While in my friend's room, a light grey user ("has bought tokens") sent me a PM.
Probably just signed up and took the 'supporter' option to get the initial 200 tokens, otherwise he couldn't have sent the PM.
I must've been in a goofy mood, and decided to humour him. Here's our brief 'chat':
<grey>: Wanna go in on a big tip?
<me>: what do you call big?
<grey>: we throw in on her "full body tour in private"
<me>: can't split a private
<grey>: well what were you thinking then? striptease or write name on body?
<me>: it was your suggestion. how many tokens do you have?
<grey>: I have 87
<grey>: what about write name on her ass cheeks?
(so I'm thinking he will suggest his name on one cheek, mine on the other.......)
<me>: thanks, tempting offer but I'll decline. Feel free to tip off her menu though, well worth it!
<grey>: Thanks for being understanding, I'm still new to tipping. I get screwed over a lot
(closes PM chat)
I have never been approached for splitting tips before, does it happen though? Guess they have to agree it up front with the model if so?