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Are you armed? If not, why not?

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Chellelovesu said:
I'll stab a "nice guy" in a second if he fucks with me.
EVERY woman I know has had something like this happen.
Every. single. One.

Guys forget how intimidating they can be. I am very conscious of this and make a point of not assuming just because a girl smiles at me and says hello she is actually interested in me. I am however very touchy feely and will occasionally give a good female friend a heart failure with a quick cuddle when she is not expecting it. 99% of the time though I'm good, and even casual acquaintances feel safe around me.
Chellelovesu said:
Evvie said:
Just Me said:
I am not armed because I generally do not give in to irrational fears. The chances of me being the victim of a violent crime are not very high.

Looking at the statistics, I am more likely to kill myself than be a victim of violent crime where a weapon would help me. :think:
I am also not worried about being the victim of a violent crime. I am concerned with reminding people to respect my boundaries when I make it clear the conversation is over. Do I think someone will try to mug or kill me? No. But I've stopped counting the times men have used physical force to move me to a second location, followed me, and harassed me.

I'm not interested in weapons to protect me from "criminals." I want them to protect me from regular men and "nice guys" who believe they are entitled to me and my body. Being harmed by regular men is not an irrational fear. So far I have never talked to any woman in my life who was not at one time attacked, harassed, or hurt by a man who used physical force to get their way.

(Granted, the first question I ask women isn't about their sexual assault history, but when the subject comes up in an appropriate setting, no woman has ever chimed in with, "I don't know what you guys are talking about! I've never been treated like a sack of shit by any man who didn't give a fuck about my boundaries!")

This is also why I carry weapons.
I'll stab a "nice guy" in a second if he fucks with me.
EVERY woman I know has had something like this happen.
Every. single. One.

Since when is someone that you know, or nice guys, being violent with you not a crime? Anecdotes from friends and people you know, do not add up to data. Being a victim of violence or crime is never a good thing and I understand how it makes people fearful, but it does not change the fact that it is an irrational fear. It might be less irrational than people that are afraid to fly. You are more likely to be a victim of crime than die in a plane crash. I also know you are more likely to be a victim of violence from someone you know.

Why do you not wear a helmet and pads when taking a shower or walking down stairs? That is protection too and you are many more times likely to be hurt in those situations than to be a victim of violent crime.

Yes I know, it is all tied up in human psychology. Certain fears, especially the ones we feel we do not have control over, causes us to do irrational things. That being said, I have no issues with people having guns, it is just not for me.
I think most people are pretty much okay with gun ownership, left or right. What a lot of people are against is the lack of reasonable controls--back ground checks, waiting periods, registration, etc. Certified psychotics should not have guns, e.g.
Nordling said:
I think most people are pretty much okay with gun ownership, left or right. What a lot of people are against is the lack of reasonable controls--back ground checks, waiting periods, registration, etc. Certified psychotics should not have guns, e.g.

My only expectation is that people actually practice with their guns and keep them securely locked up. As long as they do that they can have all the guns they want.
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Red7227 said:
Chellelovesu said:
I'll stab a "nice guy" in a second if he fucks with me.
EVERY woman I know has had something like this happen.
Every. single. One.

Guys forget how intimidating they can be. I am very conscious of this and make a point of not assuming just because a girl smiles at me and says hello she is actually interested in me. I am however very touchy feely and will occasionally give a good female friend a heart failure with a quick cuddle when she is not expecting it. 99% of the time though I'm good, and even casual acquaintances feel safe around me.

Aww cuddles are nice. Just not like...scary, gropey cuddles when you're not expecting it!
Evvie said:

What I picked up today - $15

I'd like one of these.
I don't know how to appropriately use a firearm, and I feel that short range/contact weapon could easily be turned against me if I was assailed by a larger person.
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