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Post pics of your tattoos here!

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ScarletVixen said:
Some shots of my wings, a full back-piece I designed with the help of my artist, work in progress. And my winged-wolf, another design I love, he represents my spirit guide. I lurv my Tats :D

My spirit guide is a deer. I think I would look retarded with a deer on me :( Meanwhile, your wolf is beautiful!

Felicity, that tattoo is soooo pretty!! Now THAT is a sexy tramp stamp.
Frankie said:
I'll be the first to admit, most of my tattoos suck, but I love them. Here ya go. :D

I have to respectfully disagree. Harley could use some touching up, but the others are rather cool. Constantine looks great and the Hedwig piece is just awesome in it's simplicity.
So here is my addition :) Glad to see this thread since I have been offline for a while


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Pervs_INC said:
My back is the one im most proud of, the unicorn to looks to have a shy face which is how I am in real life.
Image no.7 is taken from the Neil Gaimen comic book Death, my artist did an awesome job of converting the cover image.

Your unicorn just made me cum all over the place like 25 times!
Seriously! Walls dripping!


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JoleneJolene said:
Pervs_INC said:
My back is the one im most proud of, the unicorn to looks to have a shy face which is how I am in real life.
Image no.7 is taken from the Neil Gaimen comic book Death, my artist did an awesome job of converting the cover image.

Your unicorn just made me cum all over the place like 25 times!
Seriously! Walls dripping!

I agree his unicorn tatt is phenomenal...had me staring for a while thinking there was something nagging me about it...and I think because it's a very eastern style mythological composition with a western mythological theme. Actually kind of makes me want to get a tattoo of a Kirin
SuperSentaifan4ever said:
I'm trying to wrap my head around why people get tattoos of anything on themselves! I'm a person that just absolutely doesn't like tattoos at all whatsoever and was brought up that way which means that my opinions and views aren't going to change!

I'm not a person that is into body modifications of any kind either!
Seems like you should have skipped right past this thread then, shouldn't you? ;)
SuperSentaifan4ever said:
I'm trying to wrap my head around why people get tattoos of anything on themselves! I'm a person that just absolutely doesn't like tattoos at all whatsoever and was brought up that way which means that my opinions and views aren't going to change!

I'm not a person that is into body modifications of any kind either!

This is in no way an attempt to start an argument...
But since you said you are "trying" to understand I thought I may give you an example.
You really like an artist, think his painting is beautiful so you hang it on your wall to decorate your personal space with it. Tattoos are the same idea just on our bodies.
As is life not every thing is for every body. That is what makes the world interesting :mrgreen:
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I'd like to get a tattoo some time but its just difficult for me to decide something that I would love forever to be on my body. Starland Vocal Band?! They SUCK!
SweepTheLeg said:
I'd like to get a tattoo some time but its just difficult for me to decide something that I would love forever to be on my body. Starland Vocal Band?! They SUCK!
Might be hard to see under all that body hair, though.
SweepTheLeg said:
I'd like to get a tattoo some time but its just difficult for me to decide something that I would love forever to be on my body. Starland Vocal Band?! They SUCK!

I decided what I wanted 3 years ago and expanded on it over that time, then finally decided to get it yesterday. I think it's good to take a long time to decide what you want :)
AshaSnow said:
SweepTheLeg said:
I'd like to get a tattoo some time but its just difficult for me to decide something that I would love forever to be on my body. Starland Vocal Band?! They SUCK!

I decided what I wanted 3 years ago and expanded on it over that time, then finally decided to get it yesterday. I think it's good to take a long time to decide what you want :)

Definitely! It took me 5 years to follow through with the tattoo design that I chose. I orginally had just a plain heart in the middle and wanted to re-do it, but didn't want to make the wrong choice again. It's definitely not something you want to do on a whim!
:lol: *don't want to do ^
:lol: I'm cracked out on caffeine right now so that's probably why..
AmberCutie said:
SweepTheLeg said:
I'd like to get a tattoo some time but its just difficult for me to decide something that I would love forever to be on my body. Starland Vocal Band?! They SUCK!
Might be hard to see under all that body hair, though.

I'll get the part where I get the tattoo waxed, because that wouldn't look ridiculous.
Pervs_INC said:
My back is the one im most proud of, the unicorn to looks to have a shy face which is how I am in real life.
Image no.7 is taken from the Neil Gaimen comic book Death, my artist did an awesome job of converting the cover image.
already told you this before but I LOVE YOUR INK!!! :D
Not quite on-topic - but sorta. - there are I think a couple of companies producing similar stuff.

It's basically encapsulated ink - that's injected like normal ink in a tatoo. But it's designed so that when you hit it with a laser, the capsules break, and release the ink, with no skin damage.

Conventional inks need a very powerful laser to remove, which does some degree of skin damage.
Close ups

ANNNND last but not least, this is the latest one I have planned. Want to get it before the summers end!

OH and I designed each of them except the sun on my arm.
I LOVE my tats and they are SO addictive!

I love to think about draw them over and over till I get it right. I don't want to be dissapointed by my art when I am older. So I think for MONTHS before I get it done.


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Meadow that one on your hip kinda looks like a pretzel with vines growing on it but I'm sure it's not, but it did make me lol (in a nice way)
Jupiter551 said:
Meadow that one on your hip kinda looks like a pretzel with vines growing on it but I'm sure it's not, but it did make me lol (in a nice way)


Well, I do love pretezels and have been known to be flexible!

Nah, I'm huge into nature and peace (kinda like a hippe but not)

so It's a peace sign made out of 'bark' with ivy :h:
Pervs_INC said:
Thanks Jolene, Jupiter551 and Rose, I am seriously proud of my back, went through a lot of pain for it.

Oh yeah and I hate needles :-D
I've always thought that there's such a great difference (in terms of needle phobia) between getting a tattoo, where the needle merely scratches the surface of your skin, and getting a shot or having blood taken, where the needle goes deep into your flesh and into veins. To me they are very different concepts.
AmberCutie said:
Pervs_INC said:
Thanks Jolene, Jupiter551 and Rose, I am seriously proud of my back, went through a lot of pain for it.

Oh yeah and I hate needles :-D
I've always thought that there's such a great difference (in terms of needle phobia) between getting a tattoo, where the needle merely scratches the surface of your skin, and getting a shot or having blood taken, where the needle goes deep into your flesh and into veins. To me they are very different concepts.

Yes amber very true, im also a regular blood donor so I guess the fear of needles comes in there.
Pervs_INC said:
AmberCutie said:
Pervs_INC said:
Thanks Jolene, Jupiter551 and Rose, I am seriously proud of my back, went through a lot of pain for it.

Oh yeah and I hate needles :-D
I've always thought that there's such a great difference (in terms of needle phobia) between getting a tattoo, where the needle merely scratches the surface of your skin, and getting a shot or having blood taken, where the needle goes deep into your flesh and into veins. To me they are very different concepts.

Yes amber very true, im also a regular blood donor so I guess the fear of needles comes in there.
i'll have to agree with amber here. my fear of needles only applies when i'm getting a shot or getting blood drawn, but that could also be that whenever i get blood drawn my whole veing collapses and i bruise for like 2 weeks :(
Yeah and on that note...what's with people who go "oh I want one but I'm too much of a pussy to deal with the pain"....uhm pain?

I guess everything is subjective so I usually tell them to me it wasn't pain - there was a feeling, but calling it pain is giving it WAAAY too much credit.

Getting my eyebrow pierced years ago hurt WAY more even if it was painless after 10 seconds, going to the dentist hurts more, I'd trade 2 hours of tattooing for either of those. And yeah I've had it done "on the bone" which is where people claim it hurts the most - large tattoos on both sides of ribcage.

So my conclusion is a) the pain is a myth b) people exaggerate like hell or c) it honestly hurts some people more than others. A and B are my most likely answers I think.

Jupiter551 said:
Yeah and on that note...what's with people who go "oh I want one but I'm too much of a pussy to deal with the pain"....uhm pain?

I guess everything is subjective so I usually tell them to me it wasn't pain - there was a feeling, but calling it pain is giving it WAAAY too much credit.

Getting my eyebrow pierced years ago hurt WAY more even if it was painless after 10 seconds, going to the dentist hurts more, I'd trade 2 hours of tattooing for either of those. And yeah I've had it done "on the bone" which is where people claim it hurts the most - large tattoos on both sides of ribcage.

So my conclusion is a) the pain is a myth b) people exaggerate like hell or c) it honestly hurts some people more than others. A and B are my most likely answers I think.

i can see why some people say it hurts because after 8+ solid hours of tattooing your whole body just aches and throbs. especially when you're holding very uncomfortable positions. but i'd still rather do that than have my next surgery. for me: piercing<tattooing<oncussion<root canal<surgery. i'd rather do any of those things than have surgery again.
Jupiter551 said:
Yeah and on that note...what's with people who go "oh I want one but I'm too much of a pussy to deal with the pain"....uhm pain?

I guess everything is subjective so I usually tell them to me it wasn't pain - there was a feeling, but calling it pain is giving it WAAAY too much credit.

Getting my eyebrow pierced years ago hurt WAY more even if it was painless after 10 seconds, going to the dentist hurts more, I'd trade 2 hours of tattooing for either of those. And yeah I've had it done "on the bone" which is where people claim it hurts the most - large tattoos on both sides of ribcage.

So my conclusion is a) the pain is a myth b) people exaggerate like hell or c) it honestly hurts some people more than others. A and B are my most likely answers I think.


The one i have on my ribcage was painful. I can't lie. I've had 5 hours done to cover it up and that had to be split into two sessions. I have another hour to go and i've been putting it off for a couple of YEARS now even though I paid in full. My other tattoos were nothing in comparison. Even getting my ribs done the first time isn't on the same scale. Both sessions to cover the thing ended in me shaking, pale and cold trying to assure everyone I was a tough little soldier. Hehehe. Ugh. I'm going to spend the rest of my days with a half done blob on my torso. :?
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