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Things models say that make you go "WTF?"

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DeviantDarla said:
LadyLuna said:
Jupiter551 said:
I am Polish, Irish, Indian, German, and Black.
I guess this is fairly normal but to me it looks odd that all of them get listed as nationalities except one, listed as a skin tone. If she gives a fuck enough to write it at all why not find out where her ancestors came from? :think: She's also blonde/blue eyes so :dontknow:

For those who are descendants of slaves, it's practically impossible to find out where their ancestors who were slaves came from. Slave ships would make multiple stops in Africa before making the trip to the US. They didn't keep records on which slave came from which port-of-call.

And since there are such things as white Africans, she can't just say "African".

This brings up two thoughts; someone was trying to sue beause their first commerical with a black person didnt mention slavery, shortly after that they made the second commercial that mentioned it.

And this
LadyLuna said:
Another note: for those who doubt that a person has black in them because they look white... Remember those recessive gene squares?
Those squares were a major simplification for the purpose of illustrating how dominant and recessive alleles work. Only in a few cases does genetics actually behave this simply. Skin tone in particular is way more complicated than a simple black / white distinction, nor is it even dependent on a single gene.

I'm guessing you knew that, and you're point is still valid regarding recessive traits hiding heredity from simple visual analysis, but I felt the need to correct it in case someone's learning everything they ever knew about the subject from ACF :-D
LadyLuna said:
Another note: for those who doubt that a person has black in them because they look white... Remember those recessive gene squares?
Like Inkydoo said, it's rarely this simple but I can point to a case where the offspring in question came out like these squares.

A couple that my parents met in college have 6 daughters. 4 of them look some variation of 'off white' and the other two could pass for black in certain lighting conditions. :lol: The 3 oldest girls have very curly almost black hair, the next 2 have very wavy blonde hair and the baby has straight brown hair with some blonde tints, though since she only just started babbling and can't walk yet they think that may change. None of these girls look like their parents which is the funniest part. If I didn't know better, I'd swear they were all adopted except for the oldest 3 whose hair matches their father's. The father is mixed and has a darker version of 'tan' skin with curly kinky hair like most black people have. The mother is a bright shade of pale with wavy brown hair. Their family photos always give me the giggles. :shifty:
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Sorry, I should've specified that it was very simplified.

I know a family where the mother was 3/4 black, and had 3 children with a white man. One child looks half black, like her mother. One child looks white with a permanent (light) farmer's tan. One child looks completely white, skin slightly paler than mine.

White-looking child has a son, who is a blonde-hair blue-eyed cherub (not school age yet), despite him having one (very) black great-grandparent, and one half-black great-grandparent. No one would ever believe he is part black, but he is.
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"Unfollowing @username because its depressing seeing poctures of rabbits in little dirty cages. People make me so angry they don't know"
"How to look after rabbits and just put them in tiny little cages without any bedding down. What a lovely life for the rabbit."
"Sorry for being so passionate i just get SO angry at people who get a pet 'cause its cute' but cant take care of animals properly!"

The model in question has one single rabbit. It's alone and lonely. Rabbits can't be kept alone without a friend. ( :angry4: )
Pot / kettle.
LilyMarie said:

"Unfollowing @username because its depressing seeing poctures of rabbits in little dirty cages. People make me so angry they don't know"
"How to look after rabbits and just put them in tiny little cages without any bedding down. What a lovely life for the rabbit."
"Sorry for being so passionate i just get SO angry at people who get a pet 'cause its cute' but cant take care of animals properly!"

The model in question has one single rabbit. It's alone and lonely. Rabbits can't be kept alone without a friend. ( :angry4: )
Pot / kettle.

I don't normally agree with naming and shaming other models, but I think that there are exceptions. And I strongly believe that this is one. As a huge animal lover this kind of thing makes me really sad and extremely angry :angry4: Obviously it's up to you Lily if you want to name this person, but in my opinion this person doesn't deserve animosity after treating an animal in such a cruel way. I think that her name should be known so that people can let her know what a horrible thing she has done so hopefully she will treat the animal properly in the future, and others she may have.
I'm not going to say her name here, sorry.

Because I absolute love bunnies I couldn't keep my mouth shut and asked her if she plays a lot with her rabbit so it's not lonely, and that they need a companion. I wanted to say 'I think it's absolutely horrible that you keep only 1 rabbit', but I didn't.
She replied to that with 3 tweets: 'emotional investment with a pet is important but i think that food, water and cleaning it's poop area are more important.' / 'yeah iv had bunnies all my life and know how to take care of them and spend a lot of time with them :) do you have a bun?' / 'They also don't NEED a companion, mine likes to be on her own a lot. Every pet is different :)'

That just makes me so sad for her bunny. It's suffering most of the time, I'm 99% sure. She obviously doesn't know what she's talking about.
Every pet is not 'different', all rabbits needs companions. That's a fact. They're waaay different from dogs or cats in that way.
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One of my regulars was online last night, not in this girls room when he gets a random pm. He hadn't been in this girls room that night so was a bit confused what the pms were about. Last time he's visited her was 2 months ago, he had tipped but not much. I think this is so ridiculous I kind of want to name and shame, but it's not really my business to do that.

11:06:31 AM : gt new girlgirl vids
11:06:34 AM : u intereste??
11:06:35 AM : d
11:09:29 AM : ?????????
11:09:30 AM : ???
11:09:33 AM : y u ignorin me for
11:09:36 AM : wen i knw ur ther
11:09:37 AM : e
11:12:15 AM : thts all right
11:12:19 AM : il ban u
11:12:19 AM :
11:12:21 AM : 60 days
11:12:23 AM r: woop
11:12:24 AM : bye bye
11:12:26 AM : perv

and apparently she didn't even ban him..... strange....
Isabella_deL said:
One of my regulars was online last night, not in this girls room when he gets a random pm. He hadn't been in this girls room that night so was a bit confused what the pms were about. Last time he's visited her was 2 months ago, he had tipped but not much. I think this is so ridiculous I kind of want to name and shame, but it's not really my business to do that.

11:06:31 AM : gt new girlgirl vids
11:06:34 AM : u intereste??
11:06:35 AM : d
11:09:29 AM : ?????????
11:09:30 AM : ???
11:09:33 AM : y u ignorin me for
11:09:36 AM : wen i knw ur ther
11:09:37 AM : e
11:12:15 AM : thts all right
11:12:19 AM : il ban u
11:12:19 AM :
11:12:21 AM : 60 days
11:12:23 AM r: woop
11:12:24 AM : bye bye
11:12:26 AM : perv

and apparently she didn't even ban him..... strange....

That earns a model an instant de-friending from me.
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ComicOzzie said:
Isabella_deL said:
One of my regulars was online last night, not in this girls room when he gets a random pm. He hadn't been in this girls room that night so was a bit confused what the pms were about. Last time he's visited her was 2 months ago, he had tipped but not much. I think this is so ridiculous I kind of want to name and shame, but it's not really my business to do that.

11:06:31 AM : gt new girlgirl vids
11:06:34 AM : u intereste??
11:06:35 AM : d
11:09:29 AM : ?????????
11:09:30 AM : ???
11:09:33 AM : y u ignorin me for
11:09:36 AM : wen i knw ur ther
11:09:37 AM : e
11:12:15 AM : thts all right
11:12:19 AM : il ban u
11:12:19 AM :
11:12:21 AM : 60 days
11:12:23 AM r: woop
11:12:24 AM : bye bye
11:12:26 AM : perv

and apparently she didn't even ban him..... strange....

That earns a model an instant de-friending from me.
same here ^ that is the model equivalent of a member sending a drunk, horny tweet to a model :p
LilyMarie said:
I'm not going to say her name here, sorry.

Because I absolute love bunnies I couldn't keep my mouth shut and asked her if she plays a lot with her rabbit so it's not lonely, and that they need a companion. I wanted to say 'I think it's absolutely horrible that you keep only 1 rabbit', but I didn't.
She replied to that with 3 tweets: 'emotional investment with a pet is important but i think that food, water and cleaning it's poop area are more important.' / 'yeah iv had bunnies all my life and know how to take care of them and spend a lot of time with them :) do you have a bun?' / 'They also don't NEED a companion, mine likes to be on her own a lot. Every pet is different :)'

That just makes me so sad for her bunny. It's suffering most of the time, I'm 99% sure. She obviously doesn't know what she's talking about.
Every pet is not 'different', all rabbits needs companions. That's a fact. They're waaay different from dogs or cats in that way.
I actually have to say I disagree :S

Most people who spend a lot of time around rabbits will attest that they do have personalities, like many other animals. I have had dogs that were very social and dogs that were very independent; although rabbits are prey animals, they still have personal preferences and opinions (even if it does sound a little silly to say that an animal has a personal preference). When I was spending a lot of time on the rabbit forums, people who had been raising rabbits for decades all said that a rabbit may be perfectly content without a rabbit companion as long as it gets enough human company. Many breeders often complained about uninformed owners who would pair rabbits (because they believed all rabbits needed a companion) and end up with a dead bunny or unwanted babies. Unless handled properly, rabbits can be extremely territorial and will fight and kill each other, which is true regardless of what gender pairs you combine. On the other hand, any regular rabbit can be house trained and allowed to roam free to get as much human attention as it needs. Her rabbit is not necessarily locked away in a cage for 22 hours out of the day in a dark room.

It is hard to say if it is more important for an animal to be physically well than for it to be mentally well; would you rather see a starving, unkempt and dirty animal with a good friend, or a healthy animal who spends more time on its own?

But in the end, I think if a lady has been raising rabbits all her life, maybe she is somewhat knowledgeable about them? Caireen is really knowledgeable about her dog and knows exactly what is best for her pet, but people in her chatroom were saying really horrible things because they had ideas that to be happy, a dog must be frantic before it eats food. Maybe in the same way, that model is very knowledgeable about her pet and knows how to make it happy.
First of all, I had altogether 5 rabbits over the course of 8 years. 2000-2008. Will provide pictures if needed. ;)

Evvie said:
although rabbits are prey animals, they still have personal preferences and opinions (even if it does sound a little silly to say that an animal has a personal preference).
Just curious, what does that have to do with being prey or predator?

Many breeders often complained about uninformed owners who would pair rabbits (because they believed all rabbits needed a companion) and end up with a dead bunny or unwanted babies. Unless handled properly, rabbits can be extremely territorial and will fight and kill each other, which is true regardless of what gender pairs you combine.
There are gender pairs that generally work perfectly together, like two castrated males or a castrated male and a female. Especially when they both get into a new home at the same time, there's no territorial feelings. We had different combinations of gender pairs. One little guy wasn't castrated at first, and he made life a bit difficult for the other 2 at the time. Then as soon as he was castrated, everything was going well. - Later, 2 females (in our case they were sisters) would get along too, but I know that's not always the case.

On the other hand, any regular rabbit can be house trained and allowed to roam free to get as much human attention as it needs. Her rabbit is not necessarily locked away in a cage for 22 hours out of the day in a dark room.
No matter how much she plays with it, she won't be able to replace a companion in bunny form.

It is hard to say if it is more important for an animal to be physically well than for it to be mentally well; would you rather see a starving, unkempt and dirty animal with a good friend, or a healthy animal who spends more time on its own?
Of course physical health is more important - why is this even a question? :think: I didn't say anything else to the camgirl, either. I just said that she shouldn't call out other rabbit owners so quickly when she doesn't keep hers in a way that's appropriate to the species, either.

(...) Maybe in the same way, that model is very knowledgeable about her pet and knows how to make it happy.
I don't believe a rabbit can be happy when it's being kept on its own, and I'll stick to that. It's really just what I learned by reading guidebooks on rabbits, by listening to what the veterinarian told us, and most importantly it complies with the experience I've made with my rabbits over the 8 years. :)

This wasn't meant to sound aggressive in any way. But I feel very strongly about rabbits, they were a huge part of my childhood and I want people to treat them right. Also it's 6:23 in the morning.
Sometimes it can be hard to know for sure what is best for someone else's pet.

I think the most important thing is that the person who is responsible for them cares. A single bunny who gets lots of attention will always be better off than multiple neglected ones.

Ideally there would be 2 or more who get lots of love, but if for whatever reason someone feels they should only have one bunny in their life I don't see it as such a bad thing as long as it is well taken care of.
Jupiter551 said:
ComicOzzie said:
Isabella_deL said:
One of my regulars was online last night, not in this girls room when he gets a random pm. He hadn't been in this girls room that night so was a bit confused what the pms were about. Last time he's visited her was 2 months ago, he had tipped but not much. I think this is so ridiculous I kind of want to name and shame, but it's not really my business to do that.

11:06:31 AM : gt new girlgirl vids
11:06:34 AM : u intereste??
11:06:35 AM : d
11:09:29 AM : ?????????
11:09:30 AM : ???
11:09:33 AM : y u ignorin me for
11:09:36 AM : wen i knw ur ther
11:09:37 AM : e
11:12:15 AM : thts all right
11:12:19 AM : il ban u
11:12:19 AM :
11:12:21 AM : 60 days
11:12:23 AM r: woop
11:12:24 AM : bye bye
11:12:26 AM : perv

and apparently she didn't even ban him..... strange....

That earns a model an instant de-friending from me.
same here ^ that is the model equivalent of a member sending a drunk, horny tweet to a model :p

Thing that's mental is she has a fairly good camscore! Higher than mine, and I've never felt desperate enough to send random people messages like that when they're not even in my room. Actually I don't send anyone messages like that. If things are very slow I might unsubtly put it out to people on my friendslist who might tip that I have new videos/am horny and want to cum, but not like that. Maybe she just felt like being a bitch/acting crazy towards random members that day...
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Double post but apparently what had happened, after this member mentioning it in the room without naming names and the model asking if it was x model, then other members coming out and saying that they also get hassled by this girl. The girl had sent him a mfc mail:
banned u and unfriended u cus i dont like ppl tht ignor me that r on my so called friendlist doesnt give u the rite to sit on cam slagging me off to a model so every1 can sit there n say shit bwt me ,..proper sad gezza!

Which implies the model was spying on people in this other models room and messaging the members crap like this. Apparently it's a regular occurrence! She also apparently has a member account that she advertises her stuff in other peoples rooms.
I hate bitchiness between models, something about doing that is so wrong. We all do our own stuff and have our struggles, can't imagine lamely trying to poach members with that attitude even works!
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Isabella_deL said:
Double post but apparently what had happened, after this member mentioning it in the room without naming names and the model asking if it was x model, then other members coming out and saying that they also get hassled by this girl. The girl had sent him a mfc mail:
banned u and unfriended u cus i dont like ppl tht ignor me that r on my so called friendlist doesnt give u the rite to sit on cam slagging me off to a model so every1 can sit there n say shit bwt me ,..proper sad gezza!

Which implies the model was spying on people in this other models room and messaging the members crap like this. Apparently it's a regular occurrence! She also apparently has a member account that she advertises her stuff in other peoples rooms.
I hate bitchiness between models, something about doing that is so wrong. We all do our own stuff and have our struggles, can't imagine lamely trying to poach members with that attitude even works!

As the saying goes all is fair in love, war, and camming :). Well maybe camming is included in the love/lust category. :lol:

There is grey area between being friendly and poaching it seems to me. There is a newish model that PMs every time she gets on generally to tell me what she is going to be doing on cam. The extra attention does get me to visit her room more often than I normally one. Although in her case her begging for tips is getting really annoying. I counted six different for requests for tips in under 10 minutes, despite get tips from 4 members. This probably belongs in the pet peeve thread.
LilyMarie said:
RedHerby said:
LilyMarie said:
... Then as soon as he was castrated, everything was going well ...
I have big problems with this line !!!
The correct word is neuter, right? Crap, I knew it.

"Castrated" is also technically correct. It just tends to make men cross their legs in dismay. We can sort of pretend we don't know what "neutered" refers to. :shhh:
HiGirlsRHot said:
There is grey area between being friendly and poaching it seems to me. There is a newish model that PMs every time she gets on generally to tell me what she is going to be doing on cam. The extra attention does get me to visit her room more often than I normally one. Although in her case her begging for tips is getting really annoying. I counted six different for requests for tips in under 10 minutes, despite get tips from 4 members. This probably belongs in the pet peeve thread.

Poaching is when a cam girl is spying on another girls room and then pming the members telling them to tip. I message members when I'm offline, and when I'm online I message them too and will sometimes make offers/put in vaguely subtle, sometimes not so subtle hints that I'd like them to tip, that's not poaching because I'm not going into someone else's room and trying to steal members/try to get them to tip me instead.
If this newish model is someone who you have gone out of your way to visit and isn't just seeing you in other girls rooms and deciding to tell you to tip her instead of the model you're watching, then no she isn't poaching, sounds a bit beggy/annoying, but there's no fine line. Either you're trying to steal members from another model or you're not.
HarmlessSquirrel said:
"Castrated" is also technically correct. It just tends to make men cross their legs in dismay. We can sort of pretend we don't know what "neutered" refers to. :shhh:
I prefer the term 'aggressive vasectomy'
Jupiter551 said:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
"Castrated" is also technically correct. It just tends to make men cross their legs in dismay. We can sort of pretend we don't know what "neutered" refers to. :shhh:
I prefer the term 'aggressive vasectomy'
:lol: I think each term carries some psychological baggage. Generally, what I've noticed is: we NEUTER pets, CASTRATE food animals, and "clip" humans. lol All synonyms but each with a special nuance.
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Nordling said:
Jupiter551 said:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
"Castrated" is also technically correct. It just tends to make men cross their legs in dismay. We can sort of pretend we don't know what "neutered" refers to. :shhh:
I prefer the term 'aggressive vasectomy'
:lol: I think each term carries some psychological baggage. Generally, what I've noticed is: we NEUTER pets, CASTRATE food animals, and "clip" humans. lol All synonyms but each with a special nuance.

I am not sure, but I think neuter and castrate are the same. I was watching a video and they said they had to give a lion a vasectomy instead of neutering so he would not lose his mane.
Shaun__ said:
Nordling said:
Jupiter551 said:
HarmlessSquirrel said:
"Castrated" is also technically correct. It just tends to make men cross their legs in dismay. We can sort of pretend we don't know what "neutered" refers to. :shhh:
I prefer the term 'aggressive vasectomy'
:lol: I think each term carries some psychological baggage. Generally, what I've noticed is: we NEUTER pets, CASTRATE food animals, and "clip" humans. lol All synonyms but each with a special nuance.

I am not sure, but I think neuter and castrate are the same. I was watching a video and they said they had to give a lion a vasectomy instead of neutering so he would not lose his mane.
Yeah, I'm more talking about common use of the terms, which are often technically inaccurate. That and the psychologically differing impact of synonyms. For instance, when a human is "castrated," we think of it as as a non-volunteer and often violent procedure...and neutering, though more generic isn't something men or women want to be thought of (neuter). Animals other than humans probably aren't affected by word usage so much.
Nordling said:
Yeah, I'm more talking about common use of the terms, which are often technically inaccurate. That and the psychologically differing impact of synonyms. For instance, when a human is "castrated," we think of it as as a non-volunteer and often violent procedure...and neutering, though more generic isn't something men or women want to be thought of (neuter). Animals other than humans probably aren't affected by word usage so much.
I always thought castration was when you completely removed the testicles. :think: Because it's very rare that humans will be castrated (except maybe metaphorically) but getting snipped is just having the testicles separated (but not removed) from the other sexual organs.
blackxrose said:
Nordling said:
Yeah, I'm more talking about common use of the terms, which are often technically inaccurate. That and the psychologically differing impact of synonyms. For instance, when a human is "castrated," we think of it as as a non-volunteer and often violent procedure...and neutering, though more generic isn't something men or women want to be thought of (neuter). Animals other than humans probably aren't affected by word usage so much.
I always thought castration was when you completely removed the testicles. :think: Because it's very rare that humans will be castrated (except maybe metaphorically) but getting snipped is just having the testicles separated (but not removed) from the other sexual organs.
Exactly. But once again, I'm talking about common parlance...which is not always accurate. "Clipped" or "snipped" (vasectomy) means cutting the vas deferens so sperm can't be mixed with semen and carried on out the penis. But some macho types may say "hey I got castrated" just to gross out their buddies.
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