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The Itty Bitty Titty Committee - Small Boobie Love

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KittyWilde said:
Bocefish said:
Lovely KittyWilde was tanning her kitty and titties today. :mrgreen:


Would you mind removing the pussy-in-your-face shot? I mean, this post is about titties anyway, right? :)

Thanks sweet thing! xoxo
:dance: Woohoo! The whole time I was reading this topic I was thinking, "Where are Kittie and Posie?" Low and behold, Kittie shows up.

I like all boobies, but the big 'ums scare me. I fear that they may smother me if I'm on the bottom giving them the amorous attention they deserve. :(
KittyWilde said:
Bocefish said:
Lovely KittyWilde was tanning her kitty and titties today. :mrgreen:


Would you mind removing the pussy-in-your-face shot? I mean, this post is about titties anyway, right? :)

Thanks sweet thing! xoxo
Done, darlin'!
BloodRed87 said:
This thread is severely lacking in Frankie tits, let's fix that:

I'm part of the club myself. I used to be self conscience about my small breast, but now I've come to terms with it. Boob size isn't what truly makes a woman beautiful. (Although it does make clothes fit a lot better. I remember when I was breast feeding and had big ones for that time... a lot of cute blouses I had fit much better.)


I wish there was a standard term for small boobs and that more models put it in their tags. Would make it easier to find them. Big boobs look nice, but little ones really get me going.

A new fav is SweetKetty
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Congratz to ohmystarz for finishing September with the highest vote count. Looks like the webmaster hasn't had a chance to create the October contest yet.
Sevrin said:
Congratz to ohmystarz for finishing September with the highest vote count. Looks like the webmaster hasn't had a chance to create the October contest yet.

Contest is on hold, last month there was a bit of fishy business as the competition got fierce (I think on the members part, not models) and he wants to find a new poll system that can't be cheated as easily.
LacieLaPlante said:
he wants to find a new poll system that can't be cheated as easily.

I do not believe it is possible to have a secure poll on the internet it is just too anonymous. His last poll checked for cookies and IP addresses. What he is really polling for is which model has the hardest working fan base I think.

I like big breasts, but I love medium to small breasts though and think the idea behind the contest is good. Smaller breasted models don't get the attention they deserve.
LacieLaPlante said:
Sevrin said:
Congratz to ohmystarz for finishing September with the highest vote count. Looks like the webmaster hasn't had a chance to create the October contest yet.

Contest is on hold, last month there was a bit of fishy business as the competition got fierce (I think on the members part, not models) and he wants to find a new poll system that can't be cheated as easily.

I didn't really want to talk too much about it, but I will say a few things :p

I wasn't able to vote for a while until I used CCleaner. I know that bother myself and MLY have a lot of computer nerds in our rooms. Her regulars wanted her to win and mine wanted me to win.

A few of my regulars watched her and her room. I was called a skank, a slut, a whore, a cheater, was called ugly, etc. At that point my regulars said "you have to win!". My room was so nice about her and those people, they never talked badly about her or her room. I was so proud of them! She referred to me as "the other one" and "the other girl". I always said her name, why can't you say my screenname?

I heard things like, "I should win because I have breasts" - so do I. "I should win because its breast cancer awareness month" - what's your point? YOU didn't come up with it.

I know there was cheating going on, I know there was cheating on my side and the other side of it as well. I watched 170 votes come in in 3 hours when she wasn't on. I even heard her regular say they were making a script to vote for her. I didn't like that I was being accused of cheating, but they never said "well, hey we are helping you cheat as well."

If I had lost and it was an actual fair lose, I would have tipped my hat and said congrats. However, I am happy that I did win because I won't sit here and gloat and I won't say that I deserved to win.

It's also not a reflection of, just the fanbase. It's just an internet poll that has no bearing on anything other than a fun title.
LacieLaPlante said:
PlayboyMegan said:
These are my 34 A's. This thread makes me feel much better about them!! Thank you. :)

Why would you ever feel bad about breasts this beautiful? Wow, Megan!!
Awww thank you! Well I was reading comments on my Playboy pictures (for some reason guys think we are not real people, and can't read public comments) and I had soooo many comments like "where are her tits?" "I like women, not little girls" "looks like a little boy" etc.
PlayboyMegan said:
LacieLaPlante said:
PlayboyMegan said:
These are my 34 A's. This thread makes me feel much better about them!! Thank you. :)

Why would you ever feel bad about breasts this beautiful? Wow, Megan!!
Awww thank you! Well I was reading comments on my Playboy pictures (for some reason guys think we are not real people, and can't read public comments) and I had soooo many comments like "where are her tits?" "I like women, not little girls" "looks like a little boy" etc.

Ignore the haters. We all know that they'd never say those things if they saw you in person or if they got out of their parent's basements and actually talked to a female. They live to say things like that online.
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jackie_O said:
A whole lotta fantastic going on in this thread!

I :h: me some itty bitty titties. I think having them makes you love them so much more.

[Ninja Edit]: This is me!
You're a hottie! :D
jackie_O said:
blackxrose said:
You're a hottie! :D

Thank you! :-D
You are quite lovely yourself ma'am.
Thanks :) I just call it as I see it though.
PlayboyMegan said:
LacieLaPlante said:
PlayboyMegan said:
These are my 34 A's. This thread makes me feel much better about them!! Thank you. :)

Why would you ever feel bad about breasts this beautiful? Wow, Megan!!
Awww thank you! Well I was reading comments on my Playboy pictures (for some reason guys think we are not real people, and can't read public comments) and I had soooo many comments like "where are her tits?" "I like women, not little girls" "looks like a little boy" etc.
Let's look at it from a little different perspective.... Megan YOU were picked out of how many thousands that apply to appear in Playboy? and were picked out of said thousands to grace the pages of said magazine that has a reputation of showing some of the more beautiful women of the WORLD!!! Maybe jusssst maybe there is a little going for you on the looks side ;) You have absolutely nothing to be self conscious about on your looks, I have yet to get into your room to see your personality but from what I have seen here at the forum, you don't have to worry too much about the haters.
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