever they can. And because the economy is shit, people can be forced to take jobs for far less than they'd want to be paid. It's an employer's market right now, and they know it.

The_Brown_Fox said:
As for the comments about what a model's goal should be...for some models $100/day is awesome, and to others $100/day might be considered a bad day.

And my particular comment was based around a brand new, never cammed before model. I think setting reasonable goals when starting is the best way to not get discouraged. As those goals are met and surpassed on a regular basis, then set the goals higher.

I don't think any reasonable person would start camming and expect to be making tens of thousands of dollars in the first month. Those sorts of expectations will lead to discouragement and possibly even self doubt about themselves. With no people knowing them, no regulars who tip, no "heroes" to help out on real slow days... there's no way that type of expectation can be reached.

Start reasonable, and then aim higher if the early goals get met and surpassed. For those models who can literally make $1000 or more in a day, well, their goals are already set that high, so they keep them that high.

mynameisbob84 said:
I get the need for CamScore but the whole "stay on too long and your CamScore drops" thing strikes me as counter-productive. For models who aren't getting tipped up the wazoo, it means that even if they're enjoying themselves and WANT to stay on cam for a while longer, they know that they can't do that without worrying about their CamScore dropping.
For (tipping) members, that means there's less models online at any one time for them to hang out with, get to know, and ultimately tip. For MFC, that means less money in the long run.

Nobody seems to benefit from that particular aspect of the CamScore thang.

Except there's so many models now, that there's always going to be someone for members to find. Especially the Eastern European studio girls who work actual set schedules (6-8 hour shifts). If someone's preferred models aren't online, there's always someone around that might pique their interest, now a days.

Besides, MFC doesn't lose any money if people aren't tipping their preferred models and already have tokens. MFC makes their money right when the tokens are purchased. Did someone buy 900 tokens for $75 with the expectations of taking a favorite private and that model went offline? If they decide to save them for that private and that model isn't back on for 2 days, MFC hasn't lost any money from the deal. That's just 2 extra days those tokens were already paid for and didn't have to get paid out to a model.

CammiStar said:
How is that realistic in your opinion when you are not the one exposing yourself on the internet? You can not compare this to a "regular hourly job" because it simply is not. And a model has to take from the $100 her federal taxes as well as self employment taxes (which you do not have to pay at a vanilla job), health insurance (which private is much more expensive), internet, 401k or an IRA which she does not receive matching on from an "employer", etc. etc.

Yes, you may have to work longer for that, but you aren't fucking your holes online for it. Why is it because someone working a vanilla job has to work longer should that mean cam models should be happy "making what someone at an hourly job" makes. I am really tired of members suggesting "well I have to work x hours to make as much as she does in 4, thus she should just be happy with that." How long it takes you or anyone else to make what a cam model makes has nothing to do with anything.

I wasn't going to bring up the differences in the types of jobs. You did. So...

Yes a model performs sexual acts for money. Yes they have sometimes thousands of guys jacking off to them at the same time. Yes, as a psychological thing, it can be an issue. Yes they have to worry about assholes recording these shows and putting them on the internet where, no matter how hard they try, the model will never be able to get them all removed from the world. And, yes, you have to pay taxes at the end of the year or every quarter and buy your own health insurance and such.

But, when was the last any model had to worry about an 8000 lb slab of aluminum falling on them and maiming or killing them (happend a few years back at one of our plants, dude was just a bloody smear on the floor)? I have to worry about that every day. When was the last time a model had to worry about shavings from a saw cutting metal might get in their eyes? How about if some idiot who thinks they know how to drive a forklift nearly taking someone's legs out (happened today, 6 more inches the dude would have been crippled), or someone driving the forklifts around them with the forks chest high at max speed because they are dumbasses? How about what happened to me because some jackass decided it would be funny to over lubricate a tool and when I went to put the compressed ait hose on it I got the oil sprayed in my eyes nose and mouth? And I already have arthritis and rotator cuff injuries in both shoulders; and blood clots in my right leg from a previous job where a forklift driver ran over my foot.

And you know what? I make a hell of a lot less than a lot of cam girls, while dealing with shit that can literally maim or kill me every single day. And I'm not even talking about the top models. Remember that $100 a day goal I said would be a good goal for brand new models? I don't even make that pre-tax. $96.40 for an 8 hour day. AND I have to worry about my taxes changing every single paycheck. I work no overtime to around 10 hours overtime and I lose about 28% in taxes. I work over 10 hours overtime in a week? My taxes instantly jump to almost 40% of my check gone. Used to be worse when I worked someplace where some weeks we literally worked over 100 hours in a week. Taxes took 70% of the 100+ hour checks. We literally worked just to pay the government, and then if we didn't have kids, didn't even get it all back.

Yeah, jumping tax brackets for a week or two at a time is real fun. Especially when you know you aren't getting paid what you should be for the shit you have to do and the danger you're in... with the company's excuse that they're paying good money... Yeah, in TN, where they're based it's good money. But, like I said, the economy is shit. I have to take a job with health insurance where I can get it. And everyone around here wants to pay the same or lower wages.

We deal with different issues for our jobs. It's life. I take my pain killers and my blood thinners and I go on. Cam girls deal with douchecocks and perverts and guys who would stalk them if given half a chance and go on.

But, even knowing I make less than a lot of cam girls, I find money to tip or group or private. But I'm not one of those "heroes" that can throw thousands of tokens at a model every day. I get by and try to tip/group/private when I can. The models that just enjoy me being around when they're online know this. We laugh, we joke, we wish each other good morning and good night, etc. I don't beg, I don't demand, and half the time if they are doing public shows I'm not even at the computer. Hell, some of them I don't even really perv anymore. I just hang out and tip with funny tip notes. More just someone to chill with before or after work.

I didn't want to make a rant, but the whole "you don't have to deal with X" thing is asinine. You don't have to deal with a lot of shit a lot of members do as a cam girl, and you should be glad you don't. Members don't have to deal with a lot of shit that cam girls do, and they should be glad they don't. We all have shit in our lives and jobs that others don't have to deal with, and we should all be glad we don't have to share that shit with the rest of the world.

But, look on the bright side of camming... at least you CAN have a good time while working and making money, or trying to make money. There's a ton of people in the world who can't say the same thing.
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Cole's notes,

UncleThursday: blah blah blah, models, blah blah blah, member's money, bad economy, stuff.

UT you...

at thinking.
AmberCutie said:
Same here. It would be nice to focus on my token goals and stay on long enough to finish them instead of having to decide when it's time to give up for the day to save my score from eating itself. Sometimes I feel bad how quickly I run off after people have helped me with the last bit of my goal, too. I'd be able to comfortably hang out with my heroes if there was no camscore ticking like a time bomb.

My best token night was the time I stayed on cam on MFC for 16 - 17 hours straight (my son had spent the day with my sis). I can't remember how it affected my cam score though (if it went up or down), but it felt good to get some sleep
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The_Brown_Fox said:
AmberCutie said:
Same here. It would be nice to focus on my token goals and stay on long enough to finish them instead of having to decide when it's time to give up for the day to save my score from eating itself. Sometimes I feel bad how quickly I run off after people have helped me with the last bit of my goal, too. I'd be able to comfortably hang out with my heroes if there was no camscore ticking like a time bomb.

My best token night was the time I stayed on cam on MFC for 16 - 17 hours straight (my son had spent the day with my sis). I can't remember how it affected my cam score though (if it went up or down), but it felt good to get some sleep

wow 16-17 hours straight? My Vag would be sore, and I'd probably sleep for 3
Hi. As we were talking about the camscore...i got 9200 tks in one shot and the camscore went up by 10 points..i mean..what the..?? I believe that the camscore goes up a lot when u get offline tips+a lot more time spent in privates then in free+90 up tkn tips...9200? doesn't go up that much:(
jeaninnex said:
Hi. As we were talking about the camscore...i got 9200 tks in one shot and the camscore went up by 10 points..i mean..what the..?? I believe that the camscore goes up a lot when u get offline tips+a lot more time spent in privates then in free+90 up tkn tips...9200? doesn't go up that much:(

When you say "one shot" do you mean in one shift, or one tip?

While no one...even the models...seem to know what makes the camscore up or down specifically. No one seems to have or know the formula. A couple of reasons why I ask what I did. First one big tipper does not a good model make. People seem to think that the camscore could be based on the amount of tokens per hour. I would maybe suggest that the frequency of tips in general could be a factor as well. One 9200 tip is just one tip. While many 100 tokens tips...are MANY tips.

A little more on topic: The models with the highest of camscores: They certainly deserve it. I will also contend, that the models with the lowest camscores, for a variety of reasons, certainly deserve it as well. Its those in the middle say 900-3000 that makes ya wonder why they aren't doing better or worse.

p.s. A room full of non-tippers does not a bad model either. Please do not think I was implying anything about your abilities. That was strictly a comment on the camscore.
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You are mistakenly under the impression that camscore is a reflection (or is supposed to be a reflection) of how "good" of a model someone is. The reality is that camscore is to make MFC money, period. It doesn't matter where you're getting your tokens, as long as you're getting them.
LovelyBelle said:

You are mistakenly under the impression that camscore is a reflection (or is supposed to be a reflection) of how "good" of a model someone is. The reality is that camscore is to make MFC money, period. It doesn't matter where you're getting your tokens, as long as you're getting them.

Let's be honest. Everything on the site is designed to make MFC money, exclamation point!

Yes: The camscore is "supposed" to be a reflection of how "good" the model is. Whether or not it is a useful reference or not is certainly open for argument.

Anyways. My response was nothing more than a theory on why a 9200 token night didn't raise the camscore that much. Nothing more, Nothing less.
Ataboy said:
While no one...even the models...seem to know what makes the camscore up or down specifically. No one seems to have or know the formula. A couple of reasons why I ask what I did. First one big tipper does not a good model make. People seem to think that the camscore could be based on the amount of tokens per hour.
There are some girls who have done the math with their stats and pretty much figured out that this IS the case. Tokens divided time ONLINE (on cam/away/group/private) over a 60 day period. And somehow the average hourly tokens of every model on the site is taken into the calculation. That's the only part we really don't have concretely figured out.

And I do understand what you mean, about the highest of the camscore girls and the lowest of the camscore girls...

Go into one of the highest scored girls' rooms and watch them work a shift. Sure, they get a lot of high tips for what may sometimes seem like nothing to the naked eye, but they started at 1000 just like all of us, and somehow won the hearts of many people who got them where they are. They worked hard and maybe have that "it" factor. (Of course for the occasional studio-inflated camscore girls this isn't accurate. But that's a whole other thread, I believe it was titled "bullshit". :lol: )

Go into one of the lowest scored girls' rooms and quite often you'll see quite the opposite of the above. They're just sitting there with a blurry cam and/or awful audio (or they have their color/contrast up to high hell, which is a pet peeve of mine, lol.) Sometimes I see topics of like "20 tokens to dildo anal" or something, which is never going to get them anywhere, really. And fuck, more power to them if they want to keep making a go of this job, but sometimes I just wish they'd realize that "hey, maybe I'm not that great at this." Hell, maybe they do realize it and just do it anyway.

All I am saying is that I get it. There is a pretty big contrast between what you see in a high camscore room vs. a low camscore room. And there are some girls in that middle range who are PHENOMENAL and I'm surprised they don't do better camscore wise, but clearly they still do decent enough overall.

Now I'll run and hide from people waiting to slap me for saying that maybe girls with a less than 100 or so camscore may not be that great of a camgirl. :silent:
LexieBlair said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
My best token night was the time I stayed on cam on MFC for 16 - 17 hours straight (my son had spent the day with my sis). I can't remember how it affected my cam score though (if it went up or down), but it felt good to get some sleep

wow 16-17 hours straight? My Vag would be sore, and I'd probably sleep for 3

Hahah! TBF - I feel you lady! I used to be on hours like that my first month or so, holy crapppp, my (s)camscore was bad ass though right from the beginning!

Then I switched to only doing actual "cum shows" in group and it like skyrocketing. Then, I've been on a lot less (working a loooot more with my dayjob stuff) and im back to mostly just doing my original thing - public chat hanging out and not really taking pvts and i dont think ive done a group for a while now, but its dropping by the 100s daily. Even when i have crazy good days.

I have to think this means group + pvt token earnings are factored somehow more importantly into camscore. because, even making the same amount of tokens over all, with similar or LESS online time, it wont stop dropping! hahaha.

ive resorted to QUIT looking at it. (or am trying to). cause, fuck it, whatever, MY sCAMSCORE WILL NOT DEFINE WHO I AM. bahahah... *blushes and looks defeated*

:think: this makes no sense!!!! :/ meh. its all good though. :D
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Go into one of the lowest scored girls' rooms and quite often you'll see quite the opposite of the above. They're just sitting there with a blurry cam and/or awful audio (or they have their color/contrast up to high hell, which is a pet peeve of mine, lol.) Sometimes I see topics of like "20 tokens to dildo anal" or something, which is never going to get them anywhere, really. And fuck, more power to them if they want to keep making a go of this job, but sometimes I just wish they'd realize that "hey, maybe I'm not that great at this." Hell, maybe they do realize it and just do it anyway.

I really was not thinking about the low prices that the lower cam girls charge, even though that does indeed lower the score. I kinda like that. When I go to McDonalds, I can buy more food off the dollar menu for less money than a value meal. <Yep, I just compared models to McDonalds.> Off topic a little: You will see a common theme in my posts. MFC and the models are a business...ONLY!!

Back to topic: I was thinking more along lines of the lower scoring models or newbies who are charging way too much for where they are at. They call it pride and nobility. Lets be honest: Thats just a mechanism to help them feel better. But I have worked in cutthroat sales before. I always justified my slow times saying "Well at least I am doing it the right way". Or many of them are just sitting there not even paying attention to the room. I find many of the top models to be a lot of things, but they don't ignore the room. I have seen more than a few of them actually with the screen blacked out saying they won't come back on until they get tips. Sometimes they have the cam on, but they have it pointed elsewhere than themselves. As far as I am concerned, that is a days suspension with zero tolerance after. Many of the lower scoring models dig there own grave through pretention and self-righteousness.

Really simple: Us members are spoiled on this site compared to others. We have expectations. The top models, while many of them have questionable business practices, have adapted to that.
CassieRamone said:
LexieBlair said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
My best token night was the time I stayed on cam on MFC for 16 - 17 hours straight (my son had spent the day with my sis). I can't remember how it affected my cam score though (if it went up or down), but it felt good to get some sleep

wow 16-17 hours straight? My Vag would be sore, and I'd probably sleep for 3

Hahah! TBF - I feel you lady! I used to be on hours like that my first month or so, holy crapppp, my (s)camscore was bad ass though right from the beginning!

Then I switched to only doing actual "cum shows" in group and it like skyrocketing. Then, I've been on a lot less (working a loooot more with my dayjob stuff) and im back to mostly just doing my original thing - public chat hanging out and not really taking pvts and i dont think ive done a group for a while now, but its dropping by the 100s daily. Even when i have crazy good days.

I have to think this means group + pvt token earnings are factored somehow more importantly into camscore. because, even making the same amount of tokens over all, with similar or LESS online time, it wont stop dropping! hahaha.

ive resorted to QUIT looking at it. (or am trying to). cause, fuck it, whatever, MY sCAMSCORE WILL NOT DEFINE WHO I AM. bahahah... *blushes and looks defeated*

:think: this makes no sense!!!! :/ meh. its all good though. :D

No, it makes perfect sense, actually.

I hang with a model who (last I checked) is in the top 20. She has some regulars that tip her very large amounts every day. She received a huge tip on Valentines Day.

But her camscore has only recently passed 10k. And on most days when I hang with her before work, she makes a very nice chunk of tokens.

However, she almost never does privates, and hasn't done a group show in a long long time. In fact, for almost the entire first year she was on MFC, she didn't do privates at all. She did a lot of groups, though, and her camscore got up to around 6k.

The past few months I don't think she has done one group (well, at least not when I am online in the morning), she may have done 1 or 2 privates since January. And, like I said, she makes a good chunk of tokens and I think peaked at number 5 in the top 20 earlier this month, maybe #4. And, like I said, her camscore has only in the past month or so hit 10k.

I know another model who comes online maybe for two weeks out of every two or three months, is only online for an hour or two eaxh day she is online, but she is in group or private for around 90% of the time she is online. And her camscore is 4656.7.

So, the group and private tokens being weighted heavier into camscore makes a lot of sense.

While we all pretty much agree that camscore is mainly based on tokens/time online, it seems just getting a lot of tips (or a few really big tips, or both) isn't the best way to raise camscore. It's possible that group shows tokens count higher than tips, and that private tokens count even more.

So, as an example, we'll just use a total of 1000 tokens in an hour as the basis.

If it is tips of 1000 tokens total in that hour, then each token counts as 1 token towards raising camscore.

If the tokens are gained through tips and group shows, then maybe the tips count as 1 token towards raising camscore, but the group show tokens count as 1.5 tokens towards raising camscore. We'll say a 10 minute group show consisting of 3 people the whole time.

If the tokens come from privates, as well as the tips and group, then maybe the privates count as 2 tokens towards raising camscore. We'll say a 10 minute private, no spies

So, for just tips, the hour has 1000 tokens counted towards it.

For the tips+group hour it is 700 tokens for the tips, but the 300 tokens in group equates to 450 tokens towards raising camscore, so the 1000 tokens earned becomes 1150 tokens towards camscore.

Now with the tips, group and a private we get 100 tokens in tips, 300 tokens in group, and 600 tokens in private. So 100 in tips is 100, 300 in group is 450 and 600 in private becomes 1200. So that hour becomes 1750 worth of tokens towards camscore.

This example is just for ease of use, but it makes sense. Tokens get spent faster in group than in regular chat, on average, for most models. Tokens are spent faster by the members when in private than in group or in tips, on average, for most models.

A 3 person group for 10 minutes is 300 tokens. Not every model makes 300 tokens in 10 minutes in tips. A 10 minute private is 600 tokens. Again, not every model makes 600 tokens in tips in 10 minutes.

The faster members get rid of their tokens, the faster they are more likely to buy more. So the bigger chance MFC gets more tokens purchased and makes more money.

So, it makes perfect sense that group and private tokens earned are weighed more heavily towards the algorithm that determines camscore.
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UncleThursday said:
CassieRamone said:
LexieBlair said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
My best token night was the time I stayed on cam on MFC for 16 - 17 hours straight (my son had spent the day with my sis). I can't remember how it affected my cam score though (if it went up or down), but it felt good to get some sleep

wow 16-17 hours straight? My Vag would be sore, and I'd probably sleep for 3

Hahah! TBF - I feel you lady! I used to be on hours like that my first month or so, holy crapppp, my (s)camscore was bad ass though right from the beginning!

Then I switched to only doing actual "cum shows" in group and it like skyrocketing. Then, I've been on a lot less (working a loooot more with my dayjob stuff) and im back to mostly just doing my original thing - public chat hanging out and not really taking pvts and i dont think ive done a group for a while now, but its dropping by the 100s daily. Even when i have crazy good days.

I have to think this means group + pvt token earnings are factored somehow more importantly into camscore. because, even making the same amount of tokens over all, with similar or LESS online time, it wont stop dropping! hahaha.

ive resorted to QUIT looking at it. (or am trying to). cause, fuck it, whatever, MY sCAMSCORE WILL NOT DEFINE WHO I AM. bahahah... *blushes and looks defeated*

:think: this makes no sense!!!! :/ meh. its all good though. :D

No, it makes perfect sense, actually.

I hang with a model who (last I checked) is in the top 20. She has some regulars that tip her very large amounts every day. She received a huge tip on Valentines Day.

But her camscore has only recently passed 10k. And on most days when I hang with her before work, she makes a very nice chunk of tokens.

However, she almost never does privates, and hasn't done a group show in a long long time. In fact, for almost the entire first year she was on MFC, she didn't do privates at all. She did a lot of groups, though, and her camscore got up to around 6k.

The past few months I don't think she has done one group (well, at least not when I am online in the morning), she may have done 1 or 2 privates since January. And, like I said, she makes a good chunk of tokens and I think peaked at number 5 in the top 20 earlier this month, maybe #4. And, like I said, her camscore has only in the past month or so hit 10k.

I know another model who comes online maybe for two weeks out of every two or three months, is only online for an hour or two eaxh day she is online, but she is in group or private for around 90% of the time she is online. And her camscore is 4656.7.

So, the group and private tokens being weighted heavier into camscore makes a lot of sense.

While we all pretty much agree that camscore is mainly based on tokens/time online, it seems just getting a lot of tips (or a few really big tips, or both) isn't the best way to raise camscore. It's possible that group shows tokens count higher than tips, and that private tokens count even more.

So, as an example, we'll just use a total of 1000 tokens in an hour as the basis.

If it is tips of 1000 tokens total in that hour, then each token counts as 1 token towards raising camscore.

If the tokens are gained through tips and group shows, then maybe the tips count as 1 token towards raising camscore, but the group show tokens count as 1.5 tokens towards raising camscore. We'll say a 10 minute group show consisting of 3 people the whole time.

If the tokens come from privates, as well as the tips and group, then maybe the privates count as 2 tokens towards raising camscore. We'll say a 10 minute private, no spies

So, for just tips, the hour has 1000 tokens counted towards it.

For the tips+group hour it is 700 tokens for the tips, but the 300 tokens in group equates to 450 tokens towards raising camscore, so the 1000 tokens earned becomes 1150 tokens towards camscore.

Now with the tips, group and a private we get 100 tokens in tips, 300 tokens in group, and 600 tokens in private. So 100 in tips is 100, 300 in group is 450 and 600 in private becomes 1200. So that hour becomes 1750 worth of tokens towards camscore.

This example is just for ease of use, but it makes sense. Tokens get spent faster in group than in regular chat, on average, for most models. Tokens are spent faster by the members when in private than in group or in tips, on average, for most models.

A 3 person group for 10 minutes is 300 tokens. Not every model makes 300 tokens in 10 minutes in tips. A 10 minute private is 600 tokens. Again, not every model makes 600 tokens in tips in 10 minutes.

The faster members get rid of their tokens, the faster they are more likely to buy more. So the bigger chance MFC gets more tokens purchased and makes more money.

So, it makes perfect sense that group and private tokens earned are weighed more heavily towards the algorithm that determines camscore.

And yet I have seen so many models come on here...brand new with a 1000 beginning score...get just a couple hundred tokens for a couple hours worked, and still come on the next with a 12-1300. Why...ratings and I do not want to imply that it is random. But if what they say is true about the studio models, one has to wonder. I am sure there is convoluted formula out there that is technically objective. But, I truly believe MFC should be transparent with it. At least with the models. They have a right to go at their show at certain angles. Knowing how the camscore is really determined could help with that.

Just another thing to put on the "If I owned MFC" list
Ataboy said:
And yet I have seen so many models come on here...brand new with a 1000 beginning score...get just a couple hundred tokens for a couple hours worked, and still come on the next with a 12-1300. Why...ratings and I do not want to imply that it is random. But if what they say is true about the studio models, one has to wonder. I am sure there is convoluted formula out there that is technically objective. But, I truly believe MFC should be transparent with it. At least with the models. They have a right to go at their show at certain angles. Knowing how the camscore is really determined could help with that.

Just another thing to put on the "If I owned MFC" list

It's also possible that while a model has a tag on her, such as new model or she is back, that all tokens gained are weighed even higher than normal. And that not making tokens while those tags are up is weighed less than normal in lowering cam score.

It's rare to see a new model drop below 700 camscore, that I have seen, while their new model tag is up (I could be wrong, just from my own observations on the homepage). But once the tag is gone, if they still aren't really making any tokens, their camscore can drop rapidly. On the flip side, if they do quickly make tokens and their camscore goes up a few hundred with the tags, it seems to very quickly plateau after the tags are gone; even if they are still making the same or slightly more tokens than they were making while the tag was up.

Unless there is an absolute shit-ton of higher camscore models on (say the end of a pay period, everyone trying to get as many tokens as possible), I very rarely see any new model tags drop off the first page. Possibly MFC's way to try and let them get noticed.
Going off the potential of having a new model or she is back tag possibly allowing for better weighted averages... the model in the top 20 that I hang with had a friend start last night. So, obviously she started at 1000 camscore. That model mentioned this morning that her friend was up to a 2400 camscore after just her first night.

I don't know how long she was on, nor how much she made (I was at work). And it is also very possible that some of the top 20 model's night time regulars went to welcome the new model with tips.

But a 1400 camscore jump on day one lends credibility to the possibility that when you have a new model or she is back tag that tokens gained while under those tags count more towards increasing a model's camscore.

I just checked the new model's profile page and she is at 2463.1 camscore. I have no clue if she was on tonight or not. I just got home from work a little bit ago.
UncleThursday said:
That model mentioned this morning that her friend was up to a 2400 camscore after just her first night.

I don't know how long she was on, nor how much she made (I was at work). And it is also very possible that some of the top 20 model's night time regulars went to welcome the new model with tips.

But a 1400 camscore jump on day one lends credibility to the possibility that when you have a new model or she is back tag that tokens gained while under those tags count more towards increasing a model's camscore.
Again, do you know how camscores work?
A new model will most likely get more traffic than a random 1000 camscore model. That means she will make more tokens pr hour than the older model, whos camscore is based upon how much she has made hourly the past 60 days or more (I think there's a longer low weighted tail).

The new model needs what? 1000 tkn\hr (??) to bounce right up to 2400 camscore on her first night.

What I'm trying to say is, there is no need to attribute camscore changes to stuff like model tags, mfc boosting etc. The algorithm is pretty much the consensus in this thread, and it explains all the fluctuations you talk about on its own.
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Ataboy said:
And yet I have seen so many models come on here...brand new with a 1000 beginning score...get just a couple hundred tokens for a couple hours worked, and still come on the next with a 12-1300. Why...ratings and

I know this has been discussed a lot on here, but I strongly believe that ratings/admires don't really do a thing for the cam score, and I remember Amber saying that's how she feels about it. I go by what Amber says, because she's very knowledgeable on camming-related topics. :)

IF ratings/admires do help the cam score, then they do very, very little. I don't even bother putting "Please rate/admire...thanks!" in my room topic anymore. Sometimes I get guys telling me "Rated and admired you, bb. Can you show your ass?" :lol: Nice try.....

Anyway, when I'm looking at my profile or a model friend's profile, out of habit I'll rate it 5 stars, JUST IN CASE it makes any difference at all.
mynameisbob84 said:
AmberCutie said:
I just wish they'd realize that "hey, maybe I'm not that great at this." Hell, maybe they do realize it and just do it anyway.

To be fair to them, I'm the same way with the sex :?

Bob, your posts always make me laugh (in a good way). :lol: :-D
The_Brown_Fox said:
mynameisbob84 said:
AmberCutie said:
I just wish they'd realize that "hey, maybe I'm not that great at this." Hell, maybe they do realize it and just do it anyway.

To be fair to them, I'm the same way with the sex :?

Bob, your posts always make me laugh (in a good way). :lol: :-D

Why thankya ;)
muh! said:
UncleThursday said:
That model mentioned this morning that her friend was up to a 2400 camscore after just her first night.

I don't know how long she was on, nor how much she made (I was at work). And it is also very possible that some of the top 20 model's night time regulars went to welcome the new model with tips.

But a 1400 camscore jump on day one lends credibility to the possibility that when you have a new model or she is back tag that tokens gained while under those tags count more towards increasing a model's camscore.
Again, do you know how camscores work?
A new model will most likely get more traffic than a random 1000 camscore model. That means she will make more tokens pr hour than the older model, whos camscore is based upon how much she has made hourly the past 60 days or more (I think there's a longer low weighted tail).

The new model needs what? 1000 tkn\hr (??) to bounce right up to 2400 camscore on her first night.

What I'm trying to say is, there is no need to attribute camscore changes to stuff like model tags, mfc boosting etc. The algorithm is pretty much the consensus in this thread, and it explains all the fluctuations you talk about on its own.
Yeah, new models, and models who have been away for a long while, will have a faster rise in their score due to the 60 day average.

The_Brown_Fox said:
Ataboy said:
And yet I have seen so many models come on here...brand new with a 1000 beginning score...get just a couple hundred tokens for a couple hours worked, and still come on the next with a 12-1300. Why...ratings and

I know this has been discussed a lot on here, but I strongly believe that ratings/admires don't really do a thing for the cam score, and I remember Amber saying that's how she feels about it. I go by what Amber says, because she's very knowledgeable on camming-related topics. :)

IF ratings/admires do help the cam score, then they do very, very little. I don't even bother putting "Please rate/admire...thanks!" in my room topic anymore. Sometimes I get guys telling me "Rated and admired you, bb. Can you show your ass?" :lol: Nice try.....

Anyway, when I'm looking at my profile or a model friend's profile, out of habit I'll rate it 5 stars, JUST IN CASE it makes any difference at all.

It has been heard directly out of Leo's mouth at a convention that profile rates/admires do NOTHING for camscore. ;)
AmberCutie said:
muh! said:
UncleThursday said:
That model mentioned this morning that her friend was up to a 2400 camscore after just her first night.

I don't know how long she was on, nor how much she made (I was at work). And it is also very possible that some of the top 20 model's night time regulars went to welcome the new model with tips.

But a 1400 camscore jump on day one lends credibility to the possibility that when you have a new model or she is back tag that tokens gained while under those tags count more towards increasing a model's camscore.
Again, do you know how camscores work?
A new model will most likely get more traffic than a random 1000 camscore model. That means she will make more tokens pr hour than the older model, whos camscore is based upon how much she has made hourly the past 60 days or more (I think there's a longer low weighted tail).

The new model needs what? 1000 tkn\hr (??) to bounce right up to 2400 camscore on her first night.

What I'm trying to say is, there is no need to attribute camscore changes to stuff like model tags, mfc boosting etc. The algorithm is pretty much the consensus in this thread, and it explains all the fluctuations you talk about on its own.
Yeah, new models, and models who have been away for a long while, will have a faster rise in their score due to the 60 day average.

The_Brown_Fox said:
Ataboy said:
And yet I have seen so many models come on here...brand new with a 1000 beginning score...get just a couple hundred tokens for a couple hours worked, and still come on the next with a 12-1300. Why...ratings and

I know this has been discussed a lot on here, but I strongly believe that ratings/admires don't really do a thing for the cam score, and I remember Amber saying that's how she feels about it. I go by what Amber says, because she's very knowledgeable on camming-related topics. :)

IF ratings/admires do help the cam score, then they do very, very little. I don't even bother putting "Please rate/admire...thanks!" in my room topic anymore. Sometimes I get guys telling me "Rated and admired you, bb. Can you show your ass?" :lol: Nice try.....

Anyway, when I'm looking at my profile or a model friend's profile, out of habit I'll rate it 5 stars, JUST IN CASE it makes any difference at all.

It has been heard directly out of Leo's mouth at a convention that profile rates/admires do NOTHING for camscore. ;)

HaHa...Fair enough! My point was not about rates and admirers. But simply that we are not 100% certain what it is that determines the camscore. Again...would like some transparency

You mentioned that you have been able to analyze the stats, and no for sure tokens per hour have a direct impact. Have you been able to get it down to a science? As in..can you determine what your camscore should be at the end of your shift?
Also, will someone please tell me...once and for tips of less than 10 tokens really affect the camscore on the negative?
I got banned from a room once for laughing and making comments to a model because her topic mentioned that she was not accepting tips of less than 50 tokens. Sorry, could not let that one go. Sure enough...she had her settings to set up to not accept them.
Leo is a lot of things I am sure, but a fool is not one of them. Same with the top models. Same as any business person. They realize or should realize, that 1 nickel is better than no nickels. In fact I briefly was in one a moment ago. She had a tip wall of 1-10 token tips. One screen full of those tips is about 150 tokens by my count. Did I not mention in another room, that many models dig their own grave?

p.s. This model I mentioned: Never saw her on again after that one time I was in her room.
Ataboy said:
HaHa...Fair enough! My point was not about rates and admirers. But simply that we are not 100% certain what it is that determines the camscore. Again...would like some transparency

You mentioned that you have been able to analyze the stats, and no for sure tokens per hour have a direct impact. Have you been able to get it down to a science? As in..can you determine what your camscore should be at the end of your shift?
I can look at my token stats, and at my calendar, and predict when my camscore will drop, if that means anything to you. And there is a Model member of ACF who does have it down to a science and could probably guess within a few digits where her score would be at the end of the night, but I don't keep as close track as she does. (Well I should say I do keep very close track to all my stats, I have my own page where my tokens, hours, etc., are exported and can see a calendar view of the current 60 days in the average. But her data and tracking is more tuned to camscore than mine. With my stats tracking and her number crunching, I think we have a pretty good idea. :dance: LOL!)
Ataboy said:
You mentioned that you have been able to analyze the stats, and no for sure tokens per hour have a direct impact. Have you been able to get it down to a science? As in..can you determine what your camscore should be at the end of your shift?

As camscore also factors in the average tokens per hour of all models, we'd need to know exactly how many tokens per hour all the other models got that day to get an exact amount. However, if you've kept track of your own [(tokens per hour over last 60 days) vs (camscore)] over the past few months, you should have a fairly decent idea of what your camscore will be each day.
Mr_Wilde said:
I've been watching NicoleLovez camscore since day 1 or maybe 2 and I have to say breaking 10k in less than a week is quite an accomplishment. I've seen MaryJaneXO rake more tokens in less time per day only to make a minuscule change in the previous week's camscore.
I just noticed her the other day too. She looks crazy familiar and with room counts over 1000 fully clothed I'm trying to figure out if she's well known already from something else.
Mr_Wilde said:
I've been watching NicoleLovez camscore since day 1 or maybe 2 and I have to say breaking 10k in less than a week is quite an accomplishment. I've seen MaryJaneXO rake more tokens in less time per day only to make a minuscule change in the previous week's camscore.
New girls' scores will rise quicker due to the 60 day average. I feel like I just said that a few posts ago. :lol:

Back when I first started, the high end of the camscores were probably around 9000 to maybe 11000. In my first week or so, I jumped up to around 5k just because I did well right off the bat like NicoleLovez is. Her quick climb and mine are relative since now the high end of camscores are about double what she has now, as the high end camscores during my rise were about double what mine rose to immediately.

Make sense?

If by MaryJaneXO you're referring to "teambob" or MJxoxo, she's been around a long while, so it will take greater amounts to see more than miniscule jumps in her score. She seems to maintain a pretty high hourly token ratio consistently, so it should remain somewhat consistent, aside from her epic 400k+ tip earlier this month.

I got to watch NicoleLovez a bit today, she's pretty awesome. She's also lurking around these forums somewhere. :mrgreen: :whistle:
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