Hello, I am a noob here and the partner of a CB female performer. Having seen my girlfriend mostly struggle to achieve a higher ranking in CB... (more followers = more blues = more tips basis) I stumbled upon this discussion through a google search on how to achieve a CB page 1 status.
I had previously been doing some research and tbh it didn't take long to work out that the "greys" most broadcasters carried on page 1 were a BOT. The same broadcasters loggin in at the same times on same days
immediately gaining the same number of "users/viewers" as regular as clockwork. Not physically possible for all those viewers to simultainously be doing nothing else in their lives but eagerly awaiting the CB email from their fav girl and ALL log on at that exact same time. Some of those girls were even dumb enough to be logged in with the exact same "list" of grey names at exact same times.
Persistant email complaints to CB by legitimate broadcasters seems to have had the desired effect with the recent change in genuine viewer count = place position. Or has it? Has it completely eradicated cheating or unfair practices?
It is all very well eliminating greys from the score but as already mentioned in this thread, the BOT could be ( prehaps already is !!) created for blue names.
My theory from a business side is that CB is in tjhe business of making money. Having girls on page 1 who
they think will make people want to buy tokens to give to these girls is their main source of income. It is their business model.
Whether the purchaser actually spends the tokens is secondary and that is the models job.
SteveR does have a point. There is no question that a new viewer who is a potential CB customer and secondary a potential model tipper will be more attracted to the page 1 window shopping than scrolling through to page 2 and beyond.
As a viewer myself that is simply the way it works in reality. It maybe wrong but facts are facts that we do in the main follow ratings/reviews online to guide us in something new. So a new potential tipper IS most likely to go with the view that the best are on page one as opposed to being on page 2,3,4 etc.
No disrespect to any broadcaster on the lower pages, as I've said, my girlfriend struggles to get above mid page 3 and she gives a fantastic performance

as do loads of others.
The ethics of Steves method to achieve page 1 status is questionable but he is correct in the window shopping / getting noticed via page postion and is something I agree with. I'm sure every broadcaster would if truth be told love to be on page 1. Only, just by legitimate methods and their performance.
Chaturbates new system of discarding greys in the room count and their claim that only viewers with tokens count towards board position to me leaves still the possible use of BOTs.
It has been said that one can simply create 200 names and make 200 payments to buy minimum tokens, effectively creating a false list of blues. Does this already happen? I have my own suspicions when I see a performer log in at the same time each day immediately taking a top line place immediately with over 200 various shades of blues and yet throughout the 2 hr performance only 3 ppl tip and the same 3 ppl speak/chat.
I'm sure many others see this still happen to this day. Q? what on earth are those other 197 so called blues/purples/greens actually doing? has anyone tried PMing them? Does the broadcaster allow the PMs to other users in her list?
All a bit suspicious in my opinion.
Also consider chaturbates business model is to sell tokens and they claim the models board position in determined by viewers ONLY with tokens. The equation therefore to have a good board position is by having lots of blues (ppl with tokens)
in your room list but for them NOT to spend their tokens on you. Once they have spent their tokens on you (or elsewhere) that is detrimental to your board position!! Surely that can't be true or fair?
The only way chaturbate can claim and promote a fair system is to
allow only one login per IP.
not allow VPN.
auto log out after period of inactivity by a user/viewer - blue or otherwise.
a time limit to use purchased tokens.
the page listing position to be determined by real time room activity ie most interaction from/with viewers & broadcaster OR by real time tipping.
A girl here mentioned her room 2 position and the tips she gained. She is 100% correct in that.. Being the most popular doesn't mean the most tips, it also doesn't mean your the best or better than anyone else. BUT... the board position to a new viewer and potential tipper is relevant. To get there by being rewarded during your performance, in real time, would not only eradicate all false names lists / BOTS etc and give the potential tipper a true picture of things but would in my opinion make the performer feel better that she got her board position because of what she was doing at that moment in time.
Sorry to have rabbled on and pls excuse spelling errors