I've found that the VHS Vault on the Internet Archive is a good source for old movies taped off television. If you don't mind an edited cut and old US cable commercials, here's an old TBS Superstation movie night broadcast.
So basically a reality show LOLpretty straightforward White House conspiracy plot but nicely done.
Meh, the reality of what's going on there right now is definitely not 'nicely done' though IMHOSo basically a reality show LOL
Thanks for recommending this, started yesterday, we love itWhy Women Kill.
A dark comedy series from the creator of Desperate Housewives. Edge of the seat twists and turns. Lots of WTF plot twists. Very funny dark humor
On Hulu 10/10
I wondered the same thing recently, although it was romantic comedies appearing in my suggestions..... ugh.I can't figure out if spy thrillers are flooding the streaming services or if I've just already watched all the good tv and all that remains is spy thrillers![]()
I wondered the same thing recently, although it was romantic comedies appearing in my suggestions..... ugh.
Realised that was because a friend house-sat for me for a month and used my Netflix account.
Gonna take ages to re-train those algorithms![]()
Have you seen the new show? It's a prequelCurrently re-watching series 1 of Dexter. Forgotten how good it is!
Yep -that's what inspired me to re-watch. I'd forgotten how good it is! heheHave you seen the new show? It's a prequel
Typical British humour and a great soundtrack too![]()
Dark Matter I thought was pretty good and worth a watch as long as you dont mind the fact it never gets a conclusion because it got cancelled. Not so much with the wacky aliens but more like futuristic corporate war, kind of in the same vain as firefly or the expanse. The stargate series is pretty good too, personally I think the movie is better than the series but it's all pretty good. Into the bad lands was pretty good too but thats more futuristic / non space sci fi ( I kind of get mad max vibes from it).I've been slowly working my way through The Expanse for a while. I'm almost at the end of season 2. It's a great show, if a little bit too, "rag-tag group of misfits always finds themselves conveniently embroiled in the middle of world-changing events." Still, it's nice to have a show with characters I actually like and want to root for, and a story that moves along at a pace that isn't frustrating. After every episode, I actually want to keep watching, which, frankly, is an uncommon occurrence for me with post-2010 shows.
Still, I want to give more new stuff a shot, so I've been poking around for more interesting sci-fi and fantasy. I've watched the first episodes of Legion, 3 Body Problem, and Bodies. I have the feeling that I might bounce off Legion, but I think I'll give it at least another episode or 2 to catch me. 3 Body Problem and Bodies started strong out of the gate. Also, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell had a strong first episode.
What I'm really looking for is weird, out there, quirky stuff, like sci-fi and fantasy TV used to be, 1960s-1990s stuff, or stuff that has that feel -- episodic technicolor fever dreams filled with wacky aliens/creatures and nutty premises. Old Star Trek, Buck Rogers, OG Battlestar Galactica, old Gerry Anderson shows, Farscape, Lexx, Red Dwarf, old school anime, and that sort of stuff. It's too bad oddball and colorful isn't fashionable anymore. Except for anime, I guess.
Anyone watch any sci-fi shows recently that you found really entertaining, or blew you away?