AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

The biggest lie - camgirl be single

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Thank you for apologizing. We were insulted by how you spoke of us as models and members of the site. I won't delete a thread after it has had so much attention and conversation. So that's why it's still here.

Any attacks were due to you sounding very jealous and insecure. We have different views of the business, clearly. Most of us on this site choose this work because it's fun for us and we make a lot of money compared to more boring "respectable" jobs.

We can all try to act civil here. Just think of how your words come across before you post. That's good advice for any forum.
Ok I'read through all this and here's my two cents worth.
Mate, you have to get over what what your lady does and respect that she doesn't want to discuss it with you. Have you ever stopped to wonder that being a camgirl is not exactly the line of work that she would have chosen in a perfect world, that she has come to terms with it in the best way she can and that means not discussing it with you, who knows, discussing it with you be may be bringing on memories that she is trying to forget in order to live some kind of sane life. You have to listen to what is said between the lines and if you can't understand that I suggest you learn fast before you lose her to someone who can. Sounds to me like she is screaming for your support but you are not listening to what she is saying, "Let me deal with it, I am strong and know that you are here for me if it gets to hot for me to handle".
Appreciate and value the time she can make to be with you, make her feel like the special lady that she undoubtedly is, wash away her fears with unconditional love, respect her wishes not to discuss her work with you. Follow these few simple rules and I assure you at the very least you will have made a lifetime friend and soon enough she will open up to you. Take a teaspoon of concrete mate and harden up cause when it gets to much for her she will need the strength of a man, not a prissy little crybaby.
It's not that you asked or the language issue. What people are having a hard time with you is that you asked for honesty and we said it. Then you got your feelings hurt, just like you did with your GF. You need to understand yourself before you can ever include another person into it. If you do not like how or what your GF is doing, then be a grown man. Stand up for yourself, and tell her if you continue with "this" then we are thru. BUT (!) you can NOT expect her to work in the SEX industry and not be sexy, or preform in a sexy manner, and YES that can and usually includes CUMMING for others so that you get paid as much as you expect. If you can't handle that then your relationship is already doomed. I feel sorry for you that you wanted to come here and thought that we were all going to hold your hand as if you were 12 and your Mom was doing this, but you are portraying youself as an adult with a GF who is also an adult. If you are looking for a slave or a submissive woman, it sounds like your current GF is not a correct fit. The fact that you keep being wishy washy (American phrase meaning that you change your mind too much because of your feelings or opinions) in a chat forum with strangers shows that you have a characteristic in your personality that is not a favorable one in general. Just my opinion and I don't want to hear how your language is an issue, or its not your feelings, or how you wanna leave here and have your topics deleted. Its the internet, don't want it said, then don't put it out there for the world to read, judge or pass along. *see related post*
hey, thanks for post.

u got something wrong there, its not i await she is not sexy, she prob. is for others,while she do for others its not sexy for me, its her work simply and if i see, i dont feel any sexy thing here - if she would do for me alone it would be biiiiiiig difference ;)

Its not like i wanted to hear something else, i alraedy thought the normal way that most of girls cum and cant hold anything back there, but she say she dont and she never did. and i want to believe that, becaus i need that. it would really disturb me and i dont want u hold my hand, be honest- its always the best, the same i tell her. Be honest, even when its hurting me, its more important for me then anything else to dont lie and such..

Today we quarrel becaus i asked to dont go to work today,since its sacred evening :( Do u girls will work today. oh and btw, i dont want to compare her or something, she is my flower - and she cant be compared. Just i compare her way of work!
If she HAS to do this and you are never going to understand it or be able to deal with it why stay together? Shes not going to stop and your not going to like it so either accept it or move on. Figure out wich one is harder. And even when your mad, insulting the ones your asking for help isnt a good way to go about things.
jebbaz said:
I gave the guy his chance, took into account that his native language is not English, and still have come to the conclusion that he is trying to cause problems.

Dunno why you took that personally.

lol you have to get to know me a little better.. i'm a pretty weird girl..
that comment was nothing more but a joke...

i know my english and attitute is far from a prick or a bitch.. didnt take anyting personal
most people assume i'm american but was born somewhere else..

my post just seemed to serious wanted to end it with a joke.. not really the serious type :?
ok just gotta respond briefly...

i understand that you have issues with thise line of work.. but that doesnt mean you can judge either the girls or members
if you ever spend some time on mfc.. you know that its not just a sex site that people to go just to wank.

ofcourse thats what makes people come the first time.. but with most of the girls online its goes far beyond just wank and have sex on the mind
members come to girls because they really like the girls.. and most girls who are active on this forum, really are who they are on mfc

i understand that sexuality is experienced differently in every country, here in holland nothing is crazy enough to accept
but there seems to be a really different opnion in the average persons head about sexuality, then what you might think

so this doesnt mean you are wrong or anything, you were just raised another way then we were
everyone is intitled for their opnion but yours just isnt build from personal expierence or knowlegde...
thats what everybody has a problem with...
but how people can choose on ther free mind to get this work, i cant understand this and i dont want to understand and thats not what iam here for.

If you can't understand how someone can choose to do this, and aren't here to learn how someone can choose to do this, then maybe you need to look at some things... because there are two types of people here: the models, who choose to do it; and the members, who choose to pay the models to do it. These are the people you are talking to, and if you can't approach us with respect, you can't really expect us to respond to you well.

You say she doesn't choose to work there. Okay. I'll buy that she feels like she has no choice but to do this, and hates every minute of it. But she did choose it. There is another choice, means that there is another choice, doesn't mean that the other choice is good. If the choice is between letting the rapist have his way and death, that's still a choice. So, she chooses to work this so that she can support her family. To her, supporting her family is more important than the negative of camming. The choice of not supporting her family is not an option to her, but it is an option in the world. Don't get me wrong, I greatly respect that she refuses to leave her family hurting.

About the Christmas thing... it sounds like maybe you need to find out how important you are to her. It is hard, I know, but it's sounding like she doesn't feel for you the way you feel for her. This is the picture I'm getting about her from what you have been saying. Please don't feel like this is an attack on your relationship, or that you need to defend her or it. This is just a suggestion that you talk to her and tell her that she is hurting you.

As to how you can support her... well, the fact that you put rules down that might be problematic is one thing that is standing in the way. The fact that you resent her work is another. But it sounds like you already knew that. We can't make you feel something different. The only person in control of how you feel is you. Control your perspective, and you control how you feel about it.

So, here's a bit of perspective. Don't know if it will help you. I consider what I do to be interactive porn. That's what I call it. What it means, is that I am the actress, and the member is the actor in this private porn that we are creating just for him. The fact that we are in different rooms (an most likely, different buildings/towns/states... maybe even different countries) is keeping him from touching me physically, but it is still his porn. From the male's side, it's like going out and watching the movie being made the way that HE wants it made. If he has enough imagination, then he is picturing himself in my room with me. He imagines that my dildo is his dick, that it is his hand, not mind, massaging me.

That's the way I see what I do. It might help if you ask her how she sees what she does. How she feels about the members. If there were any members giving her problems. Here's the really really important bit. No matter how much her responses upset you, YOU CAN NOT HOLD IT AGAINST HER. Tell her how you feel about it, how her responses make her feel, but do your absolute best to do so calmly. Do not start defending yourself or attacking her (verbally, not physically).

The fact that you do not speak English was brought up in your defence. Not to bring you down further.
Think this: 400 dollars (in my country 300 is average) - this is f**** job not webcaming... My BF think it's sexy...
Don't kill her :pray: You can always work as couple :blob1: It's just ass like other parts of her body but it's worth more money :p.
At first I was going to post about the volatile nature of this topic... but now I find myself utterly amused by pukpuk's post. Hilarious. I gotta admit I wish I had a/some part(s) of my anatomy that people would pay to see. I find his conclusion very appropriate though I have a feeling many guys would struggle with accepting said conclusion if it were their wife/gf and perhaps the OP is one of those guys.
pukpuk said:
Think this: 400 dollars (in my country 300 is average) - this is f**** job not webcaming... My BF think it's sexy...
Don't kill her :pray: You can always work as couple :blob1: It's just ass like other parts of her body but it's worth more money :p.
pukpuk said:
Think this: 400 dollars (in my country 300 is average) - this is f**** job not webcaming... My BF think it's sexy...
Don't kill her :pray: You can always work as couple :blob1: It's just ass like other parts of her body but it's worth more money :p.

Wait...I think I actually understood this! Should I be worried? :eek:
Well i like honesty, I could care less if a girl has a bf or not but in terms of intentionally misleading members, I think that is very wrong. What gets you big tips is being real ask the top models on the site. Models get mad when members intentionally mislead, so do unto others I guess.
Guys seem to think it's hotter if I have a male roommate that i have sex with than a boyfriend. LOL Go figure. But it says clearly on my profile that I am "involved" and all of my close friends/fans know I am in a relationship. It's out in the open in my room, but people just don't seem to think about it.
Personally, I tell the truth. I have been tempted to lie and say that I am dating someone like when a member gets a little too friendly, but I stick with the truth. I am single, always have been single, will always be single. I don't like relationships because they interfere with the lifestyle I have become accustomed to.

Don't assume a girl is lying. You have no reason to doubt her. Guys think that pretty girls must always have admirers banging on their doors. While that may be true, it doesn't mean that she has to answer the door. Get the point?

Also, girls may not lie about being single and they may not lie about being coupled. A girl may just as easily say "I'm seeing someone" because she gets sick of guys asking her to be their girlfriend.
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