AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
yossarian said:
Nordling said:
Possibly a coincidence, but I thought this was rather odd--the guy sat in the model's room for an hour without a peep.

That's actually the Amber Cutie Foundation, which provides dildos and Hitachis to needy camgirls.

My first thought was it legitimately stood for Administration for Children and Families.
zippypinhead said:
Jessi said:
The existence of this really brilliant human being

My brain hurts.
Wow, that guy is really something special.
Don't your parents teach you not to brag when you're like.. five?


kinda reminds me of this thing I saw on reddit the other day :-D

I love that a picture of his finger pointing at a car should convince us he owns it. I'm gonna start taking pictures of me pointing at things so I can claim them as mine. Think it would work if I pointed at the Sears building? Maybe I could point at Jessi and she'd come home with me!

And $600 for a suit is cheap. If you want a good tailored suit be prepared to pay a few thousand. :roll: Found this out the hard way when Mr. Nerd needed formal wear last year.
Diana Blake said:
I love that a picture of his finger pointing at a car should convince us he owns it.
I kinda believe him. Would be a weird choice of car to lie about. Hank Hill would be appalled by the treatment of his grass.
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Nordling said:
Possibly a coincidence, but I thought this was rather odd--the guy sat in the model's room for an hour without a peep.

Yeah I met a guy a while back who tried to sorta claim ACF as some sort of proof that models should put up with him. He got banned pretty quickly. I hadn't even known he was ACF yet (read it on his profile), but the second he told me to look at his token amount, and said he had a ton, which was why I should pay more attention to him I decided he could go away. Possibly not a good business decision, definitely one for my sanity though.
Godiva420 said:
Nordling said:
Possibly a coincidence, but I thought this was rather odd--the guy sat in the model's room for an hour without a peep.

Yeah I met a guy a while back who tried to sorta claim ACF as some sort of proof that models should put up with him. He got banned pretty quickly. I hadn't even known he was ACF yet (read it on his profile), but the second he told me to look at his token amount, and said he had a ton, which was why I should pay more attention to him I decided he could go away. Possibly not a good business decision, definitely one for my sanity though.
I'm guessing it was a perfect business decision. Your other members who really do tip, and without bragging about some unrelated "quality" will be happier without him. :)
7:19:25 AM MariuzDorian: Hello. I and I need some help, but not for me. I need help to promote MFC top of a model (AlexiaQ) is superb. I have nothing to do with Alexia, but it's a shame not to be among the first models. It does not require tokens to be fair he wants to play
07:19:25 AM MariuzDorian: but does not have a large camscor as new model. AlexiaQ works day as a lawyer and night as a model on MFC, but not without a little help cant succeed. I tried to promote it, but only managed to grow camscor not too much. If you like AlexiaQ please he
07:19:25 AM MariuzDorian: lp me get her in the top models on MFC. Thank you so much and I guarantee that AlexiaQ is a smart and sexy lady who deserves all the effort

I was gonna help out until the pimp mentioned that she worked as a lawyer by day. :eek:
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During a discussion of the model's videos for sale. Lola's answer was funny, she said something like, "oh, then that should be ME, nothing I like more than having a stranger fuck me in the ass!":


  • Me me me.jpg
    Me me me.jpg
    76 KB · Views: 221
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One of my regulars who always makes me belly laugh came up with this PM tonight
XXXX - This is a test of the emergency private message system. Had this been a real private message, it would have been accompanied by screams, gunfire, and a faint burning smell. We now return you to your regular camchat, already in progress.
I think this could go either in the WTF or LOL thread, but since this one was more conveniently located.........

This takes a bit of setup for context.

I was in a member room (like the lounge, models can't see what is typed) and two basics were commenting.

Wish I would have capped it because I can't remember exactly what was said, but here is a reasonable facsimile.

And mind you, these two idiots were more than likely NOT viewing the same model.

Basic 1 : Oooh, bb, you so sexy
Basic 2: Yeah, bb take it off
(Since they were the only one's talking in this Member Room, I'm sure they thought.......well you know)
Basic 1: Show us that ass bb
Basic 2: Oh, yeah
Basic 1: Show some ass, bitch
Basic 2: Don't be rude, you need to tip
Basic 1: Anyway you're ugly
Basic 1: Stupid cunt
Basic 1: Fuck this shit
Basic 1: I'm outta here
Basic 1: Ban me, bitch (guess he had some experience there)
yummybrownfox said:
After telling a member "This isn't a dating site," he says...

"I'll just fuck you. I don't want to be seen dating a Black bitch. That's embarrassing."


I wanna kick that dude in the nuts so bad they'd turn to raisins.
ComicOzzie said:


This guy in true bloob fashion was probably bouncing around rooms saying that. I saw him in one of the rooms yesterday, and my first thought was "Nobody gives two shits in a toilet about your thimble (I mean cock)!"
He enters the chat room and says he "went premium" because of her, then after she thanks him, he goes on to say...

impotentguy: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
impotentguy: i was going to tip you but i like the feeling of having tokens.
impotentguy: it's empowering
impotentguy: i want to keep them forever so they can earn intrest
impotentguy: i dont want to be one of those 0/20 premiums

Eventual ban. :)
Nordling said:
He enters the chat room and says he "went premium" because of her, then after she thanks him, he goes on to say...

impotentguy: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
impotentguy: i was going to tip you but i like the feeling of having tokens.
impotentguy: it's empowering
impotentguy: i want to keep them forever so they can earn intrest
impotentguy: i dont want to be one of those 0/20 premiums

Eventual ban. :)

Impotent in more ways than one.
Nordling said:
He enters the chat room and says he "went premium" because of her, then after she thanks him, he goes on to say...

impotentguy: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
impotentguy: i was going to tip you but i like the feeling of having tokens.
impotentguy: it's empowering
impotentguy: i want to keep them forever so they can earn intrest
impotentguy: i dont want to be one of those 0/20 premiums

Eventual ban. :)

Yesterday, in my room:




Dude... just... go far away please...
That 'new premium' has an orange font. Don't you need a minimum number of RP to do that anymore? I thought it was 500 RP. That's a lot of tokens not to have spent on anyone.
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Sevrin said:
That 'new premium' has an orange font. Don't you need a minimum number of RP to do that anymore? I thought it was 500 RP. That's a lot of tokens not to have spent on anyone.

When he was in my room posting that "Yummy! I went premium for you!" bullshit, he actually did have 200 tokens and 20 points. He's just another asshole who thinks he's hot shit just because he spent $19.99 one time...and he likes to dangle his tokens in models' faces like it's a Scooby snack, hoping models will kiss his crusty ass. "Not I!," said the fox.....

It's just another form of trolling, in my opinion, and deserves a 60-day ban.