AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

What makes you RAGE!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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I read a comment today where someone (in horrible grammar btw) denounced the benefits of natural products because "years of testing in laboratories couldn't be wrong" (shampoo and other beauty products). Astounding level of ignorance. :eek: :evil: :eek:

Someone needs to brush up on the FDA regulations and learn a little bit about how most products available for human use are actually barely passable as safe. I love my horrid sulfate-filled shampoo too, but I'm not going to sit up here and claim that it's the best possible option for my hair (amongst other products). It's cheap and it works. The FDA holds that view too.

Alternatively, just because something is natural doesn't mean it's good for you. But that's neither here nor there.
- people who pull others down to pull themselfs up
- people who are rude without a reason
- dumb people = people who ask the question that was answered 1 time > 3 times before understanding.. (cant help it lol)
- people who assume everyone is as good at certain things as they are.. and then call you stupid for not knowing
- sheep.. i think they look cute and everything.. but they act soo stupid
- people who act like sheep.. all walking in one direction.. and doing everything the person before them also did
- people who act like they dont speak english while they do
- people who abuse their leading position
- all programs about designers,hairdressers,models,stylists.. etc.. ugh
- smart people with an awsome job who cant even boil an egg..
depending on many factors- I can relate to everyone else's ragers too!!

But- for me, my top ones would have to be:

The TOP 1---
~Stupid/dumb drivers. Includes like 90% of the population. I admit, that a few times i've wanted to kick myself for doing something stupid, but I obey most laws & obey all common courtesies of driving & the road.
(i.e. use turn signals, drive AT LEAST the speed limit if not usually 5over lol, i stay in the right lane & pass as needed or on 3lanes i stay in middle/right & move as needed, i don't ride my brakes or put my brakes on at the last minute, i don't ride cars butts & only get a little close when on highway if your dumbass is in the fast lane when u should move over!)
-Do NOT ride my ass. Do NOT stop behind me where u are sooo close I can't even see your windshield!! I DRIVE A MANUAL/Stick shift!! I will & have rolled back on you assholes. And I will purposely roll back to see the HOLY SHIT look on your face! When I roll back & we make contact, it's your fault--learn the laws.
-If your WiPers are on- your Lights must be on!! Not sure if this is country wide federal law, but its a law here. It's is also a safety thing. When it's misty, rainy, snowy etc... visibility is minimized & if you don't have your lights on & i pull out in front of u because i couldn't see you & we crash--i guess u just bought my car! :)

~~Grocery shopping- basically- everyone is in a hurry! YOU are not special!!lol also, why can't people grasp the shopping etiquette?? kinda like driving with a cart. stay on the right side of the aisle. look behind u before u just STOP & my cart almost clips your heels. If u see someone u know, that massive group u got goin on in the middle of the aisle-should be ran over, group at your own risk & move the hell outta my way! Don't look at me like I'M stupid...
--kids. grocery shopping with all 30 of your kids should be illegal lol and I am not their parent!!! Why should I have to tell YOUR kids to move outta my way??? Thats YOUR job! YOU spread your legs, got pregnant & decided that u have NO idea what you are doing--not my fault, my responsibility! Take responsibility of your actions!!

~~Kids. Welfare. Crackheads.-- take this somewhat lightly/funny as I know many people who have every right to be on welfare, & don't abuse it, nor will be welfare retirement peeps.
---Ok, aside from the legitimate cases---- your poor/crackhead/drug dealer/a slut/prostitute-- whatever!!!! u KNOW u can not afford to have a kid. BIRTH CONTROL!!!! health dept's give out free condoms & planned parenthoods are everywhere!!!
So- u get pregnant. u have no job or a shitty one. you get on welfare. You have the baby.
THEN you get knocked up again. same dad/different dad- doesn't matter. You STAY on welfare. No job, or shitty one. Cycle repeats.
---ooook. 1st-- if You are on welfare with your 1st kid-- then u shouldn't be having anymore! I wish it was constitutional for the government to demand that u get on a birth control which is monitored by a doc or something... how does it make sense that u are allowed to keep having baby after baby while on welfare????
I WORK & PAY Taxes so that dipshits can lay around with their pussy spread open, fucking whoever & poppin out kids! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

ok- i know there's more but alot had already been mentioned & like others i believe the rage was coming out while typing & thinking of it.... lol

I need a drink....
NevaehStar said:
depending on many factors- I can relate to everyone else's ragers too!!

But- for me, my top ones would have to be:

The TOP 1---
~Stupid/dumb drivers. Includes like 90% of the population. I admit, that a few times i've wanted to kick myself for doing something stupid, but I obey most laws & obey all common courtesies of driving & the road.
(i.e. use turn signals, drive AT LEAST the speed limit if not usually 5over lol, i stay in the right lane & pass as needed or on 3lanes i stay in middle/right & move as needed, i don't ride my brakes or put my brakes on at the last minute, i don't ride cars butts & only get a little close when on highway if your dumbass is in the fast lane when u should move over!)
-Do NOT ride my ass. Do NOT stop behind me where u are sooo close I can't even see your windshield!! I DRIVE A MANUAL/Stick shift!! I will & have rolled back on you assholes. And I will purposely roll back to see the HOLY SHIT look on your face! When I roll back & we make contact, it's your fault--learn the laws.
-If your WiPers are on- your Lights must be on!! Not sure if this is country wide federal law, but its a law here. It's is also a safety thing. When it's misty, rainy, snowy etc... visibility is minimized & if you don't have your lights on & i pull out in front of u because i couldn't see you & we crash--i guess u just bought my car! :)

~~Grocery shopping- basically- everyone is in a hurry! YOU are not special!!lol also, why can't people grasp the shopping etiquette?? kinda like driving with a cart. stay on the right side of the aisle. look behind u before u just STOP & my cart almost clips your heels. If u see someone u know, that massive group u got goin on in the middle of the aisle-should be ran over, group at your own risk & move the hell outta my way! Don't look at me like I'M stupid...
--kids. grocery shopping with all 30 of your kids should be illegal lol and I am not their parent!!! Why should I have to tell YOUR kids to move outta my way??? Thats YOUR job! YOU spread your legs, got pregnant & decided that u have NO idea what you are doing--not my fault, my responsibility! Take responsibility of your actions!!

~~Kids. Welfare. Crackheads.-- take this somewhat lightly/funny as I know many people who have every right to be on welfare, & don't abuse it, nor will be welfare retirement peeps.
---Ok, aside from the legitimate cases---- your poor/crackhead/drug dealer/a slut/prostitute-- whatever!!!! u KNOW u can not afford to have a kid. BIRTH CONTROL!!!! health dept's give out free condoms & planned parenthoods are everywhere!!!
So- u get pregnant. u have no job or a shitty one. you get on welfare. You have the baby.
THEN you get knocked up again. same dad/different dad- doesn't matter. You STAY on welfare. No job, or shitty one. Cycle repeats.
---ooook. 1st-- if You are on welfare with your 1st kid-- then u shouldn't be having anymore! I wish it was constitutional for the government to demand that u get on a birth control which is monitored by a doc or something... how does it make sense that u are allowed to keep having baby after baby while on welfare????
I WORK & PAY Taxes so that dipshits can lay around with their pussy spread open, fucking whoever & poppin out kids! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

ok- i know there's more but alot had already been mentioned & like others i believe the rage was coming out while typing & thinking of it.... lol

I need a drink....

^ THIS THIS THIS!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
When tech screws up for NO apparent reason. I was all stoked to finally have about 200 new webcam pics to choose from...turns out the majority of them didn't save to the HD (even though after EVERY damn pic I was notified that they were being saved). I don't know why. I just know I want to throw this computer against the wall and smash my webcam with a hammer.
Bumped for my newest rage!!!


I am getting frustrated at going to a post in a thread mere hours after it was posted only to see

Please, people. Help contribue more win to the forum by using an image host that contributes less fail.
Jebbaz said:
I always just upload the image from my HDD...
Even better. Thank you. :)
Jebbaz said:
I always just upload the image from my HDD...

Right. The only thing the image upload feature can't do is accept files over a certain size. Which is a good thing. If you're going to post a 3000x2000 res image, you should probably downsample it first.

I suggest Jawbs should disable external image linking completely. Goodbye 'img' tag.
bawksy said:
Jebbaz said:
I always just upload the image from my HDD...

Right. The only thing the image upload feature can't do is accept files over a certain size. Which is a good thing. If you're going to post a 3000x2000 res image, you should probably downsample it first.

I suggest Jawbs should disable external image linking completely. Goodbye 'img' tag.

When done right, they actually look nicer than uploaded images since they just appear within the text instead of a big pink box. But all these other image links just shows how many people here don't read the advice/requests I post here, which makes me sad in the pants.
wow ! some of these are kinda funny :lol: :p ( flamingo`s)

anyways heres mine

when someone judges someone solely on appearance and knows no other aspect about the person

when im drooling over a shoes and they dont have my size WTF? check again ...

when im walking and men yell out " hey ma" or daymmmmm girl " ( im not a game show , shout out your answers else where)

when a mom yells at her child in public calling them stupid , or any telling them theyre worthless in a moment of anger
( i feel like i just want to swoop up the child and tell them theyre not stupid moms just angry)

and when i wake up in the morning and you ask me questions - DONT TALK TO ME :naughty:

im sure i have more but these are the onles that popped in my head ;p
AmberCutie said:
Bumped for my newest rage!!!


I am getting frustrated at going to a post in a thread mere hours after it was posted only to see

Please, people. Help contribue more win to the forum by using an image host that contributes less fail.

Adding them to my online pic storage now. I don't think I have posted too many pics that have failed to load tho, but it's always good to have a backup location to use.
My rage today.
Whiners, people who bitch when I have to deal with my life and I do not pay attention to them.
I love everyone, I give them lots of attention BUT you know what! I have things that occasionally need taking care of, such as my personal life and although I appreciate that you want to talk to me and care about what is going on if I say that I want to take care of it myself and do my own thing please don't stress me out even more by being a bitch when I am just trying to get my shit organized!
wow....I feel better, kind of like I just did a kamehameha.
Anyone who in any way treats animals bad. From being negligent, lazy with them, to all out abuse.

Commercials for drugs that have worse side effects than what it's trying to cure. That eyelash one comes to mind. "May cause brown iris pigmentation that may or may not be permanent." Why is that an ok side effect?

My mail man who steals my Marlboro coupons. I know you're doing it fucker!

People who say anything about me smoking. My life = my choice. Im not killing you by smoking in my house.

People in my room trying to tell me what to do. As far i can remember i didnt ask for your coaching.

Religious people knocking on my door at 8-9 am and expecting me to be awake then acting surprised that they woke me up. Well moron you knocked on my door 40 times, yes you woke me up. Im sorry i didn't know the rule of your religion that all respectable god fearing people should be up by then and waiting for you to stop by. I've founds way to deal with them though.
1.) I answer the door in a robe and purposely let it fall just so to expose myself but pretend not to notice. I instead ask questions and see them just stare. While trying to stutter out the answers to the questions. Never once have they told me i was uncovered. Pervs.
2.) I tell them im a bisexual wiccan practicing drug dealing whore who enjoys gangbangs. This usually shuts them up quickly.
3.) I hit on them. Not subtly. I tell them im lonely and alone. Won't they come in and help me. How much i need to feel their warm body next to mine.
They all work pretty well.
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Tinkerbell said:
Religious people knocking on my door at 8-9 am and expecting me to be awake then acting surprised that they woke me up. Well moron you knocked on my door 40 times, yes you woke me up. Im sorry i didn't know the rule of your religion that all respectable god fearing people should be up by then and waiting for you to stop by. I've founds way to deal with them though.
1.) I answer the door in a robe and purposely let it fall just so to expose myself but pretend not to notice. I instead ask questions and see them just stare. While trying to stutter out the answers to the questions. Never once have they told me i was uncovered. Pervs.
2.) I tell them im a bisexual wiccan practicing drug dealing whore who enjoys gangbangs. This usually shuts them up quickly.
3.) I hit on them. Not subtly. I tell them im lonely and alone. Won't they come in and help me. How much i need to feel their warm body next to mine.
They all work pretty well.

My roommate's grandpa belongs to one of those groups. Maybe that's why we don't get any at our doorstep?

Naw, probably just because we live in an apartment. Dude, one more advantage to living in an apartment! Why do I still want my own house? Oh right, soundproofing my camroom would be awesome.
People who show up at my door a 3:30 in the morning, begging for a handout with a bull shit sob story.
She's English and has been on MFC for only a few months, and my buddy struggles to make it into the top 20. This is why I'm so angry.
My friend, Candy_Shop, has so much more charm and she's beautiful and works so hard and she gets beaten by a prostitute :roll:
so you meant a girl who is in the top 20, NOT girls in the top 20? Because generalized statements like that lead to conflicts.

*edit, I forgot the not, hence the over sized to show my own stupidity.
Jebbaz said:
so you meant a girl who is in the top 20, girls in the top 20? Because generalized statements like that lead to conflicts.

Is there anything else Amber's not telling us?
These last few posts have done nothing but confuse me.
Don't put words into my mouth!!

Things that make me rage... girls in the top 20 who have sex with their premiums.
This clearly means that if a girl in the top 20 has sex with her premiums, then it makes me rage. Not that every girl in the top 20 is doing this.

Bumholes to you Jebbaz.

Jebbaz said:
so you meant a girl who is in the top 20, NOT girls in the top 20? Because generalized statements like that lead to conflicts.

*edit, I forgot the not, hence the over sized to show my own stupidity.
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LilyPink said:

He can take it any way he likes, he seems to do that anyway. :naughty:
Don't forget that I have no way of know what your true intention behind your words is when you type them out. Unless you are specific, logic would have me take what you say generally, as in this example, the whole group of the top 20 models. Yes you said models, plural, leading me to believe that you were just another model taking a shot at the top girls. Several of those girls are my...

wait, you know what? I've explained this like 5 times now and seems like every other week someone starts some shit like this again. Fuck this, its aint worth my goddamn time.

If you got a problem with me or my friends who are in the top 20, blow it out your ass I dont fucking care anymore.

You forget that the top 20 girls change all the time so how could I generalise and say I hate them all?

I'm happy for the girls who work hard to get there. I'm not another jealous model. Jeezus, leave me out of your major over reaction mood next time please. It's a pain in the arse having to over explain these things.
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