Hi to all...Im not someone who likes to be involved in forums or so...but this situation is alarming, and I can see that there is no panic on internet at all....believe ti or not, I found this chat with some news of fcp hard...I really dont know why people are so calmed down who have money frozen(lost)?Either you are so naive or you dont have much there frozen...I have a LOT! and Im taking pills for days now because I lost it all...Im sorry for my pessimism but let me explain what is there on internet at plain site that isn't even hiding anything:
- FCP is a platform as many of you said, middleman, without any assets, that is why their tos states that they can only take back fees.
- The reason why cards still works is that they are mastercards, brand for there own, and those 10k are deposited to them prior choicebanks bankruptcy.
- Choice bank is a holder of that virtual frozen money and they are not "frozen" or held by authorities...they are simply declared bankruptcy! That means they dont have enough money, neither they will have because if they couldnt manage it with cash flows, they for sure cant afterwards when everybody want to withdraw...So there is nothing there to resolve, they just want to go quitter as they can. Even they are not hiding it. They are saying that they are permanently closing down, layed off employs and permanently closing down cards ! So its obvious that they know that its over! There is nothing we can do with bank going under bankruptcy everyday in the world, and this one is in Belize plus, off shore bank! HA!
Do you know any bank in history that returned from bankruptcy and returned money?! I do not!
- You can take a look at choice bank site that they stated their tos saying in cases like this they have no responsibility for losing your funds! They put that on homepage now!
- Its not coincidence that cosmo have that opening date...its logical that fcp as platform will continue to do business, but of course they need a new brand since nobody would do business to fcp again. I see over the net now, that there were rumors at a beginning of the month that they will close soon...They had money flow problems for few days and soon they corrected that - that was a signal to start pulling out! So someone here wrote that source from inside told him that everything will be ok...haha....if that source wanted to really help him,or was informed, he would told him to withdraw asap last week...
- I expect that soon both sites, fcp and choice bank will be closed too, leaving us without any evidence that we even had something frozen! So make screenshots of your statements asap, maybe it will help someday
The greatest irony for me is that i was around when epassporte faild and people lost a lot of their money...but since I had something small on card, and managed to withdraw, I didnt learn a lesson! And then a lot more of people lost their money from a fraud....and nothing happened!
So...sorry for my english and longer post...and now I am suggesting that we make some special group on tweeter for example for us who has money frozen...there are almost no raised dust about this on internet...we will lose everything without anybody notice...
Maybe we will have some small chance if we stick together from now on ,keep us informed and to try for joined lawsuit....
If im wrong at any understanding above, Dan will correct me...
@Dan Epstein is there really some list that we should signup who has frozen money, so support can have them in mind in future?(im going for a straw now)