Cam Model
- Feb 7, 2011
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- Twitter Username
- @MissLollipopMFC
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- Miss_Lollipop
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Again I ask, What?I should have seen it
Again I ask, What?I should have seen it
Many models with vast experience on different sites have given their opinions. Likewise, many members have given their thoughts. I can't think of any viewpoint that hasn't been expressed. I believe George wanted sincere, helpful feedback. He got it. He, and he alone, must decide what he's going to do. I've seen him express perhaps continuing contact as a case study or experiment. For what purpose? My understanding is that an experiment is conducted to prove or disprove a theory. I don't know, with Everything that has been discussed, what needs to be proved? Whether he continues contact with this model or ends it, it's not going to be easy for him. She may have led him down a dark path but now HE needs to decide his own fate. George, it's your life. Your choice. I'm sure we all wish you well.This is the bit that I don't understand. I fail to see any outcome to this other than all connection ending. Unless you want to carry on for another year with some bizarre social experiment to "prove yourself right". You've already been proven right a thousand times over. Imagine not being you and reading your story. Come on man. More red flags than a communist party rally.
Agree with all of this. I'm not sure how many more pages we need to keep dragging this thread on, unless George wants to keep it open to update us. It has taken quite a few tangents and sidetracks.Many models with vast experience on different sites have given their opinions. Likewise, many members have given their thoughts. I can't think of any viewpoint that hasn't been expressed. I believe George wanted sincere, helpful feedback. He got it. He, and he alone, must decide what he's going to do. I've seen him express perhaps continuing contact as a case study or experiment. For what purpose? My understanding is that an experiment is conducted to prove or disprove a theory. I don't know, with Everything that has been discussed, what needs to be proved? Whether he continues contact with this model or ends it, it's not going to be easy for him. She may have led him down a dark path but now HE needs to decide his own fate. George, it's your life. Your choice. I'm sure we all wish you well.
I dont know what man needs to hear this.
But stop taking care of the woman who is not treating you well.
Not respecting you, not appreciating you, not loving you.
You do not win a award for sticking around;
You do not win a award for 'saving her';
You do not win a award for 'for finding out how'.
all you're doing is drowning your self in the process.
all the time you put into her could have been used to find a true love or having fun with other girls at the webcam service.
WakeUp George;
. Report it to the relevant websites, That she got money directly from you without the knowledge of the website;
. And that the lady is practicing romance scam on their customers.
A vagina is like the weather, when it rains it is time to go inside.
Exactly , normal people will never be able to understand, relate or make sense of it. The brain of a sociopath is different and lacking some stuff we all have(in the orbitofrontal cortex if I remember correctly. Mirror neurons or something, those are what give us empathy, cause us to cry at sad movies etc). Something like that. It’s been a while since school. And I’m not up on the most current research on the topic. But I’d like to be…
Agree with all of this. I'm not sure how many more pages we need to keep dragging this thread on, unless George wants to keep it open to update us. It has taken quite a few tangents and sidetracks.
I was taught about that in a seminar my old work payed for me to go to, more than 8 years ago.I didn't know that it had been identified so precisely.
I can't say that or go that far. I'm not sure on that one.So is it low activity and connections in the prefrontal cortex that impairs personality and decision making for them?
....All I can share is the information I have as someone who speaks English as a second language and struggled for years to get to the point where I could naturally use those types of grammar structures and expressions.
I totally get that but I can't be the only person in this thread thinking that George is using this "investigation" thing as an excuse to delay severing ties, presumably because he has an understandably intense emotional connection. All of this despite knowing that the entire thing is complete fantasy. There is only one ending to this story and the only variable is how much pain is going to be involved between now and reaching that inevitable end point.
There's some truth to this, probably. But being realistic, this situation has gone on and evolved over the course of a year. Nothing has dramatically changed except that I've gotten some really good feedback here, from objective people on this site. So yes, while severing all ties instantly might have been one way to handle it, I'm also kind of processing it because in the few times I've interacted with her recently (not paying, mind you), I'm seeing her in a different light.using this "investigation" thing as an excuse to delay severing ties, presumably because he has an understandably intense emotional connection.
Yep I get it. You’re doing the right thing by giving him that honest feedback. You have his back, and want him to make the break. You’re speaking truth. It’s a tough topic. And I think we all feel for George here, and want him out of this situation.
ETA; some people are external processors though and they need others to bounce stuff off of. So there’s probably a few different things going on here at once. It can be kind of confusing for people who are more internal processors.
I don't know if I fall in that category or not but I can say that posting this stuff here and getting feedback has been hugely helpful: 1) ventilation to people who are familiar with the cam modeling universe and 2) objective opinions about the situation from people who don't have an agendasome people are external processors though and they need others to bounce stuff off of
This is a good point because it goes back to the reason (or question) I originally came here with: Is she a complete love scammer (no actual interest in a relationship; just fully lying about all of that, putting down a long track of breadcrumbs for money) versus is she actually looking for a romantic relationship? One of the things that all of these comments helped make clear is: Even if she is actually not a scammer in the traditional sense, is this actually a person with whom I (or any other sane guy) would want to be involved with? I mean, she's definitely attuned to the notion that I could provide at least a pretty decent lifestyle upgrade...but if that's all there is...who wants that? (Well, maybe some guys would....but maybe I'm a romantic. In this case, it's become so blatantly devoid of actual appreciation, genuineness, or dare I say, love, that it's kind of becoming repulsive).The more you share from her, the less I think it's a scam and the more I think she's just a shitty, materialistic, and manipulative person. A scammer tells you what you want to hear. Not whatever this is. I think I'd rather deal with a scammer. At least they're usually pleasant about stealing my money.
If you keep it open, I can try to provide an update in honor of the New Year.Agree with all of this. I'm not sure how many more pages we need to keep dragging this thread on, unless George wants to keep it open to update us. It has taken quite a few tangents and sidetracks.
Good luck George. Having read your story, we all really feel for you. Be strong and be careful. 2023 is a new year and a new start.If you keep it open, I can try to provide an update in honor of the New Year.![]()
it's related to what OP has, hes addicted to the romatic feeling.@JohnOfC maybe I missed a few pages, but I don't recall anyone saying anything about porn addiction until your post. Why have you connected OP's experience to nofap?
Yeah, but they're not the same thing are they? I mean, it's clear the romantic, offline part is a way bigger driver than the online cam part of the OP's situation, but I don't see how abstinence from porn helps's related to what OP has, hes addicted to the romatic feeling.
She has trained his brain to bathe in chemicals for hours, that's why OP feels so bad.
Are you a neurologist thoughIt was more about what has been happening in his brain all this time, abstinence from porn will not help, quite the contrary, I think.
No I treat people with behavioural problems, including with porn addiction, found OP's story interestingAre you a neurologist though
then you know it's very unethical to attempt to treat/diagnose strangers on the internet or attempt to contact the alleged person involved.No I treat people with behavioural problems, including with porn addiction, found OP's story interesting
No, what she did is unethical, OP was freaked out by me, that woke him up.
No research has yet been done on love-conn like this and what it does to the brain.
Hmmm idk… waking up in the mafia den, with no idea how you got there, sounds like it might just trump this thread.It's the most left-field thing I've ever been involved
oh! Is that a thread somewhere here on ACF?Hmmm idk… waking up in the mafia den, with no idea how you got there, sounds like it might just trump this thread.