AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Perfect example of why camscore is an absolute joke.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Lydia_Deetz said:
WolfDShadow said:
JoleneJolene said:
FIFY :thumbleft:
WolfDShadow said:
misinformation blah blah blah misguided opinions blah blah blah misinterpreted blah blah blah I think I know more about cam score than the women who make their living on the site blah blah blah

ok you think I'm just saying blah blah blah they I will ask you 4 questions:
How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?
Why is your cam score in the 5,000's instead of the 20,000?

the whole cam score or winning Miss MyFreeCams is a illusion because I higher cam score does not mean better model and lower cam score models shouldn't be fighting about it not being a joke because lower cam score models really work for their money, are more grateful for the tips they get, and are ultimately better models because they take the time to get to know the people who are giving them the tips unlike the models with higher cam scores that don't care about who is tipping them so when they loose a tipper they don't even notice.

If you check this topic is about how cam scores are a joke not about who makes more money for a living because if it was then you would be right but I'm not saying you don't know how to make a living off the site and that's why I put the link in that post because it backs what I'm saying 100%

Hmmm, let me ask you some questions.

How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?

Dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. The girls on this forum know what's up with camscore mkay? now...

Ok then why do the members have to put up with models complaining they are not in the top 20/100 all the time if they already know whats up with camscores they should just already be in the top 20/100. The site is called My FreeCams because its free to join free to chat and free to view cams. Why should members bother tipping them at all. So just get rid of the premium status all together and no one tip the models because they don't need members to help them raise their cam scores is what I see all of you saying? Because all models as you keep saying models are just rolling in the money and will be on cam for free. But wait if we didn't tip models don't get paid. If models don't get paid their camscore doesn't go up so where does that leave us. models complaining that their camscore doesn't go up.
WolfDShadow said:
Lydia_Deetz said:
WolfDShadow said:
JoleneJolene said:
FIFY :thumbleft:
WolfDShadow said:
misinformation blah blah blah misguided opinions blah blah blah misinterpreted blah blah blah I think I know more about cam score than the women who make their living on the site blah blah blah

ok you think I'm just saying blah blah blah they I will ask you 4 questions:
How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?
Why is your cam score in the 5,000's instead of the 20,000?

the whole cam score or winning Miss MyFreeCams is a illusion because I higher cam score does not mean better model and lower cam score models shouldn't be fighting about it not being a joke because lower cam score models really work for their money, are more grateful for the tips they get, and are ultimately better models because they take the time to get to know the people who are giving them the tips unlike the models with higher cam scores that don't care about who is tipping them so when they loose a tipper they don't even notice.

If you check this topic is about how cam scores are a joke not about who makes more money for a living because if it was then you would be right but I'm not saying you don't know how to make a living off the site and that's why I put the link in that post because it backs what I'm saying 100%

Hmmm, let me ask you some questions.

How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?

Dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. The girls on this forum know what's up with camscore mkay? now...

Ok then why do the members have to put up with models complaining they are not in the top 20/100 all the time if they already know whats up with camscores they should just already be in the top 20/100. The site is called My FreeCams because its free to join free to chat and free to view cams. Why should members bother tipping them at all. So just get rid of the premium status all together and no one tip the models because they don't need members to help them raise their cam scores is what I see all of you saying? Because all models as you keep saying models are just rolling in the money and will be on cam for free. But wait if we didn't tip models don't get paid. If models don't get paid their camscore doesn't go up so where does that leave us. models complaining that their camscore doesn't go up.

Camscore = a number that determines where you show up on the main page. where you show up on the main page = traffic in your room. Traffic in your room = more potential tippers. tippers = paycheck.
the more tokens you get the bigger your paycheck.

Its not about the CAMSCORE its that the CAMSCORE is a way to MARKET yourself so that you make MORE MONEY.
So is top 20. its not about the Prize money. Its about the PUBLICITY. you make MORE money from the publicity it generates.
Humans thrive on competition. Tippers throw their money behind the girl they think is the BEST girl on MFC. The top 20 is HYPE and its a good thing because it generates TIPS.

Secondly: Just because we understand how a system works does NOT mean we are able or willing to make it to top 20. That's not because we don't understand it. It may be that we are not able or willing to make the time commitments to do so. Or that we just don't have the fanbase built up yet.

You probably won't read or understand any of this though so whyfor i waste my breath......
Here's some bullshit I read from him:

-if you make more money your camscore will be bigger

Depends. If the girl who was on every day making 50,000 a day has an average of 10,000 an hour, while the girl who was on five days and made 100,000 a day has an average of 50,000 an hour, then the girl who was on for five days will have a bigger camscore. This is because it's an AVERAGE, which means you take the number of tokens earned over the past 60 days, and divide it by the number of hours you were online over the past 60 days.

Let me use simple numbers so you can understand. For simplicity's sake, we'll say there are 4 pay periods per 60 day period (30 days in a month means 2 months in 60 days, and 2 pay periods a month makes 4 pay periods. While it's not exact, we're going for SIMPLE)

Girl 1: works 2 hours a day for 5 days per payperiod. 2 (hrs) * 5 (days) * 4 (payperiods) = 40 hours over the sixty days. She gets 100,000 tokens each day she works. 100,000 (toks) * 5 (days) * 4 (payperiods) = 2,000,000 tokens. This is divided by the hours to get 50,000 tokens per hour.

Girl 2: works 8 hours a day, 10 days per payperiod. 8 (hrs) * 10 (days) * 4 (payperiods) = 320 hours. She also gets 100,000 tokens each day she works. 100,000 (toks) * 10 (days) * 4 (payperiods) = 4,000,000 tokens. She made more money during those 60 days. But is her camscore higher? Nope. Divide the 4 million by her hours and you only get 12,500 tokens per hour. That's a quarter of what girl 1 made. Thus, girl 2 will have a lower camscore than girl 1.

The next thing I keep seeing is you alternating back and forth between MFC's #1 girl and camscore.


While camscore is about tokens per hour, Miss MFC is about total tokens over the month. While Girl 1 will have a higher camscore than Girl 2, Girl 2 will be higher in the Miss MFC ranking than Girl 1.

If MFC had the rankings, but no bonus for the highest ranking, they would still fight over it. Because it's about "I made more money than you", pure and simple. Unlike the camscore, the ONLY thing that affects your Miss MFC ranking is how many tokens you earned, therefore, it's easier to compete. And humans are naturally competitive. We want to be better, we want to win at something, we want to be right. THAT is human nature. What keeps everyone from tearing each other's throats at is that we're all working to be better at different things, and better than different things. While Mark is working to be a better Dad, Jerry is working to make more money, and Chris is working to be the best manager ever.

There was one post I didn't even bother reading because it started with "If MFC stopped paying models based on how many tokens they earned." WTF does that have to do with anything? When you bring up "what if's", they'd better be something that is actually feasible, and something that has some bearing on the matter. The only way to charge a flat salary is to then kick out any model who doesn't make a certain quota. There are sites like that, but MFC was never, and will never be one of them.
LadyLuna said:
THAT is human nature. What keeps everyone from tearing each other's throats at is that we're all working to be better at different things, and better than different things. While Mark is working to be a better Dad, Jerry is working to make more money, and Chris is working to be the best manager ever.

I only have one question. Who are Mark, Jerry and Chris? Jerry sounds hot!
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JoleneJolene said:
LadyLuna said:
THAT is human nature. What keeps everyone from tearing each other's throats at is that we're all working to be better at different things, and better than different things. While Mark is working to be a better Dad, Jerry is working to make more money, and Chris is working to be the best manager ever.

I only have one question. Who are Mark, Jerry and Chris? Jerry sounds hot!


Random names I grabbed... but I grabbed them based on names from my past, and trust you to pick the one I grabbed from a female :p
I'm not sure why someone would come onto this forum, and - in the very same day they joined - post messages arguing with models about the way THEIR job works.

A model who gets tons of 5 star ratings and admiring with very little tips is NOT going to have a higher cam score than a model who's been gone a while with lots of offline tips. Offline tips are awesome for the model who's been gone, because she's earning money without actually broadcasting at all. Rating a model 5 stars is a nice thing to do, but it really doesn't do nearly as much for the cam score as the tokens.
I have read this forum and man this has nothing to do with cam score at all. I see a guy that is hurt because a sexy model was getting tipped non stop and not doing a damn thing. Well maybe a model talking to them is appreciated so they are showing appreciation by showing her in tokens, they think she is pretty so they shower her some more. IT wis easy to get overwhelmed with tokens when all you can do is omg thank you repeatedly. Click next model and move on stop spewing hatred because you can't seem to think oh hey this model is not doing what I want for the tokens I spent on her next! There are like over 500 models on every morning,afternoon,and night. You have plenty of options. She did not screw you over since she was not like hey baby I will do this for you for this many tokens and does not do it.This thread is clearly a childish outburst. I hate childish men weak man weak. (By the way sorry I am late to the party)
The_Brown_Fox said:
I'm not sure why someone would come onto this forum, and - in the very same day they joined - post messages arguing with models about the way THEIR job works.

A model who gets tons of 5 star ratings and admiring with very little tips is NOT going to have a higher cam score than a model who's been gone a while with lots of offline tips. Offline tips are awesome for the model who's been gone, because she's earning money without actually broadcasting at all. Rating a model 5 stars is a nice thing to do, but it really doesn't do nearly as much for the cam score as the tokens.

I dont care what day he joined. The guy is clearly clueless and not looking to learn. He's a troll. Only now he trolls here instead of just on mfc. I saw we ignore him. He's probably jerking off to every response.
Where does that site come up with the "adjusted rating" and what does it mean? I never understood that.
The one thing that makes me laugh about all of this is the fact that yet again we have an example of a member who thinks he knows how the site works better than any of the models and is trying to be the 'authority' on MFC. If you want to understand how the site works and have a balanced viewpoint you need to be able to see things from both sides of the fence, which actually only a model can do as we girls are able to be models and to have perv accounts.

If you want to know what the motivation is for girls in the top twenty, ask a girl in the top twenty. Don't sit there as a perv and presume that you know without even talking to one to find out. Otherwise you are just hypothesising. I know what motivates me (I'm not a top twenty girl although i did have a brief moment at no 12 on the 1st of this month which will spur me on to put more hours in to see if i can ever get back there again). It's competitive spirit pure and simple, as LadyLuna said. The $500 prize is a nice little bonus but ultimately you know if you get to no 1 that you have busted your arse in terms of the hours you've spent online and the sacrifices you have made in your non-cam life for that month in order to achieve your token goals and hit that no 1 spot. That for me would give me a huge sense of achievement whether I had a cash prize dangled at me or not. Some of the nonsense that has been spouted in this thread from members who think they know everything and have their noses bent out of shape for some reason (beyond me why they allow something as irrelevant as how many tokens a model is making get them so riled - is there not more important stuff that they can be putting their energy into worrying about???) has me laughing at how nonsensical it is.

I sometimes when perving happen upon girls that i personally find really boring to watch. I don't start threads about them - I hit the next model button and get on with other stuff. It's really very simple. Tip if you like someone and you enjoy what they do. Don't tip, and then hit the next model button if you don't. Banging on about how you don't understand why other people choose to tip certain models and then labelling aforementioned models as 'lazy' or anything else just says that you're feeling bitter and jealous for some odd reason which says more about you than anyone you are trying to criticize.

Anyhow that's my :twocents-02cents:
I'm never ceased to be amazed about how some members of MFC seem to think that everybody in the system and the system itself should suit their wishes, If the girl in the initial post is making her money, and people are clearly happy to tip her for "nothing" there is obviously some value in it for both parties concerned. If you don't like this, don't tip, you know what you are getting in for if you have been observing this over a length of time. Or just click next model and find someone you like

The whole Camscore/Miss Myfreecams debate for me is a little irrelevent, Theres models who don't feature in either with any regularity who do very well from the site. Surely its about making things work for you, both as a model and as a premium, and not getting all pissy when you see something not to your exact tastes?
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What we do on cam to earn our living is our prerogative, if you do not like it, then feel free not to log on and view. Seriously none of us woke up this morning with the intention to walk on eggshells for the members of mfc. If you like us and the way we entertain then fabulous, if you don't agree well then there's always that little red X at the top of the screen. Im sure she wasn't swiping their credit card for them.

I wish that some of the fella's that always have these big opinions and feelings of entitlement could trade places and turn on their cam for a few weeks and see what this side is like. If any particular model wants something from her regulars like cam score help, miss mfc help ect... if they want to help her achieve her goals, who are you to say its wrong.
I hate it when someone thinks they can do better than you at your job like this dude here. Well if you think you can sign up on a site that allows duded and couples and let us know how you do cause a guarantee it is not as easy as it seems to get paid or to do what we do.So go on give it a shot let us know hell Maybe we will visit you as basics.You will b e amazed what we have to deal with everytime we go on cam.
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sassysweets said:
The guy is clearly clueless and not looking to learn.

True. Just another guy who loves run-on sentences and claims to know everything about how being a MFC cam girl's pretty funny.


Happy Monday, folks! :thumbleft:
Now I see why some of you are fighting me so hard you don't get what is being said here CamScores are a joke because they don't represent what kind of model they are. I let some of you get me off the topic here which is there are models with lower cam scores that don't let their cam score or the miss mfc contest rule their room and are a better model, but looking at their cam scores alone you wouldn't know she was the better model because they aren't higher up on the list on the main page because of their lower cam score. While there are models that have high cam scores and only focus on being #1 in their room that are bad models but just so happens to have a whale to keep their score high. Cam Scores should reflect more on the model and less on the number of tips they get. Models see Cam Scores as money members see Cam Scores as better model.

I personally figured out quickly to look for the cool models, there are cool models with high Cam Scores and with low Cam Scores and every where in between. I like the cool models because they don't care to make their goal to be #1 24/7/365, they take the time to get to know the regulars in their room, and that they just want to have fun in the room. Because I can find models with such a array of Cam Scores that why I agree that they are a joke.
Miss_Lollipop said:
Its not about the CAMSCORE its that the CAMSCORE is a way to MARKET yourself so that you make MORE MONEY.
So is top 20. its not about the Prize money. Its about the PUBLICITY. you make MORE money from the publicity it generates.
Humans thrive on competition. Tippers throw their money behind the girl they think is the BEST girl on MFC. The top 20 is HYPE and its a good thing because it generates TIPS.

Secondly: Just because we understand how a system works does NOT mean we are able or willing to make it to top 20. That's not because we don't understand it. It may be that we are not able or willing to make the time commitments to do so. Or that we just don't have the fanbase built up yet.

You probably won't read or understand any of this though so whyfor i waste my breath......

I accidentally hit thanks instead of quote. You view camscore as a way to market yourself? That's fine :D

I still view it, and think MFC presents it, as "put the model who can cause guys to spend the most cash in as quick amount of time as possible in the most prominent position so as to tempt others to spend" (long sentence eh :D ). The most tempting being the model whom members spend the most cash upon in the time within which she is online...the highest camscore.

i.e. the place that members are most likely to blow their load (to use a double entendre).

Kinda like at the supermarket. Do they put the best sellers (or biggest margin) on the bottom shelf? No, they put them at eye level - the place where you naturally gaze.
On MFC - first thing you see - the model that members appear to find most appealing to their wallets.

I don't think MFC cares what models think about camscore, nor what members think either. They just want our cash, and the simplest way to guide us to the model we are most likely to spend our money on is to put her at the top.
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WolfDShadow said:
Now I see why some of you are fighting me so hard you don't get what is being said here CamScores are a joke because they don't represent what kind of model they are. I let some of you get me off the topic here which is there are models with lower cam scores that don't let their cam score or the miss mfc contest rule their room and are a better model, but looking at their cam scores alone you wouldn't know she was the better model because they aren't higher up on the list on the main page because of their lower cam score. While there are models that have high cam scores and only focus on being #1 in their room that are bad models but just so happens to have a whale to keep their score high. Cam Scores should reflect more on the model and less on the number of tips they get. Models see Cam Scores as money members see Cam Scores as better model.

I personally figured out quickly to look for the cool models, there are cool models with high Cam Scores and with low Cam Scores and every where in between. I like the cool models because they don't care to make their goal to be #1 24/7/365, they take the time to get to know the regulars in their room, and that they just want to have fun in the room. Because I can find models with such a array of Cam Scores that why I agree that they are a joke.
So piss off already and go talk to a model that you like. If you post a dumb comment, you can only expect to be met with genuine disgust and bitchiness. Don't like how the camscore works? Write Leo a letter and tell him how you feel, buddy. I am sure he will listen to you. :roll: We all have choices and if you only hang out on page one, you will never see the rest of the great girls. You want to bitch about camscore? Go raise a lower camscore model's score up if you care that much. But other than that, why don't you fuck off already. Camscore blah blah blah camscore this camscore that. Camscore. Camscore. Camscore. Camscore. Camscore. Camscore.
Get my drift? Stop your whining and act like a man instead of a disgruntled little bitch!!!
Girls, sorry to come off so bitchy, but you never want to piss me off when I'm having the monthly plague.
Miss_Lollipop said:
WolfDShadow said:
JoleneJolene said:
FIFY :thumbleft:
WolfDShadow said:
misinformation blah blah blah misguided opinions blah blah blah misinterpreted blah blah blah I think I know more about cam score than the women who make their living on the site blah blah blah

ok you think I'm just saying blah blah blah they I will ask you 4 questions:
How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?
Why is your cam score in the 5,000's instead of the 20,000?

the whole cam score or winning Miss MyFreeCams is a illusion because I higher cam score does not mean better model and lower cam score models shouldn't be fighting about it not being a joke because lower cam score models really work for their money, are more grateful for the tips they get, and are ultimately better models because they take the time to get to know the people who are giving them the tips unlike the models with higher cam scores that don't care about who is tipping them so when they loose a tipper they don't even notice.

If you check this topic is about how cam scores are a joke not about who makes more money for a living because if it was then you would be right but I'm not saying you don't know how to make a living off the site and that's why I put the link in that post because it backs what I'm saying 100%

You, my good Sir, need to learn to formulate a sentence. You actually do not make much sense. You're not listening to people's points or giving any logical rebuttle you're bitching, ranting and repeating yourself for the sake of arguments.

So lets ask a Top 20 model:

Amber if you read this, can you tell us what the motivator to be top 20 is? Is it the prize money? Or the title/publicity or something else?

There are other girls that have hit top 20 on this forum.. I'd LOVE them to chime in..
I try for top 20 for the acknowledgment not the prize money. It's a sort of bragging rights thing. A lot of people enjoy "seeing their name in lights", so to speak.

If MFC stopped offering prize money for top 20, I would still want to be there as often as I can.
Oh, and rating/admiring profiles have 0 to do with camscore. It's another bragging rights thing when girls want lots of rates and admires. That's why we ask for them.
Since all the models are going so hard core at me think of this "If your cam score was not based on tokens but on the kind of model you are would you"
a) have a higher cam score.
b) a lower cam score.
c) would no longer be on cam.
Remember you would still make money off your tokens but the tokens are not the thing that determines your score so having a whale wouldn't affect your cam score in any way. You say if you don't like the model hit next but if a viewer knew before going into the room what kind of model you were they why wouldn't they like you going in knowing what to expect. It would allow guys to know what kind of model you are so you would only get guys who want to see that kind of model.

I'm guessing since your so hard core about cam scores you are afraid it will drop but I don't believe you act like this in your rooms so it will go up. Also I see a lot of you say its for marketing so lets look at it in a marketing way do off name brands that don't advertise sell more or less than big name brands that do advertise. The answer is more because they don't need to advertise that they are good. I agree with Zoomer though right now it set up as "put the model who can cause guys to spend the most cash in as quick amount of time as possible in the most prominent position so as to tempt others to spend" i.e. tipping wars for the models attention. Those tippers though may have no clue at the time if they like the model or not because they can't tell what kind of model she is when they were trying to get the models attention. How many viewers stay with that top model though and how many end up finding a different model after that first day? The difference is cam girls don't look at cam scores the same way as viewers do which is a shame in the end.

And to MercyRain all the girls that are on fit on my page one since I filter out countries so I'm not missing anyone and if you truly read my last post I clarified my whole point why cams scores are a joke.

And to AmberCutie I tried to find where I had read it on the wiki pages and it was removed along with the info that rating and admiring a model more than once in a 24hr period lowers their score so they must have removed it from affecting the score since it was causing models scores to drop from members that didn't know they could only rate and admire the model once a day.
That reply is either horribly badly worded or I don't really get the point trying to be made

Either way find a model you like, Tip her, enjoy yourself :twocents-02cents:
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Zoomer said:
Miss_Lollipop said:
Its not about the CAMSCORE its that the CAMSCORE is a way to MARKET yourself so that you make MORE MONEY.
So is top 20. its not about the Prize money. Its about the PUBLICITY. you make MORE money from the publicity it generates.
Humans thrive on competition. Tippers throw their money behind the girl they think is the BEST girl on MFC. The top 20 is HYPE and its a good thing because it generates TIPS.

Secondly: Just because we understand how a system works does NOT mean we are able or willing to make it to top 20. That's not because we don't understand it. It may be that we are not able or willing to make the time commitments to do so. Or that we just don't have the fanbase built up yet.

You probably won't read or understand any of this though so whyfor i waste my breath......

I accidentally hit thanks instead of quote. You view camscore as a way to market yourself? That's fine :D

I still view it, and think MFC presents it, as "put the model who can cause guys to spend the most cash in as quick amount of time as possible in the most prominent position so as to tempt others to spend" (long sentence eh :D ). The most tempting being the model whom members spend the most cash upon in the time within which she is online...the highest camscore.

i.e. the place that members are most likely to blow their load (to use a double entendre).

Kinda like at the supermarket. Do they put the best sellers (or biggest margin) on the bottom shelf? No, they put them at eye level - the place where you naturally gaze.
On MFC - first thing you see - the model that members appear to find most appealing to their wallets.

I don't think MFC cares what models think about camscore, nor what members think either. They just want our cash, and the simplest way to guide us to the model we are most likely to spend our money on is to put her at the top.

that makes sense from the sites perspective. I was more simply talking about the model perspective. The better placement the more chance you're going to make more $$. Thus, marketing.
What you didn't see were the hours of hard work she had to put in to get such a dedicated fan base that they would be willing to do that for her. I say she totally earned them, she just put the effort in ahead of time.
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This thread: Somewhat nutritionally suspect, strangely filling, highly entertaining.

Carry on...........

ShelterLight said:
What you didn't see were the hours of hard work she had to put in to get such a dedicated fan base that they would be willing to do that for her. I say she totally earned them, she just put the effort in ahead of time.

As had said he had to ask why everyone was even tipping. There are guys who go into those rooms and tip to try to get the models attention so they can talk to them and there are others who go in to try to show they can tip more than the nest guy. But if one of those type of guys came into the room they wouldn't know why everyone was tipping. If those dedicated fans really wanted to get her to #1 faster doing offline tips would be more effective. No one is saying models work on getting a fan base shouldn't be tipped but that the way they did this made it unfair to anyone who didn't know what was going on and tipped thinking there was a countdown. Also the fact that she wasn't thanking anyone for the tips when she was clearly not preoccupied shows how much she really cared about them tipping her.
WolfDShadow said:
ShelterLight said:
What you didn't see were the hours of hard work she had to put in to get such a dedicated fan base that they would be willing to do that for her. I say she totally earned them, she just put the effort in ahead of time.

As had said he had to ask why everyone was even tipping. There are guys who go into those rooms and tip to try to get the models attention so they can talk to them and there are others who go in to try to show they can tip more than the nest guy. But if one of those type of guys came into the room they wouldn't know why everyone was tipping. If those dedicated fans really wanted to get her to #1 faster doing offline tips would be more effective. No one is saying models work on getting a fan base shouldn't be tipped but that the way they did this made it unfair to anyone who didn't know what was going on and tipped thinking there was a countdown. Also the fact that she wasn't thanking anyone for the tips when she was clearly not preoccupied shows how much she really cared about them tipping her.

You do not understand why people tip. I tip for many reasons some more personal than others, but no matter what the reason I have always been thanked. Others may not be able to see what the model does for me, but then it was never for them. There are many ways to say thank you without flashing or speaking. I think you need to buy some tokens and leave the top few rows to go exploring deeper into MFC. I feel you will be happier on the lower pages.
Shaun__ said:
WolfDShadow said:
ShelterLight said:
What you didn't see were the hours of hard work she had to put in to get such a dedicated fan base that they would be willing to do that for her. I say she totally earned them, she just put the effort in ahead of time.

As had said he had to ask why everyone was even tipping. There are guys who go into those rooms and tip to try to get the models attention so they can talk to them and there are others who go in to try to show they can tip more than the nest guy. But if one of those type of guys came into the room they wouldn't know why everyone was tipping. If those dedicated fans really wanted to get her to #1 faster doing offline tips would be more effective. No one is saying models work on getting a fan base shouldn't be tipped but that the way they did this made it unfair to anyone who didn't know what was going on and tipped thinking there was a countdown. Also the fact that she wasn't thanking anyone for the tips when she was clearly not preoccupied shows how much she really cared about them tipping her.

You do not understand why people tip. I tip for many reasons some more personal than others, but no matter what the reason I have always been thanked. Others may not be able to see what the model does for me, but then it was never for them. There are many ways to say thank you without flashing or speaking. I think you need to buy some tokens and leave the top few rows to go exploring deeper into MFC. I feel you will be happier on the lower pages.

The infamous Shaun__ we are not talking one person tipping we are talking about the whole room tipping with no topic so people could have came in confused and tip not knowing it wasn't going to a countdown. Yes anyone that tips during a yellow wall should be making sure they know why they are tipping but never the less there are guys who don't. Oh and I don't spend much time in the top rooms unless I'm slumming in the crowed since there are so many people in those rooms there is no way to ever chat with the model (nothing against those models just way to hard to hold a conversation) but not very often. I do spend my time mostly the "lower pages" even though I see all the models on one page. I chill with models who aren't the be #1 mindset but lets have fun mindset but it would be cool to be in the top 100. Also I'm not the one that started the post just agreed with the OP.
It just goes to show that girls with either high camscores or with high Miss MFC rank find a way to make it work. It could be putting in a lot of hours and bending to the will of any tipper, large or small (thus making enough to be in the higher ranks)... or it could be charming her way into the hearts of a handful of generous members and being a good friend to them (thus they drop lots of tips for reasons a passer-by wouldn't recognize but making it high in the ranks with a nice camscore)... or it could be doing eye-catching toy shows in public for big countdowns... or they could be drop dead gorgeous and not have to do much but flirt and smile...

... point is that regardless of how they achieve these things, they are still working for it and earning it somehow, and camscore and rank show that. Those girls who have the high ranks/scores deserve a title of "good model" as they're good at whatever route they choose to take. Obviously. There may be the occasional scam-score where the model's studio pumped a bunch of money in up front to inflate their score, but for those models (like Serenity, noted on the OP) who actually do earn it, I don't think it's fair to judge and say that it's bullshit because when you came across her she wasn't doing what you considered "deserving".

And I'm going to go out on a limb and say that opinions from folks like our friend WolfDShadow here who clearly aren't the models' main supporters and don't seem to intend on contributing much in the way of tokens should be taken with a grain of salt.
I'm also going to say that anyone who replies to disagree with my post above is really just arguing for the sake of arguing and honestly I think the majority of us are fed up with this conversation. So reply carefully or I'll just lock it anyway.
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