I have an adult site with a lot of targeted traffic ( 95% is USA/Male) and looking to have 5 - 10 girls max on the site to cam and be the faces of the website.
I am new to camming. I'll pay girls more than the average of other sites, and with the traffic the site is currently getting each girl should be able to make decent money and get clients. I want to cap the number of girls to make sure all the traffic only focuses on these few girls. Would love girls to work 'with' me instead of 'for' me like other sites.
If anyone is interested in discussing this, please send me a PM. I'm on skype almost 24/7. Thanks, and any suggestions are welcome too.
I am new to camming. I'll pay girls more than the average of other sites, and with the traffic the site is currently getting each girl should be able to make decent money and get clients. I want to cap the number of girls to make sure all the traffic only focuses on these few girls. Would love girls to work 'with' me instead of 'for' me like other sites.
If anyone is interested in discussing this, please send me a PM. I'm on skype almost 24/7. Thanks, and any suggestions are welcome too.