V.I.P. AmberLander
On a separate note, I have some beachfront property in Arizona I'll sell you cheap. 

It seems, reading between the lines of Steve's replies that it is now going to be full membership bots.How will bots make you go to the first page if greys are NO longer counted for??
Agreed.1. I personally find this to be really unethical.
I forgot to mention, bots can help you sell real estate too! Of course, I'd want to take 100% of the profits while you do all the workI have some beachfront property in Arizona I'll sell you cheap.
Is that because you see it as cheating Chaturbate's system when everyone else is playing by the "rules?" What does it mean when Chaturbate changes those rules arbitrarily, like it just did? Suppose a performer worked hard to build a large anonymous audience, and they pay her mostly in Amazon gifts? She would never rank well under the current system.I personally find this to be really unethical.
I've had like 2000 people in my room once and didn't make anything. But I've had 40 in my room multiple times with making very good payouts. I say this because it's a pretty common experience, and I really don't think anyone would pay for more viewers because it doesn't guarantee money.
I forgot to mention, bots can help you sell real estate too! Of course, I'd want to take 100% of the profits while you do all the work
Is that because you see it as cheating Chaturbate's system when everyone else is playing by the "rules?" What does it mean when Chaturbate changes those rules arbitrarily, like it just did? Suppose a performer worked hard to build a large anonymous audience, and they pay her mostly in Amazon gifts? She would never rank well under the current system.
Or what about performers that have a really small group of loyal and generous fans? Should they be listed lower then someone that has a large number of users with tokens but they never tip?
Or what if someday Chaturbate ranks viewers from certain countries as worth more? Like they currently do for referral/affiliate payouts?
What about a new performer that ranks higher than someone that's being a loyal Chaturbate performer for years? Do you find that fair?
The ranking algorithm is arbitrary and the rules are what Chaturbate says they are today. Is it ethical to break those rules? I agree that it's unethical to break many rules in life (stealing, harming people, etc.), I personally do find it unethical to manipulate arbitrary algorithms in business. My goal is help a worthy performer that isn't getting noticed because of that arbitrary algorithm decision.
If you're happy with how Chaturbate ranks rooms (and the fact that they can change that at a whim) and don't want to rock the boat, then great, carry on with life. If you understand the risks and potential rewards of using bots and want to venture into that grey area, then maybe a service like mine is of interest.
Bots are a complex issue. If nothing else, I hope this discussion raises everyones awareness about what is possible and makes them think a bit. If it's not me doing it, someone else will do it or is already using them. I had hoped that independent performs would be interested, but I'm getting the impression that for many of you that isn't the case. That's fine. There will always be a few willing to take risks if the rewards make sense. Studios might also be a better fit.
To everyone that has offered constructive feedback and criticisms: Thank You. I've learned a lot from the discussion.
I also appreciate everyone being cautious and warning newcomers to be wary of scams. If you believe my bot service falls into the category of "scam" then please continue your efforts.
i will bet you a my top hat that this have Literaly never happend to any, i have gotten giftcards from anon users, but it have Neve been my main sorce of income that way. more like 00.0000000001% lol.Suppose a performer worked hard to build a large anonymous audience, and they pay her mostly in Amazon gifts? She would never rank well under the current system.
as sour it might be for a camgirl/camguy to relize, then people want new stuff, and there for new people that are decent looking will be rankede high, thats just how it is. do i think its fair? Yes ofcourse i do.... i had the Exact same thing happend to me when i where new..What about a new performer that ranks higher than someone that's being a loyal Chaturbate performer for years? Do you find that fair?
yes and if you are not the one person stealing from the grosery store then some one else will do... just because some one else does it Do not make it okay. and its a weird way to think in my eyes...If it's not me doing it, someone else will do it or is already using them
there will surely be some naive cam people out there that might fall for this and thats just the world we live in. but i will also bet that if you told them about how Other stream industries treat people that bot, then they would say no to your offer....There will always be a few willing to take risks if the rewards make sense.
Bots are a complex issue. If nothing else, I hope this discussion raises everyones awareness about what is possible and makes them think a bit. If it's not me doing it, someone else will do it or is already using them. I had hoped that independent performs would be interested, but I'm getting the impression that for many of you that isn't the case. That's fine. There will always be a few willing to take risks if the rewards make sense. Studios might also be a better fit.
To everyone that has offered constructive feedback and criticisms: Thank You. I've learned a lot from the discussion.
there new system is baced on people in the room that currently have tokens in there account, not membership/verifacation or if you have upgradede your spending limit. so unless you can produce a large enougn amounght of bots with tokens in the account (mind you the smallest amounght of money you can spend on tokens is 9dollars i think) so unless you can somehow get those tokens destrubetede out to accounts, or want to spend a 9dollars pr bot times how many bots you want. then there new system is actully pretty bot proof so far.such a change on CB is only a temporary fix because bots with full membership are not difficult to create. Maybe Chaturbate of the future will use something token based like camscore.
Why there is even a conversation giving this guy attention or debating the topic is utterly mind-blowing, more so why someone who literally leeches income off of the naivety and ambition of newer models is not fucking banned here yet.
I chose to focus on the ethics because I think that's at the heart of the matter. And for me personally, if I'm convinced that using bots is in fact unethical, then I would stop.Questioning my ethics was not the point of my post. Of all the points I brought up to you, this is the one piece of my post that you chose to focus on? Come on.
think of your room like a restaurant. You have quirky regulars, you have window shoppers, etc. This guy wants to basically fill your restaurant with mannequins so that it looks like people want to go there... but really, it's just full of creepy mannequins.
You are right, if everyone did it then it would be a useless battle to keep up. Not to mention it's an arms race with Chaturbate who will change their ranking algorithm (as they've already done) or find a way to block the bots, which the bot maker then works around.The default number for what is a "good room count" will double, the front-page you were on will be gone within days.
I agree that the discussion is helpful for the community. I'd prefer to keep things civil and avoid name calling, but I understand your anger.highly support education on the matter, I just don't see why he is given more time to advertise his "product", that's all.
If you do have any helpful suggestions for how I might actually make things better for performers, I’d really like to hear them.
I do appreciate that you are actually trying to help and giving me good advice. So thank you.Immerse yourself in this business and get to know it inside and out.
Another variation, would be for a group of camgirls (who have tokens in their accounts and I assume count towards the rankings) to work together and watch each others shows. If everyone watched each others shows (had a window open) a group of 10-20 could probably ensure they were all on the first page, or at least a lot higher in the rankings. Would that work?
1. I was offering my service for free. In fact, I wasn't even an official service yet, I was hoping to find people willing to test it out and see if it made them more money.
2. I proposed asking for a percent of any increase in earnings. That way if the performer didn't make any additional money, I wouldn't either. I wasn't asking for any money upfront or a flat fee.
3. If the performer made money, I was completely trusting them to pay me. How easy would it have been for someone to use my service for two weeks, make lots of extra money, then decide not to pay me?
4. Instead of approaching girls directly in the apparent hopes of "scamming" them, I posted it here in a public forum for feedback and debate. I think everyone would agree I would have probably had more success talking to unsuspecting girls directly. But instead I did it here in public.
5. I listened to your feedback and concerns and I changed my mind. This is at a substantial cost in terms of money (servers, proxies, about $300) and my time (about 3 weeks of development). I have mouths to feed and mortgages to pay as well.
6. I'm not going to sell my bot software to any studios. I could easily try to recoup some of my costs by letting my system lose on Chaturbate without any regard for the consequences. I'm not going to do that.
7. I'm sticking around to defend myself. Wouldn't a scammer just have left or created a new account under a different name?
8. I'm asking for advice on how I can apply my abilities for something that would genuinely help.
You could say "Great show!" in a tipnote...If you do have any helpful suggestions for how I might actually make things better for performers, I’d really like to hear them.
Oh no, don't stop now. I just finished making my popcorn.You’ve convinced me. I will no longer pursue offering bots.
The feedback has been very clear that this is not something the community wants. And the risk to performers that could potentially get banned is too high.
I do honestly want to create something that is helpful for cam performers, and I will be starting a separate thread asking for suggestions. This is what I should have done in the first place instead of going off to spend time/money developing something that clearly isn’t wanted.
I realize this discussion might have colored your view of me, but I truly hope that you can forgive me for my misguided error.
If you do have any helpful suggestions for how I might actually make things better for performers, I’d really like to hear them. Let’s try to create something positive from this.
I sincerely apologize to anyone that was offered by my proposed bot idea or that perceived that I was trying to take advantage of anyone or put them at risk unknowingly.
Again, thanks everyone for the healthy discussion.
now I am really suspiciousI’ve spent the last two days to reflecting on what all of you have been telling me repeatedly, as well as taking a good hard look at my self and my motivations. I thought I was helping, but the deeper I looked the more I realized how wrong I’d really gone. Now I’m left with a sick feeling inside.
I expect you to be suspicious and doubtful of anything I say, but I felt it was worth saying anyway.
I see now that all the horrible names that I’ve been called here in this forum are actually true. I was trying to con you. I was trying to take advantage and prey on those naive enough to fall for my so called “help.” I was trying to exploit you, and I was saying anything I could to convince (con) you.
I thought I had apologized before, but as Teagan rightly pointed out, I didn’t really. So I will try again.
Sorry for trying to con and scam you.
Sorry for trying to take advantage/exploit you and profit from your hard work.
Sorry for putting many of your livelihoods at risk, especially those that are most vulnerable and desperate.
Sorry for thinking I knew better.
Sorry for wasting your time and energy.
Sorry for being an ass.
Thank you again everyone that commented in this thread and has very patiently helped me see what I was doing for what it really was, a scam.
My plan is to leave this forum, as I know my presence to this point has been more harmful then good. However, if you will allow it, I would like to finish the discussion in the other thread I started about problems that are in need of fixing. I realize I'm probably not the person to fix them, but my hope is that by making it clear the things that do need fixing it might help others focus their efforts on useful things and avoid another painful experiences like this one.