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Pet Peeves, yo.

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Just last week there were two women shopping together, each with their own shopping carts but filling them both from one list. Instead of filing in line one behind the other, they were creeping along the aisle side by side. I just looked at them at said "you've got to be kidding'' before they realized what they doing. And no, they weren't blonde either, just clueless.
Speaking of shopping, I hate when people can't take a hint. I'm always overly friendly and respectful in public, so it surprises me (it shouldn't) when other people aren't. Example: 2 women or families run into each other at the store, then stand there blocking the aisle talking for more than 5 minutes! I'll be conveniently behind 1 of them when she runs into her BFF, so then I have to stand there and wait. Usually, they'll look around, notice me, and I'll just be patiently waiting, smiling at them, making it obvious that I'm having to wait for one (or both) of them to move. MOST people take the hint and will apologize or just move to the other side so they're not blocking. SOME people don't give a fuck and will look at me at least 5 times, and still not give a shit, then continue talking, until I give up and do a 360 to get out of the aisle.
I_Am_Iris said:
Speaking of shopping, I hate when people can't take a hint. I'm always overly friendly and respectful in public, so it surprises me (it shouldn't) when other people aren't. Example: 2 women or families run into each other at the store, then stand there blocking the aisle talking for more than 5 minutes! I'll be conveniently behind 1 of them when she runs into her BFF, so then I have to stand there and wait. Usually, they'll look around, notice me, and I'll just be patiently waiting, smiling at them, making it obvious that I'm having to wait for one (or both) of them to move. MOST people take the hint and will apologize or just move to the other side so they're not blocking. SOME people don't give a fuck and will look at me at least 5 times, and still not give a shit, then continue talking, until I give up and do a 360 to get out of the aisle.
Ram into them with the cart, then apologize for not seeing them. It's rather satisfying and you're still innocent looking. Unless you do the big evil grin and ram into them a second time.
LilLitaRose said:
People who get on public transportation without bathing properly the day before

:? :? The stench. It burns.

Also people who are super loud that I can hear them through my earphones while I'm playing Tool >>

Both of these, so hard. I always wind up near people who haven't bathed in months, or who are so loud that my noise-cancelling headphones cranked all the way up don't cancel them.

And then there's the people who want to talk to you and keep waving or whatever to get your attention. Bitch, I am wearing giant headphones and giant sunglasses. Which means I don't want to talk to a damn soul. Fuck off.
When someone wants to look at my new phone, and changes the settings. (I don't care if it is how everybody keeps their phone, I don't want my phone to make key noise when I am typing or dialing out!!!)
I have a 1 hour commute to school when I'm taking the subway train. When I'm taking the 'normal' train, I'm on it for 30 miutes.

It's always really nice to have someone sitting next to you whose thighs are touching yours the entire time.
I get it, old man. You're really heavy, so it's impossible for you to only take up one seat, rather than 1.5. And you haven't had sex with anyone in years so it's really exciting to be sitting next to a young woman. Does that mean it's OK for you not to make any effort to not let your legs touch hers no I don't think so. :angry4:

And I can't get up and sit somewhere else because either there are no seats left, or I'm irrationally afraid that it'll look like fat-shaming. I just tense up for the entire ride, cross my legs (which doesn't help because the side of my buttcheek is still against his), and pray that he's getting off the train soon.

I don't know if I'm overreacting by having such a problem with this... but ew. It doesn't help that sometimes they're just staring at you while you're reading or doing something on your phone, and they think you can't see it from the corner of your eye. Ugh. Don't stare at strangers. For minutes. I never stare at anyone, even if they're hot. >_<
ThunderWeasel said:
WHY do people that KNOW you work the graveyard shift INSIST on calling you at 2 in the afternoon? That's like me calling them at 3 AM! :angry4:
If you have android...

It's a nice night clock. Has alarms built into it or you can use your phone's alarm system. Customize colors, dim the screen to the lowest brightness setting by tapping. But the best feature is when you run it, it silences all notifications. You still get them, but there's no sound or vibration. Turn it on when you go to sleep and you won't get interrupted.
ThunderWeasel said:
WHY do people that KNOW you work the graveyard shift INSIST on calling you at 2 in the afternoon? That's like me calling them at 3 AM! :angry4:

Any phone call before noon makes me want to Hulk Smash. Hey, family, you know that I go into work at 1:30p, so why are you calling me at 10a? Do YOU wake up 3.5 hours before you have to be at work?

And you can't let a call from my grandpa go to voicemail. Heaven help you if you do.
LilyMarie said:
I have a 1 hour commute to school when I'm taking the subway train. When I'm taking the 'normal' train, I'm on it for 30 miutes.

It's always really nice to have someone sitting next to you whose thighs are touching yours the entire time.
I get it, old man. You're really heavy, so it's impossible for you to only take up one seat, rather than 1.5. And you haven't had sex with anyone in years so it's really exciting to be sitting next to a young woman. Does that mean it's OK for you not to make any effort to not let your legs touch hers no I don't think so. :angry4:

And I can't get up and sit somewhere else because either there are no seats left, or I'm irrationally afraid that it'll look like fat-shaming. I just tense up for the entire ride, cross my legs (which doesn't help because the side of my buttcheek is still against his), and pray that he's getting off the train soon.

If he's anything like me, he probably feels just as awkward as you. I'm 6'4 with really long legs so whenever using trains/buses, I find it next to impossible to sit without one of my legs overlapping my designated seat area. It's not so bad if I'm in the aisle seat as I can turn away from them and have a leg in the aisle (which I can move when people want to get by) but when I'm in the window seat and someone is sat next to me, I'm always incredibly conscious of the fact that I'm taking up some of their space but short of standing up for the entire journey, there's nothing I can really do. And when it's an attractive woman, it's even worse. I then have to worry that she thinks I'm enjoying the fact that my leg is touching hers or she thinks I'm doing it on purpose and worrying that I'm making someone feel potentially sexually harassed kinda ruins the journey, ya know?

No idea if any this applies to the guy(s) on your train, but there's every chance they're enjoying the journey about as much as you are :twocents-02cents:
mynameisbob84 said:
LilyMarie said:
I have a 1 hour commute to school when I'm taking the subway train. When I'm taking the 'normal' train, I'm on it for 30 miutes.

It's always really nice to have someone sitting next to you whose thighs are touching yours the entire time.
I get it, old man. You're really heavy, so it's impossible for you to only take up one seat, rather than 1.5. And you haven't had sex with anyone in years so it's really exciting to be sitting next to a young woman. Does that mean it's OK for you not to make any effort to not let your legs touch hers no I don't think so. :angry4:

And I can't get up and sit somewhere else because either there are no seats left, or I'm irrationally afraid that it'll look like fat-shaming. I just tense up for the entire ride, cross my legs (which doesn't help because the side of my buttcheek is still against his), and pray that he's getting off the train soon.

If he's anything like me, he probably feels just as awkward as you. I'm 6'4 with really long legs so whenever using trains/buses, I find it next to impossible to sit without one of my legs overlapping my designated seat area. It's not so bad if I'm in the aisle seat as I can turn away from them and have a leg in the aisle (which I can move when people want to get by) but when I'm in the window seat and someone is sat next to me, I'm always incredibly conscious of the fact that I'm taking up some of their space but short of standing up for the entire journey, there's nothing I can really do. And when it's an attractive woman, it's even worse. I then have to worry that she thinks I'm enjoying the fact that my leg is touching hers or she thinks I'm doing it on purpose and worrying that I'm making someone feel potentially sexually harassed kinda ruins the journey, ya know?

No idea if any this applies to the guy(s) on your train, but there's every chance they're enjoying the journey about as much as you are :twocents-02cents:
But the length of your legs isn't relevant... the width of your thighs is, when you're sitting next to someone. I'm not sure how having long lengs would mean you're more likely to touch the person sitting next to you :think:
LilyMarie said:
mynameisbob84 said:
LilyMarie said:
I have a 1 hour commute to school when I'm taking the subway train. When I'm taking the 'normal' train, I'm on it for 30 miutes.

It's always really nice to have someone sitting next to you whose thighs are touching yours the entire time.
I get it, old man. You're really heavy, so it's impossible for you to only take up one seat, rather than 1.5. And you haven't had sex with anyone in years so it's really exciting to be sitting next to a young woman. Does that mean it's OK for you not to make any effort to not let your legs touch hers no I don't think so. :angry4:

And I can't get up and sit somewhere else because either there are no seats left, or I'm irrationally afraid that it'll look like fat-shaming. I just tense up for the entire ride, cross my legs (which doesn't help because the side of my buttcheek is still against his), and pray that he's getting off the train soon.

If he's anything like me, he probably feels just as awkward as you. I'm 6'4 with really long legs so whenever using trains/buses, I find it next to impossible to sit without one of my legs overlapping my designated seat area. It's not so bad if I'm in the aisle seat as I can turn away from them and have a leg in the aisle (which I can move when people want to get by) but when I'm in the window seat and someone is sat next to me, I'm always incredibly conscious of the fact that I'm taking up some of their space but short of standing up for the entire journey, there's nothing I can really do. And when it's an attractive woman, it's even worse. I then have to worry that she thinks I'm enjoying the fact that my leg is touching hers or she thinks I'm doing it on purpose and worrying that I'm making someone feel potentially sexually harassed kinda ruins the journey, ya know?

No idea if any this applies to the guy(s) on your train, but there's every chance they're enjoying the journey about as much as you are :twocents-02cents:
But the length of your legs isn't relevant... the width of your thighs is, when you're sitting next to someone. I'm not sure how having long lengs would mean you're more likely to touch the person sitting next to you :think:

Well! This seems like a prime opportunity to demonstrate my superior Paint skillz!


  • longlegs.png
    25.2 KB · Views: 295
LilyMarie said:
I have a 1 hour commute to school when I'm taking the subway train. When I'm taking the 'normal' train, I'm on it for 30 miutes.

It's always really nice to have someone sitting next to you whose thighs are touching yours the entire time.
I get it, old man. You're really heavy, so it's impossible for you to only take up one seat, rather than 1.5. And you haven't had sex with anyone in years so it's really exciting to be sitting next to a young woman. Does that mean it's OK for you not to make any effort to not let your legs touch hers no I don't think so. :angry4:

And I can't get up and sit somewhere else because either there are no seats left, or I'm irrationally afraid that it'll look like fat-shaming. I just tense up for the entire ride, cross my legs (which doesn't help because the side of my buttcheek is still against his), and pray that he's getting off the train soon.

I don't know if I'm overreacting by having such a problem with this... but ew. It doesn't help that sometimes they're just staring at you while you're reading or doing something on your phone, and they think you can't see it from the corner of your eye. Ugh. Don't stare at strangers. For minutes. I never stare at anyone, even if they're hot. >_<
That ain't nothing. Imagine being on a 14 hour flight, in 1st class, and still having to deal with similar shit. Throw in some body odor, heavy breathing, reeked like she smoked a carton of cigarettes before boarding, seemed to think that I wanted to hear about her family, started talking to herself when I was attempting to pretend to sleep and a buncha other crap. Was brutal but she didn't touch me all that much so it could have been worse I guess.

Lazy people who blame everything on something besides themselves. They claim to not be able to find a job but when you offer them easy and good money for a day or two of work they decline. "Tomorrow? Naw not good for me, going to get high and play COD for the next few days." Same bums will have to borrow money from their parents to go out. Same bums will blame the economy instead of just admitting how lazy they are. I'll be retired by 40 and they will still be making excuses and bumming off mom and dad. Shit annoys me.
PunkInDrublic said:
Lazy people who blame everything on something besides themselves. They claim to not be able to find a job but when you offer them easy and good money for a day or two of work they decline. "Tomorrow? Naw not good for me, going to get high and play COD for the next few days." Same bums will have to borrow money from their parents to go out. Same bums will blame the economy instead of just admitting how lazy they are. I'll be retired by 40 and they will still be making excuses and bumming off mom and dad. Shit annoys me.

And on a similar track, people who get fired from every job they get, over a dozen in less than 3 years. Every time because the people there were 'jealous of me cause they knew I could run that company better than them.'

Yeah right. You went in there all arrogant and didn't just keep your mouth shut and do your job. Pissed every one off until they canned your sorry ass.

Also, because they are continually out of a job they are behind in rent and borrowing money from everyone else around them to be able to buy gas to get to those jobs or buy food. Yet they can afford to BBQ T-Bone steaks every weekend and drink a 375ml bottle of whiskey every day and gripe about having no money as they get drunk. At the same time give some sob story to the apartment manager about how if they'll work with them they'll get caught up, then give them a measly $50 toward the $1500 back rent owed. That being the ONLY amount paid out to people owed during the time they had the job and actually did have some money coming in.
Jumping on the job gripe train:

When someone asks for job leads, but then everything that's suggested to them, they can't (don't want to) do because of reason y, which is just a whiney excuse to not do what they don't want to do

Or when they complain that they never get interviews, or that they never get offers, yet at every stage of the process, they're not presentable - messy hair, looking unbathed, picking up/turning in applications in grimy pj's, jeans and a t-shirt, or old ratty tank top, wearing too-small tops to an interview with half of the buttons undone so that there's an unprofessional amount of cleavage showing, not to mention the never-professional midriff all out and everywhere.
People loudly talking in the library :angry4: especially when there are separate floors for silent study Vs group study. Whispering a bit, whatever, but loud conversations, nooooo.

This complaint is brought to you by the giggly tutoring session going on behind me.
When you're in a waiting room at the doctors office you should know to put your phone on silent and that includes the damn clicky key sounds. I don't want to listen to the dude next to me texting for 45 mins. This happened today and I wanted to punch the guy in the face.

Also at the doctors office today.. talking loudly on one's phone loudly. Just plain rude. Go stand outside.

I can't stand unceasing self-deprecation. When people go on and on about never being able to do this or that or being worthless, etc. Now, don't get me wrong. We all have experienced these feelings, and it's perfectly alright to express how you're feeling. It's when people never talk about anything else, and instead of saying "I feel like xyz" saying, "I am xyz" and just trying to get everybody to jump on the pity train with them. Ex: A group I used to be involved with on facebook was FULL of posts of people saying "I'm so unattractive, no one will ever love me, I can't do anything right, etc"

These feelings are totally okay to have sometimes, but when it becomes the only thing someone ever says or fixates on, just the sheer negativity of it...I just can't stand it.

Sorry if that sounded bitchy, but a friend of mine is currently pulling this stuff/has been for weeks. I'm so burned out on it.
JuniperGin said:
I can't stand unceasing self-deprecation. When people go on and on about never being able to do this or that or being worthless, etc. Now, don't get me wrong. We all have experienced these feelings, and it's perfectly alright to express how you're feeling. It's when people never talk about anything else, and instead of saying "I feel like xyz" saying, "I am xyz" and just trying to get everybody to jump on the pity train with them. Ex: A group I used to be involved with on facebook was FULL of posts of people saying "I'm so unattractive, no one will ever love me, I can't do anything right, etc"

These feelings are totally okay to have sometimes, but when it becomes the only thing someone ever says or fixates on, just the sheer negativity of it...I just can't stand it.

Sorry if that sounded bitchy, but a friend of mine is currently pulling this stuff/has been for weeks. I'm so burned out on it.

I have a friend who I quit talking to because, among other things, anytime that anyone said anything negative, she'd spin it around to be an insult to her:

A palmistry book called her useless because it says that someone with soft hands probably doesn't do much physical labor

Someone on Facebook made her feel not human because they said that anyone in our area who can't get a job isn't making any effort.

And rant related to that last point:

Now, while some areas do genuinely have no jobs available, that's not true where I live. There are a plethora of jobs, you just have to be willing to stick out a shitty position until another one opens up. You have to be willing to work fast food, or a gas station, or a shop at the mall, and put up with the associated bullshit. It fucking sucks, but it pays for the bare necessities. Everyone telling you something along these lines is saying it because they have done it at one point. I worked retail, which sucked, and that gave me customer service experience so that I could work in a call center, which sucked even more but paid better. In turn, that gave me the office experience to get a job that was half phones, half clerical. From there, I had temped enough from my employer to get myself a permanent position doing data entry, no phones, no customers, no being required to talk to anyone. In order to get a good job, you have to be willing to put up with jobs that suck or that you don't like so that you can get the experience that you need to do that good job.

Now, for what I came here to bitch about: When someone's lunch explodes in the microwave and they just fucking leave it.
People who play their music really loud on the subway. :angry4: If you are wearing headphones I should NOT be able to hear your stupid music! I also really hate the high school kids who ride the subway. They're loud, have absolutely no regard for all the other people on the train, they fight with each other, they use the train like a jungle gym. I think mostly I just don't like teenagers. And high schoolers are the worst! :lol:
PlayboyMegan said:
People who talk really quietly and mumble. After the 3rd time saying, "what?!" Maybe you should speak up! I just couldn't understand one word this girl was saying so I replied, "yea" on everything she said. :?

Everyone I know will start explaining what they said when I say "What?" Hey, people, "what" means "I didn't hear what you said, please repeat it", not "I don't get what you're talking about, explain".
When your face feels itchy after Lidocane. And no matter what you do, it will always stay itchy till it works off.
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Being addressed by my first name by people/companies who don't know me personally at all. I'm mainly talking about emails and phone calls more than F2F encounters. It's doubly annoying in my case because I actually go by a shortened version of my middle name. Nobody who knows me calls me by my first name, yet that's what I get called all the time in emails and phone calls.

My preference would be to use the more formal "Mr. [Lastname]" form of address if the person definitely knows my gender (for example, someone calling from the doctor's office). In some cases, the company/person doesn't have that information, or they want to avoid the gender issue altogether, so they use the full name in the email ("Hello [Firstname][Middle Initial] [Lastname"]. Amazon does this, and it's OK with me.

I'm in my mid-50s, and I think this may be a generational difference in preferences/practices. At least, I don't recall this being an issue when I was younger.
Is there a "Major Problem W/that, Fukin Rant" thread? This one has really pissed my off, to the point that I have disowned SafeWay stores. 2-3YrA when organic veggies made their way in to the SW stores in this area, they were allotted their own section of the veggie area. Organic and nonorganic were well defined, and making the choice to buy organic was not a confusing scavenger hunt. In the last year every SW in this area has mixed the veggie section up so completely - like scrambled eggs - and yes they have done the same to a lesser extent with the eggs. Buying bb carrots last shopping run went like this.(starting at 1 end working toward the other) SW NO 1lb bag/Jo B. Nocem organic 1lb bags/SW NO 2lb & 3lb bags/JBN Org 2lb bags/SW NO 2lb & 5lb bags. The 1lb & 3lb SW NO bags were member discounted, but the 2lb & 5lb were not, and the 2lb bags were the exact same price as the JBN Org. Not to confusing, but these were bagged/labeled veggies. All the veggies are as mixed, and the SW items not discounted & right next to the organic twin mostly cost the same, or nearly the same.

Please someone give me some other reason why SW would so confuse things if it were not to sell higher profit goods to confused shoppers.

And dose anyone really need 16 different types of shaving cream? X 2, gel or foam, for 5 different skin types? And when you have stood there for 15 minutes and figured out your perfect shave cream, they are out of the atheist/agnostic stuff, so you have to go with the god bless'edd stuff that is all wrong, or grow a beard. It's all a bunch of horse shit IYAM.
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