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3 pages while I was hanging out with some awesome bottles of wine? I'll never take another second off from this forum again while I anxiously await for proxy #1912 and my round of amateur hour insults! :cool:

The ponies are coming! The ponies are coming!!
DoctorVen said:
AmberCutie said:
Hold the fuck on. Bob Saget is a comedic genius! Please don't give this dude that much credit. He's terrible.
I was thinking the same thing!

He's not that funny to me.

And usually when people speak about geniuses of comedy, I hear of names like Richard Pryor, etc. I've never heard Bob Saget's name come up on that Different strokes for different folks, I guess. You're entitled to your opinion, as I'm entitled to mine. :)

But I did think it was interesting and pretty cool to see squeaky clean 'Danny Tanner' making dirty jokes on stage. I was like "Whoa!" :)
Nordling said:
Ha ha! "Bob Saget and Comedy" itself is an I'm assuming "genius" is sarcasm. lol
No, I know everyone has differing opinions, but I find the fact that he's so outrageous and vulgar when we know him so well as the squeaky clean Danny Tanner to be really funny.
AmberCutie said:
Nordling said:
Ha ha! "Bob Saget and Comedy" itself is an I'm assuming "genius" is sarcasm. lol
No, I know everyone has differing opinions, but I find the fact that he's so outrageous and vulgar when we know him so well as the squeaky clean Danny Tanner to be really funny.

He has the BEST Aristocrats performance!
mynameisbob84 said:
I had to look up Bob Saget and it's the dood from Full House! I used to love that show :-D

Me too!

John Stamos was in an episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit (my favorite show). In this particular episode, he was obsessed with making babies, so he would track women's cycles and would poke holes into condoms to get them pregnant. He wasn't even a part of those kids' lives. He was just obsessed with fathering as many babies as possible. I think they even used the term 'Reproductive Abuser' to describe him, and he seriously didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. LOL.

He's like "What are you talking about? I'm a GREAT father.....who sends a check every month." :lol:
Jawbs said:
RedHerby said:
I had the same problem a few years ago to, below the code that fixed that problem by checking the IP against blacklisted IP's for spam control.

function blackListed() {

  $ip = explode('.', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

  $blackLists = array('', '', '', '');

  foreach($blackLists as $blackList) {
    if ( checkdnsrr("{$ip[3]}.{$ip[2]}.{$ip[1]}.{$ip[0]}.{$blackList}.", 'A') )
      return $blackList;

  return '';


$blackList = blackListed();

if ($blackList) {
  $abuseIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  echo "Hi,<br><br>Your posting is not accepted because your IP <b>$abuseIP</b> is listed in the <b>$blackList</b> blacklist. Mail to xxx@xxx if you think this is incorrect.<br><br>Kind regards, xxx";

Thanks for the code example!

I've been meaning to install ... block_mod/ for quite some time now. At this point, I'm going to wait for version 1.1.x to be approved. In the meantime, I'll probably implement something similar to what you've pasted that will flag accounts.

PS - If you're still using that code, you probably should remove dsbl as it's been gone for a few years now:

Am I the only one that gets a geek boner when Jawbs talks about coding?
Neudiin said:
Am I the only one that gets a geek boner when Jawbs talks about coding?

The_Brown_Fox said:
mynameisbob84 said:
I had to look up Bob Saget and it's the dood from Full House! I used to love that show :-D

Me too!

John Stamos was in an episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit (my favorite show). In this particular episode, he was obsessed with making babies, so he would track women's cycles and would poke holes into condoms to get them pregnant. He wasn't even a part of those kids' lives. He was just obsessed with fathering as many babies as possible. I think they even used the term 'Reproductive Abuser' to describe him, and he seriously didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. LOL.

He's like "What are you talking about? I'm a GREAT father.....who sends a check every month." :lol:

Speaking of Bob Saget and John Stamos....

KayleePond said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
mynameisbob84 said:
I had to look up Bob Saget and it's the dood from Full House! I used to love that show :-D

Me too!

John Stamos was in an episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit (my favorite show). In this particular episode, he was obsessed with making babies, so he would track women's cycles and would poke holes into condoms to get them pregnant. He wasn't even a part of those kids' lives. He was just obsessed with fathering as many babies as possible. I think they even used the term 'Reproductive Abuser' to describe him, and he seriously didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. LOL.

He's like "What are you talking about? I'm a GREAT father.....who sends a check every month." :lol:

Speaking of Bob Saget and John Stamos....

I think what makes Bob Saget so funny isn't so much him, altho he is funny, its the juxtaposition of the Bob Saget we think we know as a lovable dad in the show Full House and the real Bob Saget which I think was much closer to him in Entourage.
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KayleePond said:
Speaking of Bob Saget and John Stamos....

I can't deny, that got me a little wet. :oops:

When dealing with a troll, the only winning move is not to play. So what did you clowns do? You made 11 pages of responses. This troll was so goddamn successful, he even got Jawbs to post, MULTIPLE TIMES.

Cheers, Santa Guy. :beer:


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I think, sometimes, it's okay to feed the troll if you're enjoying yourself in the process. It's like... smearing ice cream on your cock and balls and then lying back while the troll scoots over and licks it off. The troll's kinda winning, cos he's getting fed... but you're having a good time too, ya know? :twocents-02cents:
mynameisbob84 said:
I think, sometimes, it's okay to feed the troll if you're enjoying yourself in the process. It's like... smearing ice cream on your cock and balls and then lying back while the troll scoots over and licks it off. The troll's kinda winning, cos he's getting fed... but you're having a good time too, ya know? :twocents-02cents:
Evil metaphor is evil...

But so funny it made my stomach hurt. :lol:
bawksy said:

When dealing with a troll, the only winning move is not to play. So what did you clowns do? You made 11 pages of responses. This troll was so goddamn successful, he even got Jawbs to post, MULTIPLE TIMES.

Cheers, Santa Guy. :beer:
For fuck's sake, bawksy. You've always been such a pretentious dick. Jesus Christ, I thought we were finally free of you but I guess not. People are here having fun, who gives a fuck if a troll started it or not? People like you are obsessed with looking good, and when you see that a bunch of people are sitting around giggling and having a good time on a troll thread, all you can think about is distancing yourself from us.
bawksy said:

When dealing with a troll, the only winning move is not to play. So what did you clowns do? You made 11 pages of responses. This troll was so goddamn successful, he even got Jawbs to post, MULTIPLE TIMES.

Cheers, Santa Guy. :beer:
*shrug* we enjoyed ourselves at the troll's expense. People were laughing at the stupidity of his 'insults' and he was coming back for more, ergo: we were trolling him.

BTW that picture you posted is really fucking clearly an ORC. :twocents-02cents:
bawksy said:
This troll was so goddamn successful, he even got Jawbs to post, MULTIPLE TIMES.
I haven't come across anything less successful than this troll in a long, long time.
LilyMarie said:
I haven't come across anything less successful than this troll in a long, long time.

And his comebacks to everyone was either "You're gay!" or "Go get a job!" :lol: LAME!
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bawksy said:
Evvie said:
(venomous bile)
You're a meanie. Did I really deserve that?

Bawksy just a little something with a thread like this, best thing to do:

Just stand clear of the live rounds.

*Also, Bob Saget's stand up is really funny, a lot of comedians respect the hell out of him for his stand up it is VERY raunchy and off color.
Yes, he did Full-house and America's Funniest Video. But if someone approaches you and offers you a family friendly show you say YES.
The run he got off those shows, after market and the syndication say yes to the money and do your art after you collect the cheques.
In the words of the venerable thespian Sir Alec Guinness "Fuck's a paying a gig", and he was Obi Won Kenobi!
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I respect Bob Saget in that his name is fun to say as an interjection. Pic related.


  • saget.jpg
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