Nordling said:Agree, except I'm not referring to an individual's looks...but when someone takes the broad category of a group to be intolerant of an individual. And once again, if a person chooses to not sleep with someone, that's all they should say... "I'm not attracted to YOU." Their GROUP should be inconsequential in conversation. Nearly everyone has a least some bigotry...we live in a society that has huge segments that are openly bigoted. This leaks over into folks who try their best not to be, but no one's a robot.AmberCutie said:Yeah, definition of bigot ' "one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance" and I don't think that choosing not to sleep with someone because of their looks qualifies as hatred or intolerance.Shaun__ said:Nordling said:Of course they do. You have 100% control over your body and who sticks what into it.But if your REASONING is the class someone belongs to, rather than the person's actual character or unique look and smell, it's VERY LIKELY bigotry.
If you are not physically attracted to a person you are not attracted. You can not call someone a bigot, because they have different preferences. I personally did not wake up one day and fill out a sheet to decide what I like, it just sort of happened as I got older.
Again, I think in this day and age, people are too quick to call someone racist or a bigot, instead of just realizing people have preferences.
I definitely see your point here. Its the difference in saying "Im not attracted to you, so im not working with you" to "Im not attracted to black guys, so i'm not working with them." One i feel is fine, the other is racist. One a preference about a specific person, the other excluding an entire race of people for their skin color alone. That is racism.
I feel though a pron star has every right to not be with a specific race if they choose to. Maybe the girl doesn't wanna do inter racial porn and get into that category of things. It may not be about racism for her. It may just be about her fans wants, or not wanting to be put in that box.