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Robin Williams found Dead

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Mar 8, 2014
haha this is a joke right?
..right? :crybaby:
Very sad. It makes me even sadder when older people commit suicide than young people. You just have to wonder if they felt that hopeless their entire lives. I'm not crazy sad right now but I have gotten really crazy upset over other actors dying. They touch your life as cheesy as that is. Imagine everyone with a tv knowing and loving you, imagine being mourned some place as random as this and still feeling however he must have felt. Okay I take it back. I'm sad now. Definitely will be having a marathon tomorrow.
A lot of the stuff I like of his is a bit darker, but I still think he was comedic genius.

World's Greatest Dad
One Hour Photo
Jakob the Liar
What Dreams May Come
The Birdcage
My absolute favorite comedian, and this from someone on the opposite side of Robin's political leanings. He and I share something common, apparently both of us was fighting our own devil in severe depression. Man, he always made me laugh; no matter how bad I felt Robin Williams could bring a smile to my face. And now to hear he took his own life? I have to be honest, when I heard the news I got scared shitless.

Here's to you Robin, you had the guts I to do something I never could do. People if you know anyone suffering from a mental illness, please don't turn your back to them; you may be the only lifeline they can see.
mynameisbob84 said:
This sucks so bad :(

Top 5 favourite Robin Williams films. Go!

Mine are

Good Will Hunting
Good Morning Vietnam

Mine are:
One Hour Photo
Depression is a terrible terrible misunderstood thing

RIP Robin, the greatest actor/standup of his generation

Love & light
I will admit the first thing I thought of was a line from Watchmen when I read the confirmed report. I do apologize if this seems distasteful, but it feels like it fits.

Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But Doctor... I am Pagliacci."
Tittysprinkles, I don't think it's distasteful...Because it really screams out to me about how we view society. Depression and mental health is severely under represented in this country...
LilLitaRose said:
Tittysprinkles, I don't think it's distasteful...Because it really screams out to me about how we view society. Depression and mental health is severely under represented in this country...
Yes, and after years of reading about comics, both standup and actors, I have to assume that depression is very likely more common among them. Many are introverts, and in a strange way, getting on stage brings out the extrovert in them. But pain remains.
In my own tribute, I had heard the death was down to arson, but I personally Doubtfire he was involved.

Enjoyed his films when I was growing up, so yeah, another part of my childhood gone.
I can't express how sad I am at the death of someone I never knew.
I've read stories of his kindness and generosity, and it was amazing.
I wish he could have known how his passing would affect so many people in the world, maybe it would have given him the strength to seek the help he seemed to need.

My 5 MOST favorite movies of his (though I enjoyed almost all of the) are:
The World According to Garp
Bicentennial Man
Dead Poet's Society.

R.I.P. Robin Williams

You are and will be missed.
I hope you find the peace now that eluded you in life.
Jack - I can watch this over and over and always cry.
One Hour Photo - So brilliantly acted, but disturbs me so deep. I have nightmares about it for some reason.
Good Will Hunting - Fabulous film in so many ways.
What Dreams May Come - I only watched this once, but it touched me too deeply to forget, and I can't bear to watch it again.
Hook - Who doesn't love this rendition of Peter Pan?

So very sad. I fought back tears upon reading the news from my AmberLanders this afternoon on Twitter. I don't pay much attention to news or anything, but my timeline erupted with it only 30 mins before I planned to be on cam. I delayed my arrival by a bit to compose myself (and allow others to) before I popped on to try and distract all our sad thoughts with boobs and cookies.

RIP Robin Williams. You had a great impact on my life.
Mrs. Doubtfire
The Birdcage

Those are my top 5 I think, but I also adore Dead Poets Society, Jack, What Dreams May Come, Toys...oh man, so many.

I also saw the news right before I logged on for my show and luckily my good friends on MFC helped me let it go for a while, but this is a loss that definitely really hurts.

I was going to try to watch a Robin Williams movie tonight but quickly realized that it wasn't something I was likely to be able to handle just yet. I think that we're going to do a marathon in a couple days, but I am scared that when I look at these movies, that I love like old friends, I will not be able to see them in the same way. They have been such staples, so safe and comfortable to me, and now I'm not sure what to expect.

I wonder who the upcoming generations will have that could fill the same sort of spot that Robin Williams had in my life as I grew up. I feel like there could never be another person and actor quite like him, he had some sort of magic I think.

This is very sad news and he will be very much missed. I'm glad that we can share here, it's helpful.
Man… i was a sort of in denial when i first heard about it.
My favorites of his by far were The Birdcage, One Hour Photo, and Aladdin. And a slight nod to Insomnia. One great thing about Robin Williams is that he named his daughter Zelda, because he was a fan of The Legend of Zelda. Even appeared in a number of Legend Zelda commercials to promote the games. How fucking awesome is that?

On a side tangent
I was reading a few article comments on his death (big mistake on my part) and it grinds me when someone says “He’s super rich, how can he be depressed? I could never be depressed if i had that much money.” Money is not the end-all-be-all for happiness, and doesn’t solve emotional woes. Ignorant statements are fuckin ignorant, not to mention insulting.

Sorry for the vent
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