LuckySmiles said:
No one on there should start out thinking the odds are stacked against them because they don't live in North America. That's just silly and not going to help anyone or the site as a whole.
Why is this so hard for you to accept? Why are you furiously denying this? Is this something personal to you? It is a fact! The majority of MFC's members is American, no doubt about that. Non-American girls (non-commonwealth) simply have a lot less traffic, that's a fact too. So, they dó have the odds against them for making it big.
You seem pretty established, I cannot see your camscore but I think you've been around long enough for a pretty impressive following, otherwise I would have invited you to try a couple of nights using a german/french/dutch VPN. This of course, doesn't really matter that much if lots of people already have you on their friendslist.
I use a UK vpn because I feel I have more in common with an UK audience then an American one. I know a few things about the country and it's culture. Not that much about USA. Maybe 'America' isn't covering it and I should have used 'commonwealth' or 'native english countries'. But I would still say there's a big difference in traffic between UK and US, and even bigger between Europe and US.
I'm quoting Yossarian here for the wise words.
yossarian said:
Keep in mind, also, that you have to take into account the membership. It seems like the majority of MFC viewers are American, or at the very least, English-speakers. So if a lot of them (like me) don't want to visit non-English speakers, and then you add all the guys from non-English-speaking countries who WANT to see Americans, that makes a smaller pool for the, as you said, LARGE group on non-Americans to fight over. Essentially, the small group of American models are getting most of the viewers, and the thousands and thousands of non-Americans have to share the rest.
So, to sum it up:
- Non-North-American girls have less traffic.
- Top 10, top 20 and top 100 have always been dominated by American girls.
- The majority of MFC's members is North-American
- There are more non-American girls on MFC then there are American.
- Timezones (obviously this is a big one, MFC's peakhours are between 4 am and 7 am european time)
- Lots of american members filter out non-American girls, or non-commonwealth girls (I guess we could state that as a fact too, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes)
- The large number of non-American girls with a camscore bellow 300. (not great exposure for non-Americans either)
- Porn industry is American, let's face it. it's the biggest industry in the world. Cam girl Mansion, American. Girls with the biggest online presence, American. Cam conventions, industry conventions, all American. Cam Girlz the documentary, American. There's just a lot more exposure available to North-American girls. Not saying it's a bad thing (I think those are all awesome things), just adding up to why American girls are overall more successful than non-American girls. (of course, you can always just travel to America for those things, change your hours to be online during US nights.... use am american VPN.... but that's sort of my point there

Especially the combination of members filtering out non-american models and the fact that there are more non-american models active on MFC makes the pond for non-Americans a lot narrower then for American ones. See where this is coming from?
This is not meant as a pitty-rant or anything like that, I choose to be part of this world, I don't feel bad for myself or my fellow non-american camgirls, but it does push my buttons when someone is completely denying the fact that there ís a disadvantage to being non-american in this scene. Feel free to prove me wrong though.