AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

PS3 Gamer Tags

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Jul 20, 2010
Didn't see a PS3 forum for this so figured start one up..

user id: Orkocean

All I play currently is MW2 with all map packs.. and I HATE pure search & destroy.. once in awhile is ok but god please don't invite me for nothing but..
I am starting my PS3 to check as I type this. I mostly use my PS3 for Blu-Ray and single player games so I am not completely sure what I chose. But look... I haven't tried to do anything online in a few weeks so I have a system update to install. I'll come back and edit this post with it after this update installs and it lets me sign in.

Alright... my PSN ID is Orionis13. Now if Amber reads this she'll be able to determine who I am on Twitter. ><
Yessssss!!!! I'm so cyber stalking you now, Mirra.

Mine is CutieNoodle... I refrained from posting here earlier, as I was going to merge this with a previous topic on this, but I got too lazy to go find it... :shifty:
I was stupid when I created my PS3 tag. Now I can't give it out because you could find me in my alternate universe.

Wish there was a way to change the tag, but from my research you cannot.

Would love to have a MFC MW2 game.
user id: theEnd757

call of duty world at war
call of duty mw2
battlefield bc2
resident evil 5
You can find me playing Street Fighter, MAG, and other random games all the time.

PSN: Ganjookie
Only game i play on my PS3 atm are Red Dead Redemption and PAIN.

Mine is bigosc2k7 if anybody is willing to throw down on Marvel vs Capcom 2 or Super Street Fighter 4, or just have fun on Fat Princess
my gamer tag on ps3 is Jerichoholic

Whenever im on , im mostly at Call of Duty Mw2 ... usually aiming an RPG-7 at someone...
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