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Straight White Boys Texting

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Nov 16, 2011
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This fucking Tumblr:

It is the most cringeworthy tumblr I have ever seen. I'm so happy that I'm nothing like these dudes.

Have any of you ever gotten this before? Not while camming I mean, but just in general like in a text or on a dating app (if you use them)?
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The reason I gave up on dating sites :? Thats about 99% of people I have received messages from. Even if I get a msg from someone in a completely non-romantic, non-sexual setting it often turns into....that. :banghead:
I've never used a dating app or any dating service for that matter. But it's amazing what "friends" think they can get away with. :roll:

I just see it as awesome opportunities for troll practice.
Yep, I have a dating profile and this happens ALL the time.

I really love all the anon indignity that the blog gets though. Half the posts don't even involve women interacting with the dudes but we're "confusing men" by not knowing what we want.
I can relate

A few years ago I looked at my old myspace messages I had sent people (hot girls awoo) when I was 17/18

I had sent stuff like

"Hey, ur really attractive =) what do u think of me? its ok if you find me ugly lol u can be honest"


What even is that. I don't know I was up to.
I get that stuff all the time. I'm not even on any dating sites. I just get it on social media. It happens all the time. It's why I have no social media outside of stuff for work. It gets really tedious after a while.
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Messages like that run rampant in my inbox. Have not used any dating sites in years where it's kind of expected to happen, but even on facebook it's all the fucking time, especially if I am not seeing anyone.

I hate being overly affection over facebook, but if I don't tag a partner in a post a few times a month, the messages roll in. Some have been doing it for years. On one hand I'd love to introduce them to a single friend, but if they are that annoying to me, I am not subjecting that to anyone else.
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I'd like to think there's some guys out there who learn how NOT to do things from stuff like this. There's a few subreddits i visit as well with plenty of cringe worthy messages I hope somebody not in the original post learns from (who otherwise probably might have sent something like that had he not learned why messages like this are a bad idea).
This post reminded me of a series of YouTube videos where they have two people read texts like these outloud to each other.
It doesn't look like most of the people reading were shown the texts beforehand. It was like they were handed a piece paper on camera and the cameraman said, "Read these exactly as you see them, GO!"

Ugh. I hate Straight White Boys Texting. Every time I go there, three hours of my day mysteriously vanish.
  • Funny!
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