What I am understanding is this is not your Chaturbate account. Someone has gained access to your debit card number and is using it with their account. If this is the case, you probably won't be able to do anything with Chaturbate directly. However your card, if it has a Visa or Mastercard symbol on it, should offer fraud protection. You should call the number on the card, or your bank and ask for the fraud department number, then report it to them. Now, some reality here. You probably won't be able to recover much since you mention this has been going on for quite some time. Most likely they will only go back 30 to 60 days. Beyond that, they assume you should have been paying attention to your monthly statements and brought it to their attention. There's not much they can do for older transactions at that point.
But beyond that, some basic security advice seems to be in order here.
1. Go into your Chaturbate settings and change your password, immediately (if you do actually have an account there and I misunderstood your prior posts).
2. Request a new card NOW. You should have already done that before even posting here.
3. Set up your online banking. Most every bank will have an 'alerts' section. Set up those alerts to send you an email or text for everything. Any purchase over a dollar, low balance, wire transfers... Do it all. They will email you every time you use the card that way. If you get an email that doesn't make sense, you can look into it right away.
4. Download your banks app, if they have one. So you can monitor it on your phone.
5. Install an app called
MyMobileMoney. Doesn't matter which card or bank you have. Use it. It allows you to control the cards access to purchases. It has its own built in alerts system, it also allows you to turn off your card if you lose it, not allow it to be used online if you wish, not used in an area where your phone isn't... It's a good thing. All three of my banks have recommended I install that app.
6. Use a password manager. Keepass or Lastpass are both very good options that have PC and mobile software that can be synced between the two. Let the software pick out your passwords and save them. Stop using crappy easy to hack simple passwords. Let it randomly pick a 53 character password using upper-case, lower-case, digits, special characters, high ANSI characters...the full shebang. Whatever each site will allow. And for God's sake, don't use the same password for sites, ever.
7. Bump it up to the next level. Download an authenticator app. Google authenticator isn't bad, but Authy is one of the better ones. Enable it on every site you can. Google, Hotmail, Chaturbate, even this here good old ACF all allow for Two-Factor Authentication to be turned on. Pro-tip. Once you see the QR Code on the screen while setting up Two-Factor, you can take a screenshot of it and store that image right in Keepass so you can add it to the authenticator app later, or on other authenticator apps.