AmberCutie's Forum
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Pet Peeves, yo.

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People that have to lie about not wanting to hang out.
Like, I'm not that damn delicate. If you just aren't feeling it, your honesty about that isn't going to break my heart.
What upsets me more is the obvious lies, because that implies that you think I'm kind of dumb.

And when my old roommate would leave all my cabinet doors open. So my bruises on my legs from running into them!
When people drip all over public sinks and don't wipe it up. Then there's just these puddles all over the counter, especially that one in front of the sink that you can't avoid getting your shirt in while washing your hands.
Facebook "doctors", man. And unsolicited medical advice in general.

A friend of mine sprained both her ankles. People are commenting with things like "ice and elevation helps" and other fucking DUH comments.

Dudes. I'm fairly certain that an adult in her 30's knows how to treat ankle sprains. You've typically had a couple sprains by that point in your life, if you're the average human that I know. If you're ME, on the other hand, you've averaged a sprain a year and can wrap your ankle in your sleep.

I also once had a coworker trying to beat into my head that I needed to get lots of rest and fluids, and rest, and don't forget to get plenty of REST, when I had a really bad cold. Thanks, Mom, I think most people know what to do about a cold by their mid 20's, I don't need a babysitter. You can bet I'll be drinking tea like my life depends on it. Rest, though? I don't have time for rest. Are you kidding me? I'm WAY too busy for that nonsense. Excuse me while I make coughing porn.
^ that reminds me of my biggest pet peeve ever these days.

Hippie all-natural health Internet people giving terrible advice to people who need to see a fucking doctor. I see this shit constantly. If someone has a UTI, they need antibiotics, not cranberry pills. If someone has major depression, they need therapy and possibly anti-depressants, not marijuana. If someone wants to try all-natural remedies before going to a doctor, fine, it's your body and those are your decisions to make. But when someone else has a potentially life threatening medical condition (like the ones I mentioned above) it's extremely irresponsible to suggest anything other than "if you don't have any money for a doctor go to the emergency room and go in medical debt because that's better than ending up dead."

420 enthusiasts are the worst offenders because they think marijuana is a cure-all that will solve everyone's infections and anxiety and mental health problems and cancer. Fuck off, you are ignorant; studies have shown marijuana tends to exasperate many mental problems and everybody reacts to it differently. If you want to smoke it because you like getting high or because it helps your problems, rad; but it's not a miracle drug and it's not for everybody and every ailment.
People who were recently diagnosed with a gluten intolerance and have decided it's the reason why I'm tired, anxious, fat, etc. I get if something has changed your life for the better you want to spread awareness but quit pretending you're a fucking Doctor and going around and diagnosing people.
People that drive around in cars past my apartment with mufflers that don't seem to be working (because it's soooo F***ing LOUD) or have the stereo system with the mega bass that is "Dope yo!" (because it is sooooo F****ing LOUD). I know I'm old and curmudgeonly....but c'mon...
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People that act like they know what they are talking about (specifically---> anything medically related) because they 'googled' it.

Oh sure. That's ok. My 8 years of college education is wrong cuz some random forum you found on 'Google' told you otherwise o_O lol
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My manager will go on and on about his nut allergy and how my lactose intolerance is nothing because "if someone with lactose intolerance drinks a little milk, all they get is a little stomach ache."

Ha, I fucking wish. When I have dairy, I get:
Horrendous, toxic-smelling, painful as fuck gas
Diarrhea. The kind where you're shaking and sweating and begging for death.
Stomach pain so bad I can't sit or stand straight.

Dairy pretty much gives me food poisoning. Tell me again that it's not that bad. No, it's not anaphylactic shock, but it still makes me feel like absolute hell.
When people Skype or facetime someone on their phone, in a public setting, with no headphones. I don't wanna hear your personal discussion and all the background noise the other person has going on. Use some headphones.
People that drive around in cars past my apartment with mufflers that don't seem to be working (because it's soooo F***ing LOUD) or have the stereo system with the mega bass that is "Dope yo!" (because it is sooooo F****ing LOUD). I know I'm old and curmudgeonly....but c'mon...

There is a guy who parks his motorcycle late at night under the stairs right by my apartment. He revs it for a good 5 min at least after he's parked it. Next time he parks there, I plan on making and placing this sign near his bike when I'm up early anyway.


Unfortunately I don't know if he'll do it though, since I kept shouting "Yes I know your penis is small!" I haven't heard from him in a few days. XD
When you're sitting in a cafeteria, and for some unexplainable reason, the vents in the room are placed just right to blow your food wrappers across the table, no matter where you put them. What moron designed this place?

There is a guy who parks his motorcycle late at night under the stairs right by my apartment. He revs it for a good 5 min at least after he's parked it. Next time he parks there, I plan on making and placing this sign near his bike when I'm up early anyway.


Unfortunately I don't know if he'll do it though, since I kept shouting "Yes I know your penis is small!" I haven't heard from him in a few days. XD

Whenever someone flies by me in a big truck with a lift kit, tons of lights, and huge tires, I always say "sorry about your penis!" When I'm with one of my sisters, we'll speculate on exactly how tiny said penis is. Sometimes we switch it up with "can't find the clit" or "sucks at oral".
Very rarely has a word pissed me off since the first time I heard/read it. It normally takes people constantly saying it around me and such to make me hate it. One word has gone past all the others though, and now made me want to punch dear friends when they use it. That word is sesh.

It's like the same yet opposite of the irritation I have for bb or bae. It means sex, but for some reason people took a simple word, and made it look and sound dumb so it could be slightly longer...why?! The look and sound of it is just unnatural, and grates my ears when I hear it.

-end of rant-
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Very rarely has a word pissed me off since the first time I heard/read it. It normally takes people constantly saying it around me and such to make me hate it. One word has gone past all the others though, and now made me want to punch dear friends when they use it. That word is sesh.

It's like the same yet opposite of the irritation I have for bb or bae. It means sex, but for some reason people took a simple word, and made it look and sound dumb so it could be slightly longer...why?! The look and sound of it is just unnatural, and grates my ears when I hear it.

-end of rant-

Ah... this must be a U.S. thing, as over on this side of the pond we use sesh as a shortened way of saying session... For example... Are we going for a sesh after work?... means "Are we having a few beers after work?". I've known it as that since way back in the 80's.;)
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@WickedTouch Yeah no idea. I hadn't heard it until maybe 2 months ago, and each time I hear someone use it, it'll be like "cam sesh" "want to have sesh with" etc. The way you use it just sounds like an abbreviation of "session", which I'd be ok with at least. I still don't like the sound of it, but it at least has some logic behind why it's used like that.
When my clothes arent folded right
Flo from the Progressive commercials
"Disappearing" Amazon packages
Doctor/dentist appointments
My white albino rodent who never stops squealing as well as a lot more annoying stuff....but still, I just cant seem to let her go...
People who ask annoying useless questions just for the sake of hearing themselves talk. Or they don't bother to think for themselves and just ask me, a million times. I had a close friend who did this. Every. Day. He'd ask the same questions. shit drives me insane.
When the entirety of a clothing or shoe review is "it fit" or "it didn't fit".

What size did you get? What are your measurements? Do you prefer snug or loose? Your review is the opposite of helpful.

Equally annoying are reviews that are something like "I'm 5'7" and 145 pounds and the medium fit perfectly".

Again, what are your frigging measurements? You could be 145 pounds of solid muscle or 145 pounds of squish, those two body types will be drastically different in size.
It's really petty and I never normally care about someone's grammar but it really drives me crazy when people dont know the difference between lose and loose aaargghhhh :rage::rage::rage::rage:

Lol. If you think that's bad, I had a school teacher who got the pronunciation of 'choose' and 'chose' mixed up. I'll never forget the time I corrected her (I must've been 7 or 8). She got pissed, told me to shut up, and called me a rat. Wtf. That woman was awful and a bully.
Lol. If you think that's bad, I had a school teacher who got the pronunciation of 'choose' and 'chose' mixed up. I'll never forget the time I corrected her (I must've been 7 or 8). She got pissed, told me to shut up, and called me a rat. Wtf. That woman was awful and a bully.

This reminds me of my 11th grade English teacher. She would correct the grammar on the letters she got from her bank and other places and send it back to them. I think the entire class did an internal face palm when she told us she corrected all her junk mail like that.

It's funny that about the only things I remember of her is that tidbit and it is not correct to use 'something wise' in a sentence.
i.e. It's cold out, weather wise. I'm bad at English, grammar wise. And so on.

Oh, and I got a free batch of home made cookies because of her. I bet the girl sitting in front of me I'd get a higher grade on my research paper assignment than she would. But that's more about the girl, and the cookies, than it is the teacher.
JerryBoBerry said:
This reminds me of my 11th grade English teacher. She would correct the grammar on the letters she got from her bank and other places and send it back to them.

Lol. Now that is funny!
When men refer to women as females. :wtf:

Then when I point out how it's degrading, they say, "it means the same thing!" Uh no.
When someone announces that they're having/had a baby, do they put, "It's a FEMALE!" on the announcement? No, because that's gross and weird.

I hate how some people think diction doesn't matter. :meh:
I hate how some people think diction doesn't matter. :meh:

This always irks me when people start saying "this word TECHNICALLY means" or whatever. Like often they're trying to get all pretentious on you but pretending that context/implications don't exist makes you look dumb. There was a Canadian musician who called someone a retard on Twitter and when people were like "whoa, buddy, that's rude" he was like "the dictionary definition states...." even though his context made it very clear how he meant it. I wish in that case he'd just have been like "you're right, that was rude, and I meant it" or "it was rude but you're right, too far, sorry" or even "I didn't realize how shitty that word was" rather than trying to backpedal so much.
This always irks me when people start saying "this word TECHNICALLY means" or whatever. Like often they're trying to get all pretentious on you but pretending that context/implications don't exist makes you look dumb. There was a Canadian musician who called someone a retard on Twitter and when people were like "whoa, buddy, that's rude" he was like "the dictionary definition states...." even though his context made it very clear how he meant it. I wish in that case he'd just have been like "you're right, that was rude, and I meant it" or "it was rude but you're right, too far, sorry" or even "I didn't realize how shitty that word was" rather than trying to backpedal so much.

Oh god, I hear an even worse one all the damn time. Gotta love the south. :grr:
"Well TECHNICALLY n***er means ignorant person! So anyone of any race can be a n***er!" :vomit::vomit::vomit:
Uhhhh can these people please find the nearest hole and fall into it? Or pick up a history book and bludgeon themselves with it? Absolutely sickening.

Like, I love dictionary definitions. I LOVE words. But holy crap, not everything needs to be looked at that literally. Emotions run high in regards to certain taboo words. Anyone who refuses to take that into account is excessively ignorant.
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