AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Stolen Videos

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Re: [site name banned*1] Stealing Videos

We are not unaware of this issue.
Re: [site name banned*1] Stealing Videos

we are aware - this has been talked at length in models only.

Could you please remove the links so that we are not sending traffic that way, nor drawing their eye to this forum.

We appreciate you trying to help spread awareness but we do NOT want their links further distributed.
thanks stolen.

The owner of that site is a criminal, who has been known to be very very dangerous to models. He does not comply with take down notices, and has been in lots of trouble with the law over it prior. He will take things down then repost them, play mind games, blackmail and worse.

I have a feeling it will need to be taken through criminal proceedings in order to get anywhere, and hopefully MFC will pursue this. However our main goal right now has been to divert attention away from the site... we dont want to send him any traffic. If no one goes there.. he wont get shit.

Thank you so much - and please keep bugging mfc about it! Privately emailing the models who are posted is usually much appreciated too, though they may already know.

Amber if I've said too much in the public section about this please feel free to delete/edit.
Is it a youtube type site or a forum where dudes post videos? Seen a forum where dudes had a list of every model from mfc who has ever done sex vids and links to them. Didn't know if it was sad or genius.
The_Brown_Fox said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Seen a forum where dudes had a list of every model from mfc who has ever done sex vids and links to them. Didn't know if it was sad or genius.

I'm gonna go with sad. Showing off stolen videos is sad. Showing off videos that you PAID FOR to a bunch of strangers on a forum is idiotic.

I never understand the benefits these guys get to helping a load of other guys wank for free...

It's so funny/cringeworthy when you see them on those forums getting their knickers in a twist when another member from the forum *gasp*shockhorror* copies the video that they personally recorded and posted up, and *ohmygord!* change the file name and pass it off as their own.
Lol I had this quote from one of those forums this guy ranting at another guy, it was basically:

"One thing I cannot stand is people stealing other peoples work and passing it off as their own! I personally have recorded 10's of thousands of videos and brought them to this community! I hate it when someone steals my videos, changes the file names and pretends they did it!"

It's one of those things.... can these guys really not see what they're saying?! They're stealing videos and posting them up so that they get credit, when literally all they did was press a button, when the model herself did that entire show, took all the risks etc, and then they actually think it's unbelievable if someone steals their recording... after posting it on a site full of members who steal recordings. I mean everyone's a bit hypocritical once in a while.... but this is just off the charts!
The_Brown_Fox said:
I'm gonna go with sad. Showing off stolen videos is sad. Showing off videos that you PAID FOR to a bunch of strangers on a forum is idiotic.

Yeah I didn't really put much thought into it, was linked from the lounge. Not really into sextapes and watching some other dudes private shows seemed odd. I can understand recording shows for your own use but sharing them with others is weird to me.
I really don't get why a guy would want to watch some other dudes show. Half the fun of a private is the model saying your name and doing what you like. It would just be random porn to me.
PunkInDrublic said:
Hate to triple post but is the site I described the same as the one op was talking about?

I don't know, but it might be better for you to not inquire about it anymore in this area of the forum.

In the last couple of days we've had 2 different threads like this, which is a little disturbing.
Roger that. If the site I saw was different I just wanted to let somebody here know. I assume models are on top of their shit and know about the site but figured it wouldn't hurt to mention just in case.
Isabella_deL said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Seen a forum where dudes had a list of every model from mfc who has ever done sex vids and links to them. Didn't know if it was sad or genius.

I'm gonna go with sad. Showing off stolen videos is sad. Showing off videos that you PAID FOR to a bunch of strangers on a forum is idiotic.

I never understand the benefits these guys get to helping a load of other guys wank for free...

I never understood either until I did a little research. They get money every time someone downloads one of the videos they have uploaded. All of these places they upload videos to get money from ads and subscribers, if you become an affiliate with them they pay them each time someone downloads the content they have uploaded. :(

Of course there are some that upload things and get nothing in return, those are the ones I do not understand.
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I just wanted to mention that on MyFreeCams the content is the property of the public domain as clearly stated here:
MyFreeCams Wiki - Terms and Conditions

Specifically in the section "Content posted on this website" as it closes with this line:

By posting Content on this website, you automatically grant, and represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to MFC and visitors of MFC, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute such information, rights of publicity and Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works and other media, such information and Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.
it would seem obvious to me but if you're wanting to show Amber something she is likely to want to see an mfc mail or pm would be better than a forum post lol.
Dwight_K_Schrute said:
I just wanted to mention that on MyFreeCams the content is the property of the public domain as clearly stated here:
MyFreeCams Wiki - Terms and Conditions

Specifically in the section "Content posted on this website" as it closes with this line:

By posting Content on this website, you automatically grant, and represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to MFC and visitors of MFC, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute such information, rights of publicity and Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works and other media, such information and Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.

Uhhh yeah no, just because you're listening to the radio and they play music on it, and it's freely accessible, doesn't mean it's public domain... enough of this moon logic you cappers keep on going on about trying to legitimize what you're doing. By the way... on that same page if you actually scrolled down and read the entire thing and didn't keep on posting the same thing all of you keep on quoting on the wiki, it actually says under 'Proprietary rights and restrictions'

"You acknowledge and agree that all content and materials available on this website are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights and by other laws and that their use is restricted by the terms of this Agreement... Except as expressly authorized by MFC, you agree not to record, sell, resell, exploit for any commercial purposes, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, duplicate, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit, or create derivative works from any portion of such materials or content... Specifically, all Content, video, audio, and text appearing on the MFC website and may not be recorded or disseminated in any way." Furthermore in the section right under that where it says 'Copyright policy / DMCA notice' "You may not post, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights or otherwise have a valid basis under the law, including "fair use".

MFC would not be stupid enough to not have their stuff protected under copyright... it's apart of the fucking terms of service!
Just Me said:
Isabella_deL said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
PunkInDrublic said:
Seen a forum where dudes had a list of every model from mfc who has ever done sex vids and links to them. Didn't know if it was sad or genius.

I'm gonna go with sad. Showing off stolen videos is sad. Showing off videos that you PAID FOR to a bunch of strangers on a forum is idiotic.

I never understand the benefits these guys get to helping a load of other guys wank for free...

I never understood either until I did a little research. They get money every time someone downloads one of the videos they have uploaded. All of these places they upload videos to get money from ads and subscribers, if you become an affiliate with them they pay them each time someone downloads the content they have uploaded. :(

Of course there are some that upload things and get nothing in return, those are the ones I do not understand.

I wonder how much they make from it. I mean I guess the ones who have like thousands and thousands of videos probably make a bit from downloads, but I can't imagine it's even that much. Not enough to make it worth spending all that time recording, posting, etc etc. I guess if they enjoy doing that... but it's a LOT of time spent for not that much in return. These people are sad. Really sad. I mean really, how bloody difficult is it to get a job and actually work for a living? Making your living out of stealing stuff is ridiculous.
Now, now, no need to mince legal wording. The clause you reference is stated after the clause I referenced, but either way it stands absolutely no ground.

Furthermore nowhere that my lawyer was unable to find on the domain any legal contractual agreements which would be required to accept any such terms and conditions. If someone doesn't agree to any and/or all of those terms and conditions then they are legally allowed to access the web site domain. Case law explicitly stands with the understanding that a clickwrap agreement must be either accepted or declined to withstand any validity. Burying some terms and conditions on another web server with a different subdomain renders any copyright claim to be false.

The only registered patents and/or copyrights that my lawyer has ever been able to obtain are related specifically to the domain name, to the MyFreeCams logo, and with no records related to the actual real time flash video streaming that is distributed by Cybertania's servers. This was verified under the names Cybertania Inc,, and MFCXY Inc. Furthermore, specifically to the recording of publicly accessible real-time flash video streaming there is absolutely no legal copyright, patent, or trademark that can be placed upon such stream.

Also, they do make mention of DMCA in their hidden wiki. It is illegal to submit a false DMCA Takedown Notification on content that is not copyright protected, trademarked, or patented; those who submit such illegal & false notifications then can be subject to a counter DMCA in which they could be very easily sued for punitive damages, this includes previous false DMCA claims which can be reviewed (along with full names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of claimants & counter-claimaints) on the website

Just "theoretically speaking" here... If MyFreeCam's real time flash video streams had any type of legally-binding intellectual property claims, international contractual employees of MyFreeCams should keep in mind that the fourth letter in DMCA is America, so any contractual employees of Cybertania, Inc. aka MFCXY, Inc. do not stand on legal grounds unless the claim were to come from Cybertania, Inc., MyFreeCams., or MFCXY, Inc.

Lastly, part of the legally binding "model agreements" when becoming a contractual employee of MyFreeCams explicitly states that the model releases any claim of ownership towards the content. In other words, if MFC had some sort of a legal ground to sue those who currently legally record and distribute their streams they would also have to sue many of their contractual employees as well...

Simply put, its not stealing, and this is based on professional legal counsel that specialize in this area.
Dwight_K_Schrute said:
Now, now, no need to mince legal wording. The clause you reference is stated after the clause I referenced, but either way it stands absolutely no ground.

Furthermore nowhere that my lawyer was unable to find on the domain any legal contractual agreements which would be required to accept any such terms and conditions. If someone doesn't agree to any and/or all of those terms and conditions then they are legally allowed to access the web site domain. Case law explicitly stands with the understanding that a clickwrap agreement must be either accepted or declined to withstand any validity. Burying some terms and conditions on another web server with a different subdomain renders any copyright claim to be false.

The only registered patents and/or copyrights that my lawyer has ever been able to obtain are related specifically to the domain name, to the MyFreeCams logo, and with no records related to the actual real time flash video streaming that is distributed by Cybertania's servers. This was verified under the names Cybertania Inc,, and MFCXY Inc. Furthermore, specifically to the recording of publicly accessible real-time flash video streaming there is absolutely no legal copyright, patent, or trademark that can be placed upon such stream.

Also, they do make mention of DMCA in their hidden wiki. It is illegal to submit a false DMCA Takedown Notification on content that is not copyright protected, trademarked, or patented; those who submit such illegal & false notifications then can be subject to a counter DMCA in which they could be very easily sued for punitive damages, this includes previous false DMCA claims which can be reviewed (along with full names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of claimants & counter-claimaints) on the website

Just "theoretically speaking" here... If MyFreeCam's real time flash video streams had any type of legally-binding intellectual property claims, international contractual employees of MyFreeCams should keep in mind that the fourth letter in DMCA is America, so any contractual employees of Cybertania, Inc. aka MFCXY, Inc. do not stand on legal grounds unless the claim were to come from Cybertania, Inc., MyFreeCams., or MFCXY, Inc.

Lastly, part of the legally binding "model agreements" when becoming a contractual employee of MyFreeCams explicitly states that the model releases any claim of ownership towards the content. In other words, if MFC had some sort of a legal ground to sue those who currently legally record and distribute their streams they would also have to sue many of their contractual employees as well...

Simply put, its not stealing, and this is based on professional legal counsel that specialize in this area.

Dwight is one of the most prolific (like the guy has no other life) video recorders and distributers on the internet.

Hi Dwight. My name is Lacey. I'd love to sit down with you to lunch sometime, have you look me in the eye - human being to human being, and tell me why acting like this to other people - other human beings.. is OK? Legal loopholes or not. You're still doing a really shitty thing to a bunch of really nice people and I really am sad to see it.
Dwight_K_Schrute said:
Now, now, no need to mince legal wording. The clause you reference is stated after the clause I referenced, but either way it stands absolutely no ground.

Furthermore nowhere that my lawyer was unable to find on the domain any legal contractual agreements which would be required to accept any such terms and conditions. If someone doesn't agree to any and/or all of those terms and conditions then they are legally allowed to access the web site domain. Case law explicitly stands with the understanding that a clickwrap agreement must be either accepted or declined to withstand any validity. Burying some terms and conditions on another web server with a different subdomain renders any copyright claim to be false.

The only registered patents and/or copyrights that my lawyer has ever been able to obtain are related specifically to the domain name, to the MyFreeCams logo, and with no records related to the actual real time flash video streaming that is distributed by Cybertania's servers. This was verified under the names Cybertania Inc,, and MFCXY Inc. Furthermore, specifically to the recording of publicly accessible real-time flash video streaming there is absolutely no legal copyright, patent, or trademark that can be placed upon such stream.

Also, they do make mention of DMCA in their hidden wiki. It is illegal to submit a false DMCA Takedown Notification on content that is not copyright protected, trademarked, or patented; those who submit such illegal & false notifications then can be subject to a counter DMCA in which they could be very easily sued for punitive damages, this includes previous false DMCA claims which can be reviewed (along with full names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of claimants & counter-claimaints) on the website

Just "theoretically speaking" here... If MyFreeCam's real time flash video streams had any type of legally-binding intellectual property claims, international contractual employees of MyFreeCams should keep in mind that the fourth letter in DMCA is America, so any contractual employees of Cybertania, Inc. aka MFCXY, Inc. do not stand on legal grounds unless the claim were to come from Cybertania, Inc., MyFreeCams., or MFCXY, Inc.

Lastly, part of the legally binding "model agreements" when becoming a contractual employee of MyFreeCams explicitly states that the model releases any claim of ownership towards the content. In other words, if MFC had some sort of a legal ground to sue those who currently legally record and distribute their streams they would also have to sue many of their contractual employees as well...

Simply put, its not stealing, and this is based on professional legal counsel that specialize in this area.

The clause you're referring to is meant to be setup so that when people visit the site they can view content, pictures, video, etc. The clauses I referred to are put in place to say that without MFC's permission you cannot redistribute said content. So basically means... you have the right to visit the site, you can see what other people have put on their profiles, you can see what people post in that, you can watch the cam models, but just as DVDs purchased, you can't redistribute them and share them with the world.

Also, accessing MFC as a guest is not a clickwrap agreement, it's only when you access them through a basic or premium account that it becomes a clickwrap agreement, because you can't sign up without agreeing to the terms of service. As for your case law spiel... yeah that's bullshit too. Wikipedia has a quote (which I checked to see if it was accurate) from the "Licensing & Intellectual Property Law Desk Reference" talking about, Inc. v. Verio, Inc. Clearly shows that like sites such as,, and even, that you can be bound to terms of service if you use the site even if you don't explicitly agree to the terms of service because using the site means that you do agree.

"Nor can Verio argue that it has not assented to’s terms of use.’s terms of use are clearly posted on its website. The conclusion of the terms paragraph states “y submitting this query, you agree to abide by these terms.’’ (Ex. 27 to Pl.’s Sept. 8, 2000 Motion). Verio does not argue that it was unaware of these terms, only that it was not asked to click on an icon indicating that it accepted the terms. However, in light of this sentence at the end of's terms of use, there can be no question that by proceeding to submit a WHOIS query, Verio manifested its assent to be bound by's terms of use, and a contract was formed and subsequently breached."

Regardless, ignoring their terms of service, which are not hidden, and is on the fucking bottom of the page, MFC has put on the FRONT PAGE (just like on the first or second page of a book) that the content on the site is copyrighted. All they have to is put a copyright symbol, with a date and name, which oh look they did. "© Copyright 2012, all rights reserved" and no... they are not illegally filing a DMCA notice, because the whole site is copyrighted.

I severely doubt that you got an attorney, because this is freaking Law 101, you're just spewing filth trying to legitimize what you do by saying you found a loophole. That or you got some schmuck to gladly take your money from you!
Dwight_K_Schrute said:
Now, now, no need to mince legal wording. The clause you reference is stated after the clause I referenced, but either way it stands absolutely no ground.

Furthermore nowhere that my lawyer was unable to find on the domain any legal contractual agreements which would be required to accept any such terms and conditions. If someone doesn't agree to any and/or all of those terms and conditions then they are legally allowed to access the web site domain. Case law explicitly stands with the understanding that a clickwrap agreement must be either accepted or declined to withstand any validity. Burying some terms and conditions on another web server with a different subdomain renders any copyright claim to be false.

The only registered patents and/or copyrights that my lawyer has ever been able to obtain are related specifically to the domain name, to the MyFreeCams logo, and with no records related to the actual real time flash video streaming that is distributed by Cybertania's servers. This was verified under the names Cybertania Inc,, and MFCXY Inc. Furthermore, specifically to the recording of publicly accessible real-time flash video streaming there is absolutely no legal copyright, patent, or trademark that can be placed upon such stream.

Also, they do make mention of DMCA in their hidden wiki. It is illegal to submit a false DMCA Takedown Notification on content that is not copyright protected, trademarked, or patented; those who submit such illegal & false notifications then can be subject to a counter DMCA in which they could be very easily sued for punitive damages, this includes previous false DMCA claims which can be reviewed (along with full names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of claimants & counter-claimaints) on the website

Just "theoretically speaking" here... If MyFreeCam's real time flash video streams had any type of legally-binding intellectual property claims, international contractual employees of MyFreeCams should keep in mind that the fourth letter in DMCA is America, so any contractual employees of Cybertania, Inc. aka MFCXY, Inc. do not stand on legal grounds unless the claim were to come from Cybertania, Inc., MyFreeCams., or MFCXY, Inc.

Lastly, part of the legally binding "model agreements" when becoming a contractual employee of MyFreeCams explicitly states that the model releases any claim of ownership towards the content. In other words, if MFC had some sort of a legal ground to sue those who currently legally record and distribute their streams they would also have to sue many of their contractual employees as well...

Simply put, its not stealing, and this is based on professional legal counsel that specialize in this area.

You're the worst type of person. Get a life please.

Oh and it was super fun to read a thread with a bunch of people bashing me when I was searching for caps the other day. You guys are scum.
Dwight_K_Schrute said:
Now, now, no need to mince legal wording. The clause you reference is stated after the clause I referenced, but either way it stands absolutely no ground.

Furthermore nowhere that my lawyer was unable to find on the domain any legal contractual agreements which would be required to accept any such terms and conditions. If someone doesn't agree to any and/or all of those terms and conditions then they are legally allowed to access the web site domain. Case law explicitly stands with the understanding that a clickwrap agreement must be either accepted or declined to withstand any validity. Burying some terms and conditions on another web server with a different subdomain renders any copyright claim to be false.

The only registered patents and/or copyrights that my lawyer has ever been able to obtain are related specifically to the domain name, to the MyFreeCams logo, and with no records related to the actual real time flash video streaming that is distributed by Cybertania's servers. This was verified under the names Cybertania Inc,, and MFCXY Inc. Furthermore, specifically to the recording of publicly accessible real-time flash video streaming there is absolutely no legal copyright, patent, or trademark that can be placed upon such stream.

Also, they do make mention of DMCA in their hidden wiki. It is illegal to submit a false DMCA Takedown Notification on content that is not copyright protected, trademarked, or patented; those who submit such illegal & false notifications then can be subject to a counter DMCA in which they could be very easily sued for punitive damages, this includes previous false DMCA claims which can be reviewed (along with full names, home addresses, and telephone numbers of claimants & counter-claimaints) on the website

Just "theoretically speaking" here... If MyFreeCam's real time flash video streams had any type of legally-binding intellectual property claims, international contractual employees of MyFreeCams should keep in mind that the fourth letter in DMCA is America, so any contractual employees of Cybertania, Inc. aka MFCXY, Inc. do not stand on legal grounds unless the claim were to come from Cybertania, Inc., MyFreeCams., or MFCXY, Inc.

Lastly, part of the legally binding "model agreements" when becoming a contractual employee of MyFreeCams explicitly states that the model releases any claim of ownership towards the content. In other words, if MFC had some sort of a legal ground to sue those who currently legally record and distribute their streams they would also have to sue many of their contractual employees as well...

Simply put, its not stealing, and this is based on professional legal counsel that specialize in this area.

What the fuck is wrong with you? No, seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? What made you wake up one day and think to yourself, 'I think I'll record a bunch of hard-working models on MFC, post the screencaps and videos everywhere and make their lives a living hell by making sure that the whole world knows that they cam'?

You truly are a terrible human being and I feel sorry for all the disappointment that is your pathetic existence.
AllisonWilder said:
You truly are a terrible human being and I feel sorry for all the disappointment that is your pathetic existence.

Last post doesn't seem so harsh anymore.
PunkInDrublic said:
NicoleRiley said:
You guys are scum.

Seems kinda harsh.

PunkInDrublic said:
AllisonWilder said:
You truly are a terrible human being and I feel sorry for all the disappointment that is your pathetic existence.

Last post doesn't seem so harsh anymore.

It's harsh to call people scum when they devote their entire life to taking screencaps of models and posting them on the internet? Even after he said he operates simply due to a legal loophole and has shown that he couldn't care less about models? Really?
NicoleRiley said:
You guys are scum.

N'aww, they're just misunderstood. Sure, they're in danger of suffocating under the sheer, heaving weight of their own misguided sense of entitlement. And they might be delusional and morally ambivalent. And they're probably all misogynistic, angry, bitter little men. And it's feasible that they have no life outside of sniffing around the internet for the faint whiff of webcam porn so they can excitedly scurry back to whatever dark recesses of the internet they dwell in and share their findings with the rest of the group. And maybe they're ignorant enough to believe that there's nothing wrong with profiteering off the hard work of others.

But... at the end of the day, when all is said and done, and we put aside all of that guff and strip away the finer details until we're left only with what's important... they probably have tiny penises and weird shaped balls :shifty:
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