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ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

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2012 U.S. Presidential Poll Vote

  • Obama

    Votes: 109 66.5%
  • Romney

    Votes: 27 16.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Obligatory Other

    Votes: 22 13.4%

  • Total voters
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Jupiter551 said:
Airwolfe said:
Speaking of hypocrisy. Are you fucking for real?

You would not vote for Romney if he was flown down from Heaven by Angels, walked on water, and healed the sick.

You would still vote for Obama.
Well I think most people aren't voting for Romney because he's a) a complete nutbag, b) a complete asshole and c) did I mention complete nutbag already?

Having been flown down from heaven, waterwalking and faithhealing would be neat, but they're still not essential presidential qualities.

He wants to ban porn, add two trillion to the defense budget, restart the cold war with Russia, possibly end deductions I use when filing my taxes, cut taxes on rich people, has no respect for regular people, and believes in magic underwear. Why does anyone want to vote for him?
Shaun__ said:
Jupiter551 said:
Airwolfe said:
Speaking of hypocrisy. Are you fucking for real?

You would not vote for Romney if he was flown down from Heaven by Angels, walked on water, and healed the sick.

You would still vote for Obama.
Well I think most people aren't voting for Romney because he's a) a complete nutbag, b) a complete asshole and c) did I mention complete nutbag already?

Having been flown down from heaven, waterwalking and faithhealing would be neat, but they're still not essential presidential qualities.

He wants to ban porn, add two trillion to the defense budget, restart the cold war with Russia, possibly end deductions I use when filing my taxes, cut taxes on rich people, has no respect for regular people, and believes in magic underwear. Why does anyone want to vote for him?
So Airwolf won't call us a hypocrite? lol

/sarcasm off
Obama is a friggin' habitual liar! Here's more proof:

Obama also has the audacity to do redesign the American flag for himself, total narcissistic asshole. :angry4:


Obama's foreign policy is a joke, this last week alone has proven that.

He admitted on Letterman he had no idea what the National Debt was up to and said it doesn't matter in the short term.

He's incompetent as a President period!
I'm sorry. I'm done with this thread. The unproven claims, propaganda, and other bullshit is getting so deep I don't think I'll be able to breathe soon. Election day cannot get here soon enough just so all of it lets up for 3 more years.
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I did some fairly substantial research on Federal Obscenity laws, and couldn't find any State legislation on it. What I did see was a lot of jargon on "community standards," which are vague as fuck and put us, as "distributors" of pornography, in a whole heap of risk. Because I may be in NYC where the "community standard" of obscenity is lax, but were someone in the Bible belt to download a video of mine, it would forseeably fall under that clause of distrobution of pornography in an area where the community standard of obscenity is more stringent.

Plus, who is going to go to community meetings and defend our right to porn? Is this something you as a consumer are willing to stand up for? I think what's more likely is a mother trying to protect her kids, or a frustrated wife looking to place blame, or a religiously motivated group speaking out against porn. Personally, as someone concerned for my safety, I'm not about to go to Town Hall and admit to a bunch of people in my very small community that I get naked on the internet. But maybe if push comes to shove I will.
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Shaun__ said:
He wants to ban porn, add two trillion to the defense budget, restart the cold war with Russia, possibly end deductions I use when filing my taxes, cut taxes on rich people, has no respect for regular people, and believes in magic underwear. Why does anyone want to vote for him?

Fuck if I know.

I'm a Republican and I'm not voting for him. I didn't vote for McCain/Palin either.
Bocefish said:
Obama is a friggin' habitual liar! Here's more proof:

Obama also has the audacity to do redesign the American flag for himself, total narcissistic asshole. :angry4:

[...] :lol:

Obama's foreign policy is a joke, this last week alone has proven that.

He admitted on Letterman he had no idea what the National Debt was up to and said it doesn't matter in the short term.

He's incompetent as a President period!
You wouldn't know truth if it was blowing you. Right-wing propaganda sites do NOT tell the truth, much less give PROOF of anything about the left.

The rest of your mini-rant is just your assertions about someone you seem to hate--for no reason other that...what?
I DONT THINK I CAN REMEMBER OVER THE PAST 5 ELECTIONS THERE BEING A NOMINEE THAT WAS MORE OF A MORON THAN MITT ROMNEY. Evrything that comes out of his mouth either is a bold lie or needs damage control. It is sad because there was certainly others more suited to represent the GOP. But even given the issues that have come up in this election, the GOP is not what we need at this time in office.

For those who say Obama has done nothing in his 4 years in office, simply need to do their homework and give credit to his accomplishments. And for those things he could not get done, consider the idea that he is a sitting president with a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate. It is my opinion that they were never going to work with President Obama to get things accomplished because they did not want him to succeed so they can try and justify making him a 1-term President. Well guess what: he WILL be re-elected, and it IS the best decision for this country.
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LucyGoodtimes said:
Bocefish said:

Thanks! Haha still vague as fuck, I think. I'm concerned with the term "offensive." My grandma thinks any strapless shirts are offensive. What do you think it means?

I honestly think you have nothing to worry about, that law has been in place for some time now. If your state really wanted to do something about it, you would have heard by now. Like Romney said, if he gets elected, all he could do is try to pass optional filter laws or something similar. The constitution mandates those type of laws and enforcement are ultimately left up to the individual state.
PromoteDatAss said:
you mispelled 'mormon' but either way your point would be valid.
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OMG! LINCOLN also had the audacity to do redesign the American flag for himself, total narcissistic asshole! :angry4:

Ha! LIke candidates haven't been using flag motifs for posters and buttons and t-shirt and stuff since the beginning of paint. :)


  • Lincoln Designs US Flag.jpg
    Lincoln Designs US Flag.jpg
    367.5 KB · Views: 86
Ha! Obama tried similar shit earlier too long AFTER the flag codes and rules were adopted.


Section 8g of the Flag Code reads, "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature."

Poor babies had to take that one down, so now he makes up his own American flag. Newsflash, that's what a narcissistic asshole does!
Shaun__ said:
I bet this is another one of those social experiment things.


Technically, you are correct and that is a no no. According to the Flag Code, a flag is anything "by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag."

However, for private citizens, the Flag Code serves as a guide to be followed on a purely voluntary basis to insure proper respect for the flag. Last time I checked Obama was not a private citizen, but hopefully soon.
Shaun__ said:
I bet this is another one of those social experiment things.

Or flaming insanity. lol So someone puts a flag on their roof and suddenly, it's Obama who PERSONALLY is responsible for it. lol

And me? Flag code or not, I don't give two hoots.

Boce, why don't you go wave a proper flag somewhere?
Bocefish said:
Nordling said:
And me? Flag code or not, I don't give two hoots.

Go figure... not exactly a big surprise there.
Yeah, because I put real things at the top of the list -- NOT graven images or icons or symbols or bunting.

You should maybe learn to respect the office of the President.
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Bocefish said:
Maybe when he begins to respect the constitution and the oath he took along with the flag others have died for.
Give it a rest. You're obviously a Republican partisan and would whine if a Democrat turned water into wine and gave it to you in a golden chalice. You sir, are no constitutional expert but appear to act as a minah bird for those who could not care less about you and yours. I have never seen the President dishonor the flag; if some of his fans have through ignorance, well--so what? Go to their house and whine to them.
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Just post any old picture without any knowledge of wtf is even going on. Sorry, pal, that's the essence of propaganda. Now THIS pic we know about...this is what is disrespect. But hell, it's a Republican right? So it doesn't count.

Bocefish said:
Maybe when he begins to respect the constitution and the oath he took along with the flag others have died for.
What exactly has he done that disrespects the constitution and/or oath he took? And do you have proof that Obama personally came up with the flag motif ad? Or that it was even used by his campaign? Private citizens, which you say only have to follow the flag code on a voluntary basis, have been known to create campaign propaganda for candidates independently of the official campaigns.
Mirra said:
I'm sorry. I'm done with this thread. The unproven claims, propaganda, and other bullshit is getting so deep I don't think I'll be able to breathe soon. Election day cannot get here soon enough just so all of it lets up for 3 more years.
I probably need to stop following it as well, but I probably won't.
Shaun__ said:
I bet this is another one of those social experiment things.


So this the documentary they were talking about.

In my opinion, the use of the flag for the promotion of this documentary, and the conspiracy theories you will be exposed watching it, is way more harmful to the political debate and to the political scenario than a flag with your favorite candidate.
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