Greetings, Dear @punker barbie I hope this message reaches well, my Chaturbate account was banned yesterday for broadcasting in a non-private location, I must honestly say what I transmitted on my phone by mistake (I started the transmission for 10 seconds, the transmission was cut off automatically and then the ban message appeared), I would like to know if there is any way to reverse it, some way for Chaturbate to override the ban? Something like a second chance... I would also like to know if my ban is temporary or permanent.
I would like to know if I can create another account or I will be banned for life from the website, I must tell the truth and that is that I work for a studio, my studio sent them a message to Chaturbate support, but my studio is a bit negligent and they don't care about my account, that's why I have decided to do it myself, Sorry for the inconvenience, please help me or reply my message, My username on Chaturbate is "_sweet_kuromi", please don't want to lose my account is my only source of income at the moment, and I have worked this account for almost a year and have never had any inconveniences, nor have I ignored any rules even once...
Thank you for your attention.
Greetings, Dear @punker barbie I hope this message reaches well, my Chaturbate account was banned yesterday for broadcasting in a non-private location, I must honestly say what I transmitted on my phone by mistake (I started the transmission for 10 seconds, the transmission was cut off automatically and then the ban message appeared), I would like to know if there is any way to reverse it, some way for Chaturbate to override the ban? Something like a second chance... I would also like to know if my ban is temporary or permanent.
I would like to know if I can create another account or I will be banned for life from the website, I must tell the truth and that is that I work for a studio, my studio sent them a message to Chaturbate support, but my studio is a bit negligent and they don't care about my account, that's why I have decided to do it myself, Sorry for the inconvenience, please help me or reply my message, My username on Chaturbate is "_sweet_kuromi", please don't want to lose my account is my only source of income at the moment, and I have worked this account for almost a year and have never had any inconveniences, nor have I ignored any rules even once...
Thank you for your attention.