AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

The biggest lie - camgirl be single

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Get your nose the fuck out of your girlfriends job. It's the internet, she's not on a dating site.
If the studio, or her, thinks that not "holding back" in public will make her more money then let her be.
This doesn't seem like a good fit.
You don't seem confident enough in your relationship to let your girlfriend do this in a healthy manner.
All you say about this screams BIG red flags. Stay off her site, off of her camming stuff, and just let her do her thing.
Stop being so worried if she says she's single. Guys like it.

Now, to answer your question.
I have a boyfriend and all of my regulars know that. They like him a lot and talk to him occasionally.
They even made him his own emote!

To sum it

Sex = Money Honey
I don't think ANY Cam Model will say that they do this 100% for fun. It's a job. But a fun job. Who wants to go to a shitty work place? At least here u can make it what u want & have fun & make online friends.(Or whatever YOU choose!)

Agreed=== pretty much this can be thought of as an Online Strip Club

(generally speaking, like an old teacher said once-- Stay in your helicopter & hover over the the issue. don't fly too deep...)

Job with fun benefits. If the cam girl is gonna cheat or leave u -- it can't be blamed on cam modeling. If she's gonna do it, nothing will stop her. So, let her do her job!
Only once in the year and change I've been on mfc have I seen a model actually get with a member, and that was a complete accident, they met as friends and chemistry was there.

Cam girls are not potential girl friends, guys who think otherwise are retarded. I do however think that you girls are more than just online strippers, I've made quite good friends with many of you and I certainly value as more than entertainment.
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jebbaz said:
Only once in the year and change I've been on mfc have I seen a model actually get with a member, and that was a complete accident, they met as friends and chemistry was there.

Cam girls are not potential girl friends, guys who think otherwise are retarded. I do however think that you girls are more than just online strippers, I've made quite good friends with many of you and I certainly value as more than entertainment.

I do agree with this in a way. Depends on the model.
I have friends here, & enjoy it!! Strippers make friends

I know both sides of a strip club & basically i think that MFC newbies should think of it somewhat like a strip club BUT it is alot easier to make friends with the online camming than in a club, IMO
jebbaz said:
Only once in the year and change I've been on mfc have I seen a model actually get with a member, and that was a complete accident, they met as friends and chemistry was there.

Cam girls are not potential girl friends, guys who think otherwise are retarded. I do however think that you girls are more than just online strippers, I've made quite good friends with many of you and I certainly value as more than entertainment.

I have to agree with Jebbaz here, I have been at mfc for almost 3 years ( WOW that sounds like a long time ) and have seen a couple of the girls get married, not necessarily to a member of mfc, and have made some great friends there.

Would I date one of the girls at mfc, there are only 2 that I would seriously consider it and they are aware of who they are. on that note, it is a job for the girls here, is it a fun job? for the most part it is, but keep in mind all of the idiots they have to put up with at any given time.

Will it affect you and your relationship with your GF? maybe maybe not, it would be easier if you stayed out of her business side of her job and let her work, the more you tell her she can't, the more she will start to think you aren't worth the time of day. I'm not telling you to break it off with her now, but you need to step back and let her do what she does. You don't have to like her job but if you care about her, let her do her job without restrictions.

As far as the girls saying if they are with someone, it really doesn't matter unless she was being an escort on the side which could lead to a completely different set of problems, and if that's the case you need to rethink what you want out of the relationship.
AmberCutie said:
jebbaz said:
tl;dr on most of this but I will say two things.

1. OP, is English your first language?

2. Who cares if a girl has a man? Doesn't affect the job, or the relationship with the members. Provided the members are intelligent that is.

1. I think he said he's in Russia, so I am betting that English isn't his native tongue.

2. There are tons of people who care, unfortunately. I get asked multiple times a day if I am single/married/boyfriended... and ALWAYS (ok, 99% of the time) they act SOOO disappointed when i say I am married. I have no clue to whether they'd spend more tokens on me if I told them I was single, but I know it for some reason makes a difference to them. It's sad. It's not a dating site, and I shake my ass the same way whether I am married or not, so why give a shit? You had no shot with me either way. Not because you're not good enough for me, but because MFC isn't and I wouldn't meet anyone on there. Build a fucking bridge...

(can you tell this is a heated subject for me?)
Mikeythegeek said:
A couple of additional points:

1- It was mentioned that this model works in a studio. It's possible that she didn't decide to lie about her status. She was told to by the studio bosses.

2- I'd bet that the percentage that was thrown out there, 80% of studio models lie about their status, isn't accurate. Maybe 80% of studio models lie, but not 80% of all models. Some models do that because they think it will mean more money for them in the long run. Some do it because they think it's nobody's business. And some do it because they're told to by someone (studio boss, their boyfriend/husband, or someone else).

I assume that the studio wants to play up their models being single. Whether we want to admit it or not, there's a certain type of customer on MFC who gets off on the fantasy of thinking that they are going to have the girls fall in love with them and then come "save" them from their studio and marry them.

BrandonHeat said:
i watched her over some time and sit in her chat. I saw who this guys behaved and how she behave :p

Ye, not nice.

Anyway, just right now we had big quarrel about this, 2 min ago - since i ask her to hold some back at public chat and she dont want to do this for me.

If the two of you have come to the agreement that she can continue to work as a cam girl, you've really got to figure out a way to stay out of it. You can't tell her how to run her show. If she's lying about something hoping to make more $ from it, that means you distracting her or telling her to do things differently is interfering with her trying to make more $. It's like her coming to your job (assuming you have one) and telling you how to do it in a less efficient way. You'd disagree, and you know best how to do the job.

If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen. (In the US, that means if you can't handle whats happening, then get out of the situation... i.e. break up with her.)

Also, on the note about you calling the members on camsites pathetic and whatnot... cut that shit out. 99% of the world pays in some way, shape, or form for sex. Porn, phone chat, cam sites, Playboy Magazine... it's all the same. People are allowed their fantasy world, and many of them are already successful men (or women) who may already have loving relationships. You don't have to be pathetic and single to enjoy these things.

But anyway, this is my forum and if you continue to trash talk the members that I call my friends, I'll kick you to the curb.

Bocefish said:
BrandonHeat said:
She didnt had a choose to start this work or not, thats russia. not USA or something.

I dont judge her for that

Sounds like you judge every other model that chooses to do this along with every person that visits cam sites.

Explain more why she has no choice but to be a cam whore, I don't understand. Do they pick women off the street in Russia and force them to do this?

I was unclear on this too. Seems he's saying "I understand since she's in Russia that she has to be a cam model... not like those other whores in USA who CHOOSE to be sluts". That's how I took it anyway. I'm not digging the attitude, here.

I wish I could have posted something half as eloquent as this... But shit, I'm a red head... My emotions rule my typing fists.
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JoleneJolene said:
I wish I could have posted something half as eloquent as this... But shit, I'm a red head... My emotions rule my typing fists.

Aha! Well, glad you agree at least. :dance:
First: Uncontrollable fangirl squee at the name. *ahem*

Cassidy Nicole said:
seriously, i consider myself and this job and "online strip club". are you asking strippers if they are married or have bfs? :think:

Strippers get this question A LOT actually. More than webcam models I'd assume because they're flesh and blood and not an image on a screen. They also put up with the "how about some real sex?" requests more as well.

Third: Got rabid in here pretty quick and he had a legit question in there I think, despite how most people took it. Language barriers can be a bit deadly.

Everything I've ever read on webcamming has drilled the mantra that sex workers are a fantasy home. Therefore, even if you're not available, it's always better to pretend as if you are. Second mantra? The money is in lonely men. Sad truth is, some (emphasis on some, please mind) people come to these sites because they're looking for something they don't have elsewhere. Sometimes that's a shot with a beautiful girl. He may know damned well he has no chance with you, but for the time being perhaps he'd like to pretend that he does and wants you to play along. I've started flat-out ignoring all questions as to marital status because you ladies are correct in saying it doesn't matter. I've been honest in the past and it derails the chat, people start getting up in arms and attacking some man they're not even sure exists because my tits are out online and therefore he must be a horrible human being, they slink away all disappointed, etc. It gets tiresome combating such negativity and it also properly kills whatever fantasy they had in mind beforehand. I hate lying and I'm terrible at faking things though. I'd rather feign ignorance to the fact that the question was even asked and let him fill in the blank himself. The SC isn't for dating and NO, cam sites sure as hell aren't, but part of the psychology behind why the business works is the fantasy aspect. A lot of Eastern European studios actually prey on that angle. From what I hear, in Romania since sex webcamming is illegal, the girls in the studios there market themselves under the guise of working as digital girlfriends. Sure, people know what's ACTUALLY going on, much like escorting in the US, but it passes neatly through the legal loophole. Just what I've heard. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I wish all girls could have members as cool as some of the ones who frequent this forum, but it's not the case. I'd like friends from this work, but it IS a job and what makes it work is keeping the fantasy alive.

As for other issues brought up in his post...those have been covered. Don't take her lying about your existence as some slight against you and stay out of her room. Just my 3 bits.
LuxDahl said:
First: Uncontrollable fangirl squee at the name. *ahem*

Cassidy Nicole said:
seriously, i consider myself and this job and "online strip club". are you asking strippers if they are married or have bfs? :think:

Strippers get this question A LOT actually. More than webcam models I'd assume because they're flesh and blood and not an image on a screen. They also put up with the "how about some real sex?" requests more as well.

Third: Got rabid in here pretty quick and he had a legit question in there I think, despite how most people took it. Language barriers can be a bit deadly.

Everything I've ever read on webcamming has drilled the mantra that sex workers are a fantasy home. Therefore, even if you're not available, it's always better to pretend as if you are. Second mantra? The money is in lonely men. Sad truth is, some (emphasis on some, please mind) people come to these sites because they're looking for something they don't have elsewhere. Sometimes that's a shot with a beautiful girl. He may know damned well he has no chance with you, but for the time being perhaps he'd like to pretend that he does and wants you to play along. I've started flat-out ignoring all questions as to marital status because you ladies are correct in saying it doesn't matter. I've been honest in the past and it derails the chat, people start getting up in arms and attacking some man they're not even sure exists because my tits are out online and therefore he must be a horrible human being, they slink away all disappointed, etc. It gets tiresome combating such negativity and it also properly kills whatever fantasy they had in mind beforehand. I hate lying and I'm terrible at faking things though. I'd rather feign ignorance to the fact that the question was even asked and let him fill in the blank himself. The SC isn't for dating and NO, cam sites sure as hell aren't, but part of the psychology behind why the business works is the fantasy aspect. A lot of Eastern European studios actually prey on that angle. From what I hear, in Romania since sex webcamming is illegal, the girls in the studios there market themselves under the guise of working as digital girlfriends. Sure, people know what's ACTUALLY going on, much like escorting in the US, but it passes neatly through the legal loophole. Just what I've heard. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I wish all girls could have members as cool as some of the ones who frequent this forum, but it's not the case. I'd like friends from this work, but it IS a job and what makes it work is keeping the fantasy alive.

As for other issues brought up in his post...those have been covered. Don't take her lying about your existence as some slight against you and stay out of her room. Just my 3 bits.
Very well said!
Yeah the reason I asked the dude what his first language was, was so I wouldn't be too harsh on him. Generally its a lot easier to come off like a real prick when you dont speak the language very well.
Reading a bit more of this I stand by me decision to take a shit instead of post something intelligent here. Although I think Amber said it nicely as well as some others. Frankly if this guy ISN'T a troll he should just kill himself now (and I say that as someone that is trying to get people not to do that as a job).
Jolene :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: haha the same here!
God, when I read it first time i felt like this lil, insane, mad creature in me wanna came out.
So i decided to do..nothing.

Yea guy sounds like a prick. Dunno if it's cause of the language (ok, that's not my native one too I hope I dont sound like a prick too :mrgreen: ) or maybe he is an asshole. For me all this sounds very ...
dodger...-ish maybe.
Sounds like He is sooo proud (oh my gf earns bunch of money) on the other hand she has no choice...?
and U lie to Her, don't respect her requests and came here brag ( dunno if it's proper word) how smart U are and log in here and shhhhhhhh.. "u know she would kill me" pffffffff.
What kind a guy are Ya????

damn.. i hope... I still don't sound like a prick :? :mrgreen:

I agree with all ladies here.
Jassie_Red said:
Jolene :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: haha the same here!
God, when I read it first time i felt like this lil, insane, mad creature in me wanna came out.
So i decided to do..nothing.

Yea guy sounds like a prick. Dunno if it's cause of the language (ok, that's not my native one too I hope I dont sound like a prick too :mrgreen: ) or maybe he is an asshole. For me all this sounds very ...
dodger...-ish maybe.
Sounds like He is sooo proud (oh my gf earns bunch of money) on the other hand she has no choice...?
and U lie to Her, don't respect her requests and came here brag ( dunno if it's proper word) how smart U are and log in here and shhhhhhhh.. "u know she would kill me" pffffffff.
What kind a guy are Ya????

damn.. i hope... I still don't sound like a prick :? :mrgreen:

I agree with all ladies here.

u sound like prick :lol:

but since this thread got only 2 really helpful answers, i asked amber to delete this and the other one. My normal question seem to insult alot of people in bad meaning which wasnt what i wanted, really.

I got my view about this stuff and u cant life with that, the same way like i cant, but dosnt matter now.

see ya
Yep mystery of the language barrier solved.

Not just a prick, but a prick who cant properly convey what a prick he is.
prick prick prick.

Iam surprised, thought it ask a model - not ask a fanboy.
Dosnt matter, thats just rude and insulting here, really
I'm not deleting the threads so you might want to think before you continue to put your foot in your mouth.
BrandonHeat said:
jebbaz said:
I love it when the newbies pick fights they aint gonna win.
:woops: This guy can't seriously be coming here for the sole purpose of picking a fight with strangers? What kind of loser do you have to be for that?
wow.....ummm :ugeek: i read everyones comments and all i have is he for real??lol I just cant grasp the sheer stupidity in his remarks
my biggest problem with this whole thing is how the topic was worded... but that is probably a language barrier.

It implies two things: the first is that lying about having a significant other is the biggest lie a cam-girl can make. The second is that all cam girls claiming to be single are lying.
jebbaz said:
BrandonHeat said:
jebbaz said:
I love it when the newbies pick fights they aint gonna win.
:woops: This guy can't seriously be coming here for the sole purpose of picking a fight with strangers? What kind of loser do you have to be for that?
jebbaz babes.. fail troll is fail lmao
Usually I can smell a troll. This smells more like a guy taking this seriously, making it all the more fun to laugh at him.
jebbaz said:
Usually I can smell a troll. This smells more like a guy taking this seriously, making it all the more fun to laugh at him.
made me think troll at first. would be very interesting if this is legit. but honestly i have never claimed to be single. i always have stated my status. my choice. discussed it with my fiance about sayin single vs in a relationship. but i always wear our ring so um yea.. :p
i think all thats going on is... a huge culture barriere..

people in non western countries always assume when girls do work like we do.. they are either forced or sluts..
ofcourse we all know that couldnt be further from the truth..
beeing on cam and enjoying yourself is the most awsome job to get paid for

i also disagree with the whole "she doesnt have a choice" thing..
i have met alot of eastern european women and all that they tell me its just soo much easier to get around then to work a normal job

for girls in the us thats just as true as for girls in russia, czech or romania

this isnt just a forum to come to with these kinda questions... and then feel insulted when people are beeing honest
this is a fun place to share stories ask questions and have fun with fellow members and models
if you want information about the way the erotic internet business works.. just google it

i may be a prick for not having english as my native language :? :lol:
but atleast i'm not ignorant
I gave the guy his chance, took into account that his native language is not English, and still have come to the conclusion that he is trying to cause problems.

Dunno why you took that personally.
Now some honest words:

I came here to get some "help" with the trouble of my gf. to understand her better,becaus i want to support her more, she alwayssay i dont support.

iam sorry if i did insult some people here, just i felt attacked in first moment from most of u, and i dont understand why. Just becaus my opinion is bad about people who pay for this ? Its my thoughts and i keep them and i cant understad why u like this work and such, its not understandable for me, even when its might be better to like work then hate it, but how people can choose on ther free mind to get this work, i cant understand this and i dont want to understand and thats not what iam here for.

And its becaus i feel somehow betrayed by this things, i feel betrayed that she start to break our deals, i feel bad when she lets me wait, like forget me. Even at my birthday she didnt wrote me, which hurt me alot, becaus she worked.

i didnt came here to be troll or make trouble, but u call me idiot and prick, just becaus i dont like this work u do. And yes. in my opinion there are girls who have chance to do something else, and girls who dont hae this chance simply. And u can say what u want, i know its true, u dont know situation in russia well - she have to pay for whole family, and that wouldnt be possible with a smal earn of 400 dollar, which u get here for 7x12 hours the week! So u judge me, just becaus of my view of this terrible work. That i cant imaging someone LIKES to do it.

U judge me becaus of my english and maybe sometimes wrong tooken words. I even ask for delete, and she denied this. I dont awnt to have trouble and all i came here for is to understand this things too, becaus iam hurting my gf with my behave and i get hurt by her behave, its not stopping for both. I feel often lonly becaus she sleeps 12 hours everyday and then prepare for work and go outside. Tomorrow is sacred evening, its important day for me since iam christ, she aint - so she will work.. I want to have her around me but she say its not her celebration day and i asked please dont go work and she just cancel talk then.

Its alot of privat details i puthere, but its needed to get some tips and helps in this quarrel things with her. Yes, u arecamgirls too and porp. say just get adult and stop cry about this, but iam kind of guy for whom its painful if other able to see her, but its her work and i have to deal with this much more time now.

Iam happy with her, becaus the very few moments she give me together are the best time in my life, iam waiting till her work will end and i got all of her alone, her time, her attention and her smilie, just for me.
I only can hope that god got a happy end for me ready.

She will not like i was here to get some "help" but hopefully she will see too that i only came to understand her work more and to do my best to believe more in her. Most time when shes at work i cant sleep becaus i know what she does now. And yes, somehow its jealously becaus i want her attention alone - its not like i scare she likes them, i wouldnt care if she have good talk and such, but it would disturb me if she would have fun while touch her self, just becaus i dont want she share this things with someone. Must sound selfish for u, i know - but if i wouldnt luv her so much, i would break long time ago becaus i cant handle this, becaus iam honest and know i cant, its very hard for me but i try my best to stand this all, just becaus i want to be with her.

Iam here to understand about how iam able to stand it, to dont fuck her up with my stupid thoughts and everthing.. its confusing, really.. enough wrote for now, see ya later
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