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ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

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2012 U.S. Presidential Poll Vote

  • Obama

    Votes: 109 66.5%
  • Romney

    Votes: 27 16.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Obligatory Other

    Votes: 22 13.4%

  • Total voters
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Bocefish said:
Maybe when he begins to respect the constitution and the oath he took along with the flag others have died for.

Since you are for flag codes and the constitution, how do you justify that with the 1st amendment? I, for one, served my country so people could burn flags.

Not sure why I bother. Getting through the conservative bubble (as Bill Maher succinctly put it) or someone with their fingers in their ears, shouting "la la la la , I don't hear you." Is a losing battle. Obama is far from perfect, but Romney is a joke. "The problem with any ideology is that it gives the answer before you look at the evidence." Bill Clinton
The tea party is holding what used to be a sane Republican party hostage.

Sorry no pictures ;)

Some random hypocrisy and certainly more important than the flag.
so wait..

Romney could've paid only 12.1% of his income in taxes?

When I was working minimum wage, the government took 18% of my paycheck in taxes. WHAT THE FUCK!?!
morment said:
Bocefish said:
Maybe when he begins to respect the constitution and the oath he took along with the flag others have died for.

What exactly has he done that disrespects the constitution and/or oath he took? And do you have proof that Obama personally came up with the flag motif ad? Or that it was even used by his campaign? Private citizens, which you say only have to follow the flag code on a voluntary basis, have been known to create campaign propaganda for candidates independently of the official campaigns.

Let's see... Obama wants to be able to Kill [Any American Citizen Without Any Charge and] On His Own Discretion. He wants to be able to Jail You Indefinitely On His Own Discretion and is appealing a judge's recent injunction against it.

How about Obama's kill list?

He also ignored the constitution by going around congress granting temporary amnesty.

There's more but that's all that come to mind right now.

As far as the flag thing, Obama tweeted it himself for people to buy for a $35 contribution! ... 3199998977

ETA: The flag one has mysteriously disappeared all of a sudden. :lol:

Let's not forget the presidential begging for you to say no to birthday, wedding gifts... and send your stuff to him!


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So, and American citizen joins Al Quaeda and kills other Americans is on a hit list like any other ENEMY and you, of all people are objecting? This is what this is about. And it only pertains to traitors on foreign soil. I'm not totally in line with this, but you can thank GWB for this sort of power in the hands of the executive.

As far as the registry, what's your gripe? I think it's a good idea. No one is forced to ask gift givers for a political donation, it's only a suggestion.
Nordling said:
So, and American citizen joins Al Quaeda and kills other Americans is on a hit list like any other ENEMY and you, of all people are objecting? This is what this is about. And it only pertains to traitors on foreign soil. I'm not totally in line with this, but you can thank GWB for this sort of power in the hands of the executive.

LMAO :lol: Obama is fighting the injunction, yet you still try to blame it on Bush. And it doesn't only pertain to traitors on foreign soil.
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
So, and American citizen joins Al Quaeda and kills other Americans is on a hit list like any other ENEMY and you, of all people are objecting? This is what this is about. And it only pertains to traitors on foreign soil. I'm not totally in line with this, but you can thank GWB for this sort of power in the hands of the executive.

LMAO :lol: Obama is fighting the injunction, yet you still try to blame it on Bush. And it doesn't only pertain to traitors on foreign soil.
George Bush admitted to giving the order to waterboard detainees. To clarify, that's not only against the Geneva Convention, it's also something the US executed Japanese soldiers for doing to US prisoners, after WW2.

Obama could be the president for 200 years and at this rate he still wouldn't catch up to the Bush Administration's record for human rights abuses and increase of state powers. How about the Dept of Homeland Security? If you want to look for 240,000 government employees who are paid to look over your own citizen's shoulders, go no further. Which administration created that bloated beaurocracy again?
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:lol: I don't understand it. Republicans pass a law, the President signs it. Then they whine that it's the President that's to blame for the law. :)
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Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
:lol: I don't understand it. Republicans pass a law, the President signs it. Then they whine that it's the President that's to blame for the law. :)

I don't give a shit who passed it, Obama signed it and it's totally unconstitutional the way it's written now.
So go whine to your buddy Boner.
Now that the election is farce rather than politics, i feel that i can without disturbing anyone's vote.


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Nordling said:
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
:lol: I don't understand it. Republicans pass a law, the President signs it. Then they whine that it's the President that's to blame for the law. :)

I don't give a shit who passed it, Obama signed it and it's totally unconstitutional the way it's written now.
So go whine to your buddy Boner.

Another pathetic and childish reply, go figure.

You were wrong about the law being just for traitors on foreign soil, but since it's Obama that signed it, now you're apparently fine with it and I'm whining. :lol:

I'm out until the debates.
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
:lol: I don't understand it. Republicans pass a law, the President signs it. Then they whine that it's the President that's to blame for the law. :)

I don't give a shit who passed it, Obama signed it and it's totally unconstitutional the way it's written now.
So go whine to your buddy Boner.

Another pathetic and childish reply, go figure.

You were wrong about the law being just for traitors on foreign soil, but since it's Obama that signed it, now you're apparently fine with it and I'm whining. :lol:

I'm out until the debates.
Show where I said I was fine with it. But why is all your hatred exclusively on the guy in the white house, when these fascist laws were originated and passed in Congress...a Congress currently controlled by Republicans.

Also, I think it's cute that you, a RWNJ would use a Socialist website to "prove a point." Are you sure you trust that site? If so, why?
Bocefish said:
Let's see... Obama wants to be able to Kill [Any American Citizen Without Any Charge and] On His Own Discretion. He wants to be able to Jail You Indefinitely On His Own Discretion and is appealing a judge's recent injunction against it.

How about Obama's kill list?

He also ignored the constitution by going around congress granting temporary amnesty.

There's more but that's all that come to mind right now.

As far as the flag thing, Obama tweeted it himself for people to buy for a $35 contribution! ... 3199998977

ETA: The flag one has mysteriously disappeared all of a sudden. :lol:

Let's not forget the presidential begging for you to say no to birthday, wedding gifts... and send your stuff to him!
The power to do that was included in the NDAA and if Obama had wanted to get rid of it he would have had to veto the entirety of the defense budget which would have been untenable at best, as for him fighting to keep it in court this is one of the few, if only, times I agree with you and think it's ludicrous. That still doesn't change my overall opinion of either candidate though.

I'm not familiar with the kill list, so I'll skip that.

As for the temporary amnesty, he used an executive order which has been in use since 1789, the Congress clearly wasn't doing anything so he stepped up and put a band aid on the problem until something more permanent could be done.

The flag thing is still a really stupid thing to get upset about, and I doubt he's the first person running for office to ever modify the image of a flag.

How the hell do you get begging from a standard donation request form? You go out of your way to twist everything he does or says to be negative. I'm not saying everything he's done has been perfect, but he's far, far less sinister than you and the right are trying to make him out to be.

Anyone else remember how Fox and the rest of the right wing would flip a gasket anytime someone mildly rebuked Bush while he was in office, mass boycotting of the Dixie Chicks come to mind, because you can't talk that way about the president, he's the president and deserves respect. Yet the minute Obama gets elected he's raked over the coals for everything.
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
:lol: I don't understand it. Republicans pass a law, the President signs it. Then they whine that it's the President that's to blame for the law. :)

I don't give a shit who passed it, Obama signed it and it's totally unconstitutional the way it's written now.

How about you give credit where credit is due? Who started and pushed for this increase in executive power? Guantanamo and rendition were started by your buddy Dubya. While I disagree with Obama and these type of laws, at least they are out in public and open to debate, not hidden "for security reasons" or "the war on terror". He is just continuing Bush's agenda, I would think you would be happy with that. :roll:

Here is what your republican friends have been up to, and you call the President incompetent. :clap: They are not even willing to pretend.
Democrats: "oh, the republicans won this election. Let's do our best to make the country run smoothly despite that."

Republicans: "fuck, the democrats won this election. Let's stalemate the country until we're put back in office."
Shaun__ said:
morment said:
Yet the minute Obama gets elected he's raked over the coals for everything.

Lol holy fuck, are they implying dijon mustard is snobby or something?! I have dijon mustard in the fridge in one of those squeezy bottles LOL.
Jupiter551 said:
Shaun__ said:
morment said:
Yet the minute Obama gets elected he's raked over the coals for everything.

Lol holy fuck, are they implying dijon mustard is snobby or something?! I have dijon mustard in the fridge in one of those squeezy bottles LOL.

I do too, I like it on my sandwiches. I saw that live, because I used to watch Fox news for some damn reason or other. Once I saw that I knew they had no intentions of showing anything newsworthy for the next four years, and changed the channel.
I'm voting democrat to get out of war and civil liberty violations and....
oh wait, who's the independent?
Shaun__ said:
Jupiter551 said:
Shaun__ said:
morment said:
Yet the minute Obama gets elected he's raked over the coals for everything.

Lol holy fuck, are they implying dijon mustard is snobby or something?! I have dijon mustard in the fridge in one of those squeezy bottles LOL.

I do too, I like it on my sandwiches. I saw that live, because I used to watch Fox news for some damn reason or other. Once I saw that I knew they had no intentions of showing anything newsworthy for the next four years, and changed the channel.

Ted Koppel agrees with you :-D At least about Fox news, not sure about the mustard :lol:

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Jolene said:
I'm voting democrat to get out of war and civil liberty violations and....
oh wait, who's the independent?

That is called democracy. You the people have the choice of selecting from a range of generally vile lying cocsuckers which your parties present as candidates, because they are the most successful vile lying cocksuckers in their respective party.

The best test I can think of before voting for a particular politician is: would you trust them to look after your dog or cat for a week?
Just Me said:
Bocefish said:
Maybe when he begins to respect the constitution and the oath he took along with the flag others have died for.

Since you are for flag codes and the constitution, how do you justify that with the 1st amendment? I, for one, served my country so people could burn flags.

Seeing as how you SERVED... I justify being pissed off about Obama redesigning the American flag because he has no fucking clue how heroic Americans gave their life for our flag and what it stands for.
Bocefish said:
Just Me said:
Bocefish said:
Maybe when he begins to respect the constitution and the oath he took along with the flag others have died for.

Since you are for flag codes and the constitution, how do you justify that with the 1st amendment? I, for one, served my country so people could burn flags.

Seeing as how you SERVED... I justify being pissed off about Obama redesigning the American flag because he has no fucking clue how heroic Americans gave their life for our flag and what it stands for.
You've got that's a SYMBOL. NO ONE "gives their life" for the flag. They give it for the ACTUAL country that they serve. I believe in treating our symbols with respect, but when you start waving it like a nut job and claiming to be super patriotic, I have no sympathy when someone burns it.
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