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What makes you RAGE!

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AmberCutie said:
CamgirlsRmyHeroes said:
Oh, also: the song "Ironic" by Alanis Morrisette actually makes me rage more since the examples used within her song are not actually irony.

i was going to mention this common mis-usage of ironic and when i looked up Ironic on i got

coincidental; unexpected: It was ironic that I was seated next to my ex-husband at the dinner.

changing the definition of a word because of common misuse that makes me rage. FU
RufffRider said:
AmberCutie said:
CamgirlsRmyHeroes said:
Oh, also: the song "Ironic" by Alanis Morrisette actually makes me rage more since the examples used within her song are not actually irony.

i was going to mention this common mis-usage of ironic and when i looked up Ironic on i got

coincidental; unexpected: It was ironic that I was seated next to my ex-husband at the dinner.

changing the definition of a word because of common misuse that makes me rage. FU
9th grade English teacher:

"The only thing ironic about her song is that none of the examples are irony."

Cartoons make everything easier to understand :mclap or for this forum :dance: + :clap:

Previous rage against misspelling of probably makes me realize why i type prolly more often.
so long the list of stuff that makes me rage, primarily people that are too stupid to do even the simplest things by them selves.

at the moment i is raging cuz MFC just said": We were unable to authenticate your account. Contact us for assistance. Sorry for the inconvenience.

:angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4: :angry4:

also people on MSN that type 20 lines of text using only 3 or less words PER line and type those 20 lines in less then 7 seconds PISS me off greatly.

Edit: Account still not usable. not even a response yet from MFC :(
No replies since September? Hmm, well here is my list.

1) People chewing with their mouths open, especially when they're making that loud chomping sound.

2) When my dog licks himself. Not just his crotch, but any area of his body. He's old and slow so all I hear is "Slllluuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrp......ssssssslllllllluuuuurrrrrppppppppp...." for about 30 minutes if I don't stop him.

3) ARROGANCE. Seriously. I HATE arrogant people. It makes me so furious. :x

4) When people complain about something that isn't even their problem.

5) People who don't know how to give compliments...or constructive criticism. Just give criticism and expect you to work with it.

6) KNOW IT ALLS. Especially people who claim to be SUPER smart and just so happen to know EVERYTHING over the internet. For real, who the fuck knows the chemicals in the ingredients of toothpaste and other random pointless shit like that? (I know someone who has claimed to know this before right off hand...she also claims she graduated college with an IQ of 176 but now she's a hair stylist. I say she Graduated from UofG. University of Google. :lol: )

I'm sure there are more I could think of.
When people ask me why I "use English class words" in day to day conversation. Makes me ill with rage, and I wanna smack the stupid off of them. Half the time when this happens it's after I've used a relatively common word that may be just above the level of your average rap star's lyrical prowess, and people are like "huh?" .... I guess the tl:dr version of this is I fucking hate stupid people.
jebbaz said:
When people ask me why I "use English class words" in day to day conversation. Makes me ill with rage, and I wanna smack the stupid off of them. Half the time when this happens it's after I've used a relatively common word that may be just above the level of your average rap star's lyrical prowess, and people are like "huh?" .... I guess the tl:dr version of this is I fucking hate stupid people.
I completely agree with you on this.
The place I used to work was full of people like that, the girl I was dating at the time, who was one of the few exceptions, told me a story about using the word precarious to describe the way a pallet of something was stacked and the supervisor accused her of calling him retarded.
If I knew where this low-life was...

A prankster’s calls to military families with news that their loved ones have been killed in Afghanistan are being castigated as “insensitive, amoral and disgusting.”

The Canadian military is investigating.

A spokesman for Quebec’s CFB Valcartier says a prankster phoned several families, including one soldier’s wife to say her husband had been killed by a bomb on the battlefield.

Defence Minister Peter MacKay called such crank calls “despicable.”

“Military personnel should not be needlessly worried about their families when they are fighting for our country in far away lands,” MacKay said Wednesday in a statement.

“Military families, who also make incredible sacrifices in Canada’s name, should never be the target of such an insensitive, amoral and disgusting act.”

Lt. Dennis Noel of CFB Valcartier said one woman answered the call in the middle of the night last week.

“She received a prank call saying that her husband was killed in Afghanistan by an IED (improvised explosive device),” he said ….

This and an earlier story from Postmedia News refer to these acts as “pranks”, while QMI/Sun Media uses terms like “death prankster” and “heartless pranksters” ( refers to “crank calls”). Here’s various definitions of “prank”:
I actually appreciate the revival of this thread. Lots of new users since it's been active, we need more ragers! :evil:
Might as well assist in breathing life into this thing.

The list of what pisses me off is long and varied, but if I were to keep it breif enough to be readable I suppose the top of the list would look like this:

1. Hypocrisy
2. Self-Enforced Ignorance
3. People who Refuse to be Accountable for Their Own Actions
4. Anyone who Teaches Children Any of the Above
If this thread is back from the dead, does that make it a zombie thread?

Anyway, my new rage is the fact that a local radio station started playing nothing but Christmas songs last week and will continue with them until New Year's Day.

Listen, I do NOT need to hear 15 different renditions of Jingle Bells in 1 day. No sane person would be able to tolerate that!
Mikeythegeek said:
If this thread is back from the dead, does that make it a zombie thread?

Anyway, my new rage is the fact that a local radio station started playing nothing but Christmas songs last week and will continue with them until New Year's Day.

Listen, I do NOT need to hear 15 different renditions of Jingle Bells in 1 day. No sane person would be able to tolerate that!

I second this. This is one of the many reasons I don't go out to stores/listen to the radio during the holiday season. Thanksgiving isn't even done and over with and people want to spread Xmas cheer. Yeah, no. :x
TwistedPair said:
Might as well assist in breathing life into this thing.

The list of what pisses me off is long and varied, but if I were to keep it breif enough to be readable I suppose the top of the list would look like this:

1. Hypocrisy
2. Self-Enforced Ignorance
3. People who Refuse to be Accountable for Their Own Actions
4. Anyone who Teaches Children Any of the Above

WOW...sounds like somebody walks on water. :eek:
When I try my absolute hardest to be good to people and they use that to manipulate me....then I'm not so good to them....and they wake up with fish heads in their bed.

THAT and, that stupid god damn G6 song....I want it to die, so it will stop interrupting my thoughts with it's catchy repetitive garbageness.
Inappropriate capitalization. :angryfire:

Seriously, I don't rage that much anymore. Raging against ignorance or injustice is like raging against the weather; it won't teach or feed anyone and it won't make you or anyone else drier or warmer. These things might piss me off, but raging never convinces anyone of anything or persuades anyone to become a better person. Those things require commitment, and rage does not.
Frankie said:
Mikeythegeek said:
If this thread is back from the dead, does that make it a zombie thread?

Anyway, my new rage is the fact that a local radio station started playing nothing but Christmas songs last week and will continue with them until New Year's Day.

Listen, I do NOT need to hear 15 different renditions of Jingle Bells in 1 day. No sane person would be able to tolerate that!

I second this. This is one of the many reasons I don't go out to stores/listen to the radio during the holiday season. Thanksgiving isn't even done and over with and people want to spread Xmas cheer. Yeah, no. :x

^^THIS^^ Unfortunately, I work in a mall.... they have been playing Christmas music since the week after Halloween. OMFG, are you fuckin' serious? It's so ridiculous! I hear the same damn song in stereo outside of the mall, in my store, the hold music when I am on hold with Customer Care.... it's just a little silly. I am SO happy when Christmas is over just because they stop playing these stupid songs! And you want to know the REAL kicker? I'm JEWISH!!!
Autumn reminded me of another peeve of mine that always appears this time of year.

All these people who think that stores should be having "Christmas" sales instead of "Holiday" sales and people who think you should be saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays."

Newsflash dipshits- NOT EVERYBODY CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS! Some celebrate Hanukkah. Some celebrate Kwanzaa. Some celebrate Festivus!

Anyone who bitches about holiday sales and being told Happy Holidays should have Boxing Day come early for them. POW! RIGHT IN THE KISSER!
jebbaz said:
When people ask me why I "use English class words" in day to day conversation. Makes me ill with rage, and I wanna smack the stupid off of them. Half the time when this happens it's after I've used a relatively common word that may be just above the level of your average rap star's lyrical prowess, and people are like "huh?" .... I guess the tl:dr version of this is I fucking hate stupid people.
It kinda pisses me off that i search for the simpler word to avoid this from happening to me, but i can't help it.
When people ask me if they can have a private show and use the private tokens to buy things. Ehhh?

not having the ability to admit fault and/or take responsbility for ones actions. As well as pushing all of your faults onto another and manipulating it to make it that persons fault.

judgemental people, especially in the area when they want to judge whats best for your life instead of offer support on what you decide as the best course of action for your life.

liars... enough said with this one word

drunks... I have no patience for drunk people and have only experienced negative things while someone was drunk.

Know it alls, more to the fact that i am coherently speaking to you and you tell me that is not what you mean this is what you mean... I am like did i stutter, can you read my mind?

beggars... not referring to mfc but the beggars there are certianly annoying... rather like my sister always asking for money or the fact that i have had to ask for dollars lately... yes i rage at myself

too much furniture... yes... its one room... why overcrowd the bitch with a million and one chairs and end tables

people who do not or choose not to listen... or no matter what you say or strive to do its ive heard that before... or when i see it ill believe it...

all around negative people.. sure have a bad day... rant and rage if you need to... but damn why does every fucking day have to have something wrong.... even i can find the positive in things... you just have to be willing to fucking look

predefined ideas of what people should be... societys idea of what is acceptable or not... open your minds to the possiblities of what is different and alluring... free yourself from what has been pounded into your mind by society from the day you were born... fuck... we dont all have to have a 9 to 5 job and look like a politicians wife....
:text-goodpost: plus people who try to take or damage what I have worked soooo hard for.
People who teach children to be ignorant racist assholes.

The holiday music thing.

The fact that Christmas is the only holiday which has such things. Why can't more people come up with Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving songs? And why the hell don't the radio's do that with the 4th of July songs? 4th of July is a holiday that no American should deny.

The fact that winter songs get lumped in with Christmas songs. "Jingle Bells" has not one mention of Christmas in it. Yet, instead of being played all Winter, it's played through half of fall and stopped as soon as New Years is over. And I actually had someone upset because I played songs that were Winter songs after New Years. "Why are you playing Christmas Music?"

I was all like "And where in the song is Christmas mentioned?"

BTW- expect Cthulhu Carols in my room this year :p

(DUDE, you need to check out the spellcheck's suggestions for Cthulhu! Thulium, Thule, Schultz ROFL)
In our area, they had Xmas up in store the week before Halloween. We had Xmas displays up at work the 27th of SEPT!!! I boycotted, and refused to even acknowledge that we had it till Nov 1st. The sad thing: rude ass jerks arguing over the shit! In Sept! Grrrr
Hehe I actually LOVE Christmas music (and decorations). But only at Christmas time. :p

But another thing that I was just reminded of because of Black Friday is PEOPLE CUTTING ME IN LINE. I have a long list of instances in which I've cussed people out and made a scene because of rude ass people thinking no one will say anything to them if they cut a bunch of people in a 2 hour long line.

*Note- not any Black Friday lines because I'm not crazy enough to stand in line for something on sale for that long...more like rides at an amusement park or something :cool:
LadyLuna said:
The fact that Christmas is the only holiday which has such things. Why can't more people come up with Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving songs? And why the hell don't the radio's do that with the 4th of July songs? 4th of July is a holiday that no American should deny.

When I worked at Walgreens several years ago, the 4th of July was my least favorite holiday to work on, because they would play "patriotic" songs the entire day. Mostly this was comprised of "Proud to Be an American" and big band renditions of "Stars and Stripes Forever". The Christmas season itself was more stressful because it lasted so long and customers were grumpy, but musically? I'd take Christmas songs over 4th of July songs any day.

Oh, I just remembered -- they did the same thing for Halloween a couple of years. "Thriller" by Michael Jackson, "The Monster Mash" and even the theme from The X-files and the Exorcist! (I didn't mind those nearly as much for some reason.)
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