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What is on your mind right NOW

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Rose said:
Babies are just little versions of college kids. They act like frat boys and sorority sluts, LOL.

*****Please note that I am using the term sluts loosely. I am not calling all sorority girls sluts, I am using that in terms of the stereotype you see in movies and what not.******


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I wonder where I can get a proper box so I can mail stuff.
I can't remember what I was going to post x.x So horny...
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LiLredhairedgrl said:
'Futball' in Europe and 'soccer' in America are the same game right? So why didn't we just keep calling soccer 'futball' and call american 'football' soccer?
That seems sensible to me...



It does make sense, but this country generally doesn't have much use for soccer and generally being quite arrogant just had to co-opt the name football for its own greedy purposes. What was on your mind suddenly was on my mind.
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I get to have sex again soon!
Just got done reminding myself that the reason I don't grab the awesome songs my partner has is because this way I get to hear them when he plays them without being annoyed at having heard them every other week for the past three years.
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My cousin and my aunt on on their way here to my shop to meet me for the first time ever. I was adopted and finally made contact with them last night. My cousin and I talked for over 2 hours. She is one year younger then I am so we have a ton in common and I even dated one of her friends. After a 48 year fight I am finally home!!!! I haven't been this happy for a long time. I finally found the people who look like me and act like me, scary as that may sound.
Dynamics, Physics II (calc based) and Differential Equations. About 12 hours of homework every day. Tests and quizzes every week. Lab reports every week. All during an 8 week span summer session.
WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!!! :director: :angry-screaming: :angry-banghead: :confusion-seeingstars:
Second week in and I'm already living on aspirin.
After an almost 3 hour visit I just adore my family! My aunt is so sweet and wants us to visit often which we will. My cousin is also a doll and she has already put me in contact with other cousins who are now adding me on FB as well as welcoming me back to the family. I also got to see the first picture I have ever seen of my mom. No doubt that I am her son. I still can't believe that I am finally home. They are as excited to have me in their lives as I am to have them. The love I felt through the numerous hugs with them both is worth more then anything to me. A rare super happy cloud 9 day for me.
:hello1: :hello1: :hello1:
Brad said:
After an almost 3 hour visit I just adore my family! My aunt is so sweet and wants us to visit often which we will. My cousin is also a doll and she has already put me in contact with other cousins who are now adding me on FB as well as welcoming me back to the family. I also got to see the first picture I have ever seen of my mom. No doubt that I am her son. I still can't believe that I am finally home. They are as excited to have me in their lives as I am to have them. The love I felt through the numerous hugs with them both is worth more then anything to me. A rare super happy cloud 9 day for me.
:hello1: :hello1: :hello1:

I am so happy to hear that, and I am glad you chased what you wanted.
Dealing with car insurance sucks, and so does trying to find a new car
While watching God is in the TV, the transition between Dope Hat and Lunchbox is always jarring. I will always wonder why Marilyn Manson's videos are in reverse chronological order. I should check amazon to see if they released another compilation of Marilyn Manson's videos on dvd or blu ray. I will be heart broken when I wear out my God is in the TV VHS tape. Then again it was a pretty good run. I bought Se7en at the same place for the same price and that VHS did not survive being rewound. It has worked pretty good for a $3.00 second hand VHS tape.
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JerryBoBerry said:
Dynamics, Physics II (calc based) and Differential Equations. About 12 hours of homework every day. Tests and quizzes every week. Lab reports every week. All during an 8 week span summer session.
WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!!! :director: :angry-screaming: :angry-banghead: :confusion-seeingstars:
Second week in and I'm already living on aspirin.

Oh dear, I feel for you Jerry.


I once (actually twice...) :oops: took a class which was a combination of introductory inorganic chemistry and quantitative analysis--that is 2 classes, very difficult classes mind you, AT THE SAME TIME. We had 6 hours of lab as well as the 3 hours of lecture every week, and the tests for that class were EXTREMELY difficult. The highest grades he ever gave were C's I swear. OH.MY.LAWD I hated the lab reports we had to do every week. All these crazy calculations and measurements of 'imaginary' things, I swear I was insane ever signing up for it. I did end up getting my B after the second time around...I dropped it the first time halfway through cuz I missed a week of classes and I just could NOT catch up after that so I did what I usually did-dropped it with a "W" rather than mess up my 3.5 gpa. You should see how many W's I have compared to my 80 or so units of college I have finished...

*Bet you didn't know that I used to be a molecular bio major! I changed my mind after realizing I did not have the discipline to be sitting in a laboratory studying a molecule 12+ hours a day....this was decided after that HELLish year of calculating and measuring and gaaaaa! So anyways, more power to you Jerry! You can do it!

edit: I hope you don't mind me running off with what was on your mind Jerry, but I didn't have anything on my mind so I had to ride off of yours for a minute there....muaw haha.
Ok, double post. I finally have something on my mind. Alum...
(we made it from a soda can when I took that class. neato, heh?)

Question: What Is Alum?

Answer: Usually when you hear about alum it is in reference to potassium alum, which is the hydrated form of potassium aluminum sulfate and has the chemical formula KAl(SO4)2·12H2O. However, any of the compounds with the empirical formula AB(SO4)2·12H2O are considered to be alum. Sometimes alum is seen in its crystalline form, although it is most often sold as a powder. Potassium alum is a fine white powder that you can find sold with kitchen spices or pickling ingredients. It is also sold as a large crystal as a "deodorant rock" for underarm use.

Types of Alum

Potassium Alum
Potassium alum is also known as potash alum or tawas. It is aluminum potassium sulfate. This is the type of alum that you find in the grocery store for pickling and in baking powder. It is also used in leather tanning, as a flocculant in water purification, as an ingredient in aftershave and as a treatment to fireproof textiles. It's chemical formula is KAl(SO4)2.

Soda Alum
Soda alum has the formula NaAl(SO4)2·12H2O. It is used in baking powder and as an acidulent in food.

Ammonium Alum
Ammonium alum has the formula NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O. Ammonium alum is used for many of the same purposes as potassium alum and soda alum. Ammonium alum finds applications in tanning, dyeing textiles, making textiles flame retardant, in the manufacture of porcelain cements and vegetable glues, in water purification and in some deodorants.

Chrome Alum
Chrome alum or chromium alum has the formula KCr(SO4)2·12H2O. This deep violet compound is used in tanning and can be added to other alum to grow lavender or purple crystals.

Selenate Alums
Selenate alums occur when selenium takes the place of sulfur, so that instead of a sulfate you get a selenate, (SeO42-). The selenium-containing alums are strong oxidizing agents, so they can be used as antiseptics, among other uses.

Aluminum Sulfate
This compound is also known as papermaker's alum. However, it is not technically an alum.

Uses of Alum

Alum has several household and industrial uses. Potassium alum is used most often, although ammonium alum, ferric alum and soda alum may be used for many of the same purposes.

purification of drinking water as a chemical flocculant
in styptic pencil to stop bleeding from minor cuts
adjuvant in vaccines (chemical that enhances immune response)
deodorant "rock"
pickling agent to help keep pickles crisp
flame retardant
the acidic component of some types of baking powder
an ingredient in some homemade and commercial modeling clay
an ingredient in some depilatory (hair removal) waxes
skin whitener
ingredient in some brands of toothpaste

Alum Projects

There are several interesting science projects that use alum. In particular, it is used to grow stunning non-toxic crystals. Clear crystals result from potassium alum, while purple crystals grow from chrome alum.

Easy Alum Crystal Project
Make Your Own Crystal Geode
Purple Chromium Alum Crystals
Glow in the Dark Alum Crystals
Alum Sources and Production

Several minerals are used as the source material to produce alum, including alum schist, alunite, bauxite and cryolite. The specific process used to obtain the alum depends on the original mineral. When alum is obtained from alunite, the alunite is calcined. The resulting material is kept moist and exposed to air until it turns to a powder, which is lixiviated with sulfuric acid and hot water. The liquid is decanted and the alum crystallizes out of solution.


Did you know that Carmex used to have alum in it? Which doesn't make sense to me cuz alum is a drying agent...which is fine for cold sores, but not for chapped lips! No wonder you just need more and more and more.....

Carmex is a cold-sore and chapped-lip salve that was invented in 1936. It is made mostly of menthol, camphor, alum, and wax. As Carmex junkies know, this yellow mosh is not just another lip balm. Carmex packs a kind of rush for the kisser. Once you've felt this rush, its impossible not to want it again. And again. And again....

I don't think they use alum in carmex anymore, and I am too bored now to pursue this any that will conclude todays educational seminar. Cheers!

It makes me mad that adults tell kids so matter-of-factly that they won't be able to do a job they want to do because they "won't make any money".

I grew up strongly believing that no artist makes any money at all. And that singers, songwriters, bands, etc. all make absolutely no money. Not that they make a small amount of money--but that they earned absolutely nothing.

Just because you won't make a ton of money off of something doesn't mean you can't live off of it.

Yep. This is what is on my mind. NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES....(Cue dramatic music. Click! Do eeeeeeet!)


On another note, anybody listen to old radio shows ever? I have been addicted to old episodes of "Suspense" and "the Lux Radio Theatre presents..." (on youtube)--it is so entertaining and perfect to go to sleep to rather than listening to a movie you are supposed to be watching yet can't really cuz you are trying to go to sleep which involves closing your eyes and then you miss all the action! You know what I am saying!!! I like the movie in my mind...yeah, radio theatre is awesome.
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