AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

this forum is now a joke

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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The_Brown_Fox said:
GemmaMarie said:
Why don't you read over your work and find some better material.

I think he gets his material from 'Danny Tanner'/Bob Saget.

Now that's just mean! Now you're insulting Bob Saget! :lol: Too far Fox! :naughty:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
AReallySweetGuy said:
Korreline said:

Not an insult, but you need to cover that ugly as hell face up. Trust me, you would make more money if you wore a bag on your head. Your welcome for the free advice.
Yea Korreline! I've got a brown paper sack right here you can use to cover that ugly as hell face up! Nobody wants to see your ugliness. :p I'll even cut out eye holes for you and drawn on a smiley face so all you have to do is stick your ugly face in it.

I love you so hard
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Korreline said:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Yea Korreline! I've got a brown paper sack right here you can use to cover that ugly as hell face up! Nobody wants to see your ugliness. :p I'll even cut out eye holes for you and drawn on a smiley face so all you have to do is stick your ugly face in it.

I love you so hard
I love your face so hard it makes me sick! Now let me put this paper bag on your head so I can love you even harder and then make myself one to match so we can be the wonder twins! Gah! Stop being so awesome, it makes you ugly. I can't stand it! I better draw a unicorn on the back of your sack so I can warn people about how awesome you are. That way they can't look at you and go blind from the awesomeness!

Gah! You awesome whore!! :naughty:
AReallySweetGuy said:
LilyMarie said:
CammiStar said:
Korreline said:

That's easy.

Now me? ^__^
He left me out, too :(

No one cares about you on here (like in the real world). Sure you are used to being left out.
Couldn't you at least pick something that actually has some truth to it? :D Or something unique? You said the 'no one cares' crap to other girls before :(
You're all fat and you're all ugly and you're all the wrong ethnicity and you're all homosexuals and you all take it up the arse and you all make me sick. When I'm fervently masturbating in all your rooms for hours on end, I'm thinking to myself "these bitches are skanks and hos and as soon as I finish humping this pillow I'm gonna go borrow my momma's notepad and write down some grade-A insults, log onto shitty Amber's forum, circumvent Jawb's laughable defences with my hacker skills, and unleash my witty and biting insults on them, I'll be like 'you're fat, you're ugly, you're not caucasian, you're a gay person and you all smell' and then everyone will be all sad and I will have won". And then I cum everywhere and a great sadness washes over me for I realise I'm wasting my life. But then I think 'NO!' - it is not I who is wasting my life! It's those fucking cam girls who have the audacity to make a living by taking their clothes off online. And they will PAY. And now I'm hyperventilating. But FUCK YOU!

Ahem :?
AReallySweetGuy said:
How did you get all those stretchmarks all over your body???

I got knocked up by your dad. Every time I hear Missy Elliott's song "One Minute Man," I think of him.

AReallySweetGuy said:
We know you are too damn stupid to get a real job, but just answer the questions.

I'm happy to have a job where I don't have to wear an ugly-ass uniform and ask "Hey, can you watch my register? I gotta pee." :) To quote the late great Notorious B.I.G....."DON'T BE MAD...UPS IS HIRING!"
I feel like I've been broken up with... ouch.

CammiStar said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Wait, is CammiStar really 40?? I don't wanna be all creepy and stuff but... 40 year old women who look like they're in their 20s... yeah :shifty:

Almost....37 this month. You can tell by counting the rings in my saggy tits.

37, eh? ;)


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Dear Mr. "ahaha i can trollz da web wif muh super elite public list proxies heheheheh",

Please, spare us all. You got butt hurt on this forum in the past and for whatever reason and you decided to google "proxy list" and "how to troll" for revenge. It's cute, really. We all applaud you for your valiant effort in trolling us. Let me just save you the effort now and tell you a little bit about myself:

1.) I take penis up in the rectum and also stick my penis in other male rectums
2.) my wife strips on the internet for money and runs a complete shithole of a forum that you love to visit daily
3.) i'm fat, ugly, have missing teeth, and whatever else you think of me
4.) i cry at the end of the movie free willy
5.) i have no job, i depend on my fat ugly wife.
6.) i'm not capable of defending or sticking up for myself. if you insult me, i curl up into a ball and usually urinate myself
7.) i really like doing #1 every single chance i get, especially with other males from this forum
8.) my wife is fat, goofy looking, ugly, etc. (haven't you heard the song "if you want to be happy" by jimmy soul? no? go listen to it)
9.) i have no job. zero career. i just find ugly whores, marry them, and force them to expose themselves for financial gains.
10.) i did no go two college and learning the weighs of trolling likes you. me sorry.

Whew! Let me tell you, I feel so much better letting all of that out in the open. Now if you can come up with a new, unique way to attempt troll me - please, go ahead and use proxy #1912 on your list and reply to this post. If you continue with the same crap, you're going to become extremely boring to not only myself, but every other member on this forum and nobody will reply to you.

Really. It's getting old. You swear you're original and unique. Do you really think you're the first "troll" to come here more than once and use the same fat/ugly/gay insults on us? Amber and I gave you plenty of chances to prove yourself, but you failed to deliver. Makes me sad. So sad I'm going to go look at gay porn now.

Jawbs (hahah.. "Jobs".. the thing I don't have or do! you figured out the 3-year running joke! lol)
AReallySweetGuy said:
Look at cow's pictures and admit those stretchmarks and saggy tits are awful.

Sounds like YOU can't stop looking at my pictures. :) You probably go into some sort of zone sitting there jerkin' that lil' thimble dick, getting jizz all over my face. Your mom is probably wondering why there's stains all over her dinosaur of a computer.
Why thank you so much for pointing out how old my avatar pic here is! I so didn't realize that it was offensive. Cause, it's not like I put it up when I first signed on here or anything. And it's not like I didn't use a current picture back then.

For the record: that picture was taken in November 2009, to be one of my verification pics for signing up to MFC. By the time I uploaded it here as my avatar a few months later, I had lost a few pounds. Since then, I've gained about 40.

Pick fun at my weight all you want. I dance a little longer each night, slowly getting in shape for the first time in my life. Insult me all you want. Nothing you say can take away the diploma in my closet, or the money in my bank account. Saying I live with my parents is just showing how little you know about me- I've not been dependent on them since 2007. It makes me think that you're just angry at the world for your own weight problems and dependence issues. Get off the couch and go find a job if you're that mad about it. It's possible. You might have to look really hard, but you can do it.

As long as I can dance through three songs a night without being too winded, I don't care what my body looks like. As long as I can pay my bills from camming, I'm going to enjoy being an independent, sensual, intelligent woman who men beg to see. The more negativity you throw out at others in the world, the worse off your life will be, no matter how much money you have, no matter how good you look. So keep trolling, you're just putting up road blocks for yourself.

(For Jawbs: :clap: )

(Holy crap, I've had to hit submit like, 4 times now :p )
mynameisbob84 said:
CammiStar said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Wait, is CammiStar really 40?? I don't wanna be all creepy and stuff but... 40 year old women who look like they're in their 20s... yeah :shifty:

Almost....37 this month. You can tell by counting the rings in my saggy tits.

37, eh? ;)
I was also 37 til the end of november :whip:
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FrankieChemical said:
GemmaMarie said:
curvyredhead said:
I have my hitachi on and ready, may I be humiliated next please?

Oh baby you suck so hard! You should be ashamed of yourself! Come here & I'll spank you real good... wait this is turning from humiliation to something completely different. Damn I suck at trolling. trollolololol.

I liked where this was going. :whistle:

God yes

Please, please don't stop---I'm almost there!!!!
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curvyredhead said:
FrankieChemical said:
GemmaMarie said:
curvyredhead said:
I have my hitachi on and ready, may I be humiliated next please?

Oh baby you suck so hard! You should be ashamed of yourself! Come here & I'll spank you real good... wait this is turning from humiliation to something completely different. Damn I suck at trolling. trollolololol.

I liked where this was going. :whistle:

God yes

Please, please don't stop---I'm almost there!!!!

I can't believe you guys are all laughing about this :( this troll is really mean and he's hurting my feelings a lot. Topics like my wight and my short lesbian hair are really sensitive, and it's like you're all playing along with him. I feel like I can't trust anyone here anymore, I might have to quit ACF, and I will definitely be telling other people NOT to come here.

...I guess this is probably goodbye forever, not that anyone cares.
FrankieChemical said:
curvyredhead said:
FrankieChemical said:
GemmaMarie said:
curvyredhead said:
I have my hitachi on and ready, may I be humiliated next please?

Oh baby you suck so hard! You should be ashamed of yourself! Come here & I'll spank you real good... wait this is turning from humiliation to something completely different. Damn I suck at trolling. trollolololol.

I liked where this was going. :whistle:

God yes

Please, please don't stop---I'm almost there!!!!


Damn, Damn, Damn must pcik up where I left off- I'll spank you real good. I'll make that shamed ass so red it'll be ashamed of how red it is, just add to the shame. rawr. shame shame shame. are you shamed real good yet? May I stick my strap on in your mouf yet?
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mynameisbob84 said:
You're all fat and you're all ugly and you're all the wrong ethnicity and you're all homosexuals and you all take it up the arse and you all make me sick. When I'm fervently masturbating in all your rooms for hours on end, I'm thinking to myself "these bitches are skanks and hos and as soon as I finish humping this pillow I'm gonna go borrow my momma's notepad and write down some grade-A insults, log onto shitty Amber's forum, circumvent Jawb's laughable defences with my hacker skills, and unleash my witty and biting insults on them, I'll be like 'you're fat, you're ugly, you're not caucasian, you're a gay person and you all smell' and then everyone will be all sad and I will have won". And then I cum everywhere and a great sadness washes over me for I realise I'm wasting my life. But then I think 'NO!' - it is not I who is wasting my life! It's those fucking cam girls who have the audacity to make a living by taking their clothes off online. And they will PAY. And now I'm hyperventilating. But FUCK YOU!

Ahem :?

Bob, I love you. In a totally gay way, of course. After all, we're all homosexuals. Now, bring that noire PI voice over here, bibi. :mhorny:

The_Brown_Fox said:
GemmaMarie said:
Why don't you read over your work and find some better material.

I think he gets his material from 'Danny Tanner'/Bob Saget.

Hold the fuck on. Bob Saget is a comedic genius! Please don't give this dude that much credit. He's terrible.



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