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what systems do you have?

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I've got a 360, Wii, PS3, 3DS, and still have a working SNES.

I've found I dislike the new 360 dashboard (it may be better with a Kinect), so I seem to be buying games for my new PS3, lately. Despite really hating the tiny ass controller, which I keep pressing L2 on accident on, as I try to rest my finger on it. And I've grown to not hate the XMB nearly as much as I did on my bluray player.
I currently have an XBox360 with Kinect and a Wii, but I only have a couple games for the Wii. I pretty much grew up on Nintendo and a few PC games. Eventually I'll break down and get a Playstation so I can play online with my sister. :)
Old: Magnavox Oddessy, Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox, GameCube with GBA Player.

Current: Xbox 360, PS3.

Unfortunately, after playing Skyrim for over 200 hours in a short amount of time, I seem to have killed my 360's disk drive. I forgot to install it.

I don't play a lot of games on my PS3. In fact, as a general rule, I despise the PS3. The controller is garbage for most genres, the craptastic OS it has, the excruciatingly long downloads on the PSN (I'm on a 20 Mb/sec down 5Mb/sec up connection, so it isn't my connection), the install times of downloaded games, the PSN being garbage for just about every game... In short, if it wasn't for the few exclusives I do like (Uncharted series, Killzone 3 Multiplayer, DCUO) and Mortal Kombat, it would only be used as a bluray player or to watch Amazon Prime videos.

For me, the 360 is my preferred gaming system... The controller works great for most genres (not for fighting games, the PS3 controller wins there), downloads are relatively fast, no extra install time after downloading a game off of Xbox Live (just DL and play...), Xbox Live is universes better than the PSN in pretty much every way, the OS is simple to navigate and effective... Just worlds better than the PS3, for me.

mynameisbob84 said:
I own a 360 and a PS3. Got the 360 when they were still new and convinced myself I didn't need a PS3 for a long time. Finally broke and got one and while my 360 served me well, the PS3 has become my system of choice. I keep the 360 for the rare must-own exclusives (which reminds me I still need to get Gears of War 3) but find the PS3 to be a better console - capable of lovelier graphics, better exclusives, better online store, free online play and better exclusives.

Capable of beter graphics and actually producing said graphics are two different things. I find most PS3 titles to look washed out, and only a few of the first party exclusives really seem to show the potential power of the PS3. Multiplatform games tend to look beter on the 360, overall; since the 360 has better blacks and colors. And, yes, I use HDMI for both consoles, so it's not like I have the 360 hooked up through HDMI and the PS3 through composite cables.

Beter exclusives is going to be a matter of taste. Yes, the Uncharted games are great, to me. But I care nothing for God of War, MGS4, and most of the other exclusives. I do enjoy the Killzone 3 Multiplayer, though, and did find MAG fun for a while. But LBP is always a good time.

The free online play... here is where I can't disagree more. Sure, it's free... but you get what you pay for. It's slow when downloading new system updates/patches/bought content. There's no universal party system (hell, most online games don't even have a party system that works on the PS3), The absolute trouble it is to invite and/or join friends in games. The infamous PSN network hack that took the whole network down for weeks... Just because it's free, doesn't make it better. I nmany ways, the PSN being free makes it worse than Xbox Live.

As to the store... I find it hard to navigate at times, and the search function rarely ever brings up the game I am looking for. Plus, as I said before, when you do download something off the store, it can take forever and a day to finally finish downloading, and then it has to install. It is nice, though, that videos/movies and games are packaged in the same store, over having to go to the Zune Marketplace on Xbox Live for videos/movies.
Old: Atari, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Playstation, Playstation 2, Xbox, Origianal Gamboy, Gamboy Color, Gameboy Advance, and a PSP.

New: Xbox 360, Platsation 3, Wii, and the Gameboy 3DS.

I only recently bought my PS3 about a month ago and I have owned a 360 since it first came out, so at the moment its hard to judge which console I like better. I only own a few Playstation games and although they are fantastic I am more use to the 360 controls. I will say I use to be a huge Playstation fan girl, but I need to spend a little more time getting back into Playstation before I can judge.
Let's see, currently I have a PS2, Xbox Original, GameCube, Xbox 360, Wii and PS3.

The 360 was the first of the current generation that I purchased a couple of years ago. The Wii was my brother's who donated it to me as a Christmas re-gift, and I bought the PS3 a few months ago.

Most of the gaming I do right now comes from the 360. It's my default system for cross-platform games. I find myself only firing up the others for their content-exclusives...
PS3 (is my favorite right now)
N64 :h:
Gameboy Color
And we also use our PCs for gaming

When I was a growing up, we had just about every system, but the older ones (most notably for me, our Intellivision which was our first console) were stolen. My brother got every system, as they came out, for Christmas, so though I played all of them a lot growing up, once I moved out I realized that I got kind of screwed because all of the systems belonged to him! I've been trying to get them all together ever since!
Here in the states:
PS3 broken though :(

In Mexico:
GameBoy Color
PC x2

I'm hoping to get the Wii U when it comes out & a DS around Xmas time. ^.^
Current is a 1st Gen PS3 and a PC. There's also a DS, PSP and Wii kicking around.

After giving up MMOs (Eve Online) the PC became relegated to Civ only.

The PS3 had the games I liked and didn't sound like a jet engine. My gaming time has dropped dramatically, but I still like to blast around burnout and SSX. I'd buy skyrim, but still haven't got round to finishing Fallout or opening the 2nd one. My game collection while out-dated seems to still be shrink wrapped :( work and life have a lot to answer for :lol:
ps3 is the only one I have right now cause I can watch blurays and stream netflix. I love the wii tho, I should really just get one.
I don't actually play any of them much anymore but I have:
GameBoy Advance
GameBoy Colour
Laptop - with Sega Megadrive and N64 emulators
just put in a 128gb OCZ solid state drive, it's pretty nice windows boots up in about 10 seconds. It actually spends more time on the bios screens lol. Can't wait til they're affordable enough to use as a main drive.
Jupiter551 said:
just put in a 128gb OCZ solid state drive, it's pretty nice windows boots up in about 10 seconds. It actually spends more time on the bios screens lol. Can't wait til they're affordable enough to use as a main drive.
I'm jealous, that's the next big upgrade I plan on making to my computer.
The prices seem to be coming down fairly quickly so hopefully I can do that soon.
also worth verifying that your mb sata III port can run at full speed. Was peeved to find out the way mine (asus sabertooth x58) is set up it runs considerably slower than it should. Still nice and fast, but I think I'd need to change from an X58 board to get full speed and then I'd need a new cpu etc etc..
Currently: Xbox 360, Xbox, PS3, PS2, PS1,PSP,Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, Original Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Virtual Boy, GBA, and GBA SP. I'm pretty sure that's all of them...and next week I'll be adding the Wii U to the list.

I've owned: DS Lite, 3DS, DSi XL,Wii, Sega Genesis, and Sega Dreamcast.

My favorite current gen would be PS3 as I'm a Square Enix kinda gal. Otherwise I love SNES and PS1, speaking of which, I need to play Tomba again :)
PC, XboX, PS3 and iPad

PC for WOW, some strategy games and Football Manager (guys outside of EU may not know this game as well)
PS3 for when I'm in hardcore gaming mood
Xbox for when I'm more casual and want to be more social (use the Kinect when I have friends round)
iPad for when I'm nowhere near the other 3!
Let's see... This is just what I've got now, I've sold a few. Personally, I have a Wii, DS, PSP, and PS2. However, my boyfriend has a PS3, 360, and a gaming PC, so I'm pretty set. I would have gotten the things he has by now, but luckily I just steal them away from him. :evil4: Unfortunately with new gens making their way, I'm going to have to recollect.
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3 Xbox
1 PS1
1 PS2
1 GameCube
1 Xbox 360, currently on the 4th due to RROD
1 PS3 slim, had an original fat but it died
1 Wii
1 DS Lite

An Atari 2600 controller thing that plus directly into a TV with about half a dozen games pre installed on it.

I used to have the 3 Xbox's networked for Halo 1 & 2 LAN parties back in the day, fun times. The only things that I play games on currently, are my PC and maybe my android phone. The PS3 has been reduced to playing Blurays and streaming netflix, all of the other systems are currently living in boxes never to be played again.
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