AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Sawasdee Ka

Hello I am Jaa from Bangkok, Thailand how are you? Well now it is 4:30am and i am in Vietnam with my client and he is sleeping after 5 hour of Tease and Denial i decide ya let him have orgasm and keep going 2 more time so make him cum with no stop in 5 minutes. Ya that is what i do i am bdsm mistress here but i do that with sexy playful teasing style of bdsm not crazy pain like in dungeon.

So i have one client say to me before... 'one thai girl pornsawan has amazing show on mfc and go take a look.' She is cool and after i look at many girl here i think ya i want to try that too. Only 3 time i try on camera already and honest i am still try to learn from all these girl how to do that.

Most hard for me is to read what you guy say but i am trying :) ..i live before in Toronto Canada 5 year and Panama for 1 year and now in Vietnam my last day this is 10 country i see in the world. I am comfortable to talk and type back in English and am learning slowly haha what you guy are saying to me. Even 'bb' take me 1 day to find what that mean :woops:

Ok so hello that is me. If you want to know what i am like i will put video and i have my blog and video youtube blog too if you like to see more crazy Jaa. Dont laugh too much at me ok or i tie you up and spank your balls :shock:

Hello, I'm BebopBlue. Such a great forum you have here AmberCutie.

Finally getting around to joining. Power is out and I'm hotspotting from my phone to my iPad. This forum is keeping me busy since my job is based online (not a model, I do tech support).

OMG, the power just came back on. :dance:

Back to wifi. May skip work today though.
GAR BEAR and NICK. You guys didn`t tell me you finally signed up!! I see free boobie flashes in your future :-D
Hello everyone,

I am here to AmberCutie Forums from MFC, just waiting to be approved as a Verified Cam Girl on here, I found this forum as I was looking for a way to communicate with some of the other models on MFC and gain some knowledge and advice!

I started on MFC about a week and half ago, which I am absolutely loving, although I have had a few late nights, just for the fact that, I can't keep myself away, and I always want to log on! Addiction, I think!

Anyway, looking forward to getting to know all you lovely ladies!
Hi all,

Am Zoomer123 at MFC and have probably not been in most of the ladies rooms who post here *blushes*
Found the site...not sure how actually, but was really impressed by this site and found some of the topics really interesting/info really useful.
Other topics are outright hilarious :)

So kudos and thanks for the forum Amber et al.!
Hi....My name is Morefunner and I am an alco.....Wait? What room is this?
Morefunner said:
Hi....My name is Morefunner and I am an alco.....Wait? What room is this?
If you were going to say "Alcoho provider for the destitute", this is exactly the right room.

Welcome, at any rate.
Hey, gang. Cute place you have here. I especially like the wallpaper. Nice touch.

I'm pretty new to the MFC thing... only about two weeks or so. I've been thrilled at how friendly so many of the people have been on both sides of the camera. I like to play with "the Twitter" and have gotten to talk to a few of you there as well. I like to jabber on incessantly wherever I am, so expect that I'll make a lot of (hopefully positive and fun) noise if I'm in a chat room with you, and if you do tweet and want to follow someone who seems to have WAY too much time on his hands, feel free to find me at @bobdontdance

As Amber will attest, I like to type a lot and I like to try and entertain when I'm in chat. If you're a camgirl that needs someone talkative to spruce up your chat room, let me know and I'll come visit you. I'll also bring balloon animals and marble cake. I'm a full service chat guest. (Editor's Note: He will not share the cake, however. And all the balloon animals are aardvarks.)

Well, that's about it for now. My grandma's calling me in to play bridge. She cheats all the time. Then I have to rub her feet..... eww.
Chocolateyfun said:
Hey guys :)
I'm Mya, been on mfc for about 2 months now. Changed my name right after I registered here so my mfc name is actually ChocolateyMya. Thanks for an awesome forum, Amber!
Welcome aboard!
Hi! I'm Miss Fantine and I'm running late for class! I hope I'll get a little more set up and be able to contribute more to the forums soon.
Thanks for having me!
Hi everyone!! I'm KaRiiZzMa. You can call me Kari for short. I'm also a model on MFC. I love playing games on my xbox and listening to music!
JoleneJolene said:
JickyJuly said:
Hi all! :hello2:

Heya, Jicky! Sooooo glad you joined up!
Thank you for putting me on the path! :animals-worm:
About time I do this.
I am Magellan, Lord to few, annoying to many, funny (to me, at least).
I've given Amber all of my webcam firsts- first posts, first tokens, first group.
I tend to leave a cam up while doing something else, so I don't post a lot, but usually I'm lurking on Mondays. I work through the rest of the week so I miss out. And that makes me have violent thoughts.
But Mondays make up for it. Like right now....... God Damn!
PrincessDaisy said:
Hello you can call me daisy. I'm a cam girl (awaiting status) and I'm pretty sure I am friendly.

I am also very proud of this. Maybe I shouldn't be but still it's awesome. Yes I do play game, I'm good too.
I haven't played the game so I dun care about that, but your desktop wallpaper is fucking awesome.
Nordick said:
PrincessDaisy said:
Hello you can call me daisy. I'm a cam girl (awaiting status) and I'm pretty sure I am friendly.

I am also very proud of this. Maybe I shouldn't be but still it's awesome. Yes I do play game, I'm good too.
I haven't played the game so I dun care about that, but your desktop wallpaper is fucking awesome.
lol ty ty
Hi. I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, and I've finally decided to create an account. I like the community here, so hopefully we'll have a good time.