Fay_Galore said:
funny how people are on about 'foreigners' as non-american, while to me, yóu guys are foreigners
aaaaanyway, how about we all agree you guys (members) give non-american girls a chance? ALL OF THEM! and we (non-american camgirls) agree to be more understanding about the (american) camsite memberscommunity that isn't thát open to non-american girls, but we can chance that! one for all, all for one!
(on a semi-related note, I know a lot, really a lot of members who consistently filter out american girls, so it goes both ways. obviously this group is much smaller then the americans who filter out european girls, but that's details)
I agree, except I also don't see non-american cam models as being at any sort of disadvantage. maybe according to some comments but... i see no facts.
I'm late to this party but, am I a butthead or aren't the majority of models on MFC
not American. If I click show only North America right now it says 167 models online, 859 hidden.
So... I assume... the majority of MFC models aren't american correct?
Why.. would anyone assume ...ever... all anyone wants is american models.. or if you're not american that non-americans are discriminated against on MFC.
Americans aren't the majority.. even the north america filter includes canada, and central america... so like... how is this is even an issue. I thought it was blatantly obvious you don't have to be american to be a magical cam model. (<---see what I did there, still on topic. :whistle: )
I still get people surprised that I'm American and of the impression that most cam models aren't, because they aren't. The majority when you use the filters, is the Europe/Russia one. Those areas show as having over 600 models online currently out of about 1000.
I'm seconding that calling all the non-american models "foreigners" is pretty dumb. Firstly because it's ignorant, but also because you're outnumbered and could get beat up. I also don't mock anyone from another country.
But also in a non ignorant way... Why would I ever be led to feel bad for anyone from Europe or Russia not getting enough attention on MFC. Since it seems statistically impossible! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
Why would people hate on europe/russia... since that's where most cam models seem to be from on MFC.
Europe/Russia makes up the overwhelming majority of cam models online at a given time.
Couldn't that mean they're doing something right over there...composing over half the online model population of a very &#^$(@ lucrative site.
maybe that's one of the magical factors.
BRB taking Russian lessons.
I think it's important sometimes on this forum to think outside the box as a member/model of cam communities for x amount of time and pretend you're joe schmo who just discovered cam models are a thing. I was recently at my boyfriend's house showing him MFC for the first time (take your SO to work day) and the majority of our tokens went to a Russian girl.. because she was really fucking cute and nice. And..uh.. not that many ACF girls were on at that hour.
Lots of people still don't even know camming is a thing. Ipso facto most of the generalizations that go on about camming on here can sound absolutely batshit crazy pants sometimes. Lot's of people don't even touch those filters.
tbh If I were to make any assumptions or generalizations, I would assume many American site members would be more drawn to models of different parts of the world. Want what you can't have more, no?

And vice-versa. I know for me a large portion of members I've known that have been visiting me long term aren't American.
ETA: i started writing this post like an hour ago so my online numbers might be off... and then got sidetracked by pizza... mmm pizza.