AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. exbeardy

    Grudges and loyalties: A member questionnaire.

    I guess I have been pretty lucky, (or just don't go to enough rooms) but none of the girls I visit on a regular basis has ever had a disagreement or grudge with another model (at least not that they have mentioned on cam) As a hypothetical situation however I guess my answer would be totally...
  2. exbeardy

    Underage Models Drinking on Cam

    Exactly and why the heck not. If there are some saddos out there who get their jollies from getting a girl drunk on cam why not fake it? There are far worse sins in the world than pretending to drink. Good luck to you I say!
  3. exbeardy

    What is your list of top 5...

    Mine (and the reasons they didn't happen) 1) Actor (not good looking enough to be a leading man and not distinctive i.e. ugly enough for character roles) 2) Singer (flat as a pancake) 3) Writer (not enough imagination or original thought) 4) Bassist (No sense of rhythm) 5) Gigolo (See answers...
  4. exbeardy

    Showing your face on MFC - madness or not?

    This is my first time starting a new thread on the forum so apologies if this is not the right place for this. When I first became a premium member on MFC I set up a very generic profile without any identifing features whatsoever. I later created an avatar (the same one I use on here) as I...
  5. exbeardy

    NEW MFC feature "RC" and Popular Rooms

    Well I did a bit of 'testing' (otherwise known as messing about because I'm bored) I checked the most popular rooms list and Amber, although off-line, appeared in the top ten. I took her off my friends list (purely for the sake of research you understand), and after logging out and in again she...
  6. exbeardy

    MUTES!!!! ( or how I call them mutants lol)

    It seems as if vast numbers of people view with the sound muted. Maybe they are in the office or have a girlfriend, wife or parent in the next room and I suppose it's hard to join in a conversation when you don't know what the main speaker is saying. Sometimes you see guys saying 'No sound...
  7. exbeardy

    Online or offline tips?

    With they added advantage that they don't die so you have to throw them out in two days. (Thought I already posted this but it didn't appear apologies if comes up twice later!)
  8. exbeardy

    NEW MFC feature "RC" and Popular Rooms

    So I'm probably the last one to work this out, but the off-line models showing in the most popular rooms bug seems to happen if you have them in your friends list. For some reason if your friend is in the top room list when they log out they stay there even if you weren't logged in at the time...
  9. exbeardy

    NEW MFC feature "RC" and Popular Rooms

    Well this looks pretty cool - and maybe an alternative to *says it quietly* camscore dependance for exposure. I like that there are constantly updating room previews in the Most Popular Rooms window, easier than clicking on each models menu individually. Also an easy way to see what's happening...
  10. exbeardy


    Fetishes are like family trees - your own can be endlessly fascinating to you, but everyone else's is really boring. It's only when you share one with someone that there is any mutual interest. The sound you hear is a metaphor being stretched to breaking point
  11. exbeardy

    Daily Thoughts

    Hi Hash tags are basically quick indexes and a way to find posts about the same subject from people you don't follow. When you click on a hashtag you get shown all the most recent posts with it on, instead of having to do a dedicated search on a topic. Some progs will auto copy a hashtag if...
  12. exbeardy

    I Need Your Help Guys

    1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49 There you go - They're in there somewhere! Disclaimer:- May only work in the UK
  13. exbeardy

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Sorry if I should have posted here first but joined last week to post something inane after a fortnight of lurking which Amber quickly pointed out was wrong anyway. I'm exbeardy - I found MFC in early Jan and have met some really nice people both sides of the cam. We shall not speak of those...
  14. exbeardy

    The Pros and Cons of Whales

    The best way to con a whale is to tell them there's a huge shoal of krill round the next archipelago and they will fall for it every time. (my only excuse for this post is two empty bottles of wine and a poor sense of humour
  15. exbeardy

    Have you maintained your resolution thus far?

    Well now let's see Give up smoking - Failed - got given 500 for Christmas which it would have been a waste to throw out Clean out storage room - Attempted - One small bag of rubbish now sitting in hall instead of store Get my house on the market to sell by Easter - not yet started...
  16. exbeardy


    Oh sorry thought they were for real after they 'announced' a service break last night before it hit. Guess it just hit them first. Will unfollow. ps Great Site Amber pps thanks for welcome GreatDane
  17. exbeardy


    According to the tweets on @MissMFC2011 there are major server problems. The last tweet said it may be down for several hours! (BTW this is my first post on this great site - thought it would be a question not and answer lol) (UPDATE - Aparently all fixed and coming back up now)