AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
So what? I had a few friends in Russia before the crysis, and after the annexation of Crimea they told me thier social networks were full of suggestions to annex something else: the rest of Ukraine, some regions in China, the whole Alaska state, etc. I guess they've all gone mad there and they will keep trying to annex everything they see :D
This dude might haven't known the girl was also Russian, but he saw her boobs and... well you know.
u help me sue e eryone
everyone involved
i give u 3%
i mean u inform
be a witness
acknowledge their has been a violation of my rights
my privacy
public leak
ask your friends
split up the 3% how you like
30% if u can find proof they suffocated me in the night

Well ... that was odd
"Do you have kids?"

I don't wanna know why you wanna know that.
I remember one guy even asking me "What's the name of the school your child goes to?" What the hell?
Listening to a young model on her period take skype calls on cam. Don't know if guys realized she was broadcasting them (audio only). Don't know if she realized it for that matter.

First one, little bit of sweet talk, then he started telling her in a distinctly southern USA accent "You tell these guys they better treat you right. An' if they don't, you just tell me who it I'll come kick their ass." ohhh kayyy

Second one, little bit of sweet talk, then he started apologizing profusely for having no tokens, and promising to come back soon with many many tokens. Riggggtttt.

For a moment there, I wondered if first guy was going to show up to kick second guys ass. But then the third one called, and he sounded French, so I just gtfo of there.
Nope, but I'll screencap and report you!
"Do you have kids?"

I don't wanna know why you wanna know that.

Yes I really hate getting asked that question! For one, when I'm trying to be sexy the last thing I want to talk about is my kids. Secondly, this is not a first date. That's none of your business. And third, like you said why do you need to know that information? Pet peeve for sure.
Yes I really hate getting asked that question! For one, when I'm trying to be sexy the last thing I want to talk about is my kids. Secondly, this is not a first date. That's none of your business. And third, like you said why do you need to know that information? Pet peeve for sure.

Some of them are really stupid and/or gross, whereas others don't know how their fetish works. I chewed one guy out for asking, telling him that it's a really inappropriate and gross question to be asking on an adult site. His response was "well, I happen to think MILF's are hot with big milky tits". Oh. So you're into lactation. Why can't you just ask about that and not mention kids? Also, not everyone who's given birth has big tits. Additionally, just because someone has a child, doesn't mean that they are lactating right this minute. Pretty sure most women whose youngest child is old enough to eat solids has weaned the kid and therefore is no longer lactating, profitable fetish or no.
Gross? You rang? :)

bbbbeeentjes: i really enjoy your clear glass butt plug it showed deep into ur anus we could see the hamburger u had for lunch mmm

So, she's using the new South Park method of eating?
"make me hard, then we go private bb"

sure thing.

This is especially amusing when preceded by "mmm, you make me so hard bb, show tits?" Do you have a boner or not, sir?
Evidently he only visits AmberCutie once a year?

View attachment 56148
My tip records showed that he had only been around during March and August of 2014, so it had been a year haha. And in 2013, only May and August. :confused:

When he did visit, he was pretty nice and generous. It's too bad his visits are so infrequent.

"Tell your Dom that from now on, you can only use your pussy for spanking. No sex/masturbation."
Uhh...or I could, y'know, NOT do that.
I told him as politely as I could that it wasn't happening. The next night he comes in and someone was being kinda shitty, and this conversation takes place:

Him: Don't listen to that guy.
Me: It's all good. I don't give a shit what some basic asshole that's never tipped me thinks.
Him: Do you care what I think?
Me: Well yeah, because you've actually tipped me, so obviously I'm gonna take your comments and use them to improve my shows.
Him: No don't think of me like that, I have real feelings for you.

Like...dude. You met me THE NIGHT BEFORE. Creeped me out, so I banned him, and then he sends me an MFC mail like: "WHAT THE FUCK I GAVE YOU ALL MY TOKENS WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I LOVE YOU."

Like. You gave me the equivalent of $5, and I'm super grateful for that, but you were purchasing a form of entertainment, NOT me, and certainly not my ladybits. Creepers be creepin'.