AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Hopefully most have read my introduction post in "Who the F*$%# are you?!" before seeing this, it may answer some initial questions. The site IS NOT LIVE with performers yet, and we are adding the finishing touches and should be live in less than a week. The purpose of this thread is to get user and performer suggestions to have the type of site that THEY would like to be a part of. You can visit the site now at to check out the style and format, and then offer your suggestions from the info below. You are the experts, the performers, the users and consumers. Your input is what matters.

First, let me just say that we have no intention of taking over or pushing anybody out of the webcam game. There is enough business to go around, and we just want to offer a site that can be successful like a few of the others. We will offer different incentives, some contests for users and performers, and have a nicer place to visit with easy functions and options.

I want to open the discussion to performers and users, both to talk about what we will offer, and what they would like to see offered. If you have more of a private or personal suggestion, you can email to

We will focus on girl cams, but unlike some other popular site, we will have other areas for men, couples, and fetish, and clubs. How many times have you had to log off to do a skype show just to have sex or have your man on cam with you? You can have multiple categories on here, and do all your shows right here. As for the clubs, that is a whole other topic and I will get in to that later.

Who want to know about pay? Everybody probably. I know every site advertises the "highest pay anywhere" and "nobody pays more" and then they end up paying 30% when another site pays 50%. Who does their math? Anyways, we will be paying up to 60% for girls, and 50% for all other categories. Not much difference, I know, but our incentives are a hell of a lot better than working your ass off all month and getting a $500 bonus to wipe your ass with. We will also have pay options for performers, and they are all through ADP payroll services, a professional company. They offer check, direct deposit, and VISA Paycard that gets loaded electronically each pay period. Oh, it is WEEKLY pay periods. If the need for more pay options arise, we will look into it.

We will offer monthly incentives, and they may change each month from cash or prizes or giveaways depending on what seems fun. But QUARTERLY, we will have our economic stimulus incentives and offer all eligible models an even higher percentage and the top model the chance to keep 100% of their earnings. We all know what the top model on one of these sites makes, imagine not splitting it with the site! Hell of a lot better than $500 isn't it? We will also have vacation contest giveaways twice a year, one for users and one for performers.

Tired of selling your videos and pictures by sending links? Every performer has an online virtual mall to upload and sell your things. This way you can do it online, or offline, and users don't need to wait for your link after they tip you. Sorry, but users will not have their own mall...nobody wants your sticky boxers lol!

There are a lot of models that dominate the cam business on certain sites, and that is awesome. But there are a lot of other really good models that never get the chance to shine because the shadow is so large. We will give those models the opportunity to advertise and be featured on the homepage in order to draw a crowd. Everybody will have the opportunity to advertise for upcoming events, shows etc. There will be no third party advertising on here so you don't need to worry about LJ or friend finder popping up. All advertising in internal, and you control it yourself. If you want to be featured on the homepage for a week, then you do it.

Clubs. The site is unique in a way that it will also be streaming from strip clubs and night clubs too. If you live in FL and want to see a club in Vegas, then you should be able to. We will be opening our club market in Vegas first, but will soon be expanding as this software takes off. After you pay your cover charge to enter a club, you will be able to watch and tip the dancer on stage just like being there...but without the glitter and vanilla body spray, and we are setting up virtual lap dances and chatting as well. Want to take a dancer home? Schedule a private show with them and they can log in from home and give it to you.

Mobile. Yes, should be on iPhone and iPad too...We are going to offer the ability to not only view the cams and chat while mobile, but also for performers to broadcast mobile. That doesn't mean go to the stairwell of your local hotel and do a show ;), but it allows for the freedom to broadcast and view while mobile.

Forum. Much like this great forum, and quite a few others on the web, our site has a forum for users and performers to be more than just a show. There is a "performer only" section. Not much to talk about as far as forums go while explaining it in a's a forum.

Social platform. We will have live twitter feeds on the homepage, and a complete social platform for networking. Again, not much to explain on how social networking and twittering works. Just check it out.

So that is pretty much it as far as giving you a basic rundown of our site. Again, the SITE IS NOT LIVE with performers yet, so please don't look at the site and say "it's slow, nobody is there" or anything like that. We are offering a chance for the target audience and performers to get in and help make this the type of site that you want it to be!

Thank you for all that you do!
I would just like to say, for now, it seems like you've thought this out more so than a lot of the other start-up-out-of-no-where cam sites that have popped up in the last year. Kudos.

After having worked on about 4 different sites, I do have a favorite tool- group! The chance to do groups where they chip-in a certain amount to get the show started or the ability to just click over to group with x amount of members and have a show. Also, I'm a big fan of voyeurs. Not only is it a chance for someone to peek at what I can do behind the scenes but also that little bit of extra spy-change is always helpful!

Aside form that, I did have a question. I popped into the forum section and in one thread it says Top Models can earn up to 100% payout, but in the other thread it says up to 60% payout. Could you please clarify? Thank you!
Frankie said:
I would just like to say, for now, it seems like you've thought this out more so than a lot of the other start-up-out-of-no-where cam sites that have popped up in the last year. Kudos.
I agree. :)

Welcome to the forum, MyFoxyCams. I invite you to make yourself at home here so long as you continue to post so respectfully and promise not to send PM solicitations to the ACF members.
@Frankie... Thank you, I would like to think we put more thought in to this than most of the people that think they can buy a clone script of another site and just start operating. This has actually been a long process, and done from scratch with copyrights and development and consideration of a few model friends that currently do it and have had complaints. Hopefully we will be able to combat most of those concerns.

@Rosemary... The regular monthly pay rate will be up to 60% for female models, and 50% for other categories. Lets be honest, it is the hard work of the girls that keep a site going, and they deserve more. The 100% is the quarterly incentive. What this does is allows for all eligible performers to earn a higher monthly percentage, and to work towards being the top performer. I have seen models bust their ass to be the top model at the end of the month just for the recognition, and it gives them an extra $500 in their pocket from the site while the site makes a shit load of cash off of the hustle. We think that if you are going to hustle like that, then you deserve the reward. The top model can keep 100% of their income on those incentive months once a quarter.

@Amber... Thank you for having me. I have no intentions of soliciting anybody. What I have is out in the open, and if users or models wish to join or look or chat, then I am open to it. I want what we offer to speak for itself. :)
Frankie said:
I would just like to say, for now, it seems like you've thought this out more so than a lot of the other start-up-out-of-no-where cam sites that have popped up in the last year. Kudos.

Exactly what Frankie said! Welcome to the forum & I am excited to follow the site development. :)

EDIT: Curiosity has gotten the best of me and I must ask this...

Will your company broadcast out of an existing strip club located in Vegas or have you created a mock strip club out of a studio for camgirls? If broadcasting in an existing strip club, will people who are attending the strip club be filmed?
AedanRayne said:
Frankie said:
I would just like to say, for now, it seems like you've thought this out more so than a lot of the other start-up-out-of-no-where cam sites that have popped up in the last year. Kudos.

Exactly what Frankie said! Welcome to the forum & I am excited to follow the site development. :)

EDIT: Curiosity has gotten the best of me and I must ask this...

Will your company broadcast out of an existing strip club located in Vegas or have you created a mock strip club out of a studio for camgirls? If broadcasting in an existing strip club, will people who are attending the strip club be filmed?

Real clubs, none of the fake studio strippers like some other sites have. As for catching a patron on cam, we are taking ever precaution to limit their exposure, but there is still a chance. The cams will be focused on a stage only, not the general seating area. To answer the next question...there is no law protecting them or assuring privacy in a public area. So with posted notice entering the club, they are aware of the streaming. The benefit you ask? If we can increase viewers to a dancer on stage from the 10 broke guys drinking beer in the club, to the thousands that can log in, a dancer and a club could only benefit.
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I like options. For example, I do NOT like having my Privates recorded. So I don't tend to do them. I don't really like having voyeurs either. So if I do a Private, it has to be a True Private [no voyeurs] I don't mind doing groups, but having to wait for 3 people can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

I would really like to have a password protected group chatroom area. Or have it set so only people I add to an "allowed viewer" list can view my room. Why? Because all to often I will set a countdow in my room, && only a few people contribute to it, && then everyone else freeloads. I end up banning tho people before the show, but that kind of kills the mood. It would also be cool if the "allowed viewer" list could be made so that I could add names that would always be on that list...? Like for my dedicated regs, they's always be able to come into my room. Then there would also be a seperate list that would clear itself everytime I signed out.

If this doesn't make any sense, please let me know, hahaha.

Would all the content uploaded by yours as far as copyrights, etc? Or the models, or both? I think your site sounds interesting, && I am def interested in working for it... As long as traffic is garnered. :).
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@Poker...thank you for the link, it helps a bit because we haven't gotten too many users to participate here yet. A few of those concerns have already been addressed. For instance, there is no cam score. That is discouraging and can be confusing to a lot of models, and frankly, it is just wrong to me. That is a system that fosters the top models to stay on top, and rarely gives notice to other willing and hard working models.

@SirLes...yes there will be a package similar to other sites. Though ours are not tokens, they are chips. This is a Vegas thing, and we are thinking of adding the online poker to the site as a little sidebar fun where users can play and earn (or lose) more chips. It gives an opportunity for members that are always broke and always tell the model that they have no money to still have a chance to get some. It is site currency and users can't cash them in, but they can tip the models with them. Just an idea. As for skype, we have allowed for models to do those shows on the site, so there is no need for skype.

@SNATCH...some of what you are talking about is difficult to do on a single software, which is why most sites probably don't do it. But I do like the idea of having an area where it is VIP only, and we will look in to it. As for recording the shows, our software is meant to prevent that, but there is always a software that overrides it and can get capped. The nature of the beast. What we have put in place in our TOS is that no user of the site is authorized to record or use any content from MyFoxyCams, and that we will pursue violators by law.
BadAssAngel69 said:
What are the "chips" worth to the model, and at what is it going to cost for members to buy them? for example:
On MFC, models get 5 cents for every token they earn, and a token package of 200 is $20, which cost the member 10 cents a token.

And we will be the same rate for users to purchase. The difference is that the model will earn 60%, not 50%. And quarterly incentives will be even higher, with the top model earning 100%.

Other sites claim to pay performers 60%, or even 71% as seen on one site. But they are factoring in the cost of operating the site in what they pay the models. Servers, payroll, salaries, etc. That's like a pimp claiming gas money and Big Macs are pay for his girls. We don't like that outlook and will take less of a profit in order to give the performer more. So 200 chips costs the user $20, and you would get $12 instead of $10. Is that huge? No. But an average week if you get 20,000 chips, that is $200 more than the leading site out there. $200 extra a week is $800 extra a month, and that is rent.

@ScarletVixen...We can take the model registration now, just go to the site and click model registration at the bottom. Our interactive model application should be ready soon, but you can register by following those instructions too. We expect to be live by the end of this week, and fully operational by this time next week. It is going to be slow at first, so patience will pay off in the end, but I'm not going to lie and say it will be as busy as another site. It takes time to build that traffic, but it takes the models willing to stick it out to help. So please don't wait to sign up if you are interested, we can start building the model base now for the hard opening next week.
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Forgive me if I'm missing something, but as a patron (and an observer of the other patrons behaviour) I'm wondering how the strip club streaming could encourage a customer to tip once he's already paid the cover charge.

If the model is stripping on stage in front of a crowd, she's hardly going to be able to type (or yell into a microphone with music blaring) so what kind of interaction could be expected? And on that note would she even be in a position to read anything in the tip note? I expect she won't be masturbating on a stage either, so what can the show "escalate to" for tips. Is she nude already? If so, what's the incentive to tip?

The above situation (as I'm able to imagine it) kind of reminds me of those girls who you see on cam who are obviously giving their focus to another site. They might be naked and they look great but anyone who tips will just be disappointed because there's no interaction and therefore no incentive to do anything other than freeload.
Jup does make a good point. Maybe cams streamed from the strip club should be treated differently. Have a sort of chips/minute fee, but not the same price as other group/private shows since the members will be getting pretty much zero attention and interaction ability.

On another note, I just realized... MyFoxyCams has the same initials as MyFreeCams... ugh. MFC will always be MyFreeCams to the majority of us. It's not too late to get another domain! :lol:
AmberCutie said:
On another note, I just realized... MyFoxyCams has the same initials as MyFreeCams... ugh. MFC will always be MyFreeCams to the majority of us. It's not too late to get another domain!

I was wondering about that myself...I just figured it was a marketing ploy! :lol:
tricky, tricky!
Jupiter551 said:
Forgive me if I'm missing something, but as a patron (and an observer of the other patrons behaviour) I'm wondering how the strip club streaming could encourage a customer to tip once he's already paid the cover charge.

If the model is stripping on stage in front of a crowd, she's hardly going to be able to type (or yell into a microphone with music blaring) so what kind of interaction could be expected? And on that note would she even be in a position to read anything in the tip note? I expect she won't be masturbating on a stage either, so what can the show "escalate to" for tips. Is she nude already? If so, what's the incentive to tip?

The above situation (as I'm able to imagine it) kind of reminds me of those girls who you see on cam who are obviously giving their focus to another site. They might be naked and they look great but anyone who tips will just be disappointed because there's no interaction and therefore no incentive to do anything other than freeload.

There are cams out there where there is minimal/no interaction done with the viewers (considered spy or completely voyeur), I would think a lot of guys who enjoy this, might also enjoy the whole "club cam" thing. Also, I gotta admit given my social anxieties getting that view of a strip club from the comfortable of my own room is a kind of tempting idea.

Also I agree with Amber's idea on the whole per-min thing, but much lower than group or private which are totally interactive. The lower price would probably get it more looks out of curiosity and end up hooking a few people who didn't think they liked that type of thing (complete voyeur w/o interaction, not finding out you like nakie womenz).
@Jupiter... Simple club etiquette in a strip club is to tip a dancer on stage if you like it. You don't get anything for it when you do it at your local strip club, and of course they aren't masturbating. They are entirely different types of business, webcams are webcams, and clubs are clubs. As an avid goer of strip clubs, visiting them in other cities was always fun, now you can do it from home. As I stated earlier, we are setting up an area for them to chat, as well as do private virtual "lap dances". The intent is to be just like a regular club. You wouldn't get them to masturbate for $10 in a strip club, you won't get them to masturbate for 500 tokens or chips online either. It is the experience, and it is a seperate section of the site entirely.

@Amber...MFC is and always will be MFC, but we have no intentions of getting a different domain lol. We have no desire to market ourselves as MFC. :)
Just sayin'... if your site does get as popular as I assume you hope it will, people are going to be inclined to shorten it. Streamate is SM, LiveJasmin is LJ, and so on.
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MyFoxyCams said:
@Jupiter... Simple club etiquette in a strip club is to tip a dancer on stage if you like it. You don't get anything for it when you do it at your local strip club, and of course they aren't masturbating. They are entirely different types of business, webcams are webcams, and clubs are clubs. As an avid goer of strip clubs, visiting them in other cities was always fun, now you can do it from home. As I stated earlier, we are setting up an area for them to chat, as well as do private virtual "lap dances". The intent is to be just like a regular club. You wouldn't get them to masturbate for $10 in a strip club, you won't get them to masturbate for 500 tokens or chips online either. It is the experience, and it is a seperate section of the site entirely.
Yeah I realise that, but that's why I'm suggesting there might not be any incentive to tip. I suspect those who go to strip clubs wouldn't do so if it was a cover charge to watch a girl on a video screen. I don't think you'll be marketing to the same crowd or can count on the same incentive and motivation :dontknow:
Jupiter551 said:
MyFoxyCams said:
@Jupiter... Simple club etiquette in a strip club is to tip a dancer on stage if you like it. You don't get anything for it when you do it at your local strip club, and of course they aren't masturbating. They are entirely different types of business, webcams are webcams, and clubs are clubs. As an avid goer of strip clubs, visiting them in other cities was always fun, now you can do it from home. As I stated earlier, we are setting up an area for them to chat, as well as do private virtual "lap dances". The intent is to be just like a regular club. You wouldn't get them to masturbate for $10 in a strip club, you won't get them to masturbate for 500 tokens or chips online either. It is the experience, and it is a seperate section of the site entirely.
Yeah I realise that, but that's why I'm suggesting there might not be any incentive to tip. I suspect those who go to strip clubs wouldn't do so if it was a cover charge to watch a girl on a video screen. I don't think you'll be marketing to the same crowd or can count on the same incentive and motivation :dontknow:

I see where you are coming from, and to be honest, if somebody paid a cover to enter a club and decided not to tip, then it would be the same thing. The purpose of this was not to be anywhere near what cam models do or make, but to hit the strip clubs/night clubs from two different ways. The first is that there are a lot of clubs where sometimes the dancers outnumber the patrons. So having online viewers with the ability to tip can't hurt. Second is that if you live in Fargo, ND and want to go to Treasures in Vegas or Scores in New York, then it's worth the cover charge (if there is one) to see the club just like if you were there. If we can come up with scented interwebs, we can spray the user with vanilla body spray. But in addition to that, imagine if there was a big event (like there usually is in most Vegas clubs on big weekends), and the club can only fit 500 people in there for occupancy. They are limited on their event for the cover. But opening that event online and featuring it virtually gives an unlimited amount of occupants to see the same show. Again, it is an entirely different function and operation than the web cams, and I wouldn't expect most cam watchers to be big strip club fans, and vice versa. Two different worlds, just a great common factor of beautiful models in both. This isn't for the dancers to make the same money as cam models do, it is a way for clubs to increase their revenue and viewers.
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I have created an account and look forward to the opening of your site. As you know I PMed you and am thankful for the quick reply. I'm interested to know whether these quick replies will continue once your site is up, as in the form of customer support or if you will choose the close eyes and it will go away approach? Or worse, do I have to come here to search you out and get answers to any complaints I may have?
Looking forward to opening night.
SirLes said:
I have created an account and look forward to the opening of your site. As you know I PMed you and am thankful for the quick reply. I'm interested to know whether these quick replies will continue once your site is up, as in the form of customer support or if you will choose the close eyes and it will go away approach? Or worse, do I have to come here to search you out and get answers to any complaints I may have?
Looking forward to opening night.

Of course we intend to have the same level of support. I am accessible through MyFoxyCams as well. I am AdminFox on there. Our emails are checked and answered, and we will have plenty of coverage on the support end to answer them.
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This seems really cool...

I recently had to take a month hiatus from MFC for family issues and my cam score dropped 2000 POINTS!!! WTF?? I was only gone about 3 weeks... anyway, I have been getting on daily again and my cam score still is only in the 1700's making me on like the 9th row and making it hard to get viewers and it has been really frustrating, it is basically a cycle... log on, try and up my camscore, don't get a lot of viewers, my camscore drops due to not getting enough tips. I was originally making about $200 a day ( I know not nearly as much as most of you ) and now it's hard to make $100... thus the reason for me browsing through Amber's forum trying to find tips...

ANYway... I like the idea of your site and will check it out...
emileepaige said:
This seems really cool...

I recently had to take a month hiatus from MFC for family issues and my cam score dropped 2000 POINTS!!! WTF?? I was only gone about 3 weeks... anyway, I have been getting on daily again and my cam score still is only in the 1700's making me on like the 9th row and making it hard to get viewers and it has been really frustrating, it is basically a cycle... log on, try and up my camscore, don't get a lot of viewers, my camscore drops due to not getting enough tips. I was originally making about $200 a day ( I know not nearly as much as most of you ) and now it's hard to make $100... thus the reason for me browsing through Amber's forum trying to find tips...

ANYway... I like the idea of your site and will check it out...

I know every model has different goals and expectations but a camscore of 2000 is nothing to be worried about.
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