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A safe space to get it all out of your system and not pollute other threads or topics with your worries/woes/frustrations. As long as the 1st Amendment exists, so does your voice.
I don't know about anyone else, but my mental health issues have gotten so much worse since this wannabe dictator won. It's scary and insufferable.
Let me introduce you to Todd,

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I’d just like to say that, similar to the rich dude causing havoc, I’m a private citizen, unelected, and not appointed to any officially recognized position.

And if I assembled a team of folks, barged into classified government areas, started deleting data, firing people who don’t work for me, plugging in hard drives to government networks, locking out the people who maintain the networks and installing/downloading god knows what….

I’d be under the jail already.
The US has fallen or more accurately been given away willingly. If you are American and don't have a passport already get one asap because I expect those to be removed or not issued for those who are supposedly dissidents.
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I feel betrayed. I feel ashamed of the people who did this. I'm point blank terrified. Anyone's guess what comes next.
tarriffs wouldn't be a problem today if we still had manufacturing and factory jobs like in midcentury. republicans and neoliberals allowed for US businesses to move manufacturing to asia for the past 30-40 years. we import nearly all our products and raw materials.

history lesson on why I'm really freaking out because i feel like i was the only one paying attention in 10th-grade us history and 11th-grade economics. the fucking great depression was greatly influenced because there was an act that raised tariffs on imported goods by 20%. and those countries retaliated by raising theirs. then president hoover (a republican) supported and wouldn't veto. trump's fucking tariffs are 25%. when that act was placed, we still had a booming industrial economy.

I'm so glad I'm back in no-contact with my dad. i don't want hear about his job at a scrap yard in the rust belt is closing again because trump (who he voted for) imposed tariffs on metals... again.
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The fucking mind game behind this whole movement still astounds me. It was decades in the making, but it really accelerated in the past 30 years or so.

  • Discredit the entities that hold you accountable so the masses won’t believe them anymore (“media are the enemy of the people” is the big ruse here… media is far from perfect, but for those journalists who do things ethically & do it well, it remains the best way outside of literal law enforcement to hold power to accountability and keep the people informed)
  • Set up alternative sources of “truth” and use them to spread your ideology and lies (started with conservative radio, then cable networks, and now on social platforms)
  • Convince the masses that your opposition isn’t just in disagreement with you, but that they’re literally evil and actively working to destroy all that you hold dear (I’m old enough to remember when you could dislike an opposing party’s platform without thinking they were Satan)
  • Feed the paranoia and stoke the hidden fears of your base (all the boogeymen are real and they’re targeting you directly)
  • Keep everyone angry at all times (people stop listening to reason when they’re angry)
  • If they’re not angry, make them afraid (fear is a great motivator, and it also makes the fearful easier to manipulate… Orange Man once explicitly told Bob Woodward great leaders do it through fear)
  • Once your followers are convinced that the people who COULD hold you to account are actual enemies, any attempt to hold you to account from that point forward will be dismissed as lies, because those folks have been miscast as being dishonest and evil
  • Whip your followers into such a manufactured rage that THEY’ll physically attack institutions in order to defend YOUR crimes (J6)
  • Dare the justice system to have the balls to enforce laws against you (at this stage, they hesitate, because the climate makes them fear the consequences of doing what’s right)
  • Continue telling your brainwashed base everything you’re doing is righteous and just, and is a “power to the people” movement you’re doing JUST FOR THEM (Musk is somehow pulling this bullshit off, despite there being no hard evidence of him ever doing anything for anyone, ever, if it didn’t primarily benefit himself)
  • Now, every crime you commit can be done in broad daylight because the folks defending the laws are too chickenshit to cross you, because if they do, a militia of unbathed, toothless fucks with red hats will descend upon them
They removed their checks & balances first. Then they built their defense mechanism (the brainwashed masses). Then they went in to finish the heist, knowing they could get away with it.

(Sorry for the rant.)
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If you are American and don't have a passport already get one asap because I expect those to be removed or not issued for those who are supposedly dissidents.

Americans have to pay taxes no matter where they go, they do not have the 183 day tax rule almost every other country has. They have feie discount and things like that to appeal the masses but for high earners (the people Uncle Sam cares about) there's no escape unless you denounce citizenship and even then there's exit taxes.

Trump says he's going to change that, we will see.

Live right now.

I'm bawling my eyes out.
I feel betrayed. I feel ashamed of the people who did this. I'm point blank terrified. Anyone's guess what comes next.
Watch some docos on the Nazis and you'll get the idea. Discredit the news outlets, get the main tools of propaganda under your control (social media in this case). Make them bend the knee. Start singling out people as being to blame for everything - trans people, immigrants. It's very worrying. A difficult watch as a non-American so must be utterly terrifying as an American.
Watch some docos on the Nazis and you'll get the idea. Discredit the news outlets, get the main tools of propaganda under your control (social media in this case). Make them bend the knee. Start singling out people as being to blame for everything - trans people, immigrants. It's very worrying. A difficult watch as a non-American so must be utterly terrifying as an American.
We were ALL taught about WWII and the Holocaust. Even in the most podunk of towns in this country, you knew about Nazis and the Holocaust. And how it all came to be...what we didn't know is that people like Nixon and Reagan thought it was a great fucking idea!

Liberal media.jpg
We were ALL taught about WWII and the Holocaust. Even in the most podunk of towns in this country, you knew about Nazis and the Holocaust. And how it all came to be...what we didn't know is that people like Nixon and Reagan thought it was a great fucking idea!
Possibly the most horrifying aspect of this for me is that I don't for a second believe that Trump or Musk are actually Nazis. Deeply unpleasant humans yes, but ultimately too self-centred to follow any kind of ideology other than personal greed. These are just awful men cosplaying as Nazis in order to increase their own personal wealth and power. Of course in doing so, it opens the door for the real Nazis who make up their fan base.
Possibly the most horrifying aspect of this for me is that I don't for a second believe that Trump or Musk are actually Nazis. Deeply unpleasant humans yes, but ultimately too self-centred to follow any kind of ideology other than personal greed. These are just awful men cosplaying as Nazis in order to increase their own personal wealth and power. Of course in doing so, it opens the door for the real Nazis who make up their fan base.
No dear. They ARE Nazis. Plain and simple. If you sit at a table with 9 Nazis, there are 10 Nazis at the table. Period.
The big question is how do you de-program 80 million cult members.
The big question is how do you de-program 80 million cult members.

It won’t happen overnight. I think it takes some combination of the folllowing:

  • They personally feel consequences too severe to overlook or blame-shift away from their leader. Poverty, for example.
  • Get them off social media (step 1 in the process of re-learning how to think for themselves/think critically)
  • Give them an overwhelming amount of real-world examples of their manufactured “bad guys” (liberals, immigrants, LGBTQ, anyone they’ve been trained to think of as an enemy) legitimately being good, decent and helpful to them in their everyday lives, their neighborhoods, their churches, their workplaces. Put their real-life experiences with these folks directly at odds with the bad things they’ve been told about them.
I hate to type this out loud (lol) but... I wish our D representatives would behave more like R reps for a bit and just take their muzzles off. Ever since the era of Trump (2015 and since) there's this viciousness on the R side that has obliterated the "proper" party just because they fight with their teeth out and don't care about the carnage. And I HATE that, but we know you can only fight fire with fire. I hate that the righteous side suffers because they are TOO polite.

What can our D reps do to stand up for what's right?

Kill their masters.
I know this is figure of speech and there's no murder to be called for, but yes this. Something needs to be done to take down the pillars of their misguided leadership.
Americans have to pay taxes no matter where they go, they do not have the 183 day tax rule almost every other country has. They have feie discount and things like that to appeal the masses but for high earners (the people Uncle Sam cares about) there's no escape unless you denounce citizenship and even then there's exit taxes.

Trump says he's going to change that, we will see.
Oh I wasn't referring to taxes. I meant for actual safety especially if you are a POC or LGBTQ. I am American and live outside of the US and can confirm that the tax situation is a PITA regardless of politics.
I hate the smell of blood so yes I was being facetious, but the point remains the dragons must be slayed and their hoard distributed equitably.
I know the hope is faint, but if they could see the irony of their comments...

The big question is how do you de-program 80 million cult members.

They personally feel consequences too severe to overlook or blame-shift away from their leader. Poverty, for example.

100% this.

When the middle class becomes all but obsolete. When people have to start selling off all their assets just to afford groceries and rent/mortgage. When their family members, loved ones and children start dying because they cannot afford healthcare. When they are forced to work 2 or more jobs on top of the job they currently work just to survive.

If there's one thing people care about more than culture war stuff, it's money. Fuck with someone's money and you'll see just how quick they are to turn on you.

And if there's one thing Trump has proven time and time again over the many decades he's been in the public eye as a businessman, it's that he's not a good businessman and terrible when it comes to anything money related.

Once most of the middle class Americans are living in poverty, I think that's when a lot of Trump supporters will start to turn on Trump. Anything short of that, nope. He's insulted them time and time again, calling them uneducated and essentially calling them sheep. They cheered. He's degraded and tried (and has) stripping away the rights of people his followers do not like or think is beneath them. They cheered. He's lied again and again and again and all his followers did was make justifications and excuses. Literally, nothing short of Trump making their lives unliveable will cause them to stop blindly following him.

And honestly, I truly believe that time will come. But the damage will be almost beyond repairable at that point.

Something else I've been wanting to vent about:

I think what really pisses me off (well, let's be real, it all pisses me off) is the fact that every single Republican/conservative I know is all about "l3sS g0v iNt3rVEnti0N", yet they fucking jizz themselves whenever there's blatant government overreach that hurts people they don't like or agree with. Because when it comes to abortion rights, women's reproductive rights, trans rights, gay rights, etc they're all like "Yes, big daddy government, do your thang". Party of small government my ass.
Anybody interested in reading about voters' "Buyers Remorse", There is a great new subreddit called r/LeopardsAteMyFace
From the sub-reddits description...

'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. Revel in the schadenfreude anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for or supported or wanted to impose on other people.