AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Perfect example of why camscore is an absolute joke.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Oooh an opinions thread! I can get in on this. (insert snarky face here)

I hate that my dog was severely abused before we rescued her.
I hate that I bust my ass to make my goals every night and don't always reach my goals.
I hate unfairly overpriced bills.
I hate opinions. They're like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.
I hate conceited jerks who thinks the world owes them everything.
I hate people who can't just be kind to each other because their heads are shoved too far up their asses (OP, that's you).

:D Boy I feel great now! More opinions? (this thread full of lulz)
Wow, this thread is fun :D Some people read it, jump to conclusion and go all twatish about it - which is utterly hilarious :D

My interpretation (which to me seemed incredibly clear and reasonable) - he is saying that he's annoyed camscore isn't the metric members would assume it is - indicative of how fucking hot and awesome the girl in question is. If she's got a high camscore you'd think you're about to witness the most attractive hard working girl putting on the most mind blowing of shows...and are prepared to blow your tokens.

He's right, it isn't an indicator of how good the show is ;) and there is nothing wrong with saying that either :) However, everyone seems to have caught a case of the retards and gone all "OMG" at him instead. From an observers POV it is on the increase too - people are starting to appear hyper sensitive. If you can possibly take any offence from something, or on behalf of someone else, then increasingly they do so! :roll:

Was he complaining she was getting tipped? No. Is he moaning about the Miss MFC? No. He's simply stating that camscore (derived from token count) does not necessarily mean when you spend your tokens you'll think "fuck yes she was worth it" - which is kinda the point of camscore after indicates who's "the best" - which is in MFC's interest because you'll be more likely to spend tokens on them :)

Problem is that camscore is derived from tokens, and what each spends their tokens upon is subjective... Camscore is basically normalised due to token spend by many over time - but is skewed by those who tip irrespective of whether a show is done (and are rich enough to skew it solo), or they just want to make her smile. That is what he was moaning about.

Everything else is semi whiteknight nuttage - but really funny :D

I can't think of any other method of making a better metric though - so it's the "best" that there can be... just have to waste some time in a room to see if she deserves your tokens or not. If she's not, then it is time wasted. If she is worth your tokens, then it wasn't time wasted :D
KellyKapowski said:
Another drama thread.

This forum is a magnet for them lately. And 90% of them are 1 or 2 post members. Who woulda thunk it.
I was in a room full of freeloaders once and started tipping the model not to do anything for them. We were both thought it was funny as hell. Tipping is about fun and if a member tips to make a model the highest paid on the site for fun that is their business. I see no problem with it.

When I first came to MFC I hung out with TattGoddess for a while and helped in my little way to get her into the top 20. I think every member needs to feel the rush of a successful top 20 run at least once.
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Frankie said:
KellyKapowski said:
Another drama thread.

This forum is a magnet for them lately. And 90% of them are 1 or 2 post members. Who woulda thunk it.

To be fair, it is the established members who made a drama out of a molehill...which happens a lot - who'd thunk that! :D
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Zoomer said:
Wow, this thread is fun :D Some people read it, jump to conclusion and go all twatish about it - which is utterly hilarious :D

My interpretation (which to me seemed incredibly clear and reasonable) - he is saying that he's annoyed camscore isn't the metric members would assume it is - indicative of how fucking hot and awesome the girl in question is. If she's got a high camscore you'd think you're about to witness the most attractive hard working girl putting on the most mind blowing of shows...and are prepared to blow your tokens.

Except, as Amber noted, he is confusing camscore with the Miss MFC contest and his complaint has nothing to do with camscore. Serenity is #80 in camscore ratings, according to your figures. Serenity is, however #3 in the September Miss MFC contest, and they weren't trying to get her camscore to #1, they were trying to get her to #1 in the Miss MFC contest.

Members spend their tokens for all kinds of reasons. For someone to say that their reason for tipping is more valid than someone else's is silly.
Sevrin said:
Except, as Amber noted, he is confusing camscore with the Miss MFC contest and his complaint has nothing to do with camscore. Serenity is #80 in camscore ratings, according to your figures. Serenity is, however #3 in the September Miss MFC contest, and they weren't trying to get her camscore to #1, they were trying to get her to #1 in the Miss MFC contest.

Members spend their tokens for all kinds of reasons. For someone to say that their reason for tipping is more valid than someone else's is silly.

I'm fairly sure you quoted my post where it states "my interpretation..." :p

If he's aggrieved about people tipping to get her to number 1 for Miss MFC, then what a strange thing to moan about - and yes, he's gotten confuddled:D
If he was indeed moaning about how camscore does not necessarily reflect quality of show - then I agree that it is deficient as a means to reliably reflect show quality, but its the only realistic metric possible.

But drama is definitely created by the responses, not the original post :D
There is a fundamental difference in tipping a girl to increase her ranking on Miss MFC and tipping to increase her camscore.
Especially when if you consider if rating tips is important to camscore, then many tips of 90 are more important.
If quantity of tips is a factor, then more smaller tips are better than larger tips.
See where I'm going? Unless it weights large tips more than a similar value of small tips, there is no way a large tip is greater than more small tips. More likely it would weigh them the same but ONLY if rating tips is either pointless or they're weighted for their volume. But that seems silly since tips under 90 aren't rated at all, so adding weight would be an extremely complicated and fairly useless exercise.

Phillyfan252 said:
You all can make as many assumptions as to why it makes me sick as you want, it definitely doesn't make them true.
Because I can't tip that many tokens is why it irks me? Yeah right.
We have to make assumptions because you're making your argument very vague and providing little information for us to go on.

I tip tokens to see a model do something sexy, not sit there like a lump.
But you didn't tip them. So why does it bother you? They were tipping to increase her position on Miss MFC (NOT to increase camscore as you stated). This is because they just wanted to tip her for their enjoyment. They got nothing out of it other than the entertainment.

The reason it irks me is that it promotes the laziness of cam models that seems to be getting worse and worse.
I assume this model was just randomly selected from an assortment of girls that aren't entertaining. Otherwise this comment makes no sense. Fans have to come from somewhere. If she gets boring and lazy someone else is willing to bust their ass to become the new favorite. I don't see this being a viable hypothesis.
Why do anything if members are just going to throw thousands of tokens at you for just sitting there doing nothing, all in the name of raising your cam score or getting to #1?
I'm guessing this girl you're complaining about is very friendly and members enjoy talking to her. Probably plays some good music and is very attractive. I'm guessing that's why members tipped her, not because she's sitting there doing nothing. You probably saw her doing nothing, but that doesn't mean she always sits there doing nothing. The TIPPERS probably saw a reason to tip.

Of course models are going to blast me on this topic, which is fine, because each of you wants to be the model being tipped thousands for "just being you". But this isn't Stickam, this is MFC.
Actually a lot of models just want to be tipped and are willing to work hard for it. Everyone wants to make money for nothing, models are no different. However no one expects to make money for nothing, except maybe those guys spending their entire welfare check on lotto tickets. But in the end, yes, models will blast you, but not for this topic, but for the volume of stupidity contained in one skull0 like we're talking to Michelle Bachmann here.

And no I don't see anything wrong with a model being tipped here and there just because a member likes you, I've done it too.
Ok, you admit you were wrong. We can move on.

But when you have hundreds of members tipping in a frenzy just "to get her to number 1 and raise her camscore", that bothers me.
Wait... but you just... I...
Where do you disconnect a member tipping because they like the model and throwing away thousands of tokens (hundreds of dollars) to "raise her camscore" (which makes no sense since a model contending for #1 needs not worry about camscore that much) or to "get her to number 1" (which, frankly to me seems like they like her and want her happy).

And of course my post has to do with camscore, the whole point is that if it wasn't for camscore in general, and the MFC contest, these situations wouldn't even be happening to this extent.
If it wasn't for camscore models:
Wouldn't get tipped to get to #1
Wouldn't get tipped just for the hell of it.
Wouldn't _______?
If it wasn't for Miss MFC model's:
Wouldn't get tipped for the hell of it.
Wouldn't get tipped to raise camscore (this is ALL tips BTW, since all tips raise camscore).
Wouldn't ______?

I really don't know what you're trying to say here. I don't think any of what you think is happening is happening. Models being tipped to make them lazy? Models being tipped to raise their camscore? If you spend 20 minutes talking to a hooker is her pimp still going to cut you for not paying? Can you provide ANY evidence that tipping models make them lazy? Because if you can I will never tip a model again.
My browser got fucked up, and I accidentally thanked him. :?
How in the fuck can I remove a thanks on this forum?
I strongly disagree with him.
le sigh. theres no injustice in getting tipped to "be yourself" if the person tipping is happy to spend the moneys and the girl recieving it is happy to do so why hate? not all people on mfc are there for sexiness and in fact the cam industry in itself is not based on just sex but a sense of fantasy and getting to know one another and chat. ive had people tip me for nothing many a time and my camscore is low as hell so that has nothing to do with it. the miss mfc competition is a simple but effective marketing tactic thats has worked very well for both mfc and some girls too. so why be angry over it? it seems you are mostly using mfc for masturbaton fodder and dont at all understand its more a fucked up/lovely sometimes community each room a different clique of sorts.
there are many other camsites that use the simple tits for tips equation perhaps those will suit you better.
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IMHO i feel if MFC didn't give the top 20 models in the miss mfc contest prize money models wouldn't be so focused on being in the top 20 which is suppose to me for fun. As for the cam scores there is a lot more than tips that goes into determining what a models score is because if a model is hardly ever on but does get a lot of tips her score would be lower than a model that is on every day but doesn't get as many tips and and is rated and admired all the time. If a models cam score was just based off of how popular the model is by the number of people rated and admired them a lot of models cam scores would actually drop because many of them don't get rated and admired by the people who are in their room. The way you can see that models don't get rated and admired is by seeing how many people they can get in their room each night then looking at how many people actually took the time to rate and admire them since models do get more guest and basics in their room than premium members during their shows. :twocents-02cents:
WolfDShadow said:
IMHO i feel if MFC didn't give the top 20 models in the miss mfc contest prize money models wouldn't be so focused on being in the top 20 which is suppose to me for fun. As for the cam scores there is a lot more than tips that goes into determining what a models score is because if a model is hardly ever on but does get a lot of tips her score would be lower than a model that is on every day but doesn't get as many tips and and is rated and admired all the time. If a models cam score was just based off of how popular the model is by the number of people rated and admired them a lot of models cam scores would actually drop because many of them don't get rated and admired by the people who are in their room. The way you can see that models don't get rated and admired is by seeing how many people they can get in their room each night then looking at how many people actually took the time to rate and admire them since models do get more guest and basics in their room than premium members during their shows. :twocents-02cents:

This thread is really old.

But camscore =/= time spent online. Your camscore gets higher for receiving lots of tokens in a short amount of time. If a model spends 10 hours online a day and receives 10,000 tokens in her 10 hours, her camscore will be lower than a model who can receive 10,000 tokens in an hour.

Rating and admiring doesn't really have a lot to do with cam score, however, rating tips seems to make a difference.
LacieLaPlante said:
Grave digging much? And models who make it to #1 make over $50,000..... that extra prize money is hardly incentive.

Rating and admiring also does basically nothing.

I found it funny that models jumped on replying back but this topic wasn't that far into the list of topics also. When the Miss MyFreCam Contest started if there was no prize money there would be no incentive to shoot to be #1 each month, and in turn those top models wouldn't be making as much since they wouldn't have been pushing tippers to get them to #1 (like as the op say they saw was happening) because if you do the math MFC is paying those top 20 models $3150 combined each month. That money come from what all the models on MFC had collected in tokens from MFC's cut. Now seeing that small amount against what they make in tips may be small but without the incentive to be #1 face it they wouldn't make as much money each month.

I have been in many models rooms and all agree that they want everyone to rate and admire their room to help their cam score it affects a lot less than tips but it affects it none of the less. and the point I was making earlier about the model who gets a lot of tips but isn't on a lot vs a model that is on every day but not as many tips is that cam scores are also affected by how often you are online making those tips over a 60 day period. Lets say the model who gets a lot of tokens but is not on a lot gets 100,000 tokens when they are on each time but over those 60 days they are only on 28 days while the model who gets on every day but doesn't get as many tokens get 50,000 tokens a day if you do the math the model who gets on everyday collected more tokens over that 60 day period than the model who collected more tokens when they did get on. So the model with the cam score would be the model who got on everyday. Now if you look at it by who is rated and admired more lets say the model who only gets on 15 times in the 60 day period has 10,000 people who rate and admire her everyday in those 60 days out of 150,000 people who came to her room while a model who is on everyday gets 1,000 people rate and admire her everyday during those 60 days out of 50,000 people who came to her room you will can see the roles reversed and the model who wasn't on as much got the higher cam score because she had more people who rated and admired her. And since a member can rate and admire a model once a day it keeps people from intimidating others with there larger tips.
Ok so I am somewhat taking philsfans side only bc I work my ass off at being creative to get new members and tokens and it frustrates me that other girls just sit and wait for the money. On the other hand it isnt fair to judge, since we don't know what the model has done previously to get to the point where she can just chill and members can show their appreciation. :twocents-02cents:
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WolfDShadow said:
LacieLaPlante said:
Grave digging much? And models who make it to #1 make over $50,000..... that extra prize money is hardly incentive.

Rating and admiring also does basically nothing.

When the Miss MyFreCam Contest started if there was no prize money there would be no incentive to shoot to be #1 each month
I think the incentive is being on the list itself. I was a premium member before a model. One of the first things I clicked on was the Miss MFC list. The first model that was on top and online, I clicked. It took me to her room. where I could have been motivated to tip. Plus, most girls want the title, and many guys seem to like the title. "Yea, ____ is my fav, she was Miss MFC 3 times!!! She's the best!" I don't think the list necessarily means they are the best, but I know that's how some guys see it.
BuxomZoe said:
No. $500 incentive money is NOTHING to these top girls. That's hardly an incentive when they're pulling in $50,000 in a month. That's what Lacie and Cammi are saying.

These top girls make $500 sitting there smiling.

ok so you are saying if MFC decided to stop the prize for the top 20 all those models would still be asking their room to make them #1? I think not, the prize even though its not a huge amount of money does contribute to them pushing to be #1 and I have heard that they have their whales offline tip them huge tips to keep them on the top and the whales get nothing in return for helping them not even a thank you. Now consider if a model that falls in the bottom of the list offers to give those whales something in return for the huge tips would those whales stay with that model who gives them nothing or would they migrate to that new model who is willing to give them something for their tips. I have seen in other topics that models who just take advantage of their whales end up loosing them. Without those whales they wouldn't be bringing in as much and in turn they would be lucky to even be in the top 100. If you don't understand what the op meant about cams cores being a joke check out this page and see a high even though puts a model higher on the homepage does not mean that model is a good model just they have someone with deep pockets keeping their score their and in turn as members get tired of not being noticed in the room they will seek out a model who will notice when they come in and they will be comfortable to be around since they will be able to say something and not have what they said off the screen in 3 seconds so the model will be able to see what was said.

Without someone tipping you can't make any money and as I keep seeing models say their is a next button use it eventually enough people in those rooms will just do that and those models will fall hard and fast because if you don't treat your tippers right they will get tired of tipping you and when that happens you will see how many were tipping to try to get the models atention and how many were tipping because they really liked that model.


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BuxomZoe said:
No. $500 incentive money is NOTHING to these top girls. That's hardly an incentive when they're pulling in $50,000 in a month. That's what Lacie and Cammi are saying.

These top girls make $500 sitting there smiling.

Just thought of another thing what if MFC paid all the models the same about of money each month not based on the number of tokens then those top 20 you couldn't use the excuse they don't care about the prizes for being the top 20 because they would really wouldn't be making $50,000 a month. I have sat in some of the top 20 rooms and they do push to be top 20 to get the money while a model who is not even in the top 100 but would like to be is actually is a better model because their rooms are full of people who are there because they like what the model is doing and is getting attention from the model not because they are being told get me to the #1 spot while I sit here and wait then I will think about doing a show for you. Also if you look at how many people actually are tipping and interacting with the model in each models room you can see those top models have more people just sitting there free loading as basics and guest that a model with a lower cam score just because they were higher up the list on the main page. I have seen on this site models complain that they have premiums that just sit in their rooms and don't tip or get involved in the discussion but doesn't that just make them a basic/guest that can't be muted when there are basics and guests that do get in the discussion in rooms that models that don't mute them.

Just because someone is a Premium that doesn't mean they are any better for the room that a basic or guest if they are just rude to everyone and are disrespectful to the models. If you get a basic or guest in your room that is respectful try to keep them around because even though they can't tip they can help you keep track of your countdown and encourage those that can tip to tip and that in turn will help raise your cam score.
People are competitive. Being number 1 feels good, and gets you noticed more on the site, even without the chump change in prize money.
I can only speak for myself here, but when I started camming I kept thinking of tokens like points, and the closer to my goal I got it felt more like winning. I basically treated MFC like a sexy video game :D
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JoleneJolene said:
FIFY :thumbleft:
WolfDShadow said:
misinformation blah blah blah misguided opinions blah blah blah misinterpreted blah blah blah I think I know more about cam score than the women who make their living on the site blah blah blah

ok you think I'm just saying blah blah blah they I will ask you 4 questions:
How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?
Why is your cam score in the 5,000's instead of the 20,000?

the whole cam score or winning Miss MyFreeCams is a illusion because I higher cam score does not mean better model and lower cam score models shouldn't be fighting about it not being a joke because lower cam score models really work for their money, are more grateful for the tips they get, and are ultimately better models because they take the time to get to know the people who are giving them the tips unlike the models with higher cam scores that don't care about who is tipping them so when they loose a tipper they don't even notice.

If you check this topic is about how cam scores are a joke not about who makes more money for a living because if it was then you would be right but I'm not saying you don't know how to make a living off the site and that's why I put the link in that post because it backs what I'm saying 100%
WolfDShadow said:
JoleneJolene said:
FIFY :thumbleft:
WolfDShadow said:
misinformation blah blah blah misguided opinions blah blah blah misinterpreted blah blah blah I think I know more about cam score than the women who make their living on the site blah blah blah

ok you think I'm just saying blah blah blah they I will ask you 4 questions:
How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?
Why is your cam score in the 5,000's instead of the 20,000?

the whole cam score or winning Miss MyFreeCams is a illusion because I higher cam score does not mean better model and lower cam score models shouldn't be fighting about it not being a joke because lower cam score models really work for their money, are more grateful for the tips they get, and are ultimately better models because they take the time to get to know the people who are giving them the tips unlike the models with higher cam scores that don't care about who is tipping them so when they loose a tipper they don't even notice.

If you check this topic is about how cam scores are a joke not about who makes more money for a living because if it was then you would be right but I'm not saying you don't know how to make a living off the site and that's why I put the link in that post because it backs what I'm saying 100%

Hmmm, let me ask you some questions.

How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?

Dude, you are barking up the wrong tree. The girls on this forum know what's up with camscore mkay? now...
WolfDShadow said:
BuxomZoe said:
No. $500 incentive money is NOTHING to these top girls. That's hardly an incentive when they're pulling in $50,000 in a month. That's what Lacie and Cammi are saying.

These top girls make $500 sitting there smiling.

ok so you are saying if MFC decided to stop the prize for the top 20 all those models would still be asking their room to make them #1? I think not, the prize even though its not a huge amount of money does contribute to them pushing to be #1

I think spidey sums up what wolf is saying fairly accurately...


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WolfDShadow said:
JoleneJolene said:
FIFY :thumbleft:
WolfDShadow said:
misinformation blah blah blah misguided opinions blah blah blah misinterpreted blah blah blah I think I know more about cam score than the women who make their living on the site blah blah blah

ok you think I'm just saying blah blah blah they I will ask you 4 questions:
How many times did you win Miss MyFreeCams?
How many times have you been in the top 20?
How many whales do you have in your room?
Why is your cam score in the 5,000's instead of the 20,000?

the whole cam score or winning Miss MyFreeCams is a illusion because I higher cam score does not mean better model and lower cam score models shouldn't be fighting about it not being a joke because lower cam score models really work for their money, are more grateful for the tips they get, and are ultimately better models because they take the time to get to know the people who are giving them the tips unlike the models with higher cam scores that don't care about who is tipping them so when they loose a tipper they don't even notice.

If you check this topic is about how cam scores are a joke not about who makes more money for a living because if it was then you would be right but I'm not saying you don't know how to make a living off the site and that's why I put the link in that post because it backs what I'm saying 100%

You, my good Sir, need to learn to formulate a sentence. You actually do not make much sense. You're not listening to people's points or giving any logical rebuttle you're bitching, ranting and repeating yourself for the sake of arguments.

So lets ask a Top 20 model:

Amber if you read this, can you tell us what the motivator to be top 20 is? Is it the prize money? Or the title/publicity or something else?

There are other girls that have hit top 20 on this forum.. I'd LOVE them to chime in..
Jessi said:
People are competitive. Being number 1 feels good, and gets you noticed more on the site, even without the chump change in prize money.
I can only speak for myself here, but when I started camming I kept thinking of tokens like points, and the closer to my goal I got it felt more like winning. I basically treated MFC like a sexy video game :D

But are you just sitting the letting a whale get you to number 1 or are you busting your ass off earning your way to number 1. The point of this topic is not why models shouldn't be number 1 if they are working for it, its that there are models just sitting doing nothing with no goal for the tips but "get me to number 1" and they get a better cam score without working for it.
WolfDShadow said:
Jessi said:
People are competitive. Being number 1 feels good, and gets you noticed more on the site, even without the chump change in prize money.
I can only speak for myself here, but when I started camming I kept thinking of tokens like points, and the closer to my goal I got it felt more like winning. I basically treated MFC like a sexy video game :D

But are you just sitting the letting a whale get you to number 1 or are you busting your ass off earning your way to number 1. The point of this topic is not why models shouldn't be number 1 if they are working for it, its that there are models just sitting doing nothing with no goal for the tips but "get me to number 1" and they get a better cam score without working for it.

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