If bigger token packages mean models make a larger percent and you want to pimp MFC's pay for that, then lets see.
Alright, MFC says 61.4% goes to models.
"About" 13.6% goes to transaction costs.
Refunds, charge backs, and stuff like that brings it to "nearly" 80% on MFC.
Alright so... in comparison.
SkinVideo's biggest token package is 900 tokens for 80$.
Their smallest is 200 tokens for 20$.
Sure, MFC's 900 token package is 74$, but that is 60.01% given to the model directly.
On SkinVideo, a model gets 90fuckingpercent directly with the biggest package, and they still put the rest into the servers and stuff without calling it our "pay." Hell, they didn't even charge me to mail me my check but they won't count that as our payments either. That's called a Business Expense, not model pay.
They cover that just like your job doesn't make you pay for them to write up your paycheck.
Sure, as it grows, there'll be more assholes and useless bad-cam-no-sound-bored-lazy models, and sure, it'll get better, but if you guys want to pimp up MFC's pay because of token packages, we can do the same to SkinVideo.
Yeah, the video is lacking a tiny bit, but that'll change. Yeah, there are not many members or model, but they're growing at a significant rate. Will they lower the payment percent someday? Maybe. Who knows. Lets call and ask instead of assuming though, it's a good question *dials.*
"No. I'll tell you why. I feel like other guys are marketing themselves with... like this or like that... I feel like that we offer the biggest payout is ..."
Erm. I couldn't type that fast. <_< I used to be able to. But basically, no, they don't see that happening. If it did, it would be because the it was a risk of going out of business or lowering, but they basically think that's impossible. If, for whatever reason, it came to that, they would Talk to their models first. They're actually working on adding Bigger packages which will offer even more discounts.
I asked her to sum up her thoughts on the payment stuff in an email and she's more than willing so you guys can get the answer for yourself. From what I heard though she was surprised that we thought that would even happen; kind of like asking a model if she'd marry you.