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What is one thing holding you back from being succesful?

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For me it has honestly been the fact I didn't have a place to be uninterrupted!! First, I was sharing a 2 bed 2 bath apt. with my fiance and roommate never knowing when one would show up. Oh and the internet sucked so much I had to do it in the living room in order to have the ethernet connected. Then, I was in transition at my childhood house i was the only one living there but its connected to his office so he would always be around or randomly show up so that was always nerve racking. However, I am finally in my own place! Hoping this is my month!
One thing holding me back from being successful in camming? I would say my time limits are holding me back from being a huge success. Frankly, I do many different things as a sex worker and camming is second to last on that list. Camming is way harder than phone sex, texting, clip making, or even being a sugar baby to me. I am a part-time non-nude minority curvy cam I have to bust my ass in order to make it as a cam model. Plus, I have to be on point with my hustle at all times in order to make it as a cam model. However, I put on Bauhaus' Double Dare before camming and get ready for my show :shame:
Health. I have ongoing chronic pain and fatigue issues that take a lot out of me. Sometimes it's hard to just stay awake and fight through the pain for even 8 hours in a day, let alone create content/graphics, edit and post videos, and get on cam and act energetic.
Me. I'm such a push over lol i've put myself in the situation i am now because I'm scared of what others might think/do if I don't do what pleases them.

I could put more hours into camming, create good enough content and just be active enough to achive my goals but I don't find time.
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Probably for me it's my family. It sounds really bad and I don't mean it to but trying to get on cam when you have two young kids to deal with can be a challenge. The up side I get to have them all the time without having to get child care, the down side well nights don't always work out. I try to get on cam as regularly as I can and on time but it's not always possible. If either of them are ill or unsettled (especially you two year old) then it makes it impossible to get on.
Attention span. My mind is always on camming. I dont hang out with friends much, I'm constantly checking twitter cause I follow mostly other cam girls and want to see what they are doing/keeping up with my own twitter, brainstorming video ideas, doing my hair and makeup, figuring out editing programs/editing videos, constantly checking ACF as research when I have random questions, snapchat pictures and messages... So while my mind is on camming, it's also going "SQUIRREL!". It's even on my mind when actually getting laid cause I'm worried I'm exaggerating faces or moans.

I don't mind it and I dont feel burned out. I'd rather put in 60 hours with cam related stuff than work 40 hours a week in a call center. However I cant make money unless I'm logged in.

The other thing is anxiety/health. My diet isn't great, and my meds kick my ass to where I'm out cold for 10+ hours (even with multiple alarms). Consistency is not my strength because of this.

Now for me, it's anxiety. I feel anxious about everything. Not making money, making money, having to do work, being bored for 4 hours, being bored for 2 hours, having regulars, having constant randoms. The things that make me the most anxious are dealing with getting ready just to have my wig destroyed, making regulars that I actually have to befriend, and having a slow day.

It keeps me inconsistent and constantly going back and forth as to what I want.
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What really holds me back is my own laziness. I choose how much I work, and sometimes I make poor choices. I am often stressed/depressed about this--I feel like I need more structure in my life to keep me consistent in camming, making vids, mailing out packages, etc. I am a really bad procrastinator and it's a hard habit to kick.
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Insomnia and anxiety. So by the time I'm ready to go on it's 4 am, I'm tired and my eyes are all red from sleep deprivation. Because it's the middle of the night it always seems to be low traffic and I'm still learning how to keep the room active. On the bright side however I have been going on cam more and have decided to not care too much about what time I go on as long as I'm consistent.
Me wanting to be the best the quickest. It's hard for me to see girls who started later than I did gain a huge following and do much better than I am right now. I know that's how it is in cam land but I need to start focusing on my personal goals instead of comparing myself to others. It really brings down my mood and sometimes I'm like, "Why bother if I'm not doing as good as this model? Why is she doing better than me? What am I doing wrong?" This is something I really need to work on.

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The fact that I share an apartment with my mother.

There is not enough time in a day to film and edit a video, do a full shift on cam and update my Snapchat, Twitter and profile. As soon as the clock hits 4:30PM I have to drop everything and wait until my mom goes back to work the next morning to pick things up again.

It's aggravating as fuck. Especially since I know a lot of my regulars can't make it to my room because the only time I can get on cam is during regular North American work hours.
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I think its mostly my race that holds me back. I am a lot more darker than probably most of the camgirls that the members are used to seeing. I look like I just escaped from ethopia but yet I sound like I read and talk with common sense. If you look at our part of the industry and just the adult industry in general, there are not that many really truly successful top African American adult entertainers. The average camgirl is apparently supposed to be white, blonde, and 87 pounds and most members do not realize that camgirls come in all shapes and colors. I have to deal with a constant barrage of racial insults on a daily basis from members and it does hurt sometimes but if I give into the ignorance, I am playing into an overrated stereotype. I am not going to bleach my skin like some dumb motherfuckers do and I am sure as hell not about to turn into a health nut to please some idiots. I want to make the money that the top girls do but that's not worth giving into stupidity and silliness. I been black my whole life and that is not changing anytime soon.
This speaks to me. I think that's why I'm not successful
I have really, really bad ADHD. It's the worst.

Beyond that, I might have some insecurities over being Asian, an atypical Asian at that (British accented), and not offering anal or deepthroating. God I need to learn how to do that.
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I have really, really bad ADHD. It's the worst.

Beyond that, I might have some insecurities over being Asian, an atypical Asian at that (British accented), and not offering anal or deepthroating. God I need to learn how to do that.
Fellow Asian SM girl who also don't do dt or anal here. I think being Asian is an advantage, just look at the number of Asian camgirls comparing to the number of White camgirls on SM at any given time. And lots of Asian girls on SM don't have good quality stream. Not to mention so many dudes with 'yellow fever' online.
As for me, it's being busy with other stuff not only camming, which takes my energy. So because of it it's laziness. But this month I try to be too active and this is challenging )))
A mixture of fear/insecurity (about failing) and attention span/morale(not getting down when goals aren't met/signing out too early when it's slow/not getting on when everyone is tweeting its shitty etc)......
I need to force myself to face these things.....meow.

It's like you're reading my mind. This is what gets me also these days.

That and also the lack of self discipline, as well as the inability to compartmentalize bad days and just work consistently. Lately I've had a bad few weeks on cam which lead to me not working, taking time off and of course making things worse for myself. I really need to work on letting the bad days go and allowing the feeling of the good ones to take over.
Anxiety is my biggest problem. It keeps me from doing private shows, and communicating too much with members outside of my room. I get really anxious when someone asks for things I'm not comfortable doing, and feel like sometimes I have to say no to several guys in a row, and come off badly.
Web cam is not about looks, men want you to be natural, yourself, the girl next door, ok, the dirty slut next door, but the girl next door. I am very verbal, I write e mails to all my members after a private. I work on a site where no one speaks English and no one has a command of the english language like me. I have boiler plate e mails depending on what turns them on, I make notes of what e mail I sent, I always ask the Member a question at the end of the e mail. Refer to your notes when they are back in your room and ask them the answer to the question. Immediate private. Of course, you need to know their name, where they live what you did in the last private. That should go without saying. All my behind the cam stuff takes time but I am in private 95 percent of the time I am on line. Note: I am only on for an hour and pull off. I will go for long periods of time where one private will roll into another, that can happen for 5 or 6 straight hours on a Friday or when I have been gone for some time.

One very important thing, block other members from watching you in private. If you are being a dirty girl you do not want the man who has spent $2,000 last week on a virtual romantic night with you to see you tied up. It works double, they are curious about why you block others from seeing and need to see it for themselves. They want the girl that isn't sitting on the bed for 10 hours. And if you are new, charge more, if you think you are worth it, so will they. I charge double of what the other girls do in my category.

Everyone has something different to offer, find your nitch.

I have had the UTI health issue, so happy to hear I am not the only one. That is what everyone was referring to right? Sucks!
I think my biggest issue is overthinking what to do ahead of time when there's not really any way to know how things will go until you just log on. So I'll spend like 2 or 3 hours getting ready (changing clothes a bunch of times/rethinking goals and games) and then only have time to be on for an hour or two. I like the idea of getting ready on cam - I'd probably spend more time actually online and it would give me something to do while people start to show up, but I always end up feeling like everything has to be perfectly set up before anyone can see me.
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No scheduling consistency. I will get on at 10 PM then 10 AM.

I'll be doing a camathon here this week or the beginning of next and then picking what times I want to work every fucking time I work instead of this erratic bullshit.
I just started and have about six nights of camming experience but so far my biggest things holding me back are my own perfectionism and being way to apologetic.
I've been a fan of other cam girls for a while so while I know I have a long way to go to get to where they are, I get upset watching their cams sometimes and see how effortless it is for them. I want to be perfect and I want to be the best. I had the same problem in ballet and I could never reach that level so I quit.
My other issue right now is being too apologetic. Being new I get asked to do a lot of stuff I don't wanna do and I have such a hard time just saying "NO." I always apologize. I need to work on that.
ME me and me again! Lack of energy and bad discipline, which I know only I can fix, so it makes it 100 times harder! But I'm working on it! Also the fact that my computer is crap and my internet connection is shit, so I can't work on other sites but mfc, as they all ask for HD feed. I have no money to upgrade right now, but so far I need to remember I have all the tools I need to get to the next level, I just need to be more disciplined!
My current living situation. I moved home about 6 months ago after my engagement ended and i couldn't handle all the debt me and my fiance' had gotten in all by myself and since we had broken up he saw no need to help anymore even though most of it was because of him. My parents ARE aware of how i make my income to pay rent to them and pay on my debts (which, mfc is my ONLY source of income until i save up enough to buy a car and get another job aside from this one.) but it's still awkward to be trying to talk to members and forget about doing a cumshow. They wanna hear moans and i just... can't. Not here at home lol and my mom doesn't work so she's always home. I can't wait to save up to move out again!

Morale. I'm in the same boat as you ladies. There will be days i am hesitant to shower and pretty myself up for the sake of camming because the money can be so variable and i HATE HATE HATE just sitting in front of my cam, blinded by my lamp, looking like a derp with literally me being the only person in my room besides guests. It makes me feel... ugh i don't know... some type of way. Like i'm not worth tokens or something.

Rude ass members. Ugh. The ones who come in pretty much demanding you do what THEY want and the ones who wanna sex chat for free. HATE.

Leaving your PMs open for any member to message you and constantly getting the "Hey, how are you?" messages every 2 minutes. I swear to god.

All in all. Most of this just comes with the job. Things will be better once i am done paying this debt off, (Only a little over $1500 to go, so i'm getting close!!!!) get a car so i can get another job, save up money and move into my own place again.

P.s. I'm sorry, i know you said what is ONE thing holding us back, but i really needed to purge that all out. :)
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