For the most part I'm a freakishly calm and mellow person. I don't react emotionally to very much at all.
I'm a firm believer in "The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference"
So for me on a personal level basically anyone that makes me give a fuuugghh. The only people that can get me to yell and/or cry are people who I love: family, friends, and occasional significant other.
What's this weird stuff coming out of my eyes? It's love.
**That being said in healthy amounts. Arguing/Yelling/crying is normal once in awhile with people you care about but not aLLL the the time. I don't mean abuse**
Also I was raised Catholic and stick to the idea that "You don't have to like everyone, but you have to love everyone"
And in that sense it is a form of respect for all others. You don't have to like the way someone lives their life or the way they act, but you have to at least respect/love them in the sense of-not judging them for it, or being negative towards them if it doesn't hurt anyone else and isn't your place. Giving people, even seemingly shitty people, the benefit of the doubt, and a bit of understanding about why they are the way they are, instead of criticizing. That's a hard thing to do. But that's love.
But if someone is being hurt, and there's something you personally can do about it, it's also kind of your job to do what you can out of love/respect for all people.
However! this excludes all the fucked up things done in the name of a god or religion, for selfish or political reasons.
But the neighbor who always gives you shitty looks, and talks crap about you, and you don't like one bit, but then drop all their groceries in the street, helping them instead of laughing at the jackass, That's a part of love too.